� _..�.G.,..�_ _ .' .-_.•--.•—•--.•-� -�_ ��� � _�,.�' i - '. �.. __ .
<br /> p}ymenls mfy no longer be requtred,pt�he oqlon ot LenAer,lf nwry{�ae tnsuruKe coYSnBe ll9 the wiaount�for tha pp
<br /> thM t.eMer rcqulrca)Providg�DY pn insurer�ppro�'�d by l.ender'��in bqcome�Qv�fl�lta ud i�pb.p�ncd,Hortowor:rhdS , .
<br /> the premiums required to m�IqJain.nwq;�o Inweancd In effab or to provide u loss�roservo,umil Uw requlkmeru tor�np,q���;
<br /> inw►�nce end�In ocmrdane�ivt�h w�y wdtten aaranxnt ixtwan Borrower ond 1.ender or eppllcabie law. . •
<br /> 9.IMpettlon.[.ender ot lu agent may make rcuonabla emrira upon artd Inspectlons o4�Ao Propeny, LeMer sh�ll qf�'b
<br /> 8orrower notice u tho�ime of or pdox ta An Iropectlan spaifying reasuiublo c�uso fm�he Inspatlon. `
<br /> 10.Condemn�t�on. Tho prott�edt oP any nwud or cioim for d�nugee, dlrcct or rnnsequrnUat, In eonnutlon wiih�qy
<br /> cqpQemn�Non or aher�aking ol ony psn of Ihe Propeny,or for mnveyu�co In Ileu of condenvutlpn.are hercby►ssijned Mfd
<br /> c1,5)JI be p�id ro Lender. •
<br /> � Tn tia event of a mtal�al{Ing ot the Ptopcny,tho pracMe sM1nli bc epplicd to eho sum�sxurcd by tNe Security Instmment, '
<br /> v�txtlier or not ihcn dua, wi�h my excess pald tq Bortower. In tlw evrnt of a panlal �aktng ot tta iMoputy in whkh ihtl Glt
<br /> mukct valuo of the Propeny IinK+�d63cely before!he�aking is equal to or grcatcr Oun the unwun�of tho sums suurc0 by�Ns
<br /> $ocutity Inslrunxnt Inmudl�G:ty be(oze�leUog,unlas 8orrower end Lcnder aherwiso egrce In writing,�he aumr saurcd by . -
<br /> this Sccudty IntuumcN sMll A:tcdaced by Uie enwuat of tl:c procc�da multtpfltd Dy thc following Ractioa: (�)Ihe toW
<br /> amuum oi�he wms scc�ucd imrur.di3tely Fsfom tha teting.divided by(b)the fil�mvku value of�he Propttty�awxdlatdy
<br /> - - - ' 6eton tha taking. Any balsnce sh�l.l A:patd to Borrower. In the event of a panial tilcing ot Ihe Propeny in which lM fwU
<br /> .__— markc�value ot the Propr.ny imnwdiacely before the taking is Icss than tho enwum of the suma secured ImmMixtdy betore the
<br />�—_= tu�tng,unless Bortowcr and Lender olhcrwtte ogree in wriUng or unles.t eppliwDlt law othtrwiu provtdcs,the prowrds shzll
<br />-_-°— W oppited ro�ho sume secured by ehis Security Iashunxnt whttlier or na the sunu are then due. -
<br /> `-=`��-�� It tho Propeny b ebandoncd 6y Bortovmr,o�if,aRu notkc by Lender to 8orrower�hat the condemnor offua eo make an
<br />_;.�,;->� nward or settto a ctefm Por danugea, Borro»•w fails ro cupord to l.ender witliln 30 daye aRer�ho dale tTw notice b given,
<br /> -� l.e�er Is eulhnflud�o collea nnd e}y�2y iG.pcuceed�.at its option,either to restomUon or repalr of the Propetty ot to tAe sums _
<br /> :Y�::-:-
<br />'--ti�..,:,�:.; ucured by Ihls Secud�y Iiultumen�,vrh;�her o�not then due.
<br />;;rsi�-„e Unless I.ender end Bortower othenvise agrce in wrlUng, eny applimqon of pcoceeds ro pdncipal stull not ex�end or
<br /> :'�1; ,�..�,
<br />--� s':;�� • st ne the due date of the momhl a�rc.uus rcferzed�o in ara ra hs I e��d 2 or c e the emount ot such a m:nts.
<br /> ,rr„e W Po Y P 5 P 8 P ��S P Y
<br /> -���;'�;•� 11,Borrower Not Relcased;Farbcarcxc By Lcnder Nol u Waleer.Batenslon of�hc time(or payment or nwdiflwUon
<br />�";?`�i;;:.i of emaniza�ian of the sums secured by i�is Security Ins�mmem grented by Lerdzr to arry suaessor in interes�of Dorrowu shalt
<br /> `�•�4���� not opemte ta rclease Ihc Uab{Ifry of the odginal Oortower or[iorrower's suct+essors in intcrcst. Lender shall not bo tequlrod to
<br />'"��"�'!�� mmmenea pro�redings ageinst eny sucocssor in interes�or refuse w extcnd time!or paymem or othcrwiu modify emottizallon
<br />:_::Y���ji�:-�•i
<br /> of the sums secured by this Securily Incttument by reazun of any demaM m�de by Ihe original Dortowet or [iortowePe
<br /> "'x`;;�"t;' wccesso�s in imemst. An forbearnnce b Lender in exercisin an ri h�or rcmed shall not be e walver of or redude tho
<br /> , � Y Y B Y 8 Y P
<br /> ���� ezcrciso of nny rigB�or rcnwdy.
<br /> + i�r
<br /> � lt_ 11. 8ucnssore ond Assignv Dound; Joln! ¢nd Sererel I.IabllitY� Co-sIRM+B. The covenan4s end agreGnCNS of lhll _ _
<br />�-=��y;frn:-..
<br /> e:;,ti„�,.� Secudty Inswmem shall bind and bcnclit U�c suorcasnia and ossigns of Lender nnd Bortower, subJect to �he provisions of
<br /> "'-'�`�: pvograph 17. Bovo�rer'a rnvenants oncl egreenunts shall W Joim and xreraL Any fiortox•er tvho casigns �his Securiiy
<br />��`�;i11>:�� lnstmncent but does not exttule�ho No�c: (a) is co-signing�his Saumy Inswmem onty w mortgaga gram end conrey that
<br />�,_.),,.,;..;
<br />'='s�t!:�%�f;` �orrowcr's imcrest in the Propeny under ihe cenns of�hfs Securiiy Instmment; @)is not personally obligatcd ro pay the Funu
<br />�-�.ii:��i�� secured by this Security Inswmene xnd(c)xgrees tha�Lender md nny atLer Iiorro�rer may egrce�o extend,modify,forbrar or =--
<br />�•�=���n.�; makc nny attnmmoda�ions wilh regard m�hc�crms oRhis Securiry Ins�mnxnl ar�he Notc�rithw��hal➢orro��vr's mrtscnl. -�-
<br /> �e��.. 13. I.oan Cherges. It ihc loan securcJ by�hiz Securi�y Inswmzm Is suhJcet�o a law whieh sGS nuximum loan charges, � -:-:
<br /> _:�l`,,�.- , nnd �ha�law is Onaily in�erprc�ed so th�t�he in�eresi or uther ban charges mllected or ro 6e colluned in ennnection�viih the ':'- .
<br /> � � lam exeeeJ �he permiued limi�s,�hen: (e)nn�•such loan d�arge shall M«duced by�he anwunt nenssary m rcdum Ihe chnrge �'-��" -
<br /> '> � �'i m the permiued limir,and(b)any sunn nln�dy rnllec�eJ Gnm Ifnrroner�rhich exce�dcd permiued Iimits will 6e re(unJal m � - _
<br /> " Ilorro�vcr. Lcndcr m3y chnnxc to mak¢ �his rcfund 6y rnlucing ihc principal o��vcl wdcr ihe No�c ar by mnking n Jlrat ��-���'_.�
<br /> �� �,� paymem �o Oorroe•er. If n refund reduaes principal. �hc rcJuction a�ill tw uea�ed as n panial prcpaymem wilhou� nny �'- `� '�i-���
<br /> � .,
<br /> ' ' - prcpaymem chargc undcr ihe Nrne. �} 'j �
<br /> ,il" _
<br /> ' ,1�L i. 14.Nutices.Any no�ice�a Iiarro�cer proriJcd for in�his Sccuri�y Inxwmcnt shall be given by deliredng it or by nuiling r'; i :
<br /> .pili j�� finl class mail anle�a a hc�hlr Imv n nire�uce nf anniher me�hnl The nmivr shAll hr direnrA �n�he Pro n Add�us -�:�:��
<br /> „�, �, r rr� • � x r , -..,
<br /> or nny other address 6nrroo�er decignales hy nolice �n LenJer. Any m�iice �o I.ender shall lu @iven by first clzss mail ro
<br /> - "� -'-'� Lcndcr's address sia�d hemin or nny uthcr:iJJresx LcnAer Jc.igna�e.6y no�icc lo [3orro�cce Any no�ia providcd for in this
<br /> ,,�-� -:i' Seeurity Ins�nmiem�hall Ix deemed w have been given m Dorro�rer nr I.ender�chen gicen ac prnriJttf in ihis parngraph. �_�.._
<br /> I5.Governln� I,o��; Se�rmhilil��. This Saumy In.trum.m �hall hc gnrcrncJ h� fcder.d law nnd thc I:nv uf�hc ; y>�?.
<br />. jurisdiaion in�ehich the Prnpen�� i. 4k:neJ. In �he evenl iha� airy� pmri.iun nr daux n(�his Seariiy Inxuumem ur ihe Nme _
<br /> mn0icis wi�h appiicahlc lan,wrh mn0icl aLall nnl:dfcci ni6cr prnrixinn�of d�i.tircuri�y 6ntmmcm ar�hc No�c x�hich can bc �-
<br />..` given effeel �silhaul Ihe canllic�ing prmi.inn.Tu Ihi.end Iht procisi�+n�n(Ihi+tic.uriiy In.vument:mJ Ihe Nole arc dech�rcd .
<br /> to bc xvcrahle. ;:�•r.�,.'_'_�.
<br /> . �6.Oorrooer's Cnpp.Borrmacr.6al1 bc gircn onc canG�rm.J ropy nl Ihc Km.anJ�,f�hi�Sc�urit� In.wmcm. - �r:
<br /> --�-;;,� . ..
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