, .a .
<br /> :. . - -- .:
<br /> �-:,� , , :
<br /> ,
<br /> • � �9�=�0'�7'�52 ;.
<br /> npptiwble I+w may�peclty Por rcinstatemenl)beforo saie of tiw Propeny pursuu�i to any power oP e+lo cooulned In thi �
<br /> Secudty Inswment;or(A)entry oF a JudYment enforciny this Secudty Inswment, 'Ihou conditlom are iti�t Bprtowec.(� � "' '
<br /> • payi I�.epder�I sums which �hen would bo dub under thie SecN��y Ins�Nment and �ha Nao�+ it no�ccelmilon hn�'
<br /> aaurrcd;N)curcs any detalt of�ny aher covenmte or�greemonts;(o)payn ell expenssi Iceurrcd In en(orcing�hia Sxqdty
<br /> iniwmem,including,but no�Ilmlied lo,rcasanabie auomeya'Res;oqd(d)taka such xdon oa Lender may rcasonA6ly .
<br /> i rcqulro ro assuro Ihat tho Ilcn ot�hie 3ecudty inslqnncn6 Lcndcr�dghte In tho Propeny end Bortower's oblignllon t0pay�he
<br /> sum� secured 6y Ihie &cudty InsWment sh�Il conNnua unchnnged. Upon relns�aiemrnt 6y BortoW�b thl! Seeudty
<br /> instrvmcnt and tho obligntlona secured hcreby sha11 remain Nlly cffativo os It no eccelcreiion hed occurttd. fio�ever,thla
<br /> ' "" ` "' dghttorotns�moshallnaapplyin�facnseofactelomtlonunderpazegrephl7. `� ' --
<br /> 19. 3�1e ot NWq Chroae o/Lo�n Rerviar. The Noro or aputlal imeru�In tho Noio(�ogcther whh this Secudty
<br /> lnswment)may bo soid ono or moro tima without prlor notice�o Bortowcr. A saio moy roxuh In�n chango in iLe enlity
<br /> . _ (known aa tho"Lonn Serviwr')tbet coilecte moNhly puyments duo under the Noto nnd thb Secudty Inswment 7liere a1m
<br /> — _ may bo ono or moro chnnpcs of�ho 4oan Scrviccr unrola�ed�o e saio of cho Noro. If thcro fe a changa of�ho Loan Scrviccr,
<br /> __= porrowcr wlll bo given wdncn nodco ot tha chango in nxordnnw with pamgraph 14 nbove and appIlcablo law. 77io notico
<br /> - --- wUl aete�ia nnmo and eddres�of tho new Loan Scrvicer nnd t4o addrcss to w61ch paymems should be meda. Tho nalico wili
<br /> _� alsocaxtaWenyo�dcrinfomiaHonrcquircdbynpplicablolaw. --...-..
<br /> _���,� 2�i fft�urdoua 6ubslanm. Dorro�ver sl�ail not causo or permit tho pnsmw,uso,disposal,siorege,or reteaso of eny
<br /> _:-,Y.;.-, F£azardous Substence�on or in the Propeny. Bamwer shall not do,nor allow nnyorte clso to do,nnything effaling tha
<br /> Lr+v Prop¢ny that Is In violailon of any Qnvlronmencxl Law. 'fhe prxeding two sentenees shall not epply ro tho presenco,uw,or
<br /> ! - storsga on�ho Rapeny of smnll qnantitis oi Hu.�s Suhstances�hat nro gcneraliy rceognizcd to bo uppropdnto�a nortnal
<br /> o' resi�nqil usa e�id lo mainienance of tAe Ptoperty,
<br /> ���,4 Uorro�eer shell promptly give Le�:r�hitten noNa of nny investigaUon,elaim,dem�ncl,la�.�sul�or other ection by eny �.��;;-
<br /> V �P-�,t- govrmmemal or regulatory ngency er Fvivn!c Farty involving U�c We�ny e.^.d nay Haz�.dM��S��Lstartce or Environm:rttal
<br /> n;,,�5 � ; Ln�v of n-hich Borrmi�rr hu ecmal knowledge. If aortowcr Icmns, or is rsotifizd by any go�emmental or mgnlatory
<br /> � AnOwriry,Ihat any mmo�:11 nr other rcmedlation of any Hezardous Subslance a(fec�ing ihe i7operry is nxcesxary,Bomoirer �--
<br /> ?>���;;r;_.�:; shall promp�ty Iako all necessary mmediel ec�ions in necaManw with Cnvironmental Law.
<br /> ��'=,-•��.t r`�-� As used in Ihis paragraph 20,"Haznrdous Su6stences"ere ihose substencea defined as toxk or haznMons substances Dy
<br />„e.`.�_��;t.;,,.,1, Cnvironmemd Lew and Ihe following xubslanees: gosalin¢, kerosene,olher flammable or Ioxic petroleum producls,toxie
<br /> �=r'-� pes�fcides and herbieldes, volatile solvems,ma�ednls wntalning esbeslos or formaldchyde,end redioactive matedats. As
<br />_ •,•:,,h used in�his paregreph 20,"Environmental Lew'means hderal laws and laws of�he judsdiciion wherc�lie Propeny is Iacaird
<br /> :�s:�;��.-�� tha�rclaie ta hcalih,safe�y or environmental proteclion.
<br /> '��:��-�'- NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S. Rortmver and Ltnder funhcr covennm and egrce m(ollows:
<br /> �`^�;;�;;', 11. Aceeleratlon; Remedles. Lender edall glre notice to Borrox�er pria•to acteleratlon tollowing Bortower'e
<br /> - ��• '� breacA of an wvenont or e reemeni In lhis Securit Instrument(but not dor lo occeieretlon under ara n h 17
<br /> ,c)j;r,l; Y 8 Y P P 6 P
<br /> � ip}{d_ unien epplleable law provides other�vise). The notice shall specity: (u)the deloulti(6)Ihe actlon requirM ro wro fhe
<br /> '-'- °--__°
<br /> �y<<�-:,�- ac�.sli:(ej a d:ic,��'vi lem tfian.i0 duya trum ihe deie ihe notice ia giren to ilorrowar,by which fie deiault must 6e =- ��-- �- --
<br /> ,t ;��i�,, cured;end(d)Ihat fallnre lo cure the de�ouit on or bePore the detespecitied In�he notltt may rcsull ln occelentlon of
<br /> !:� - � � 1he sunta secured by thix SecuNty instrament and sule ot Ihe Praperly. The notice sheil Nriher Intom�Borro�eer af
<br /> '^rr',;;:j2/r'it the rlght lo nlnstate aher eceeieretlon nnd t6e right to brin�n court nction lo asserl the nomexistence o(a deteult or
<br /> `�1v��{�=2� any oiher detenu of Dorrower to ecceiemtlon nnd anie. If�he defaull Is not cured on or beforc the date specl0ed In
<br />.,.;,Y:if,..,:'."i`r
<br />,:,;r„p:.. -.l� lhe notice,[.ender nt Ils optlon moy requlre Imme�iate pxyment In full of nil sums secured by thtv Secudty Gulrament
<br />";(,-�°•-' � t-�: wltAout turlher demand end may Inrokc thc poa�er of anle ond eny o�hcr remedia permif�ed by applleabte law.
<br /> _�.,�.' ; �� Lender ehell be entl11M to mllect all expenses incarred In pursuing tlie rcmedles provided In this pe�ngrnph 21, _
<br /> c: � �jp' Includ(ng,Uut not IImi1M to,reasonabie nllorneys'fecsand costs of tltle evidence. `-�-`-
<br /> - -��•�tt If lhepo x�cr of sole Is Invoked,7Yuslec shell remrd n notice of detnull In cach munty In whlch any part ot the °'^�""°`-- �
<br /> 'S �'?;. Property Is I�cnted und shxll mell mples olsuch notice In ll�c mm�ner prescribed by npplicable law lo Oorrowe�nnJ tu �-' _ -'-
<br /> � �� t�e� lhe a�her persore prescdbed by nppllc��ble Inx�. Afler the 1(me rcqulred by oppllcn6le Inw,7tustce shnll give publle , Y% �
<br /> '�•ie-� ' noda of sele lo Ihe persons nnd In the mnnner prescdbed by nppllrn6le lew. 7Yustm,xilhoul demnnd on Qorrowery �2i+%,°�:�
<br /> ", shnll scll U�e Vroperty ot public ouctlon to Ihc highrat bldder el Ihe limc nnd pince nnd under lhe terms deslgneied In 4FJ' --
<br /> - U�e noticc of aalc In one or morc parcds end In nnr urder irus�ee ac�ernuner. Iru+tec mxy�wslpone sale otnll or nny �+7t%� -�
<br /> a ;: „ porcel oY Ihe Property by publlc ennouncemenl at Ihe�Lne nnd pince of nny prerlm�s)p nhrduletl sele. Lender or tts - ';' ` �`'"
<br /> .,.v:...� , �- _
<br /> -_rs_ �, deslgnee may purchase ihe Property et nny snte. �.:t„ -
<br /> -;:.�.,,;,+, .� Upon reteipl af payment of Ihe price bid,'1Yuxhe nhuii Ar7i�er lo iLr pwchusrr Tn�sieee deed com-eyinq�be =�;_:��-�-.:V;_�� �
<br /> � Property. Tfic recitals In thc 7}ustee's Aced shall bc pdmn fncir crldence oi ihe I�uth of�hc sixlemen�s mnde lhercin. : � i� -:��-
<br /> - � "aYuslce shnll epply the proceeds of the wle in Ihe fnllowing arder. (N ta nll cnxtc nn<I expenses otexereking lhe power " �.�!_"�
<br />_,��� 4 �L;- ..�t� �s;
<br /> - ,�.` -�� 1-�:r,
<br /> �J� . 1 ; 411 f,�.-�.
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