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,_�. <br /> ,.�. i93� so'��:s . , <br /> T006TH6R WlTN�ll the SmprovtmqMe now or heteaftet erectM on�he propeny,uid�I wsemen�s,�ppunmanca,�nd - <br /> lix�ures now ot•h.crnller e pan oP ttw piopeny. All replacsmuiq and edditlore shall also be mverW Dy thts'Saudry <br /> Inslrunxpl.All ot the forpgoing Is[cfcncd ta in this Security Tnstrumou�s�hc'Propeny." - � <br /> BORROW8I1('AVtiNAC}TS Ihat Bortoe�cr Is lawtully selud o(�ho estato heceEy conveycd and hm tho right to grent ena <br /> - � am�ey tho PropettY and thaf tIw Propeny is unencumlxro�, cxa�t for encumbruKCS of rcmrd, Bonower werrents end wlit <br /> defend gene�ally U�o dtlo to tha fhnpeny egalnst ell cialms and demends,subJect�o eny encumbrances of rccord. <br /> THIS SRCURITY INSfRUMQNT mmDinn unifomi covenants(or nationnl use end non•unifomi covcname wilh Ilmited <br /> variatiom by JudsdicHon to cons�imte e unl(arm secudty Instrumeat mvedng reat propeny. <br /> � UNIFOf lM COV&NANTS.Borrowcr etd I.ender mvenant ond ngrct+av followe: <br /> "" L Payn�cut,pP Princl{wl and Interesh Prspnyment And I.ute Clurgrs. Oorzoo•er shsll prompUY Pay n�han due the ...-.- - _ - <br /> ; pdngipal oPend Irituest on Ihe de6t evldencM by�ho Nde nnd eny prepaynKm and late charges dUC nndu tiro Npto. <br /> !� 2.-Pltnds fot 7Yucp and Insunnce. SLbjeU to applipblo la�v or to a wdlten waivu by I.ender, tlorro�ver shall pay to <br /> � Isnder on�iro dey monlhly paym:nte aro dPO undtt ihe Nota,undl tho Noto is paid In full,a sum('Punds')for:(e)yeady tuw <br /> � and nssessmcnu which msy auein priority over tMs Seadiy insuumen�xs e Ilen on�ho Property;@)ywdy Icacehoid paymenb <br /> i or ground rcnts on tho Propeny,if any;(c)yearly hvard or propeny insurence prcmium+;(d)yearly Ilaod tnsuranoo premiums, <br /> -- �- � It any; (o)yeady mongago insuranm prcminmi,if eny;end (q any sunu payablo by Dorrox•cr a Lender, in occordanee wUh <br /> �ha provislom ot�.qmEreph 8,in Ilcu ot tho payncent of mongage insurence prcmiunu.Theu Iteme oro called"Cscraw Ilems.' <br /> : Lender may, ai any Wne, collat end hold Funds In nn emoum noi w excced the maximum amounl a Icnder for o federelly <br /> re�a�ed mongaga loan msy requfre for Oorrox�er'e escrow nanum under �he kderal Real Cslato Sclticment Proredures Acl of <br /> � 1974 m amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2601 er seq. ('RGSPA'),unles�onother la�v�ha�applle�to Ihe PunA� <br /> scu n Icsxr omouni. If so, l.endcr may, a� ony�imc.mllccl and hold Fnnds In an nnwum not �o cxcccd Utc Icsscr amounl. <br /> . . _, I.ender may esilmate the nmount of FurAs due on�he basis of curtent date end reaconable udmaics of expenditures of Nwre _ _ _ <br /> -�-- 'Ucrow I�ems or othenviu In uccordanee wi�h epplicable law. ��� - <br /> The Punds slull bo hcld In nn Insiftwion whose deposi�s arc insund Dy o faleral ugency, InsuumeNellty, or emity �-'-� <br />;���;�5� ((nclading Lender,if Lender is such nn institmian)or in nny Podeml Home Loan Dnnk. Lender shnil npply tlm Punds w pay the <br /> -- Gurow fiems. Lender may not cl�erge 13arrower(ar holding nnd npplying�he Runds,nnnually nnnlyzing�he escrow account,or �:!"z-"` <br />_�^y� vedfyinp the Escrow I�cros,unlev Lender paya[iorro�ver interes�on�he�unds end applicx6le Inw pemd�s Lender to make such ����- <br /> o ch¢rgo. Ilowever, Lender may rcquirc Dorm�ver m pay e one-time charge far en independent real es�me mx rcpnnfng service c�'*'� <br /> .-.':,Y*i`� �C.?�.�.-:., <br /> �{b <br /> a�{t� used by Lender in wnna8on �vith this loen, unless applica6le I3W provides otiiernisa Untess an egreemem is made or � �;�: <br /> , ��� applfcTblo lew requires intcrest�o bc pnid, Lender shall no:M rtquir.d to pay Bwro���er eny Interesi or camings on the Funds. gy1„���y�_ — <br /> v+y���' Oorto�ver end Lendcr mry.gret In wd�ing, hox•eveq thac im.rea shall beµ�id on the Funds. Lendtr sh�ll gice to Bortox�er, _ ___ <br /> k y:�Rr.���-. <br /> �y S�' ' wl�hom charge,an annual nxmiMing of th� Funds, sho��ing crcdiu and debits to�he PonAs and th:purpose for e�hich each ], � s <br />-.�;'y_1 a;- debit to the FonA;nas madr.The Punds are pledged az additionnl securit)•for all sunu sttur.d by this Security Insuumenl. ���. <br /> '�"` � ..� If the Punds hcld�y Ler.Aar cxce.A thc unoums pemiiucd�o M hrlU by applicable law,i.endcr snali account�o uorrowcr q�,�,r� °' - <br /> tA�.�i �; tor U�e excess FunAs in acmrdamc�vi�h�he requiremems of epplicable lao�. If Ihe nmount of the�unds held by Lender e�eny ; � �. <br /> t4> Ilme Is not sufliciem lo the Escrow Itenu�vhen due,Lender ma so no�if Uorro�cer in ori�in ,and,in such case Dorrower y��4{ '„c?�� <br /> _ PeY Y. y g �, i_i, : <br /> > ;��' shall pay to Ler.Aer�he emotm� necessary ro make up ihe deficienc?�. Dorrnwer shnll make up �he dzficiency in no morc�han Jt-i j� ' <br /> i -tti� 5'�+ t�- ��'�-- <br /> t . nvcive momhly paymcNS,e1 Lender's sole diurclion. 2`E�����; -w- ' <br /> "' - '�- U n a menl in fnll of nll sums secured b this Securi� Incuumen4 Lender shall rom tl - mPond to Dorrower un �7 1'��. <br /> -�-� FunQs held b Lender.IL unAer ara re B 21.Lendcr shall nc n ie or sell�he Pro n Len cr,priat m�he nc uisi�ion or sale �rc�Fy ,w;, <br /> �;'- Y P S P 9 P� Y� 9 tSe :` . <br /> - � -- ot�he Propeny,shnll npply any Funds held by Lender a�tLe�imt of ncyulsi�ion or c�le az n credit egains��he xmns secured by ir; 51� rrA S _ <br /> ' 1h13$CClltliy IILSINII'Rlll. �(,��: ��n4 . <br /> ,-�'-. 3.Appllrntlon ot Px}'menls.Unless nppliwble Imv provides othenvisc,all paymcros receivecl by Lender under paragraphs ,�--,-� + �� _ <br /> t' <br /> i •, I end 2 shall be npplied:f�r.i,w any prcpaymem cha�ges due under ihe\o�e;second, to nmounts payable under pamgraph 2; � �,� <br />..,s.;�;`.'�,y� chird,to imcrcs�dnc:fnurth.m principal duc:nnd last,m any la�c charges duc undcr�hc Notc. �f� ���, ...c;i{� ,•: �- <br /> J'f:��_ �.Chmges; l.iens. Bnrrm��cr shnll pny all taxcs,assessmems,charges. tincs:mJ impositions auri6mnble�a�he Pmpeny `�k;` _-,�r�,���-_ <br /> t <br /> , - �rhich may anain prioriry orer�his Securi�y Inammem, anJ IcasehalJ p�rymems or graund rems, if nny. �arrox•cr shall pay �� ���` ��� .`; <br /> ,,,,�d+y. 4, �:...,.,. ,, .. <br /> -..�§'s�_ obligations in�hc manncr providcd in pamgmph 2,or if nm paiJ in that manner. Dorrmrer shall pay ihcm on time dircctly ,_�. _-_'_,;__,_�." <br /> T --�~y: to ihc person osed payment. Darrwrcr shnll pmmpily fumi.h m LenJcr all no�ices of mnuums�o be paid under this paragraph. -`: � --� <br /> - a � I(Dorruwer nwkes iheu paymems dircciiy. Dorrowcr shall prompty furni+h m lAndcr rcccipts eridcncing�hc payments. �' �� r t `,. <br /> 5b i- �n <br /> �. r , _ <br /> - - .5:. �orro�rer shall pmmp�ly discharge any lien which hx.priuriiy orer tliix Securiiy�Irouument unless Uorm�rer.�a)egree. m j'� ( n�,�` �� r � i�-�- <br /> �_�'',¢-'.t �vriling m lhe p�yment of Ihe nbligation secureei by thc licn in a manner aaep�aMr�n I.ender.(bl cunte.�s in gond tniih�he lien F't`t9L�.: . �;�:�W�". <br /> ' i':� b , or dcknds a ains� cn(orccinem n(�hc lien in, Ie al rmccdin � which in thr I.endcr's o inion n mtc m revem �hc ��� '� ' " <br /> Y 8 F V f P {x P �\�<,.' ri�,� � ;�;;' <br /> enforcemen�of�he lien;ar(c)secnres (rom�he hnlJer nf ih.Gen.:n agra•en:enl�aliJactory In I.ender wMirJim�ing 1he lien m 1� . <br /> � .i-.,'' �his Sceurity Inammcm. 1(landcr Jctcrmincs�hat any p:v� oi�hc Prnpcn� „.��n��u�.,�r�o ..n��n„�:��� ,��:a„����,��q•o���r z"/,; <br /> ���':t:i' Ihis Securiiy Inslrumenl.LenJer m:q•gire Uorrna�cr a nnuce idrn�ifying Ihr I�rn.Norrower shall sali.fy Ihe hen or lake nne or .. . . <br /> v�' �i <br /> ..::".�:;. '�j,,( : . <br />. ';�.:,:;, morc o(�hc nclions act forth abnve wilhin 10 Jay,nf�hc gicing nf noiicr. � • <br /> :-=i:�',- � Fo�m3028 9�80 ' � � - <br /> '' �y`:i v.a.>o�a : ' _ .. , <br />.:.�I::'!tr�..' _ � _ _ <br /> >a y��� <br /> � .. .. <br /> ���_,�.__�..- ..,..:6.._. � - .... r. . ' " ' _ ' --�r: "— _ ' _---.- rr � . ' <br /> . �'t�.;r.. .-�- . . . . . . " _ . . . - . , - • <br /> t- _ � . �.. . . . . _ . . _ - . .. . <br /> .� - , i ., . ._. :-. . .�_ : - --_ . . . . .. . , <br /> '_-._ _ '__• . _v ° • ' - -. . -. , � . <br /> _ : . . . -._ _ _-_ �ti�:-_- _ _- rr,��_�. - _n __— ____' ' <br /> p •i, 1 N 7'C � � . . " , - , . _ ' . . <br /> ..r' <br /> i �r � �- {� _ . . - <br /> � <br /> {C i r ' `(rl��1�?. ' '' y , <br /> �� .i i�C�- .sL`]' >�j���sg`` - - _ � - i E ��t.� �7� / _ � .�i . <br /> ��P�'^ ` Y !{� 1 1i j ?��((� �i � ., IJ �i 1 6 - . �'r ���� � .. t � _, <br /> � j� _. 1��fi�i�C.+��}c3}�� 4�'�)J�t ��r ��: � i�� ��� � � �L(� 1 1 � . t � . i . �It � . <br /> � . i � 7i i .- f t � !d x r -- n -1 � � _ <br /> 1 r t Il�)v �i. ! v _ / ' �. i . a . <br /> .�� ( � S � ) > � _ ' <br /> {I-_� f � : t � � : 1 f '. It ` � � � j. ' t � . _ <br /> J ; t � 1 I .j{ <br /> . SI � f _ { �..... <br /> '�, :f.� ,. . __ ._ . ° . . .� '�' p . . . . .. ' .. _._____. '�-_.. � ... t . . . .. . _. <br />