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<br /> 4.� :
<br /> _ Upon r�Ceipt of p�ymMt ot tbe prtca.bld, TNCtee.shRltidellAm.t�dqe p�trch�xr �ec i�al,cpaY�Y�t4��—
<br /> E4opecly,The t�ecit�ls In the Trusta'e deed ah�ll be prlmn fqcla,er[d«t�,ot Ihe IrotA o[the et�temrn4"v`snnitnt(hsrdrt.
<br /> Trustee slull appiy the proetedv ot the s�te In ihe toltow�ng orAcn(n).tn.ell.costs�nd exptnxs ot exerclsl�tAe poiecc,nt
<br /> ' wk,`�1ndlUS sale,tnsiudfng tM p�ymmt of the Trustee'e Rw pdupUy inr.urted,not to ertcid 7�,
<br /> ot the printlp�l�mount oNhe nolo�t the tima of tha declera{ton nf.duDPdl�rnd reasonable olromeys'hes u permitted�. .
<br /> 6y f�wi @)to all sums secured by thls Secudty inslcumenl;and(o)eny czcas to the pneon or personc leg�ity entllkd to ' .
<br /> R�
<br /> 1i.Reconray�Ince. Upon paynxnt ot¢II sums securrA by thiF 5acurity Instmmem Lendtt sNall request Trusiee to
<br /> _ _ ___ _ , reconvoy�ha Property end shall surrondcr Ails Sce�dty InstNmcnl.enA alli notcs evidencing debt sccuttJ 6y thla StCurity
<br />� - Inshuinenl to 1Walce.Truslcp sheil raonvcy tho Proppny Wllhnut:wartanty enA without chnrgo[o�hc ppr�on�nr.per3ons Isg411y - ------- -
<br /> entlqed to ft.Such peraon or penons aAall pay any rccoMatian mste. •'
<br /> 23�6uAstitute 7tusta. Lendor.e� its option, m from.tlmo�o timp.romova Trustec ond apppint a successor wStco to
<br /> any Ttustee appofntcd hercundcr by an instrument rcoor�ed in tha connty teavhich tbis Sccurity[nsln�mm�t ie raordcdi WiUmut
<br /> conveyamc of tho Property,tI10 611CCCSSO�INSICC 6I18II 611CCCOd lo�II IIIP IIIIq,powcr end dutica anferrcd upon Tiustr,o hcrcin
<br /> end by eppIipblo Iaw.
<br /> 24,Rcqyest ton Notices.Flortower reques�a tl�at mples of tl�p nntices otdefeult end sele bo stnt to Borrower's address
<br /> - - �� � whfchle�heProperlyAddress.
<br /> 29.Rlders to t6iv 3ecurity[nstrumenL If ono or moro ddore nro axe.eu�ed by Qorrower end recorded togeU�cr wl�h th(a
<br /> SecuHty Jn�ltument,�ho covenanla and agreemente of each such riAer s4a11�6a incoiporsted i�lo end shall emend and supplemdnt
<br /> tho covenants and agreemema of thls Secudty Insuumem es if tl�o ridor(x)wr.ro a pntt of Qds Secutity instron;ent.
<br /> ' ,[Chcck appllceblo box(es)]
<br /> AdJusteblo Rata Ridcr Condominium RfAer �1•4 Aumity Ridar
<br /> Oraduatcd Payment Ridcr Pinnncd Uni�Dovelapment Rider Biweekly Frynxnt Aider
<br /> ' � Uallaon Rldcr Rem Improvemem Ride� �Sarond Home Rider
<br /> KA.Ridcr Olhcr(s)�spccify]
<br /> — UY SIONINO BELAW, Darrower accepls end ugrces m tho mmis and covennnls mntained in thls Secudty[nu�ument and
<br /> _.-- In pny ridu(e)exec�aed by Qorto�ver nnd rocarded wiih it.
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