, �j .,_.._ _ .
<br /> 1 l. � � . . . . ---..-� . -'. . -� � .:. .�
<br /> - ._- ..s . _ '/ � �. -. _ ___ -��-�
<br /> _ �k.
<br /> . ' . . . __ - _.--_ . ._.til �, .. .-
<br /> 1���' . . -1 .
<br /> T0C18TNltR WtTH ell the In�prdvtmente now ot Ixraftpr 4��on the propeny,�nd�II acemeryt , 1 lnd'
<br /> fixlurc3 now or huu4er r p�n ot the Qropeny. All rfpi�cemenu �nd iidAiNani�h�11 �w be coverKt���$ecuil�y._ _ �-
<br /> 1�t5tmmeqt.All of the forcgol�$IS nRrred to in ihi�Saurlty Instmment u�ho'Propeny.' : , ' • , �', :
<br /> [iOAROWHH COVBNANTS thrt Bortox•ar Is liwfully wised oP tM est�)e�etcby mnvcytd and h��tha rlgAt to"grEM wM ' .
<br /> convey tho Property ud th�l Ilq Propeny b unencumbered,exttpt for encum6ra�wra ot raord. Borrower wur�nu ond wi11
<br /> detend generplly(he�itle lo�tio Property agdnst ul doinu�n4 dtmande,subJect to sny tncun�bronces of record�
<br /> TfitS SLCURYfY INSTRUA1IiNT combina unifomt wverenu for natlanil uso and non•uniPom�covemntf witfi Ilmlttd '
<br /> vulatione by Jurisdic�lcn to tansli�u�a a unifomi securiiy tnslnmxnl covering ral propeny. '
<br /> IINIFORM COVRNAN7'9,Iiorcower uxl Lendet covenant anel egrta u folloWe: ,
<br /> - �-- � l. Pay7nent of Prhulpol and Interesl: Prxpaymcnt and l.atc Cluirga. Onrro�ecr shsll promFtly psy when due the �--=_-.- ___
<br /> principal of end�mercs�on the detl evidenad by tho Noto end xny prep�ymem and�ate ch�rgw duo unJer�ho NMe�
<br /> 2� FLnds tor Taxes ond Insur�nee.SubJcc��o epplicablo law or to a wriRen wnivcr by Lender, Borrowcr she11 p�y to
<br /> --��= Lender on�he day momhiy paynknu uro duo undw tho Noro,untll t6o No�a Is paid in fuil,u sum('�unde')for.(e)ycady teza
<br /> ---= and asseawxnts whlch may auain pdodry avcr thb Sttvri�y[nswnu:nt w e Ilen on tho Propcny:@)ywdy Iwxhold p�ynxMa
<br /> --��:c�. or grounQ rcoxs on the Propeny,if any:(c)ycady hamrd o�pmpeny Insuance prcmiunu:(d)yearly Ilood insuranea prcmluml,
<br /> - ------ fEany;(e)yeuty nwn3agc Insurana:prcmiunu,if any:a�(�any wu�s ryryaAfe by Doaou•cr to Lcnder,In tcoordona wtih
<br />-1"—""�� tRe provisiaux of pan�aph 8,in Iitu of�ho payrtxtnt vf uwnQage iusurance pnmtums.These iiem�orc e517ed'Escrow Items.'
<br />�tx - ;Z Lerder m�y,w any du�e,co11eG and hold Funds In an emoum nat w exceed tGe maxlmum amount n[ender fur a fedtrelly
<br /> : `-s�-��=•�- nlated nwngage toan may requirc(or BnrtuweYn escrow accaunt unrkr�he fed:tal Real L�stato Seltlem�ne Proeed�ire!Ac1 oi
<br /> �'�"."ae� 197a m rnxnded from tima to 11me, 12 U.S.C.SccUon 2601 er req.('Rt3SPA'), unlrss eno�her law that epplip to thc�unds
<br /> -��,';'' 'Y� sets a Iesur amoum. If so. Lender may, ai any�irtw,mltea and hold Fund�in an emoum not eo excced�he tesser anwunt.
<br />���� �'�,`� Lender n
<br /> � . uy eshmata the e�nount of Punds due on UK basis of curreat daia¢nd rcasonabic estimata of exptrdit�res ot futuro
<br /> - Fscmw Items or ahenrise in attnrdance whh epplicabte law. `-'°-` -' -
<br />_ ,='-�;-s--;�-,i� 'ihe Funds shall Cc held In an instiwtlon whose dcposits are i�uurcd 6y a kder�l agency, instrumentaliry, or entiry
<br />� ',:?;;��?-_�;� ;; (including Lerder,if Lerder is such en insilwtlan)or in any Federal tiome Loan Bank.Lender st�all npply Iho Nnds to pay the
<br /> �'�`�-��'�_' Escrow Itertu. LeMer nua aot c6ar e llortower for holdin nnd e I in �he Punds,annuall enal m Uie ucrow a000unt,or
<br /> !-'- ,:. ,�..-.. Y 8 8 PP Y 8 Y Yz 8
<br />�;__�+.7•��;='rr9n� verifying�he Cscm�v Items,�mless Lendcr pays Borrower imerest on the Nnds end agplicable law pemihs Lender to make such _._ .____
<br />- -:^5'- e charge. However, Lender may rcquire[tortower�o pay a one•�ime charge far en irdependem real eslate tac reporting service
<br /> -`;i used by Lender im m�nection with �his loan, unless epplicable law pmvlAe� o[Aenvix. Unlese en egrumm�t Is mado or
<br /> � epplicabic law rcquires Intercst�o be pald,I.ender shall not bc requVrcd to pay Borrox•�r nny intcrest or caminge on lhe Nnd�.
<br />� � " Oorto�ver nnd LenAer may egrce fn wriQng, ho�revcr,that intenst shall bc paid on the Funds. Lcnder shall give lo Dorrower,
<br /> .;t-:,,; _� . �vi�hout charge, an nnnual ecrnunifng of�he Funds, sho�ving credits end debitx!o �he Funda end Ihe pwpost Por whleM1 wch
<br /> -5��Y debil lo�he Funds was nnda The�unds ere pledgM ns addiQonal security for ell sums secured by this Scarrx�-instmmenl.
<br /> s '. ..;:�. .
<br /> , � ,.�- ii�nc r'undc neid'oy Lender exceed ihe nmounts pertnined�o oe ocid by applicaole law,i.ender shnii n:caum ro Hormwer `� " - '��" �-"
<br /> � .`�;��;•t for ihe excess Punds in attordanm with�he requiremen�s of applicabfe law. If ihe enrount of�he Fun;l+he13 by Lender et aa7r
<br /> °-!��-' ` lime ie na mfficiem lo�y ihe Cscron Items when dne,Lender may so nolify Oorwtver In wriliug,and,In sech case Uartotrcr
<br /> shall pay ia Lender thc nmannt necessary�o make up�he deficiency. 6orrower sh,ill make up the deficlenry in no mare�lien
<br /> n�elvc momhly paymems,at Lendcr's sole discretion. _
<br /> Upon psrymtn� in full of all sums saurcd by �his Se.urity Instrument, I.endcr shell promptly rcNnd ro Dorrower nny -
<br />_-" �unAs held by Lender.If,under paregmph 21, Lender shall ecquire or ull�he Pmpeny,Lender, prior to�he acqulsi�lon or sale :*+---�--
<br />'V � - of�he Prop.ny,shall�ppiy m�y f'v�ds hcld by Lendcr at the time of acquisil(on or sale:u a crcdil againsl�he sums securcd by [ � - 'n"�--
<br /> � . thisSett�rip�lnmunteni. �..';^�`^.
<br /> [;."''-
<br /> 1.Appllcallon af Pnymcn�s.Unles.applicablc law prorides o�hernisc,nll payments received 6y Le�dcr undcr paregrephs -? � ____—
<br /> I nnA 7 shall tx npplicJ: first, m any prep:rymem chnrg¢s Jne ur.der�he Note;second,m mnounts payable under paragmph 2; �` '� �
<br /> ;.�y�
<br /> �� �hi�d,�n imeres�due:founh, io princip;d duc:und Insi,m an��ta�c charges Auc under ihe Noee. --
<br /> . _ 4. Chm•Fes; I.Iens. Oorro�rer shall p;ry :dl�axes.a+scsintrms, chargc+, fines anJ im�asilions attri6ulable lo the Property ,.`_,_'.�.L,��-r�
<br /> � _ a�Lioh m�q m�nin priority m•cr ihic Sccurity Iroinunent, nnJ leaukiild paym.ms or Fround rents, if miy. Qorrower shall pay '-�> -.
<br /> � - Ihe.+t uhli alinnx in lhe mannrr roriJcd in �ra ra>h 2.��r if no1 �iJ in iha!ncmncr.Borro�ecr.hail n U�cm on timc dircctl �'��„`�'
<br /> B P P' F I P• P Y Y ';°-r�-.-`�.•:..___—_.
<br /> - - . ` m�he persnn o��•eJ{uynum. i3orrourr.h:dl pramptlq(urnish tn I.end.r all no�ic.a ni ainoum.�o Ix paid unJcr this pamgmph. - y,-t � -
<br />