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. u " " <br /> . .'' r'.� . — —_ _;,.. .., :-_ i � -_ . _ —.— _.. .. _ <br /> � -� wi . . . . . _ . -.�.... ._.:,t` _-°_.�. _ _. <br /> �_ � 9g. � <br /> ��� <br /> " 17�7Y�roler of llwp�pptr(y or�8teefkl�l InttnN Ie Hortoxer.IP a11 or anyp�t o/tlio propeny or�ny Intercit ln l� �. �• ' <br /> +�wld m tr�nsforrcd(or if a bc� neRolal imual ln Bortoxror i�snid or 1rmsRrted u�d ll6tiovra fi nol�rwlur�l peran)wlihat <br /> tRMti'a:prlor wrhum m�un�, lRnd�r nuyi �� lu optlon rcquhe Immcdi�m�xymem In full of all sunu�aura0 by �hir <br /> i . Socud�y O�.ammem,However,�hl�oq on cha 1 not bo exorcised by La�der If cxerciso b pro61DItM by fcdsrol I�w a�of�ho dilo <br /> oF Ihii Secudty 1nalNnknt. - <br /> Ii lRndar eaercisee�hie oqion,l.ender�ha11 Ira Borroxa nalra of acccicratlon,Tha�btics shall rovldo a period otna <br /> Ies��han 30 daye from dro d�m�ho noNca le delPvcred or nu11M whhln whlcA Iiorrowcr mus�pay uIP6��,,, ��«a nY mia <br /> Secud�y InsiNnxm,lf Botrower fails�o pay�heso eom�prlor w dio expiratlon of thle period, I.cndcr n�ay invoko any rcnxdia <br /> permilted by thlf Security InsiNnxm wiiM�ut(unhcr nolrw or demm�d on Borrowcr, <br /> t8. Uortoxrr's RI ht to Rtlnslale. If 8orrowcr nxcu cennin mi�diAone. Aorrowcr shall havc Ihe dghl to hp�•o <br /> -� cnfonrnxm of Ihl�Secur�ry Irolrunxnt dixnntinucd at any �inx pdor�o tho cadicr of: (o)!daye(or wch ahcr pedod m °- '- �'�� <br /> applicaAlo law nuy spxl�y for rtinstatenknt) beforo saio of�ho Pm�eny pursuam �o any pawcr of ealc contain�d In thi� <br /> Saudty Inslnmxm;ot @)entry of a Judgnxnt enforcing thls Sccurliy Instiunkm.Thnm ancllllom aro Iha�Etorrouxr.(a)p�ya <br /> l,endcr n11 same which thcn x•ouid bo dua nndcr chla Security Instmmem and tho Nom ns if no ncocicrailon had oaumd;(C) <br /> curce nny default of pny other covenema or ogrcemems; (e) pays all expensa Incurrcd in enforcing�hle Sccudty Insuunxm, <br /> Inctuding, 6ul nol Ilmitcd ro,ru+sonable ottornoYe'fees; end(d)�akc�snch action es I.endcr may rcasona6iy rrqulro�o euuro <br /> . _ ._._ Ihal�ho Iien of thls Sccuriiy instmmem,Lcndcr e dghIS In tho Propeny nnd Oormwcr'e oblignUon to pay�ho sunu savreA by <br /> Ihie Secudty In:�mnxnt shall conlinuo unchnngcd. Upon Rinsrotcmem 6y 6orro�vcr. �hla Security Insuumem and tAo <br /> obligatlons�securcd herTby shall remnln Nlty etfec�ivo as if no aceclemtian had omured. Itowever, �his right w wiusbve s6,�11 <br /> no�epPly In thc cazc of accelcre�lon andcr paragreph 17. <br /> 19. 3aic of Note; Changc of Lo¢n &rvicer. Thc Notc or a psnial in�erest in d�e Notc (togcthcr �}iM�Ris SGCUdcy <br /> insimment)may bo wld ono or morc[Imce without prior notim to Uormw�er.A sxte may rcsul�In n changc in ttee ertity(k�own <br /> ns ihe'Loan Servimr')Ihat collects momhly paymems due under the Nete arA�his Security Inswment.There aiw may be one <br /> nr moru chnnges of the Loan Servtcer unreiated lo e sale of tM Kote.If thcrc is e cAmge of the Loan ServiRr, Bormwer will be <br />-..-.. -- .-� giveo wr(tten noltce of th:n??.nge ia attvrd�nce with p?r�gra�h 14 aMre end epplicaLte law.The notice will statc the nxttk.and �__. <br /> ___ aAActss oi tF.e ne�x La�n Serricer acd thz eddrcss to�rhich pay�nu shouid De m�de.'fhe notice a�ill also mnuin any aher <br /> --_= inCo:matioa rtquind by applicable law. <br /> --=='? 20. I7nsnrAans SliDsfinres. Boiro��rr sh111 not c�use or ptrmi� the prcsenm, usc, dispucal, storage, or mlrase of any �_ <br /> y HazeNous Substan� on or in th: Propcny. 6ortmrer sM1all not do, nor ellow xnyone else �o do, anything aReciing �he <br /> ���tt: Propetly �ha� Is in violation of any Envimnmemal law. The prcceding two semences shall nm apply m�he presence, use, or _ <br /> '�. s�orogc on �hc Propeny oT snnll quami�ics of Huardons Subs�nnccs that arc gcncrdlly rerngnized �o bc eppropriatc to normal �_ <br /> rafdential uses end lo maintcna�m of Ihe Pmpeny. <br />-_:-'s:?3L�== �orro�ver shall promp�ly give Lender ivfiten mciti of eny Inves�igation,clalm, demand, lawsui� or o�her ac�ion by eny � � <br />�_?".:�;f. govemmenml or regulatory ngency or private P�ny Imv�t�mg the Pmpeny end ony finz�rdous Substance or Environmental In�v -- -_- <br /> "�a;;2 of which Ilortower M1m nclual kno�vledga 1(6orro�ver Izams,ar is notified by any govemmcntel or regula�ory nulhority, �hal �"'� <br /> ' any removal or other remedia�ion of xny flazaldous Subslanee a(fecting�he Propeny is necessary,Dortower shall promptly lake �}+w-__. <br /> .'•� all nxtssary rcmcdlal ncUons in acmrdance�rith Envirwzmtnml I.ew. [, > <br /> � - �- �h ,n E �r.s`"�'.( <br /> . . _ Ae qerA �n�hle�.�o��." ' • "�jv_rAnye Cnhe{�?..v.c•a�g I�nSr y1he139�re dffinM 25 Incfc nr ha�arQnn.<nFelpprre h� ,._.. . . <br /> - COYIf00fI1Cf11AI IAW 80A IIIC (O�ImV111y SIIM1SI�IICCS: ESSOIIIIC. ICCfO5Ci1C, OIIIM IIflIRZR:iAIi OI IOAIC rl•ItOlillfll F:JEOC�S, IOIIIC -/jGt1: <br /> - peslicides nnd her6lcides,vola�lle solvems,nwlterials coNnining mbeslos or fornnlfchcdr,and rnd'�oac�i��e materials.As used in Ffi��`,9( <br /> �t ? this p�regmph I0, 'Envfronnxnlal l.ew' ncans fcdcral laws end laws of thc�unsciicdon �vhcrc �ht Ropctty is IocaicJ dia� '7,!}��f k ri� -` <br /> �: rclaie�ohcalih,sa(ety orenviromnemal protea�ion. � ����h,,�_,�'_, <br /> - tiilN•UNIPORAI COVENANTS.OonowCr ond LendCr(utlher Covenam nnd agrec es(ollows: I q f �'" <br /> �; 21.Acceleretlani RemeAlrs. I.ender shall gire notice l0 6orrmrer prlor lo arcelerxtlon follm�ing Qorrotiser'e breacB t:-?1 �F + <br /> --�� -� of eny wvenaat or ngreeme�eE In Ihis Security Inslrument Nul not prior ro nccelcrntlan under pamgraph 17 unicss ,'`�`• ' r :. <br /> .y``��� opplicahle law prorldes othernise).The nalice sh¢II specify: (N Ihe defnull; Ib) �he uclion reyulrcd to cum lhe defnulti q�}t��5 1� �iT <br /> b{„C�d�,i (c)e da�e, not Iess lhnn 30 dn�s from Ihe dnM t4e nollce Is gb•en In Qorrm�er, by�rhlch the Aetaull mu.ct be curedi and ?t�. , �.;. <br /> t£� ;:� (d)Ihut fallure to wrc lhe de}oull on or AePorc Ihe da�c Fpecliled hi Ihe nollce mxy resull In acceleretlon ot ihe Funu '�?;`,•;, ,,�s� <br /> ;;;,Vr'k!;{�� rel nlebefterSecceter�xilon nnd�he igllslorb Ing nPrQOperl ctlonelo�n.ccert'�Ihrrnnnhe.ri.slc�ce�ofu defeutl orfiany other �iM%��s�t.��,.r::�_,.,�: . <br /> „1 �+)�5� dek:ue ot Rorro��er to accefe�ation und snlr. It Ihe defnull Is nol cureJ on or hrtore ihe dule spec(fled in the nollce, }}•,F,.i;�r �y <br /> , y ,;;�� i.ender, et Its opilon, may m�pdre Immedlate payntent In NII of nll xums secnred hv tlds Cecnr{Ir Insirument wilhnul !%5;;�='Ji��is a �, �-: <br /> � e��tr funher demand nad mar hi�nke the pmce+uf Fele mid nn�•ofhrr remrAics�xmtittcd�b�-npplicnMr Imr. I.ender shall he f +��j£����ar �. <br /> eNflled lo co11rc1 nll expenses incurred In pursulnp the rrnuvlics prmldnl in Ihis pamgrnph 21,includinp,bul not Iimllcd �4',� y�� �'� <br /> � �� <br /> � +r`: to,rcasonnble oUnmeys'fces and cosis oi iltic eridenm. �;�.?t._„ ^;jt. <br /> _� If lhepo�rer ot snie is im�oked, Trus�m shull rceord u nolice nf delmdl in each com�l in whlch nn�� parl of Ihe �;i%%��-, ;' <br /> - Properly Is Icealed and ahell mnll copin of such nntice in Il�e mnnner pre�rihrd hy npplirn�ile lao��0 6orro�rer und to :f�'�•��;qy'-:,J.,;�.�- <br /> -� thc oihcr persnns Qrescri6ed by opplirn6lr Ino�. 1Rcr Ihe Ilme�rq�dred 6� xpptirable l��n,Truslec shnll Flrc publlc notlm � - : <br /> � C� of mle to the persons and 6i 16c mmmer prexcribed b�xppllcnUlc Inn. Tn�s�rc, �Ntlmw demmid on 6arron�er,shall se11 - ,'r <br /> -�� - tl�e Proprrty nl pu611c m�cllon lo Ihe 6lghcsl biddrr nl Ihe Ihne nnd pinm mid undrr thr Icnus deslgnaled In Ilu nafitt•oT n -: � '- <br /> saie In onc or mnre parcclx end in nny ordrr Trnqrc de�rnuinca.Truslm ma} puaponc udc of nll or nnc parccl uf Uie ; �� �i 1 •�.. <br />-- Properq- by publie nnnounmmenl al lhc Ihne nnd place of nn� prc�inual} xhrA�dcd vdc. I.endrr nr iu d�signm mn�� �"'.��1" �.t'��:%;. . <br /> � ; purc6nsc thc Properq at nn�s�dn 1 LF fi7�} 4'. <br /> �' ::t` <br /> ':�:tj'�t,'`• <br />' � ' Porm 3028 9190 ���-�r' � <br /> . . v.w s o•a �; . <br /> }�.: .�.`j " _ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ' ; _ .�.�"_._"'�".._ .._ ._:^ _ . . . _ ' _ _ . <br /> . _ _ ,.�-. . . ' ... .. __' . . ... .. <br /> i.,. .. . , . . . . _ . .'.�- ... . _. <br /> • , ' . .'i.i;; .. _ - " _ . ' . . .. ' . <br /> _'-•- ._- -_ _.____ _ . —• "_ _ � _. _ — _ _ _ ' '-- __ -_ — __-_ _— <br /> -_ -. ��.. _. . _,�_ _„ ' _ ' ' _ � . _ -. --- .. .. —_—___ . ._. ' -___-' <br /> ' . . - -r . . }: <br /> ' ., _ ' _ . . .. ' ' . _ .. _ <br /> ua <br /> y ' ., , _ ):. _ ' _ . . . .. , . <br /> .:]:.. ,�5_ . . ._ , . . . . .. ,. <br /> � . . . - . '- . - • .. . . " <br /> 1. . <br /> .-5�-"_ Vr ; .. - .. . . _ " . .. . ' .. .. . <br /> } ' � <br /> 4 ' �t���� l �- '�� �r^� '. . _ . - ' - . .. <br /> (�� 7 1 - � _ . � . - - ' . <br /> ..' <br /> � L�- • . <br /> . - � . . - : . � . . � . <br /> ... . ., -.-. �.i. - �� . . . _ , <br /> . . � „ .. . .. � . _'.�. � <br /> ,.. <br /> .. . ,. - . �- .-. . . . _� . ..• <br /> . -' �„ . . _ . .... . .. --. . . ' .. . . <br />