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� ���. .. ... { 1 � . _ .. <br /> _ ♦ i <br /> . . :r .. ..,.�.. "- �_..=._�+�.+.�31lwtgAww. <br /> - - /P ... .. r �� —'__ _ }' - ._ .. .. _._.IiRwll�w�y. _ _ <br /> Y:_� � 93� �,o�'�a:� ,�� <br /> T008TtI8R WITH all tla improvemenu now or herwRer erocted on tFa propeny,and dl eaxmente,appunenmce�,�n0 <br /> flxwru now or herea�er e pan oi tho propetty. All rcpl�cenxnte �nd rdd�tluns 61u�� ais° bc m�ered by Ihb Secufl�y <br /> Inserumcnt.Ail of tye foregoing la rcPorrcd to In thia Sauri�y Insumnem w�he'Propeny.' <br /> BORROWEiR COVUNAN7'S tha�Botroxer is IewFutiy uised of tho uin�e hereby tnnveycd and has�ho riglit a gront tnd <br /> comey the Propeny a�d that the Propary 1�unencumbercG,except Por encumbrancce of rccoN. [3orrower warrama and will <br /> defend generelly�he title to tha Properly sgalm�n11 cluim�a�d dcinanda.subJect�o any encambra�xee oP raord. . <br /> TI11S SGCURITY INS7'RUM[1NT combincs unifomi covenants for national use end nun•uniform rnvenante wilh Ilmilcd <br /> vnriatloro by JudsdiNlon Io constltmo e unifomi sccurity Instrunxnl covcdng rta!propcnY• <br />���- -- ����� --�-�• UNI�ORM COV4'NAN7'S.Qorco�vcr nnd Lcm�crmvenant end xgrra es follows: <br /> 1. Payment of F'rincip�l and Intercslt �PoNnent and Late Charges� Dottowcr shall promptly pay whcn duo tho °' — — <br /> -- principai ot end inlerest on�he deln ev�denezd by tho No�o end nny prcpaynxnl nnd Imo chargG+duo under tho Note. <br /> 2. [Nnds for Taxes and Insurenm. SubJect to applirnblo Imv or to e �vrincn�valver by Lcndcr. Borrowcr shall pay to <br /> - Lender on�he day monihly paymenu ere duo under tho Note,unHl�he No�e Is paid In fnll,e sum('Punds")Por.(u)ywrly lues <br />- - -- = and nssessments�vhich nuy nttafa pdority amr this Secudty insuumem es n Ilen on�he Propeny:(b)ycady Ieauhoid paymenls <br />- ----'�-� w ground rertts on the Pro��+ty,if auy;(:)��ly hozard or propeny insuranco prenilums:(d)yeuly Ilaod inwmnco premiunu, <br /> -�—� i[a.�.y:,(e)yeariy mongaga ios¢eacce Frzmivau, if any;and(O nny sunu payabte by Boaower to Lender, In ecca�dana with <br />-.�i���� th:pmvisions of par.�,er,ph 8,in licu of the{�uknt of mangage insuwnce prcndvms•11ee5:iteau are ca.11od'Cscrow I�cros.' <br /> ��—`'s=.'�,ya,,,� l.entta nny,at=ny time, eollrc+ and►n�1��Eends in a.n amount not �o cxaxd iFe muimum a�i�oum e l:�er for a fcdernlly <br />_�:�t�:,� ,� reiatcd mungsuc loan mq requim for Rnuroaer's escmw account under�ho feCeral Real Estate Setllentent PYOmdurcs Act of <br /> 1974 es emended frmn linw lo timc, 12 U:S.C. Sectfon 26(11 e�se�. ('RCSPA').ant�'ss enoihrr Ww thnt agplies to Ihe FLoAs <br /> j���t�;.. u�s a Icsser emount. If so, 1tr.dt�may, et eny 6me,ivllec�and hold Funds in an arcuunt nut to extYCd tt�s lesur emo:r.t. <br />__";;',r.;,r..-,.- 4endcr may esqmate the am,nn;o!Fands due on thc Auis of currenl daia and n."+son3trle estima!ss of enptnd+turts of fulurc �...—. _ <br />-`'�n'--=.'- Eurow I�ems or othcrwisc in eccordance�vi�A oppflcx6lc law. <br /> - :�.i.,s_,i, <br /> �_-�� The Fnnds shnll be hcld in an in:tetmion whou deposi�s ere insurcd by e kdcrnl xgemy, instrumenta ity, or enury — <br /> ` �t�t, (irAuding Lender,if Lender is such an iactiunion)or in any Pedcral tlome Loan 6ank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay�ha . <br /> -;,�!;,;,�;,�,- Sscmw Items.Lender may not charge Purroxer(or holling end opplying�he�mds.ennually enalyzing Iho escrow aaoum,or ".: <br /> y � , �erifying�he Rscrow Rems,unless Lender paps I3orro�rer imeres�on ihe Punds nnd.F:��wb�e la�v pertni�s Lender to make such v:'�- <br /> ��.1 <br /> e chai e Nowever, Lender n�+ r uirc 9onower ta a one-time char e for en indcpendem rcal estate lax reporting servhe E�-`� <br /> .��iy``t��''': S • Y M PaY g -- <br /> "';"��- - ��-� �� used by Lender im m�nalion w0h this luan, unless epplicable law pmvides o�he�wisc. Unless nn egrcemcnt Is made or <br /> f��;��`'.i``i: appliwble law rcquircs imertst Io Ix paid, Lendcr shall not he required to pay&+rtoo�er any Interes�or eamings on the PnrtAs. � <br />�:�`�:�';��,:-.'�;r' Dorrowcr and l.ender may ngr.e in�stiting,howcvcr,�ha� imcresi shnll be pnid oa ai:c�unAs. Lender shall givc w Dorrowcr, <br />-__ -"���+�il�sr,., wi�hom cherge, an mmcid nrcouming af�he funds, showing crcdi�s and det�ita tn aie Funds and �he purpose for�vhich eaeh r�:;- <br /> ';�`�`` dcui�m thc hunds�vas made.Tne FunJs rrte pinigcJ ro.,d�iiwra s:.:urity for:!!�-.^.`°�ecu'ed bY!hk S!'r��rirv Insuument. tr��-.: .. .. <br /> ' °� .:.:ith, If the Fnnda held by Lender exeeed thr amounis permined io be htld hy oppl�.able law, Lenclrr shall a�count to Dortm��er _ __ <br /> �`.fiC���, for the exmss Funds in accordance�vi�h �he of npplicable la�v. If�he nmount of�he Ponds held by Lender xt ony _�__ <br /> '�'�/'ti,.:5� ��_ <br />_ -°e . ;s+.; tirc.e is not xufllcicnt�o pay�he Escrow Item�shen due.Le�der may xo nmify Dnrrmcer In writing,end. in such cue Oorrower _ <br /> � �} sha0 pay�a Lender the nmount necessary �o make up�he drfidency. Bonow.r shall make up�he deficiency in no morc than ` <br /> n��ch�t nwnthty paymems,nt Lendcr's sole dixrc�ion. �� ' -` <br /> � Upnn paynxnt in (ull of all sums scwreJ by �his Securiry• Ins�mmcn6 I.ender shall promp�ty rePond m Borcowcr nny� ,if�;/y'?���� <br /> �unds Iteld b� 1<ndea If,undcr paragraph 21.Lcndcr.6all ncquire or scll ihc Propeny.Lcnder,prior m the acquls6lon or wfe � ; , <br /> of�6e Pmperry�, xhall opplr nny�uirls 6cld by Lender ut ihe�ime of acquisitinn or sale as o credi�ogafns�tl�e sums ucured by �,ij�tik`i _�. <br /> - '�'� ihis Securi�y Insuunxnt. E'��� � <br /> 3.Appilrnllon ot I<n+ncnis.Unlcss applicablc lau-provides o�hcnvisc,nll pa} rcccieeJ by L.ender under parogrephs 'S��' v,` �._. <br /> --��;� I and 2 s6a11 be npplied: f n�, to any prepa�'nMm charees duc unJcr�he Nole:uto�ul.m:unonn[s{�aynble urdt�pamgraph?: " 9 <br /> ��,r; �hird,to imeres�due.founh,�o principal dur:r.nJ I:�s�,�n:nq la�e charges due under the No�e. ! �i, <br /> -- I'':%, 4.Chnrpcs: Uciu. Iiorrower shall pap all �o<c..a�ussmcm+. chargcs. finc+�nJ impuxiiioro nuribmahic m thc Praprny ;i- �� - <br /> ` 't' wLid� niu atm�in �iuri� ��zr Uil�Securl� Inarumer.:. :md Ieace6olJ payments or gmunJ mmc. if nny- flnrmovr.hall pay ._t_ } <br /> .. Y P 5 � 3 , rrc•� <br /> . - ��',G thrxe obligationx in ihe m:mnrr proviJed in pangrnph if not paiJ in�hat mamicr.�urrmrer vhall pay thrm on iime direc�ly r�'�!� ..,. <br /> m the Rnn m��eJ i mcm. 13orrmcer xh;Jl rnm 11•furnitih�n Lender all nmiccs af amawtis lo Ix paid unJcr�his paragrsph. � � <� ;":- <br /> -,s +.'�it If Ourrmccr m;d.o thc+c paymcnt.Jiratly.13arrnwcr�hall prnmpth (urnixh�n Lcndcr mrip��cridoncing�he p:rymcmti. �.ti ��, <br /> � -- 6urra�rr rhall promptly diuhargc:uiy licn���hich ha.prinriq�rnrr thi.Sauriry•hi.vumcm nnlc.s 6nrroo�cr. (al } % . <br /> ��ii l <br /> 3� wri�ing�o�he paymem of�hr obliga�ion ucunvl hp the lien in:�manner ac..p�abk�n IsnJer.�h)canie.ts in g�wd faith�he lien .; j i ` <br /> �ra .-.�,�Y by, or dcfcnda againsl eninr•tmcnl of Ihc lien in. Ieg:d praacJings �chich in thr LenJer'. opinion opcnle lo pmvenl IAe �i� i�•;.'. <br /> ' -v ;-. enforcemem of ihe lien:nr�cl.ecum,hom�M1.hulJtr nf thc h.n em ngrermem..w.tannn �n I cnJer whodin�ting�he lien�o <br /> .. x;�.i�e � ! t .. <br /> is. .�.f y�. _...!.� lhis Security In.lrumem. If Isndcr Jet.nuim�.�ha� am pan al Ih.PrnRm n.ubi.'.t in a licu.,.hi�h m:p .ntain pri�+rit)�o�er . ^ <br /> .-;14_(:�,1 this Sauriq�In.�rumcm. lxnJcr mar gire Ik�rn.�cer a n..u.e fJamihmt�hr Grn N..rt,n�cr.6.d1 ..�a.l�� Ihc licn ur IaAc nm or �, <br /> -.,°i. :� nwrc of Ihc fnnh atxn•c���fthin ihc.��mg ul noun. `;. i�::- <br /> _ j:., .;i1}� ,;;_ <br /> '�`� Foem 3028 9�90 <br /> .-- .5 � r 1K�.-.: <br /> ;- >n v.•e <br /> .' . '-,.�� �� �� { <br /> . '_l,.�;`... <br /> �:. <br /> -- 'r ._.._� -__ ., .- •.��n i.. .. , . .,.i:�..,..' . __- . . � r�iq�.. . '" _ <br /> r Sd�:otp. . . � - n� �_ .,. � � _ . ' . _ . <br /> :t. <br /> "' . .r'i�.._ . . . _ . <br /> - . !i� - ..� . . . <br /> � •.rf' •S.� .� . . . .. � <br /> ( <br /> ./` . . _ . . . ' . . <br /> lr � . . � ' ,� � ' - ' ' ' . � � � ' <br /> . � • ' : _ ' ;' . � , <br /> � l .. .�. . . . .. ..� . <br /> " Z " .. . . �_.'._ .. <br />