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��' 10'�433 <br /> paymentv, which are referted to in Paragraph 2, or change 1he amount of mch pnymcros. Any czcccs pd�cads over nn <br /> amount required to pay all outstaziding i�dabtedness undtr tlw Note ond Ihis Security lnswmenl ahall he paid to Ihe rntiry <br /> legally rntiHed Ihe¢to. <br /> & Fers. Lender may colittl fees v-d charges authori�ed by�he Secrttary. <br /> 9. Grounds fw-Acirkntioo af DebL <br /> (a)DefaulL Lerdi.m may,except as limited by�egulerions issued 6y thc$cctelary in�he case o:paymen[de(eWts, <br /> mquire immediate payrtr:nl in full of ail sums secumd by this Sttvrity InsWmen[iC <br /> (i) [lortower defaulis by fsiling:o pny in full any monthly payr.wnl�equiied by this Security InxWmml prior <br /> m or on Ihe due datti:o(Ihe�z�monthly paymem,or <br /> (ii) Bortower deCavills by (ailing, for a period of thirty days,to pedortn any othcr obliga�icros contaimd in�his <br /> Security Insttument. <br /> (6)Sale Withwt Credit Approval. Lrnder shall,if pertniaed by applicabie law and with 1ht prior apploval of the <br /> Suretary,requiie immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by ihis Security Instcumen[it: <br /> (i) A!1 or pari of ttre Propetty, or a beneficial interest in a vus� owning all or pan of the Hopeny, is sold or <br /> othertvise transferted(o�her[han by devise or descenQ by the Bortower,and <br /> (ii)Thc Property is no[occupied by thc purcheser or grantee es his ar her principal residrnce,or the purchaser <br /> or grantce dxs so occupy the Propeny but his or her credi[ has no[ been epp�avcd in accordance <br /> wilh the requirements of the Secretary. <br /> (e)No FVaivee If cimumstvices ocew the!vould petmit Lender io requim immediale payment in full,bu[I.endtr <br /> does`wt Icyuia such,Lrnder does not waive its rights wiN respect to subsequent evenls. <br /> (d) Re�latlom of 4ifllb Secrefary. In meny circumstences regulations issued by the Secrclary wil! limit Lender's <br /> riglus, in [he cau of ��ayment defaul�s, to ¢quiie immediate payment in (ull and forc.:lose if not �e id. This <br /> Security [nstr�m-m.dnes not authorize accelen[ion or fo�eclosum i(not pertnitted by regulations o(the Sec�e�ary. <br /> (e)Mortgnge Nof In^.ured. Borrow<r agrees Ihat should[his Security[nstrumen[arkl the note securu4�hcreby not <br /> be eiigible fnr insurance urMCr Ihe Na�ionol Housing Act wilhin from the <br /> date Ixreof, Lendtr may,at ilx nptirtn aad notwithstanding anylhin� in 1'ingraph 9,requim immttliale paymrn� in <br /> full of ail zums smured by lhis Sa:urify InswmrnL A wrillen slatement nf any aulhamed agent af the Secretary <br /> datcd subscyucnt to from Ihe dmc herco(, dttlining tn insurc lhis Securily <br /> Instrument and the nolc secured thereby, shall be deemed conclusivc pmuf nf such ineligibilily. NolwilhstanJing <br /> the foregcing, tfii.s nption may not be ezerciud by LerMer whrn the unavailabilily of insu:ance is wlely due to <br /> Lenderk(ailum lo rcmit a mongage insurance premium to the Secretxry. <br /> 1@. Reinstatement. Bom�wer has a right b M minstaled if Lender hac reyuimd immediale ,aymem in tull becau.ce <br /> of Bormwert failurc ro pay an amount due under [he�Nae or this Securily Insuumem. This riplrt npplies even af�cr <br /> foreciosurc proceedings are insliiueed. To reinstate the Securily instrumenl, 8ortower shall IcnJer in n lump sum all <br /> amounts reyuired lo bring Borrower'.s aceewnt cvrtent inclirJinn„ In Ihe eYtenl thcy are nbliga�ionx aY Rortnwcr undcr Ihis <br /> Securily Inswmenl, foru:imure cosls and reasonable and c�stomary aUnmcys'fees and expenses prnperiy aczncialed wilh <br /> lhe fomcluwre prncttding, ll�n>n minslatement by anmiwer, this Securily Inslrument and the o6ligalinns Ihm il xeeures <br /> shnll remain in eG`ecl ac i(Lender had not requircd immediate pnynent in full. However. Lender vs nof �cyuimd In permit <br /> reinsl;ucmem iC (i) Lender has accepted reinstalar.ent ifter thr, commeMement of famclusum prcecnlings wiiiiin twu <br /> yeaa immediarely preceAinA �he commencement of _ . .:.�:: iore:bsure pmce^ding• (ii) rcinstatement wiil prcdude <br /> foreclnsure on different g�vwids in the fuwre, or(iii) minsta�ement will ndveruiv affecl ihe prinrily of Ihe lien crcatM by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 11. Borrower Nnt Releaved; Forbearance Ay Lender Nni a Waivee Exlcnsinn of the time ut pnymm�t or <br /> mMifitation of amonivLLion o(Ihe sums xecured by Ihis Security Ins!mment gramed by Lernlcr lo any succcssor in inleresl <br /> or o�,�rowcr snau not operate m rclrase the Iiability o(the original B�rtower c 9orrowcri �aucccesor in intemsL Lcnder <br /> ;htL not be rcyuired to commentt proceedings against any successor in in�emst or re(use ro ezfend Iime (ar payment or <br /> otherwise modify amoni�ation of the sums secnred by thix Securiry Inswment by rcason of any demand made by the <br /> original Bortowcr or Bom�wer e sucm.c.wrs in inlerest Any forbearnnre by Lender in ezercising any right or remedy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or prxlude Ihc exercise of any right or rem�y. <br /> 12. Sucmssnrs and AsSignx Bound; Joinl and Several l,iabilfty; Co-S3gnen. The covenanls inA agreemems of <br /> this Sccurty Inxtrumem shall bind and benefit the successors and azsigns of Lender and @orcower,subjea (o the orovisions <br /> nf Paragr.�ph 9.M. Aartnwerv cmenams nrpl nFrcemenls shall bt joinl and uveral. Any Ilorniwcr who rn-.iEns Ihi� <br /> Sec�mty Insuument bw dces no� ezecute the Note: (n) is co-signing this Securiry Insmimem onty to mongage, gram u'W <br /> ronvcy�ha1 Pnn:owrr c iNerest in tlre Pru�xrty undcr Ihc lem�s o(Ihis Scv:uti0.y Invirumenl:(b)is not �anunally obligalcA L� <br /> pay Ihe sums se%:;:ed by this Securily Inswment; end (c)agrcex Ihal Leoder and any olher eorrower may agrec �o e�tend. <br /> modify, forbe2r or make any accommodations�vi1h rc�;an1 to lhe�erms of lhis Smurily InsWmem or Ihe Nole uiilhout that <br /> BortOwer4 conSeN. <br /> 13. Nolices. Any no�ice m Rnrrower provided for in this Securiq� Inurumenl shall be Siven by dclivering it or Ay <br /> mailing it hy first class mail unlcss applicablc law rcyuirex uu of unolher method. The notice shail be dirctied to Ihe <br /> Propeny Addras nr any mhv aAdrcsx Harmwcr designu�es by no�ice �o Lender. Any notice to Lender shall tK given by <br /> first class mail tn Lender5 addrss slated hemin or any addmss Lender dceigna�es by nolice lo Bortnwer. Any notice <br /> pmviJcd fnr in Ihis Scwrity Inslrumtnt shall be deemed lo have bcen given lo Borrower or Lcndcr whcn givrn as pmvidcd <br /> in this parzgraph. <br /> 14. boverning; SeveraAility. This Ser.uri�y Inslrument shall lx gmemed by Fedual law anJ Ihc Iaw of Ihe <br /> jurisdiction in which the Yroperty is Iceated. In Ihc evrnt Ihal any pmvision or clause of Ihis Security Incwment or Ihc <br /> Nu1e conflicts with applicable law, such ron0ic� shall eot s(fect ulher pruvisions of this Securily In.wmem u the No1e <br /> which can he given eRect wilhout Ihe conllicling pro�iision. Ta Ihis end Ihe piovisions of Ihis Security Imwment and Ihe <br /> Nolc are declared m tx scverablc. <br /> I5. Burrower i Copy. Borrower shall be given oue confortned copy ot this Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Acsignment of Rert�c. Bonuwer uncanditionelly assigns and tranxkrs to Lender all the rcnu and rcvrnues of the <br /> P:openy. 6ortower authnrixos Lender ar Lender'.s ngenis to coliect Ihe rems and�evenues and htteby direcis eath IrnaN of <br /> the F7op^rty to pay ihe renl+ to LenJec ur Lrnder's agems. However, prior to Leender's noiice to Borroweeot Horrowerk ' <br /> brcach of any cmennnt or agrcemcN in Ihe Securily IncummeN.Bortower shull colle6 anA rcceive aIl mnlc and rcvenues of <br /> �he f4npeny as truxiec for the Ixnefit of Lender and Bmrower. This acsignment of rena consti�mes on atxolme azsignment <br /> and no� an:nsignmenl fur udJilional securiry only. <br /> If Lender gives noiice uf brcath Io 6orrowec (a) all mnts rmeived by Aorrower chali be heid by Rorrziwcr ax vustcc <br /> for benefii n( Le�der only. m be applied Io :he sums secured by �he $ecuri�v Inslrumenl; (b) Lender shxll M entitled t�� <br /> collect and rettive all of Ihe rcntt o(:he Propeny; and (c)eazh Ienant o(the Itopchy shali pay all mnta duc and unpaid tn <br /> LenJer or Lenderi agem un LrnJer c w�1trn demand lo Ihe icnanl. <br /> Borrower hns not enetu[ed any prior assignmenl o(thc rcnts and has not and will nol perfnrm.anv vet that woulA <br /> prevent Lender from exercising iis righls under Ihis 1'aragrepl� Ifi. <br /> Lender shall not bt reycircd to enter upnn, take cnntml o(or maintain Ihc Propeny before or after giving nutice o( <br /> breach w Borrower. I�iowever, Lender or a juAicially appoimcd recciver may Ju so al any time Ihere is u brench. Any <br /> appiicalicn o(rcnlx cha!i not cure or waive any dc(auh or invalidatc any oltrcr riuht or remcdy of LertJer. lLis assigmmcnl <br /> of renls uf Ihc Property shall Icrmiwie when Ihe deM mcured hy the Security Insirument is pr�id in full. <br /> q^+6a t„/J PoXnl <br />
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