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'�� _. ��_ -�- -�k"� _ <br /> -- - ' . .:-�•::�.drA, i T119��'ry�.. • . N�.:'`t' <br /> _ - . -_.�--_. <br /> . <br /> i — - — -- -- <br /> - � , � <br /> �'�•� . <br /> =�.�,� " - gl._ lUS3��� - <br /> ='•�i applicable law may specify for reinstatcment)bcfore sale of the Propeny pursuent to any pnwer of sale cantalned in thiA <br /> ° Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditfone arc that Bortower. (a) <br /> �"'�'� paya Lcnder all syms which then would be due undcr this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleradon had <br /> occtured;{b)ctues suiy default of sny otlter r�venanta or agreementa;(cl pwys all expenses Incurtai in enforcinpt this Secudty _ <br /> �: F Instrununt.including,but not limited to, reasonable aaomeys'fees; und(d) tukes such action cis L.ender may ncasonabiy <br /> ,� require lo assurc that the licn of this Security[nswment,Lenderh righls in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the <br /> xums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstalement by Bortower, this Secudty <br /> •:� Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effecUve as if no acceleration hsd accumed. However,this <br /> = '' rlght to reinstete ahall not apply in the caxe of accelerallon under paregraph 17. � <br /> -����r �•i •`.�` 19. 3Ale of Note; Chxnge of Lo�n Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in thc Notc(together with this Secudty _ <br /> �'��'.•`' Inswment)may be sold one or more timos without prfor nodce to Borrower. A sale may �esult in a change in the endty <br /> __-__'V;.•"...;: <br /> _ t �.,w <br /> '..1.�.�!� . (knawn as tho"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insin�mant. There also - <br /> �—""° ""`r may be ona or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrolated to a sale of the Note. If there ie a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> �'���-�j��;pF� Barrower will be givPn written natice af the change in nccordance witb paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice <br /> ---�"�?�:;�-.t. will atate the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the addresR to wbich payments should be made. The notice wilt <br /> _.__� ?�?m?*?�- '° ����i also conlain any other informalion required by applicable law. <br /> -�:��&^���•�;.., 2�. HAZardous Substances. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.siorage.or releuse of any c <br /> D ' Hawrdaua Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do,nor allow Anyone el3e to do,unything affectin�ihe <br /> c ���^'• "� Pru that is in vlolation of an Environmental Law. The recedin two senlences shall not a I to the resence,use,or <br /> �� penY Y P � PP Y P — <br /> A��� slornge on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that Are generally recognized to be appropdate to normai <br /> -- ��''��" residential uses and t�maintenance of tha Property. —_ <br /> `-_"%�� .�.R•� �� Bunower shall promptly give Lender written natice uf any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or othe�action by any �_ <br /> ��--�=�.k":� , ovemmental or re ulato a enc or riva�e an involvin the Pro rt and an Huxardous Substance or Emironmental <br /> �;:��, . � B rY S Y p P Y � Pe Y Y <br />` ----- - - �- =' Law of which Borrawer has uctual knowlcdge. If Borrowcr Icams, or is notificd by nny govemmental or regulatory <br />-� {,. --- <br /> -_-- ,,� � authority, thut any removal or other remediation af any Huznrdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Bonower =- <br /> �_`�?��, � , • sh�ll promptly tnke all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. — <br /> _�, 'y,,;� ' ° As used in Ihis paragraph 20,"Haznrdaus Substances"ure those substunces defined as toxic or haznrdous subs�ancas by <br /> � ,, �,; �nvironmental Law and the following substances: gusuline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic — <br />_ - ." � pes�icides nnd herbicides,volatile solvents, materinls containing asbestos or famaldehyde, nnd rudiouctive materfals. As _ <br />- ` �"k used in this paragrap6 20,"Environmental Law"means federul laws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated — <br /> ��"" "•`�� ° • �hut relute to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> i:��'•• '�' ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant nnd agree as folbws: —= <br /> ' ,''�•' � 21. Acceleratiop; Remedies. Lender shall give notke!o Borrawer prior to acceleratioa Polbwing Borrower's = <br /> ``�"'y ' • o � breach o�any covenpnt or agreement in this Securtty Inslrument(but not prior to accelerAtion under ps�ragreph 17 __ <br /> ;�.,",� ' y,�;...:•:* • unless oppNcable law provides otherwise). 'The notice shall specify: (a)the deiault;lb)the action required to cure the <br /> ,.�',, ,_. ,� _ deiAUlt:(c)p dpte,not less than 30 days Prom the dete the natice ie siven to Borrower. by which Ihe defautt must be <br />°. . �"' cured;And Id)that fqiiure to cure the deiauit on or beiore ii�e date opeciiie�l in t6e noiice moy resuii in accekraiiuu uP <br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale oP the Property. The notice shaU furtfier inform Borrower oP �� <br /> � � the right to�etnstate a�ter accelerAtion and the right to bring a court actlon to assen the non-existence of a default or � <br /> - • any otNer dePense of Barrower to acceleration and sale. If the default Is not cured on or bePore the dete gpecified in � <br /> � t�� tbe notke,I.ender at its oplion may require immediate payment in fu0 of all sums secured by this Securily Instrument - <br /> ' " � without i'urther demand and may imoke the power of sale and any other remedies permilled by applicable lew ��,-, <br /> �� � Lender s8ali be enlitl�i iu cultect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph EI. <br /> • �n.- including.but aot limited to.reasonable attorneys'Pees and costs of title evidence. __ <br /> • • IP the power oP sale is invoked.7Yustee sh�ll record a nutice of default in each county in whkh any part of the <br />. - �...,�ti • Properly is loc�ted and shell mnH copies uf such notice fn the manner prescribed by applicable law lo Borrower and to �° <br /> � , lhe other persuns prescribed by applicable law APter the time required by applicable law,'IYuslee shall give public "` <br /> �'�''` notice ot snle to the persons und in the manner prescribed by appl(cable law. 'IFustee,without demand 4n Borrower. � <br /> � � , ghall sell the Property at public auction to t6e hiRhegt bidder at the time and place and under the lerms designated in �- <br /> � 4.�� � the notke oP isnnle in one or more purcels and in any order'11�ustec determines. 7Fustee may postpuqe vale uP all ur any <br />. ;<, prn�el oP Ihe Pruperty by public announcement�t Ihe time And plwce nf�ny previously scheduled sale. Lender ur its °" <br /> � o ��" � de�iRnee moy perchase the Property rt any sale. � <br /> � Upon receipt ot peyment oP Ihe prke bid,'Irustee shall deliver to the purchuser 'Irusfee's deed conveyinR the <br /> ��'.� 1'roperlv '1'he recit�is in the'IYustce's deed shall be prima fucie e�•idence of the truth of Ihe statementg made therein. �-. <br /> ' 'Y '� . 7Yuxtee xhnll apply the pruceeds uP the gak in the Pdlowing order: lu!to all costs s�nd expenses oF exercising the power " h <br /> , 1�: <br /> �. - ' G...]' <br /> . - ° . -n`��. <br /> .. .; U V <br /> � <br /> .. ►iKm i021S 91911 �pd.¢�,t n%n�w�gr�1 � <br /> �. <br /> � 4 � <br /> ., � <br /> � . ' ) <br /> , <br /> . � �- <br />