. rylFi{_.� ".. "_ ,. .-, . . _.
<br /> � ;_ � =; _", � �` t..bi �rMiY��`... .� .-.._�_.�.... i�.:'__ -�t :.'�9 -. .. -=. ..:_-- _
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<br /> TlxiRTHBR WITII oll�ha improvomoms now or hercaRtr cm�ed on the propeny,ud�il uxmcme,�ppunenanca,ud '
<br /> � itxlura now or herqiter u p�n oi�ho propeny. All replacementa and odditlon� sh�ll clw bo covered by 161� Fecurity
<br /> Instrvment.All ot�he forcgoing te rehrred lo In thi�Security insttunxnt ee�6o'Vropeny.'
<br /> HORROWI:R COVBNANT9 tlut Borrower b lawfully seisod of�ho estato hercby rnnveycd and hu�ho rigM�o gront and .
<br /> canvey�ho Propeny nnd ih�t thc Propeny i�uncncumbercd,excepl for cncumbranccs of rowrd. Borrowcr wurents nnd wlll
<br /> . Aefend genemlly Ihe Illlo to tho Property egainst all clelm�end dcmands,subJoM lo eny cncmnbrnncu of rccord.
<br /> TitIS 8f?CURITV INSTRUMBNT rnmbincs uniPomi mvenante for radonal uso and nnn•unifarm covcname wph Ilmlltd
<br /> verlatlons by Judsdkqon a constituto e unifortn sead�y instrumem covering rcal propeny.
<br /> _ _ „ _�, UNIPORM COVBNANTS.Dortawcr end Lendcr mvenant and agrce m Pollowe: _ _
<br /> . l. Payment of IMnclpal and ialtraq Prepayniwt rnA late Chargea. Ilorrower Rhall promytlY Pay whcn due �ho �..
<br /> '. pdncipal of end intcrest on the dcbt evldenccd by iho Nole end eny prepayment end letc chargea duo under the Nolc.
<br /> 2. FLndv for Taxes and Insv.sa.:r.e. SubJecl io applfcablo law or to a wrfUCn wniver by Lender, Dorrower shnll pay to
<br /> - Lender on�hc day monthly paymcnts ex due under�he Noic,unUl the Note is paid In NII,a sum('Rundi)for:(a)yendy�axef
<br /> ard axussmenu�vhich may attai�priortty over tbls Security Insteumem as e Ilen on�M�ttperty:@)yearly Ienschold paymente
<br />_ _ or ground rents on ttro Propeny,if nny;(c)ye�dy b.ua�d ot prope�ty it�umnoe premiums;(d)yeatty Qood i¢suranco prcmiwn7, ___
<br /> if ony: (c)ycarly mongagc insumnce premhims,if any;anA(q a�y sanu payaDle by 6orsm�rr to Lcmi:r, in ettrordance wi�h
<br />—__�� thc pro�i�ons of paragreph 8, in licn of thc paynxm of mongage insurance premiums.7T.rs:it:ms arc calicd "Fscrow Itenu.•
<br />--_ -=;;'-�t� Lend:r mxs. at:my time, colla� nnd hotd Funds in an amoum noi ro exeeed the nuainwm amount a Iender for e f:�@rally
<br /> __—"== rcta�ed��n:�rbnge loan may rcquire (or 13orrower's escrow e:coum nnder the kdernl Real 6s�ate Se�tlement Procodurca Act of �
<br />___ �'�'� 1974 as an�ended from time�o dme, 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2601 r�seq.('RESPA'),unless another law thal applia to d�e Funds
<br /> _-��:r'� scta a Icsxer emount. If so, Lender may, e�eny iime, mlicet end hold FunAs in an nmoum no� �o excecd the lesser xmoum.
<br /> F : -, Lender mny esiimate the amnun�of Funds due on ihc 6asis of currcnt data end rramnable esiimares of expendirorcs af Nmro __.___—.
<br />_� ,,.:;'"� Pscro�v Items or uthenvise in accardance wiih eppliwble law.
<br />`rn�,::'.:",. The Funds shall be hcld in en instfanion whose deposits a�e insured hy a fcderal egency, InsmimeNality, or emity
<br />_��r�"��^�-��-i- (including Lender,if Lender is such an ins�im�ioal or in nny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall epply�he Punds�o pay the --
<br /> -=-``-;gr:;:,'L?,'A" IIurow hems. Le�er may nol charge 6orm�cer fur hnlding ond applying Ihe Fnmis,ennually analyzing the escro�v accounl,m _ _ _
<br /> ve�ifying the Escrorv Renu,unless I.ender pay.U,rr.�ver imeres�an ihe�undx end epplica6le law pemiiis Lender to nn4e such =-_--
<br /> , `'- a ehane. 3lowever, Lender may require Borrower io pay a one-tlme charge for en independent real estele taz reponing service
<br /> r�- :. �� uud by Lender fm m�nection with �his loan, unless appltcable Inw provides mherniu. Unless an egreemem is maJe or ��.,t� � ,
<br /> r � �� applicnhlt law requires Interest io be paid, Lender shall nm Ix requircd ro pa��Oortower eny intercs�ar eamings on the Fnnds. r��7`�r!°--�,"
<br />..< . nt.a :� :5 �::_.. —..
<br />- ,� �•,i,��r�� Hono�ver end Lendcr may�grcc In�vri�ing,hoa�e�-cr, �ha�in�ercst slmll be paid an thc Funds. Lcnder shall givc to 6ortnwcr,
<br /> �3'E:S'.fa:�:'� wl�hout chuge,en annual accouming of the Funds, showing crttii�s and de6i�s to ihe Funds and �he purpose for which each '���-,t'4U"+x`���
<br /> " drlilt m�he�undc�vac niada The f.mdx xm nlalerA ns nddiiinnsl aecuriro fnr ell xumc cecnrr�!hv this Securilv Inswmem. �r f+ '�`�`��'- _. .__.
<br /> i i+r4i� f��:�l�;' If�he�unds heid by Lender exce.d�he amoums pemiiued�o be hcld by appliceble len�. Lender sl�all necoum�0 6ortower -� � +.-�_
<br /> F " _=���� for�he excess �unds in eccordanm wi�h the requirements of npplicablc law. If t6e amoum of�he Funds hetd by Lender et eny � ° �s
<br /> � - �-'--::� �Ime Ix no�suf�cient lo pay the Escrow lienu wh�n dne,Lender nwy su no�ity Oarrower in wming,and,in such case Iiorrower •;� , -.
<br /> , � -•'� shall pay m Lender�he amount necrsc�ry �o make up�he defiri:ncy. Qorrower shall maV:r up�he de�cicncy in no more�han �, s �'ri::
<br /> � � � t;`'���' nvclve momhly paymems,et Lcnder's wle disttction. ' r_F _.�7''s'.-
<br /> Upon paymem in full u(all snnss sctured by �his Sccuriq Im�rwnenL Lendcr shall p�omp�ly refund �o �artow•cr any x����` „
<br /> I
<br /> ` ° •�' . �unds hetd by Lendea IG under p�mgraph 21. Lender shall acquirc ar scll�he Propeny. Lender, prim w�he acqulsHbn or sale , fy���z =
<br /> - -s��' � of lhe Pmpeny,shall npply any�unds helJ by Lender m the time of acquisi�ion nr cile ac a crnlit ngaim��he sumt setured by �- � � ; �'
<br /> � : r .,;:
<br /> ti � -- thisSecudtyh�suument. � ', . ,
<br /> ` _ �'_. J.Appllcalion of Pnymen�s.L'nlesc applicablc law provides o�hern�isc.:+ll pa�mem�rcc:ned by Lender under paraFraphs ? �t� `-` 1�
<br /> '' � 1 end 2 sh:�l be applied: fin�, to nm prepaymem charges dne under the No�c: +econ4 in amnuntc payable under paragraph 2. � i 3�4 . 4r=•.
<br /> �w-'� tl�IN.�a imcrcsi due:founh,�o principnl duc:and laci,ta any la�c charges duc undcr�he Nnm. �� i � �;�.� r�;-,;
<br /> - f- �"° 4.CIIA�Mi IJens.6nrrowcr shall p:ry oll ta�e�, asscssmcros.ch:�rgcs. finc.and im�wsitinns anribo�:�ble �o the Propcny '. � . ;-t;-' ' `�
<br /> - . , .i�:t,<. ..,._..l.i:a
<br /> which may auain primtly over this Securiiy Instrumem, and IauehnlJ paytnem�or Fround remc, if nny. Borrox�er s6a11 pay i-- ;a ;
<br /> � - thcsc obliga�ions in ihc m.nncr prorid.d in paragraph 2.ur if no�paid in that m.mncr. Uortmcrr shall pay�hem on timc.tirccUy = ..'r".-.;,.� -
<br /> r - w the person omed p:rymenl. Qormuer shall promplly furnitih lo I.ender all nnticex nf ammm�s tn be paid mxltr Ihis pa�agraph. } . ',-- � .
<br /> .�v _ = I([iarrower makes these paymcuta direclly.6urmscer>hall pmmplly funtish In LenJcr rcccipt.evidencing Ihe paymenu. �� s�;' .
<br /> - f3nrrmcer slull promp�ly Jiuharge any lien��hirh ha.prinriry�neer�hi>Sr:unq•In.lrument unle+.florrower.(a)ngrces in - � � .:.;
<br /> �.;`�. '� a�riling lo the paymem of�F.e obligatian secureJ hy�he lien in a manner accep�ahle m Lendrr.�bi comex�s in goad faith�he licn � ` . t�. '
<br />_'i.-r' a;.. : �::n'-. _ '.:::
<br /> :-:.n:;,;. by. or defend. agnins� .nfnrcen:rm nf�he lien in. Iegal pnke�ding. �ahich in Ihe l.e�xtrr'. npininn oper:ne In precrnt �he ��.�=j}i,:r�t;��
<br /> . .p,�+l .- enforecmem of tltt litn:nr(c)sc.urc�Gom Ihc holJer nf i6t licn:m agrccmenl.a�i.L�aon �„I..ndcr wMxJina�ing the hrn m - 1.�...,,��--�
<br />- lhis Sca�mr Imvun:.�v. IC I.cnd.r drlctminc.Ihal an�� pan af Ihc Prn�knr n.uhj.�.t w a hen ehiah may anain prioriq mcr - . �,'�{�
<br /> Ihis Securily Inatumcnt. Isndcr ma��givr Ikirtaecr a nu�iic fdcmfi�ing�hc ficn Bnrrowcnlull vu.f� �hr licn�,r I:�k.onc or . .. '
<br /> '•i�.
<br /> . ^ nxirc of Ihc aclinm att inrih abm�c wiihin IU Ja}.ahhr gi�ing al na�iac-
<br /> . ;.� ' ..�..
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