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<br /> 1P Lrnder�equ�red mort�e insunnae aa s condidon oP m�kln�tbe loan recurod by this 9xurity[n�trummt,
<br /> � 6orror+er�hall p�y the premiunu roquirod to maintain the in�unrux in eQ'ect until�uch time s�tbe requirement far the
<br /> ��' - inwrance t¢rminnta in accordaace with Borro�ver'a Rnd I.ender's aritten�grament or opplicable law. �_--_——,
<br /> .^ "'" " �. lasp�etio�. Lender or its�ent may rtuke r�awnabk entda upon uid in�pectioru of the Pmperty.Lender
<br /> ra
<br /> " ^^'�. �hsll{ive Borrower notice at the time of or prior to�itupection spodsyin�rasonable au:e for the impection.
<br /> '; ''� ' 9. Conde�uqwi. The proceed:of�ny awud or claim for dami�a,direct or cantequential,in connection wltb
<br /> - �;;:;,�.,,y��� any condemnation or other taking of any part ot'the Property�or for oonveyance in lieu of coadannation�ar+e hveby
<br /> _ ��,,r;�.f,�*,� �ui�ned�nd shdl be pdd to Lender. --
<br /> -...-.-- :;�„{,�,r , lo the event of a total taking of the Property.the praceedc�hall be�pplied to the:ums aecured by thia Sxurlty �
<br /> ^.� � Instrument,whether or not then due.with any escas paid to Horrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Pmperty, � ---
<br />- '���1�`�'�'�::� - unlas Barrower and Lende�otherwise cgrx in wddng,the sums xcured by thta Security Insltument shal!be reduced by �_.___ _ _
<br /> _=���;p,.,,; the amount of the procada multiplied by the folloalag fraction:(A)the total amount of the sums secured immadiatdy —
<br /> .r ���
<br /> Y"�' ' before the taking,divided by{b)the fi�r m�rket value of the Property immodi�tely before the takin�.Any balanca:h�ll be
<br /> _::::�. C�w,��..»'�,:
<br /> -� ,�...•� ...� paid to Bortower.
<br /> �•�• �. I f t he Property ia a ban don e d by B orroaer,or if,afkr notice b y Lender to Horrower that the condemnor offers to `_ _ _ -.__. _
<br />-M��' .�. °� make on awud or settle x claim for damoges.Borrower fails to respond to I.ender aithin 30 days After the date the notice i�
<br /> . .�"•�- . g ivcn,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at ite option,either to restontion or rep�ir of the Property or _ __ �_:__.
<br /> . ''`' to the�uma cecured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not thm dua R
<br /> ��,��, � Unlas Lender end Bonower othcrwise Agree in writing,any app�i�ation of proceeds to princip�l shall not exlend or
<br /> postpone the duc date oPthe montnly payments referred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of auch psymenu. �''•�
<br /> � 10. Borrower Not Rela� Forbearapce By Leader Not� Wdver. Estensian of the dme for payment or F -:�.�„�-
<br /> '� modi6cation of amortization oP the sums socured by this Socurity Instrument granted by Lender to any succasor in �'"°`
<br /> . ., intercst of Borcower:hall not operate to rclease the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interat. -
<br /> � Lender shall not be rcquired to commence proccedings against any successor in interest or refiise to extend time for �-
<br /> payment orotherwise madify amortization of the suma secured by thia Security Instrument by re�son of any demend made --
<br /> by t he original Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in eaerciring any right or remedy =
<br /> • shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. _
<br /> 11. Succasorr�nd As�i�Round;Joint and Several IJ�b1Uty;CoaiQners. The covenents and agraments of =_
<br /> - _ ' �° thi�Secnrity Instn�mrar Rhall bind and bene8t the successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower,subject to the provisions � —
<br /> of paregraph 17.Borcower's covenants and agraemenls shall be joint and aeveral.Any Horrower who co-sig�s this Security
<br /> • lnstrument but docs not execute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and wnvey � _�._
<br /> . �� � that Horrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligatod to pay _
<br />, the sums secured by this Security Instrument and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, _� ___
<br /> � • ° �� modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard co the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without
<br /> , � that Borrower'sconsent. �-=-—
<br /> �, ;- ,; 12. [.oAa ChuQe9. If the loan securaf by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum lonn ��,�A,;,;;�.;
<br /> �•� '� charges, and �hat law is 8nally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charga collecttd or to be collected in � z,d,.,�_—.__
<br /> � , � � connection with the loan eaceed the permittcd limits,thm:(a)any such loan charge shnll be reduced by the amount ���
<br /> . '� necessery to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded ,��,t��„Y.,�;;..
<br /> _ permitted limits will be refunded to Harrower. Lender may choose to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owed � �`.�.�,-�
<br /> �• � underthe Notcor by making a direcl paymcnt to Bbrrowcr.IPa rcfund reduces principal,the rcduction will be treated asa ��^M-�
<br /> • partial prepayment without any prcpayment cha�ge under the Note. ���'�� �
<br /> `�r. , 13. I.eQitlotlon ABecting I.ender's Rlght�. If enactment or expirution of applicabk laws has the effect of � .�'. '�.. ��
<br /> , rendering any provision of the Note or this Security lnstrument unenforceable accarding to us terms,Lender.at its aption, � ..
<br /> may require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by this Secunty Inslrument and mny invoke any remedies I
<br /> : permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exerciscs this option,Lender shAll take�he s�eps spccitieed in thcsecond paregraph of w:.},_�
<br /> . . paragraph l7. • '=�-=—
<br /> � y`'`Y'' 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thisSecurity Instrumenl shall be given by delivering il or by - .. .�''��';=:�-`._�
<br /> " mailing it by Brst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. 7'he notice shall be dirccted to the .
<br /> � ' Property Address or any olher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by .
<br /> . first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other addrcss Lender designntes by notice lo Bc�rrower,Any notice �
<br /> • , provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borroweror Lender when given as provided ; � �� �;
<br /> � ., „ ." in this paragraph. ' "
<br /> � ]5. Governing Iaw;Sever�bility. This Security In�trument shull be gaverned by federal law and the law uf the
<br /> " jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located.In the event thut any prov�sion or dause nf this Securiry Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affitit other provitiionx of this Ser,urity Instrument or the Note
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provi�ions of this Security Instrument�nd the `
<br /> Noteore declared tobe severable. F
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one cnnformrd copy of thc 1Ynie and of this Securily Instrument. ;
<br /> 1'I. Transfer of the Property or a HeneHcial Interest in Borrower. If all ��r any pur�of the Property or any ; .
<br /> interesl in it�s suld or t�ansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Snrrow•cr is,old or trantifrrrrd and Borrower is not a natural
<br /> � person)wnhout Lender'�pr�or wniten con�ent, Lender may.at U�optwn, reyuve immed�ate p•ryment in fuU of all sums
<br /> secured by this Secunty Imtrument. However, this opuan shull noi be cxcrc�xed hy Lender if eaercise ia prohibitcd by
<br /> federnl luw as of the date of th�s Security Insl rument. '
<br /> If Lender exrrcises this opuon,Lender shall give Bormwrr noucr��f accelerat�on.Thc ncnice tihall prnaide a�►eriad
<br /> • ol'nat less thun 30 dayti from the dAte the nonce i�Jelivered ur mailed wuhin w•h�ch Hurrowrr mu�t pay all tiums secured by
<br /> .L. ._J t _..J_�� ..L_..
<br /> � —�"" "'- . 1015 JCCUIIf}'IO�I�UItICOI.II dOffOR'B�ISIIS lo r:1y I(ICtiC+Ulll��n iv�ia�iiic cnj�iidiia���:i�.�u.,jdTia•...a.�uu�� ��.uj iu�..�...uj
<br /> � remedie�permitted by this 5ecunry Instrument without furthcr n��ucc ur demand on 13ormw•cr.
<br /> F 18.Borrower's Riqht to Reinstate. If Borrnwer meets�crtain rondiuon�,Nc�rruwer�hall h•r�•c the right �n have
<br /> � enl'orcemcm of this Security Instrument disrantinued at sny nme pru>r t��the carher��f:(a)S duy�(��r�uch other pericx�a�
<br /> ' applicable luw•may�pecify for reinuatemenU before sale of thr Prc�prrty purwim�tu any Ex�wcr of xale ron�.uncd m thiy
<br /> � Security In,trumenh or(M)entry uf a judgmenl enforcmg 1{ii�Seruruy In�trum_nt. l'huse condmans an thrt Hcttrower:
<br /> (a) pays Lender s�ll sums which then would br due under thie tiecurny In,trument and thc hule had nu acreleration
<br /> occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covrnant� or agreemcnt�: Ic) pay�ti ull expenxs mcurred m rnforrmg this
<br /> Serurity Instrument,inrlud�ng,but not limited �o. rea.cmable auorncy± fees;3nJ (d)takes+uch �cuun uti Lender may
<br /> re�sunably require t��assure that the hen of th�s Sccur�ty Imtrument, Lender'ti righu�n the Property anJ Harrower's
<br /> , obligation lo pay the sums secured by Ihis ScK:urity Inctrument shall ront�nuc uncFtanged. Upon rcinstulement bv
<br /> Borrower,this Security Instrument and the obligations xecured hereby shall remam fully eflective as if no arcrleration had
<br /> � occurre�.However,this nght to rcinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleranon under paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> � __- __--_ -_ _ _ ---
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