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_ ,: _ ____ �._�________ _ <br /> :,: <br />--- . . 93� �o���.a. <br /> ' �ppllcable law miy speclfy for rclnsulcmenU boforo salo of tho Ptopeny pursuant�o any power of ealo coninined In thb <br /> _ Sawlty tnswmeni;w@)rn�ry of a Judgnxm enforcing thle Sxurity Inswment. Thosa condiNom am tlut Ilorrowtr. (x) <br /> , p�Y� Lerokr ail cums whlch then wald �e due under thb Security In�trumen� ond tlw No!e as if no�cceierotlon ha6 <br /> occumA;(b)cwc�any dctaul�of ony aher wvenante or agrecmems;(o)paye ell expcnses Incurted in cnPorcing thb Secudty <br /> tnstNment,inciuding.Dm na Iimltcd�o,reawnable emm�cya'fecs; end(d)tekc�such nction a+Lcndcr�nay rca!onabty <br /> ___ ____ r.quiro a assuro ihat the Ilen of thb Secudiy In��mnxnt,LenderS dghu in tho Ro�xny and Qortokrorb obllgation lo pay�hc <br /> sum� securcd by thb Secudty InsuumcN shnil wnpnuo unchangcd. Upon rcinslatenKm by Oorrowcr, Nla Stcudty <br /> - Insitument and�ho obllga�tonf securcd hemhy shall rcmaln Poily effative as it no ncceicmdon hnd occumd. Howevea�hie <br /> '� dgh�to rtlnslete shall not npply In thc cttc o!ncccicr�tion andcr paragraph IZ =-- � ---- � � <br /> — 19. &k of Note�CMnte of l.oxn&rvkcr. 'ILa Note or e panial Imerest In�ho Nnlo(roge�hcr wIN this Sccud�y � <br /> � Instmmcnt)may Dc sold onc or moru ifine�wUhout pdor nWiw lo Bortowcr. A sato may resull in a changc in�hc cmiry <br /> __ (known ro�hc"Loan Senicer')�An�colla�s monthly paymen�s duc under�he Noic end thi�Sceuri�y Instrunxnt. 71icrc also <br /> _ -- _ may bo ono or moro changcs of Wo Loen Serviccr unn:la�cd to n sale of�he Noto. If�heR is e changa of the I.oan Servlcet. <br />�`-���� Qortower will be given wdimn notico of tho chxngo in occordana wf�h paragr�ph 1A ebove end appIicable law. 71�e notice <br />=���'� will stolo qio nome end addrcs�of�ho now Loan Servicer and�ho nddrcss�o which paymenu shouid be mada 71io noilce will <br /> �=�'--.-� utso conlnin wy otGcr Infortnotlon rcqatrcd by applicnblo law. — �� - -- <br /> —`�s`' 20. Hwardous SuEstantts. Rortower shell not cauw or rmi��he resence,use,dis al,c�ora e or rcleau o!an <br />_.'�';.:c--ht P� P P� 8 . Y <br /> - 1lazardoue Su6s�ences on or in �e fkopeny. Oomower sh�ll not do,nor allow anyone else to do,enyitung aftecQag �ue <br /> Property�6et is in vioimion of any Cnvlronmcmal Law. 7Lc pnxeding two sentences shall not appiy to t�.�p�acY,um,or <br /> ,��'�-:�N slorega on�Iw Ptopeny of smell quan�itiea of Hezardous Substances�ha�ere genemlly rccognized ro Uc ap�.-apciate ro r.omwl <br /> �'� .:�,$�r rosldcn0el uxs end to maimenanco oi�ha Propeny. <br /> ... <br /> %;"� �,{i�-^ Bortower shall promptiy givo Lender wmten notice of any im�estlgadoa,claim,demand la���wi�er o:h:r actia�by any <br /> =,, :�;a:nY� govemnxNal or rcgula�ory agency or pdvnte puty inrolriag tn:fta�fry and eny Ifazardous Substance or Emiroam:ntal <br /> -'.'"""�*:?�'{ti! Law of which Ilortower hu ecwal kno�vledge. I( 6ortoner 4ams,or is r.otlfied by eny govem�ntal or rcgulatory "`°-�- <br />- � '���•t�`>?. eu�hority,Iha�eny rcmovai or oiher rcmediaGa�of any Haranioas Subs�3ncr a(tecting�he Propeny is neceszary,Aorto+rer <br /> _�,,...., -- <br /> =-+��_;�, shall prompily�akc all ncccssary rcmcdial acaons in axnrdan:e wi�h Emironmmtal Lnw. <br /> ' = As uud in ihis paragraph 20,"Hazardous Sufistanxs"are�hose subs�ances defined es�oxic ar hazardous substances by ��___. <br /> ,. :�:,���"� Cnvfronmental Lew und�he(ollowing substences: gasoline,kerosene,o�her Oammable or�oxic pciroleum products,eox� �i: <br /> �,:i. pes�icides end herbicidc�,vola�ilc solcenu, materials mntaining acb�stos or Pormaldehyde,and rzdioac�ive materials. As �'�!�=���`-- <br />'- ��_-'; used In�his parngreph 20,'Enrironmtmnl Law'means kdeml laws and la�cs ot�he Judsdlciion whem the Property is loca�ed --- <br /> - " ihat rcla(e lo hcal�h,safely orenvironnxntal protectfon. - <br /> -F�=�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANI'S. 6artower end Isnder Ponher covenxn�and agrce as follows: :- - <br /> ?.t�, 2L Acceleration;Rrmttll[a. Lender shell glve notice to Borrox�er pdar lo acceleradon Pollosing Dorrower's ,:�", <br /> .��� :. breach of any co�-enanl or agrarment In this Securfty Instrument(but not pdor to acceleration under paragreph 17 ,�..��� -�_ - <br /> -��-�,' UI1It59 Y�IpIICaEI!IY W Q�O\'I(It5 OlI1CPo'LSC). �I}IC IIO�ICC 6BAII 6�12fU)'7 (8)(II!AB�811I1�(b)ihe actlon rcquired lo curc�Ae �.�;u���� .� <br /> +� �'•.� defoull:(c)a date.not Iccv Ihan 3D dncs hom lhe dnte 1he�nt�ce Ig p#rrp�n Rnrmw�n��hy whlch�he i1�TPUlt muH Iw ,��'.�� •- ... .. _. <br /> , +---' curedi and(d)Ihat failure to care lhe dr7eult on or bafom ihe date speci75ed In Ihe nolice may resuit 3n acceleration ot ":',n` -- - <br /> > �. ���' the sunss secured by Ihts Security Incirumem xnd saie ot the Propedy. 7he notice sM1ell Nrther In7wan Borrower oP �-�; r°i � - - <br /> tj,y �_1 the dght to rcf2�taM after naelemtlon and Ihr�lght lo bdnR o murt actlon to acurt the nomexlstenceola de(aull or 4Si ��-� <br /> i i`�tr-„-. any aher detense of Uorroxer fo srcelcretbn nnd sale. If Ahe defeulf Is nol wred on or beforc Ihc dnle eped icd dn s --,J� -Sh�,����,;_ <br /> �,tr�> ihe notice,Lenderot f�opllom m�p rctrylre imme47nte pnxmeni ln ILII of all sums secured by IhLv Secad�y[nstrumml ; ���, � ,.�,;; <br /> ,-.;���.,�.�..'.'., without funher demend and moy inxoke the Power o!snle and any other remcdies permlfleJ by applicnbie law. ;.�:r'i�s,�,-,��,5�::; ;_ <br /> + j� _ . I.ender sholl bc enHticd ro rollecl oIl experues incurred In pursuing the remedies provided In Ih7s pamgreph 21, -r� ,y44� - <br /> 1�q� Induding,6ut nol Ilmilcd to,rcasonabie ettorncys'fecs und ms�of qlle evldence. � , - - <br /> +�;�`. R the power of Rele Is Invoked,7}uslee shnll record o no11m of delanll in ench county in xhlch nny parl of lhe �� �•�� <br /> -'�_•�5,-��� Property Is localed and shall mnfl coyfes of such notice In the manner preacriAcd by nppllcaAle Ixw to Qorrower end to � '�';�!`*'°<�(^��v <br /> � t�-� -� lhe other persotu pecscrl6ed b�-npp73wble law. ARer the Ilme required bx appVcablr 7uw,7}ustee shull give public - - '-� ' <br /> ���� �� no11ce ot mle lo the penons an�in 1re mnnner prescribed by appllcnble 7n���. 7tustee,wlthou!demnnd an Rorrox�en '- ` '-;;�; <br /> + - �' shall sell tlte Propc�p�nt pubiic euctlon to the lilghesf bidder nt Ihe tlmr mnC place nnd under Ihe lerms designated In o . ! �- <br /> � +- f, -: Ihe notice o(sele In une or morc parccis end In nny order 7Yustm delerminrs. 7Yustce map postpone sele of oll or eny � -'j � <br /> �y��� arml of tlre Pro rt b ublk ennounmment af thc tlmc and lett of an � � � � <br /> ; } Ni' p pe y y p p y previously scheduled sale. Lender or Ilv :t �,m . r � <br /> f� t 1f�+/ designee may purchase Ihc Property al nnv sulr. r v i� �� �� ; <br /> � � ; Lpon melpt oP paymenl of l4e price bid,7Yustre sholl dell��er lo the purrhaser 7Fusta'e deed conveying the ' } S��' = ' <br /> j��sy',i Property. The recit¢Is in the 7Fustcc's dceel shx11 be primn fneie evidencc of lhe trulh of the statemenls mode thereln. , r j � �� }7 r� ; <br /> � - �� 7}ustm shull uppiy lhe proceeds o(the sale in Ihe follo�+ing order. (n)lo nll costs und expenscs af exerctsing lhe poxer � 14�t�R���iry sJJ?X',�� <br /> �r ,. .7 . (, . ier� ,�r• <br /> .:�iti. . :�tl��,l�.� .n�..- <br /> i��:�'{4�::'.: � _ �. <br /> .;tF. ,; �?ilrt.,,�' , <br /> ` ' +��' ` {j'M1t,, _�� _ <br /> , <br /> �r� .�� ��'�' t ••..r ��th - . <br /> S��I�� l�i�, r.�' - �r .. <br /> . r � <br /> ,�,f, �. ,,�� <br />�a�>,;�, , <br /> .; . <br /> trr:,,._.,� � <br /> r;;.�:�: <br /> '. �. <br /> ii <br /> _ ';i;, � <br /> , <br /> : :. •� <br /> '�'I�v�: �. ..lT°r.rrM'.:-..._.�.(.-•-:�--,.�,�..�,i7_..._ - .. �• ._ _ ." _ ' .. , _ __ _'_ ' . . . <br /> ;'i.':. �:..i:�.-. ' . . . <br /> :, -__-`t` __ -.._ _' ._ _ _: . . _ . ' <br /> `:..; <br />;N. _ <br /> •. ;� �'' . ' � . ' � .. � ' � .�' . . <br /> ., r _ <br /> -, f . . �- <br /> ,. : . , <br /> . <br />