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<br /> 507-36-1381
<br /> TRUSTEE: II.6. H71N1C NATIO[�1]►L 1�680CI7►TION
<br /> r11RG0, ND 58103
<br /> n consi rat on o t oan or ot er aoco t on ereina er s an any ure a ances or ure gations,as n erein,w i
<br /> may hereinaRer be advanced or incurred and the tn�st hereinafter meMioned and other good and valuable consideration,the recefpt and suffiaency of which
<br /> are hereby adviowledged, Grantor hereby irrevocably warrants, bargains, sells, transfers, �ants, corneys and assigns to Trustee, his suxessors and
<br /> assigns,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for the benefit and security of II.s. H31NR NATIOLVIIL ABBOCIATION ND
<br /> ("Lender"), the
<br /> ne ciary un this of rust,under end su �ect to the terms and con it ons herein set forth,wrth ght of entry and possession all o GraMor's preseM
<br /> and future estate,rfgM,tftle and irnerest In and to the real properry described in Schedule A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein
<br /> by this reference,together with all presern and future improvemerrts and fixtures;all tangible personal property induding wfthout limitatfon all machfnery,
<br /> equipmerrt, building materials, and goods of every nature (exduding consumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in connection with the real
<br /> property,whether or not affixed to the land; privileges, hereditameMs, and appurtenances induding all developmerrt rigMs associated with the Property,
<br /> whether previously or subsequerrtly transferred to the Property from other real property or now or hereafter susceplible of transfer from this Property to other
<br /> real property;leases,licenses and other agreemerrts;rerrts,issues and profits;water,well,ditch,reservoir and mineral rights and stocks pertalning to the real
<br /> property(cumulatively"Properry");to have and to hold the Property and the rlghts hereby granted for the use and beneflt of Lender, his suxessors and
<br /> assigns,until paymertt in full of all Obligations secured hereby.
<br /> Moreover,in further consideration,Grantor does,for GraMor and Grantor's heirs,representatives and assigns,hereby expressly warrant,covenant,and
<br /> agree with Lender and Trustee and their suocessors and assigns as follows:
<br /> 1. OBI.IGAT10N3. This Deed of Trust shall secure the paymerrt and perfomrance of all present and future indebtedness, liabilities, obligations and
<br /> covenarrts of Borrower or Grantor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuarrt to:
<br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the following promissory notes and other a�eemerrts:
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<br /> 23,181.50 08/27/99 09/10/19 66200107274120001
<br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agreeme s w n r a re er spea y o is o rus s execu or e sams or differont
<br /> purposesthantheforsgoing);
<br /> (c) any guaranty of obligations of other parties given to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust;
<br /> (d) future advances,whether obligatory or optional,to the same exterrt as if made corrtemporaneously with the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or
<br /> extended on behalf of GraMor or Borrower. Grantor agrees that if one of the Obligations is a line of credit,the lien of this Deed of Trust shall continue
<br /> urrtil paymerrt in full of all debt due under the line notwithstanding the fact that from time to time(but before termination of the line)no balance may be
<br /> outstanding. At no time during the teRn of this �eed of Trust or any extertsion thereof shall the unpeid and outstending secured principal future
<br /> advances,not induding sums advenced by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,exceed the following errwum: $ ��,�a,_sn _
<br /> This provision shell not constitute an obligation upon or comrritmerrt of Lender to make additional advancas or loans to Grantor,and
<br /> (e)all amen�nams,extensions,renewais,rr�flcations,replacemerrts or substitutlons to any of the foregoing.
<br /> As used in this Paragraph 1,the temu Grantor and Borrower shall indude and also mean any Gramor or Borrower if more than one.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTAT10N3,WARRANTiE3 AND COVENANTS. Grantor represerns,warrants and covenarrts to Lender that:
<br /> (a) Granta has fee simple ma►ketable title to the Property and shell meirrtain the Property free of all liens,securiry imerests,encumbrances and daims
<br /> excepl for this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B,which is attached to this Deed of Tn�st and incorporated herefn by reference,which
<br /> Grarnor agrees to pay and perform in a timely manner;
<br /> (b) Grarnor is in compliance in all respects with all applic;able federal,state and local laws and regulations,induding,without limitation,those relating to
<br /> "Hazardous Mate�ials,"as defined herein,and other ernironmental matters(the"Ernironmerrtal Laws"),and neither the federal govemment nor any
<br /> other govemmerrtal or quasl govemmerrtal eMiry has filed a lien on the Property,nor are there any govemmental,judiaal or administrative actions with
<br /> respect to environmental matters pending,or to the best of the Grarrtor's Iviowledge,threatened,which irnobe the Property. Neither Grarrtor nor,to the
<br /> best of Grantor's Iviowledge,any other party has used,generated,released,discharged, stored,or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined
<br /> herein,in connection with the Property or transported any Hazardous Mate�ials to or from the Property. Grarnor shall not corrmit or pemit such actions
<br /> to be taken in the future. The tertn "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, material, or waste which Is or becomes regulated by any
<br /> govemmerrtal authority induding,but not limited to,(i)petroleum;(if)fiable or nonfriable asbestos;(iii)polychlorinated biphenyls;(iv)those substances,
<br /> materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuarrt to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or listed pursuarrt to Section 307 of the
<br /> Clean Water Act or any amendments or replaoemerrts to these statutes; (v)those substances, materials or wastes deflned as a"hazardous waste"
<br /> pursuarit to Section 1004 of the Resoutce Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendmerrts or replacemerrts to that statute; and (vi) those
<br /> substances, meterials or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuarrt to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Ernironmerrtel Response,
<br /> Compensation and Liabiliy Act, or any amendrnerris or replacemeMs to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, regulation or
<br /> ordinance nbnr or hereaiter in effect. GraMor shall not tease or pemit the sublease of the Property to a tenarrt or subtenarn whose operations may
<br /> resuR in coMamination of the Property with Hazardous Materials or toxic substances;
<br />