4�,. � � "'...,_ � . - _ �� - '"_.� .. � .. , . .y"°"�`.,_...� _,:o�:.- ' .. 2 l_f.::
<br /> �.i_�iv -1....,....._._.._<_
<br /> nq A� °1'� . v
<br /> _ . . � . . �..±.<�:-,,�..rti:�wi:..�
<br /> 13� �^,` 1lNIFOIIMCOVBtUN[&Dorrowa�nOLsndcroovenmtinOKrwufollo�qJ"�,��w h ?� ;'.:
<br /> � �..,j. !,Ia�IdMuinla��hprnNMi��unlL�t�CY��er Borrowor dull promptly P�y when dueJ.yAo pr(ndpal of - +i''Ti�:
<br /> �y�yxMq�iMOeDt�vlEmcedbytMNa��nE�nypre�m rn��nAUncMnudueunOa�hattaa t � " 'n',y�.,
<br /> ',;r: 7.ry�pM�7'wr�d[uurna. SuDJaltorp�pIIaDk�r�'orto�wHnenw�h•ertr�LcnOer,Dortaxer�p1y� roGen6aon ' - 7is.-;.
<br /> Inr ,
<br /> r . �tw dry moniF�r Qy�mew in die under���Nde,untll tTe Note N pdC N Nll,�wm('FLn4�for.(�)yaulj�t(�_ nd�wcumem� y ,, ;.
<br /> �..., . �{ch nuy�udn prlorlry owr ihY SeaAry Inurvmenl u�Ikn on the►toparty;@)yury IweholA prymtnn �o«nu on the ;_:� t
<br /> .: s,,;1:� �7�u�^Y(�)yuty�wrA a property Inwnnce prcmlurtu;(�Yt+�y Ilood Inwr�nce premlumA if��( N mong�e .. , °,;
<br /> � . ;.. hwruiae prtmlumr,U up^,�nA(Q ury wmf py�bb by Hortower lo Lcnder,in�aorAuice with Ihe proWlon�o ph Q In Ueu ot r,.�,..'�-' _ . . �
<br />�_.,. '-° . ; thepymmtdmonptelnwnncapmmlum�.7TuefiertuoreallW•IIscrowlttm�.•LcnGermq,���nyUm0.�11 �EholdFund�ln • .' % ,
<br /> :..-�n.��:.��.;�. [�AUnwM nN lo aoeea tM madmum�mouM�Irndtt tor�PodenVy rcl�l W mortj�o lan mry requUe Por tlorto*� e+ac+i'�000unt n ._: ..�_ -
<br /> -- undu tAe 2Ae��RW Eu}to Sallement Ptoad�ru Aa of 1971 u unendW from tlme w tM0. 11 VB.C.2601 d wq.('R115PA7, ' -_« �,;:
<br /> . -� ---• �n1w�naha In��AU�pWn to the FunM reu�leuer unwnt.if w,Lendcr mq,u uy�ima wllut ond hold FunN In an smamt t._., -
<br /> � '� " hd to aroed tAe iwer unwnt•Leeder m►/atlmue�he unount ot FLnN due on the bula of artenl Gu and reuoneblo utim�tu ot
<br /> .. _ t3qlenNrvmoftmuro&aar[tem�orahenvlwln�aorMnoewith�ppliablei�w. . .� .
<br /> - . _t,, ` 7Le Fund��h�il be heid in m inHftullon rhose depoille ue Insu�ed by�tedcnl�genry.inurvmenuli�y.or enlity(InUUNng , :,. � ..- .
<br /> Lender,ll Lender�acA�n Inultutlon)or In�ny Fedeeal i[omv lu�n Dank.Len�kr�heil oppy tAe FLnd+�o pry�he[iscrow Gemx �.,;r-: •,,: ': . .
<br /> �- LenOer mq na chaqo Bortmver(or hoiding�A►,.phL�rT.+e F+nd�,uinutlly�natyrJng�he uttow�aoount,or vedfying�he Hsttow '
<br /> ,,...�::-,��.. ItemA unla�I.cr.�5�pap Hattcver intena oa e"a GLMi x;d at:pllabia l+w permite Ltnder w mdea wch e cAerga I[wrever,Lender
<br /> - •? m�y tequUe Bartc�er to�y�o';stsn G.frv Pce oa Ezk.ye:.rJ:d xed esl�te lu reponing teMw used lry Lender in wnntaion wf�h = �
<br /> .,:,�. tN�Iou4 uNm a�1'Td,rr�+Cer[,v+i3za a�:nts:.Uaky w acccav:nt b m�de or�ppliabte Irw«quUw Intr.resl lo be pd0.�nder . `., ��.
<br /> w
<br /> �--+- ��.t, �,+,�y�pp[�atz�.1 to Ny Ba.zvrrr aicP ubsrat er wrti:,�cu ty Rxr.cY.Bortowet�nd Lender may agree in wrfling,however,that �� � . . .- -
<br />� . L;.zttA 41�110a pdd on lhe FLnda Lendcr dci.n ghe to BertoAZr,m'tAoti��arg0.an,nnu�l�orounting of Iha FLnd�,e..`.wY•3 crediu i.: .�r�::_"-... _.
<br /> • ' ,:,
<br /> : � �aA deJ3�to tAe FLnN�nd tAO puryose(M w�A-`cA ach debl ro tha Fund�n.i made.The FunN uo I a�syhtioavl aewriry fw �;,,; � ' - ",
<br /> P� •
<br /> � �7a.:uwcurcAbyq�SSadrylnurvmenc � r� .
<br /> It�Ae FunN�eld by I.ender aaW Ne amcwnp permitted ro be held by�ppllabie Irx,Lender sLall aaour.t w Bofeower(or tte f(�' -_ ��
<br /> - - " aow FLrtd�in�aoc d u ico w it h�he rcqu tremen u o i app li:a 67 e i a w.I(t h s z m o u n t o(ihe Fundf held 6 y Le�cha n ar y�Ima e na t .;.! ..
<br /> wiTidem to pry the 8urav I�em�xhen du0.Leeder may w notify Bortower in wtfdng,m0.1n wch caro Bortwu slnll psry w Lenda ���,�;_
<br /> . �- tho unount naess+ry�o milce up�he de(Icienry.Doaowxr nTall mnke up tCe delidenry in no moro�hm t��eke mor.thTy paymrnt�,n l- _ " „ �, �,�`��._
<br /> - LenEer�wledisauioa . -�i:�� .�.�'.:
<br /> - � Upon prymrnt In(ull et dl wmi seaucd b�thtf Securiry Inun+men�,Ler,dar shell p�ompty rcfund to Iionower any Funds held by . , ,, ��k.
<br /> ' ' Lender.If,under paro�eph 2l,LenOer ehill�cqutre or uD�Te Propeny,Lender,pdor ro ihe ecqulatilon or sNe o!�he Propeny,ehall � • '-��� �>�',
<br /> ,. � . �pply�nyFLnbbyLender�tthetlmeotacQu&itlonoreale0.+eaedit�gainulheturtusearedbylhL�Staarirylnsttument. .. � �.}��,(�'���'r
<br /> � 3.Apptlntioe otPaymenta.UNcx+�ppliable law provldes ahaw(s0.eil paymenu rue(ved by Lender under pazagraphs t�nd 2 . .:,��r�,.
<br /> � �hd10e�pplled:Mq�o�ny propqment�Avgw due under�he Nae;euond,w�mounu payable under pu�greph 2;thlyd to Nttrwt _ ��,._.���_�e
<br /> . - .�.�.�. ' due;fourtMtoprindp�duqmdlau,tourylueohvgefdueundertheNota . �-��?,� �J�..,�:�.
<br /> -�'.-f� 6 C6u{eq IJenx BoROwu chall pry all tues,uswmen�s,ch¢rga,Ma and Mposffions aunbu�eble ro Ihe Ptopeny which - � � ',.f�t p.
<br /> `:,a,u,,-.� .•.-}�;- mfry�udn p�ioriry wer t1Je Scariry Instnunent,and leasehold payments or ground«nt�,U�ny.Bortower�hyl pay tMse ob1lgatlom in - � ;;'!,:q;��_ij;.
<br /> = =- - i�:.a:s.:e pec:lN_d L^.��;*?;o!�C nw paid in tlui mennu.0onower�hall pry them on time dirtaty�o�he penon owed prymem. I . _ ._.-..;..t�J..-
<br /> i �,
<br />' - Dortowtr�hdl prom}aly tumish�o lendu dl notiaa ot emounu to be pa(d under thB puegteph.It Oonower m�ka these qaymem� t� �-�!r-..
<br /> �� �� diren?�Borrweer eheU promp�y lurntsh�a Lender recefp�e evfdendng�he paymmt�.Bottaver ehall prompty diuhnrge nryy Ilen whicA --' ����(,
<br /> - � hu pdorlry a�r aY.n Seariry Instrvment uniw 13ortorrer.(e)agrka in writUg lo the payment o(the obligation«cured 6y the 6enln a _
<br /> - manrtt aaepltble to Lendtr,(b)tontutf in good fal�h�he tlen b�.or deTends agdnu enforament of thc Nen In,Iegal praeedNgs � - �.� r.
<br /> � which in the Lendef�opWon oyenle to praeN tho enforcement of tho Iien;or(e)euura Irom the hoider oI the Iien�n ageement °`GY�.: - ••,i�)'� •
<br /> � � . ee�idanory to Lender wbo�d(natirg the Iien ro tA6 Secaflry Irsimmem.lf Lendet detemur.0�Aat any pan ot 1ha Propeny b mbJea ro e I � (. �}
<br /> Oen ahich mey eneln p�io�iry wer ih6 Security Inurvmem,Lender mey gJve I3ortaxcr a no�ice idcntifying tha Iien.fiortaxer shoil�atBfy fl��•{� � � .y- r�
<br /> � - tAe Ilen or teke one or mom ot�he ettiom Kt(onh ebovawl�hin 10 days ot tha gH(ng otnotice. L� '
<br /> t
<br /> !, IlanrdorPropertyinsunoa.Ilorraver sha0 Yap ihe imprwemenu now aisting or hereaflu ereacd on Iho Proputy . �
<br /> � inwrW�ge Wt lou by Iir0.hazaz�Nduded wOhin�he le/m'atendW wxeregd end eiry aher hazard�induding(iood�or tiooding,for I �� r
<br /> . ' wNch Lender rcquUea fnsurence.7T(e Inwrenco sAall be mainteined in tho emouNS ar.d tor tho periods that Lendet requUea 7he , �-
<br /> � inamanca eartler providing the Wuronca�Aall be chosen by IIortowcr wbJea ro LenCer'a apprwel which shall not bs unreuonably
<br /> - • � � wi�hheld U Bonower bW w maWaln coverage descnbed atrwq Lender may,et LeM�re op�ton,ubtein cwerege�o p�otca Lendera
<br /> - � righuNlhePropenyin�aordan�ewlthpu�graph7. , .
<br /> ' AO insurar.0 poiidd�nd ren�+val�J�aU be�oapteble lo Lender end shall inciude e aendard mongege clauu.Lender rhall ha�•e .
<br /> the dght m Ao1d�he polida and reniwali If I<nder ra�aUe+,Aanmvu shall prompty givc�o Lender el]«ceip�of paid prcMums md
<br /> reneual noHua 7n the event of Iose,Donoxer nhall give prompt notice�o the insurena cartter end Lender.Lender mey mnte proof o[ - .
<br /> - IavJnamedepromplyby[iortaxer. - .
<br /> UNes�Lender�nd 6ovower otA<wlse eg�ce in xri�ing, Insumna procced+chall bo epplled to rmore�fon or repaG ol�he .
<br /> ' . propury damagW,ff the rWOratfon or rcpaU fe uonoMwlly fea+blc end Lendefe savdry b not IcsscneU.i(�he ru�ore�lon or rcpatr B
<br /> ' - - na etonomicaLy feadble or LendcA secvdty wald be Icvenc4 thc Insurance proa<ds shall bc applied to�he sunu searW Iry thi+ .
<br />�'�- - Semriry InSWmen1,whUher or nal lhen du0.wiiT ury aa.s+paid w 13ortowcrJf�onower a6andons�he Property,or dou nol ennver
<br /> ; � wit.`.in 30 dayt a nolia(rom I.ender lhal lhe ln�urance tarticr hai ofkred to settic e ciatm,Ihen Lendcr may wllea Iht Iraumntt
<br />- procecd.LenAer mny use Ihe praccdt to rcpaG or reslore Ihe Property o�io pay sums savred by this Sewdly Inswmem,whelher or
<br /> � na�hen due.7Te 34day period will bcg(n when the naice 6 given.
<br /> Unita+Lender end FSortower olheroise egra In xri�in&a^Y appliailon ot prottcd�to prindpal�hall not utend or pos�pone�he
<br /> due Ea�e of lhe monlhly paymrnu rcfemd lo in paragreplu 1 and 2 or change Ihe emount ot lhc paymcNa If undcr paregreph 21 Ihe
<br /> Propeny B�aqu4ed b/Lende4 Bortoweri rigT�to e,ry lnwrance polici�a end proceedf ruul�ing from damage to the Proputy prio�«�
<br /> Ne ecqubftlon ehall pau lo Lender lo lhe mm�of�he wm�tecured b�Ihu Suuriry Inumment inmedi�mly prlot to the acquiit�ioa
<br /> GOCtup�oc).Prtxmtloo,Mflottnanae�ndPmtecllonrt�heFm{rert7�������aeAyp11tn11on;Leauhalds Dortoxer
<br /> shell oowpy,euablish,end usc the Proytrty es DorroWeP�prindpal raidcnce wiiNn�hry da�� af�er�he aec�tlon ot�h6 Sccvriry
<br /> Inununmt ond�ha0 eontinue to oavpy the Propeny ae 6ortowefs prinripal raidena far at Icau one�rar efmr thc datc of om�panq.
<br /> uNUf Lender othux�W egree+in writ[ng,whlch eonunl shell not be unreesanaUly wiiMcld,or uNest ulenuating cirevrtWana�aiu -
<br /> wNrh ero b�ond Dorrowc/i wmrol.6ortoxet ehail not dutroy,damage or impa'v the Propcny,eilav�he Property to daedorem,or
<br /> eommfl waue on Ihe Property.[iortaver�hall bc N defeuli if any forfeiture aaion or procecdinp,whcthcr dvil or Mm(nal,B begun that
<br /> In I,enders goad fefth judgJncnt eould result In o fodeiwrc of thc Property or oihenriu mntcriaily impa'v the 6en acatcd by tAt�Scariry
<br /> � Inswment or Lendef��cwdry imeresl.Oortm+ar may are wch e defeult and rc(nuat0.m praviAeA in paragieph 18,b�ausing the
<br /> aulon or oraredin¢m bc dsmWM with e rvling iha6 in Lcnder'�good fait�dctcmtinattoq prccluda fodeimre of thc 6ortarct�
<br /> I Interut N the Propeny or olher material impairmcnt of the Grn awte4 Oy lhla Savriry lnu`ument or Undct�suariry Nterest.
<br /> Bortower tAall tlso be fn defeult J 6otroxer,during�he loan eppGcation prottss,grve ma�erially hise or Ineoaratc Information or
<br /> - etncmenu to Lender(ot faflcd lo prwlde Lendu uith any me�criel information)in connation with the loan nidcnad Uy the Nde,
<br /> - InduEtrtg,but not Wnlied lq rcprexntaHom eonccming Oortowda oavpanq of lh:Properry v e prinripal rufdentt.if Ous Sccurity
<br /> � lnswment D on e IcaaeAoid,Dortoxer nAa�oompy with eil ihc p�ovistonf of�Ac leese.if Dortm�er acquGa fec title to Ihe Properry.�he
<br /> , IwxholA enA�hc fce lfUC ihnil nol mcrgc uNcsi Lcnder ngraa lo��e mngcr in writing.
<br /> IOWA-61np�e Famiy—FNMNJFHUAC UNIFOPM INSTHUMEM Form 301E 9/i0
<br /> OAICIHAI, veoe z a�
<br /> Wa�O M f.9+
<br /> i ' . __.__ _� . _.
<br />