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<br /> _ �;��. 12. Saccec�ora and Ascf� Boundi Jolat pnd 3everal[.iAbllity; CaSi�. Thc coveiwntc and ngroenunts oP thin - �_
<br /> �;;;t�a Secudty Instrument shall bind and benetit the succesxora and assign�of Leoder uid Bprrower. rubjoct to the proviriona af
<br /> � paragrnph 9.b. Borrowcr's covenantr and agrament� sF�ll be joint w�d several. Any Borrower who co-dQno thic Security
<br /> ._��. Instrament but does no�execu�e�he No�e: l+�) is co-aigning this Socurity lnsirumeni uniy iu �iM�igag:..graai and cam�t�; tha! �
<br /> ".r Borrawer'�interest in the Properry under the terms af thie Secu�ity In�trument:(b)ix not penROnully obligatod to pry thc sums
<br /> cecured by this Sccurity Instrument;and(c)agrees that L.cnder ond any other Horrowcr may agrce to extend,madiPy,forbear ar
<br /> � � malce any accomnwdAtions with re�ard to d�e terms of this Sexurlty Instrument or the Note withaut thAt Hornower's con�ent.
<br /> .�;'��� �_
<br /> - 13.Noticea.Any notice to Borrower provided for in thia Secudty Inatrument shall be given by dclivering it or by mailing
<br /> f�;,�`:� it by firat cla�.c mail unless upplicable law requires u�e of anather method.The notice shail be directed ro the Property Addresa
<br /> � or any other addresa Borrowcr designates by notice to Lender. Any noticc to Lender shali be given by first class muil to
<br /> ---����s� Lender's address statod heoein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice p�avided for in this Securiry
<br /> .,,�,;,��.,;-- — Instmment shall be deEmed to have beEn given to Borrowcr or Ixnder when given as pravided in thia para�reph.
<br /> --y` it��.
<br /> __�=���.�`'�' 14. Governing I.aw; Seveta6Nity. This Secu�ity Instrument shall be governed by federel law and the law of thc
<br /> ;, •�tJ,`,- }urisdictfon in which the Property is lacuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inatniment or the Note
<br /> — --- _�;�y='_"� conflicts with applicnble faw, such canflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> '.�,`Qc..LL.r .
<br /> y-- given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end the provisiana of this Security Instniment and the Nate are declared
<br /> � �,�..:_ -
<br />--- _--_.�=:.:JSV.�; ' (O bC liCVC17lI7IC. " _
<br /> �..�.��_r:.•,
<br /> �- r,�vs�i` =-�-�•- 15.Burruwer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confom�ed copy of this Security Instrument. _
<br /> . .�,-.-�-.
<br /> � -�-_..:::�.ri4ir:y.� . _.
<br /> "�"�• •.'.'a: 16. Assignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to l.ender All the rents and revenues of the
<br />-�-�A` •�•'. Property. Bonnwer authorizes Lender or L.ender's Agents to collect the rents ard revenues and hcrcby directs each tenant of the __
<br /> ��'o-. Propeny to pay the rents to Ixnder or Lender's agents. Howevcr. priar to l.ender's notice to Borcower af Borrower's breach of
<br /> .:`�E', z
<br /> •'���';, � ' any covenant ar ngreement in the Securiry Instrument, Borrawer shall collect and receive all rents und revenues of the Praperty —
<br /> - "�� ` `• � as truatee for the benefit of L.ender und Barrower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an
<br /> =�;.��.� '
<br /> — �;�st�+ assignmen[for additional security only.
<br /> - ;•aa,�..�• „•�,< �
<br /> ��'� Y•�,f,.,;,,�. � If L.ender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (e) all rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bonower as trustee for
<br /> ';rJf. 1�� ' benefit of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Securiry Instrument; (b)Lender shull be entitled to callect and =
<br /> ��-= rcccivc al! af thc rcnts of thc Pra K .u�d (c)e:�ch ten�tt of the Pro rt sha!! a e�!! rents due and un id to Leader or
<br /> _ - ,�,:: ;.._- i� Y� ' Re Y P Y �
<br />: - . �,�c�rrr:, Lender's agent on L.ende�s written demunci to the[enent. �
<br /> ��`r:>�� ;'�'.: _
<br /> - �-�R • Borrower has not ext:cuted uny prior u.stignment of the rents and has not and will not perform uny act thet would prevent _
<br />- ':��•� "' .. � Lender from exercising its rights under this paragraph 16.
<br /> ' }`� -
<br /> ' �a .
<br /> -�''"���'.° ' ' Lender shull not be required to enter upnn,take control of or maintain the Propeny before or ufter giving notice�f brcach �`i
<br /> __<._� r u. --
<br /> ' • •�� "' to Borrower. Hc►wever, l.ender or u judiciully appointed receiver muy do so nt any lime there is a breach. Any applicntion of
<br />'���t�{ • �'�y�"• ' '"tr rents shall not cure or waivc nny defuult or invalidate s�ny �►Ilx:r right or remedy of L.ender. This assignment af rents of the �.
<br /> �.... •.• �� . W.
<br /> f;�t -,..g, Prapeny shall terminu�e when the debt secured by the Security Inctrument is paid in full. __
<br /> �F�''°" `� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &irrowcr anJ LcnJcr further cavenunt and ugree us Fiilluws: �`
<br /> _ ?"'�"'V ' 17.Foreclosure Prcrcedurc.If Lender requires fmmcdiate payment in full under puragruph 9. l.ender may invoke the
<br /> '"0''� � power Qf saie and any othcr remcdi�.� permitted by upplicable law. I.ender shull I►e cntitled to collect all expenses
<br /> __ _ -�`�� V . incurred in pursuin�the remedies under this parugraph 17,including,but nnt limited to,reasonoble attorneys' fees t�nd �"
<br /> - � �n'.. . costs of title evidence. ----
<br /> . .. . � _�
<br /> _ � ': If the pnwer of sale is invoked. Trustee shall record u notice of deiault in each caunty in which any part of the ?-�
<br /> � , Property is lacrated and shull mail cupies of such notice in the manner pr�+cribed by applicable IAw to Borrnwer and to �•_�` '
<br /> -- � ..' � . � . the other pertions pr�cribed by applfcuble law. After the time required by appllcable law�.Truxtce shall�ive public notice �-
<br /> "•i. �.' of sole to the pe�ons and fn thc manner prescritx�d by applicablc la��•.'Trutitec. without dem�nd on &�rrnwer, xhall hell --'�
<br /> �� ,. � �
<br /> � the Property�t public auction to the hiRhest bidder ut thc Ume und plure and undrr the tcrms deslanated in the notice of �
<br /> ,, � : !�ale in one or nwre pnrrels and in uny ordcr Truster determine�. Trust��mu�� po,tpone sale uP ull or any parcel oP the
<br />_ • ` � Pruperty by publlc annuuncement at the time ond place of any prevluusly scheduk�d yule. I.ender or its designee may �
<br /> , purchase the Property at�ny sole. �`"
<br /> � .
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