- ._ _ -
<br /> � `� �` .. 93� �,0'7'900 , , . ' �..,;�t
<br /> p�ymen�a m�y ra longer ba required,at the op�lon ot Lender,tf nwngoge lnsumncc eoverrgo(�n Iho enwunt ond tor the pedod
<br /> Qut Leidtt requlrw)providcd by�n Insurcr�pprovod by Lender Ngain bcsomes availablc ond le oblpined,Borrower shall py
<br /> ttie prcmiums requlred to nulnteln mortgoge Insur+nce In effecL or to provldo e los�reucvo,unql ttw rcqulreaxnt for nwrtg�e
<br /> Inwronce end�In acoordnnca wiiL any wfltten ogrcenkm Netwan Borrower nnd Lcndcr or opplinblo Iaw. �
<br /> 9. rropeellon�Lender or lu ogent may nmko rcasonable cntrles u�an and Inspection�ot tho Property.Lendcr shnll giva
<br /> Aorrower nollce al the tima of or prbr w en Inspecdon specifying reasonsblo cause for the Inspection.
<br /> 10. Condemnation.Tho procecda of any awnrd or clalm Por damagca,direct or mnscqucntiel, im m�ncc�lon with any
<br /> condenu�atlon or other tnF:ing of ony pan of�ho P�openy,or for mnveyanco in Ileu of condemnaHon,ero hercby assigned and
<br /> shali bo paid�o Lendcr.
<br /> - � �� �-- " . In thc cvent o(e�otal taktng of the Propeny,iho procecds shall Iso�pplic0 to�ho sums sccured by�hls Secuflty[nstrmmnt, �� �
<br /> whuher or not�hen dua. with any excese pald to Dortower. In the ovcnt of a pani�l�eking ot the Propeny In which the fair
<br /> market vaiuo of Iho Propetly imnxdlatcly beforc�hc taking is cqnel to or grpmr than�ho emoum of iho sums sccurcd by�hie
<br /> Secudty Insuument immedleleiy beforo�he�akins, uniese Oonomer end Lender othenviso agrw In wdUng,the sums securcd by
<br /> thls Secudty Im�rumem shell be reduced by ihe nmount of 6ie procads mutliplfed by tho follow(ng fmctlon: (e) tho total
<br /> _ .,i amount of�hc wms accural Immcdiateiy bofom tho taking, dirided by @) the(air markG value of Ihc Property ImmCdlalely
<br />�� =- Iwforo Ihn taking. Any balenco shall bc pafd to Rorzo�scr. In thz evem of a pinial taking of Ihe Pmyeny in wh(ch Ihc talr
<br /> markN veluo of ihe Propeny(mmediately before the Ieking is lezs than ihe amount of Ihe sun�s sccurcd immodietcly before lha
<br /> taking, unless Barrmver and Lender othenvise agrce in writing or unless applicable la�v othenvise pmvides,�he procceds shall
<br /> Iw epplicd lo the swnx secumA by�his Secudiy Instrumcnt�vhe�hzr or noi�he sums are then due.
<br /> - If the Propeny.Is ebandoned by Uorrowcr,ar if,aRer notia by l.ender�o Rorzower�hat�he condcmnor oRcrs�o make en �.,.
<br /> awerd or seule a clatm (or damag��, Oorrmver fnlls�o responJ ro Lender �vithfn 30 days aRer �he dato the notice is given, �, �.-.-
<br /> .._,.._ I.ender is euthorized m collcet end epply t6e proceeds,at i�s op�ian,ei�her to�esioretton or repair of the Propeny or to�he sums ���� '-
<br /> ._ secured by�his Sccurity Insuumen�,whGher or not Ihen dua �s..:;--.
<br /> -. _ Unlus Lender nnd Horrower othenvise ngree in wriliqe. eny epplica�ion of procceds�o principal shall nol exlend or �" � -
<br /> W Po YPY P� 8 P F PY �rr:�...
<br /> ��� st ne�he dur.da�e ot�he monthl a mems ref^�.b to in �ra re hs I end 2 or chan e the xmoum of such a mems. �c� �-
<br /> - 11. Dormirer Not Released;For6earance¢lx Lender hni a Walrca L'xtendon of�hc�ime for p�ymem or madificaifon �a3"�: j-
<br /> '�W! '• of amoni�a�fon of�he sunu securcd by�his Sanrity Inurumem grented by l..c�er�o nny successor in imzres�of Dorrower shall �;-__-:
<br />��`;�`:;�`Tfi",�' nol operero to rcleue ihe Ita6ili�y of�he originxl Oorton•cr or 6orrower's sucrossnrs In Imercsi. Lender shall not be requfrcd lo ---�--
<br /> � y, �'� convnenee proceedings egainst any successor in imerest or rePose io ex�enJ time for p:ryment ar othun�ise madify emonizatlon ��"?
<br /> _,��. �t, -?, of the sums securcd by �his Securiry InsWmem by reason of nny demand made by the original Oorrower m 13artower's �,;,xe�'!?�-
<br /> suaessors in Interesi. Any forbqrancc hy Lendcr in exercising any dghl or rcmedy shall no�be o ��aivcr of or prcclude�he �", •-
<br /> � �� -�`� exercise of eny dght or rcmcdy. ,,�(f{�
<br /> �
<br /> F1 r�.��_ 12. Sutteicarc mid Axdenc QnundS .Inint qn�l Se����pl Ianfi1111r; [��.algnerv. Thr n+�v�=_�e+.. ,r.� ?grMnt^_r.45 �f ihp� . ,:=�t . -� _._
<br /> -� Securily Instrumem shall 61nd end benefit !he sncer.mrx nnd ac.iFnx of Ler.der nnd 6nrro+ver, subjeci ro Ihe provisiona of T'�i`,.�,'�v�
<br /> �, pamgr�ph 17. Dorrower's mvenams and ngreementc shall hr joim and severnl. Any Dorrmver who co-signs Ihis Security y/1 i�r�.�, -"-
<br /> J�I )'
<br /> .,�.j�,.,.-:.:_.t� Ins�rumem bm does no� execme�he Noie: (n) is co-Eigning �his Securiiy Inswmem only �o mongaga, grent and mnvey �hat j„t�:�)�� .$;__
<br /> -= �a �'} tlorrower's imercs�in the Propehy under dm�enra of�Lis Securiry Inslmment; (b)is not personally obliFated m pay�he sun�s ��:�����a;: •�-���—�
<br /> �'�'�?`"° secured 6y this Securiiy Inswmem;and(c)ogrees iha�Lender and nny oiher Oorrower may ngrm�o ex�:nd,modify,farbear or �`?'� "'f"e%'�,�'7-�.
<br /> ::r.;lii�.[i;: :�:,�i`�..,�i'%'a�e
<br /> �� i:y�tg��, makc nny nceommodatlons wi�h regard to�he�crmt nf�his Sccuri�y Instmmem or�he No�c wi�hom�hut Oorro�rer's conxnt. �': - S,�
<br /> �`-� �_� 13. I.aon Churqes. I(�he Inan secured 6y�his Security 6uuumem is cubJcet to u Inw�vhich sets maximum loan charges, `�f;k�y�- '.
<br /> ' -- j and th�� low is finally in�erpre�ed so tha�ihe Imerex�or o�her Im�n cBnrges m11ce�eJ or to 6e collected In cnnnce�ion with ihe ,.,,�-, fj�� �;,'���7
<br /> '`��+9�""'i.' Ioan exeecd�he nniued limiis, ihen: (a)an such loan char��shall Ix rcducal 6 the umoum nceessa �o redu�c�he char e �-(- ��•;.-�j-
<br />';;.'}7,!c.,�.._ P� Y b' Y �Y B .;.,.
<br /> .-,i�; -,> w �he pennilted limic mid(b)nny suns already colicaeel from Oorrower a�hich excecded permiued limi�s will be refunded to 't'^` -
<br /> � �_i ; 6ormwer. Lender ma)� choase lu mnke Ihis rcLmd 6y reducing �he principal mvcd undcr �he Note or by making a direct ��: -� �t„ -
<br /> - ?� paymrm �n Mrtm��rr. If n rcfunJ rcducc} prindpal. �hc rcduction uill b� �rcaced ns a panial prepaymcm witFout any ��k*� +r � �`
<br /> n t,'� preyaymem ehargr under die Notc. �LI.`�} ��
<br /> `V'Y� Id. Nollccs.Any noiicc to Anrrn�cer providrd for in�I�is Saurity Ina�rumcnt shall 6c gircn hy dclircring i�or by maiiing ������`,�u���tF�f �
<br /> �
<br /> � , it by firxl t6�t ni.�i7 unka+applicable lau rcyeires ux af awther mc16uJ. The nolice�hall be dir�ti�ed io�he Pmperq•Address -.-pr-b s i':•
<br /> i,��� or nny o�her address Borrmver dcsigna(cs b�• nrnicc In Lender. Any nn�irr tn LenJcr ahall bc givrn by firs� claiv mail io �:� +, r--,..
<br /> " T:z�:��`:
<br /> �;!.t_.; Lendrr's sddres<slatrd hcrcin or any alhcr adJrcss LenJer Jqignalcs b�� ni�ti.c�a f3nrrou�er. Any no�ice provided for in Ihi� --�f��;�, „,
<br /> Z �• Securn��insimmem shall be deemcd�o have 6een given tu Durnncer ar l.nJer ahrn gi�en ae pmviJed in Ihis paragraph. 7� '
<br />. �5� .. �"� I5.Cm�crning la�r: Scrcrnbilitv. This Sccurily� Inslrmncnl .6ail ht goctrntd F� fcJcr:d la�v anJ ihc IAN' OI IFf ���J 1.�`..'�..:.--�.
<br /> (K
<br /> jurisdic�inn in uhich the Prnperty ic lix;ncd. In Ihe crenl lhal �n��provi.ion nr clau.e of�his$ecuriis Im�mmem or�he Noie py j��.�
<br /> ` . con0icls�vith app:�whl:la�v.wch mn0ii�ahall no�affatt othcr proeninn.o(�hi.Scauril)�lnqtunum or Ihc Nnlc x•hich can 6c � -' .i.•.`-.
<br /> givcn cffctl wilhnui Ihc con0ic�ing prm•isina To�hi.enJ �hc prori.ion.nf�hi.S�t�uri�y In.�rumcm aud�hc Nu�c arc Jrriarcd . '`;�..``
<br />. .. m lw se+�era6lc. - . " .
<br /> ... 16.6orro��cr'sCop��.Wirro��cr.hallhcgi�cnnncranfunmJ.•op�oflhct�nlc:mJn(Ihi.S.aunqln.ImmeN. ' . .
<br />- Form 3028 D%DO .,
<br /> Pa���c16 . �
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