, � ...�C .. ._ 1 l ,— _ ..�.t _.._ _— _
<br /> 'j��� �r , � -- �� � A�i --
<br /> . � f..l' i - -si '�� e etL-i. j!1 _ ��aMtm.w_�-.,.- �,•: — --_.
<br /> ���V.�...��....... -_JJ.�IIIJ.�l - _
<br />�_w.,�'t�,L�f,}:C� ___,__.__
<br /> .;�;i;,<Xiz� 1�. dorrow�I� Ripht to YINnMM�. M eartawr m�w a+Wn oondwaM� @onwwr �Mt Mw Y»tqM w r�v�rdororn�nt � -
<br /> ..—*i),'!:'„((,: QItOlIM1YW M�nY 1�pbr W 1M wM►oE h10 iMM(a woh aMNr DrAoO w�DV����Y W�f la nNMNrn+rW Mlon MN
<br />-:�:c�-:`v�r"' N NII MpKy pKMw�1 b �nY C�'M M NM opiNMtd F NM l�cw�0' NNrwiw� a N) �Y«� N�� ��� �Y
<br />�-°,-•"".�,�y`� MW��n4 Th4N oarJYa�r�YW lortww: W pY�UnOM Y wnr MMdi Wrn waAA W OW undv MN MowMY N+YuewA �n01M
<br /> «��; � ,
<br /> -•�x.: .:•� -.. NeN w N no�oo�NrMloe M4 eoowr+� (0) oun+ nY MWA� M w/Wwr eor�nnl a M�+� (01 i�P+ r�� h�N
<br /> .�.<ti„�:�;_.`._.4. �p/pN1 � �NY NIY4M1M�4 �1AlIF bll 1101 IIIIM�O 10� fIM01116M MbRM/�� NMi Y1d (� MkM WOA �d0�� N LMIdN hMY
<br /> ;, ; , : _ ,- r«wMey r.�,w a r«x�nr n•Mn a w�ux�r Mwwn�. �«ww.doeu h n�►rw«b�,e saroww• ae�ee b vn'r" —
<br />' MMN NpRM b/1�M MaMb InWYnwrd NNI oanWw� YncMnGb. llpon nNtlel�d bY lortarM� CiM MaxM NMru�wnl Md tlN ,,,,�.
<br /> •� N�016teehfnlbn ixMN(+�n�lrph 17�.MIdN�M Y no�eeNMWOn Md eoautl0. Ha�wN�NM ApM b t1N�W1�hY n01�Op►/M - . .- , . .
<br /> � . .='.= �' � • ---- �
<br />-- --`-�.�, ,, u.iN.a Hoa1 chMp.a Lo�n e.rvk«. n» Na. a . wnw � „ un r,a. cwp�d+« rnm tl�. 9.axMr � .
<br /> '"':i;�� 1:-�'2 -,.
<br />•' ;, ,.
<br /> N�Ywmnq m�Y W�oW on�a mon YnM vAhoul pla noYo�l0 6ararw. A wM nrY nNAI N� ahnp�N IM�tMY Oap+�n u tM -. :_.
<br /> ,;�,.,.-�, :i'--.
<br /> � � `•:•7 •Lw�BMNOM')NM oo1Kl�madM/WYTMnU dtN undit UN N01�YW IhM B�aMlly In�Y1MMnL iMr�NW m�Y W on�d mOn dNnGw >;'.�`,;�:-.-.
<br /> �.�."t•��,� ol ih�Lan BNVk�r unnY�M b�uM ol IM Nola. X Ihw N�thwN ol W�Lan&rvloa�Batowrr x7 W d+n wtkqn noUa ol lh� �=!::<..'-
<br /> .._ .�, -�L ch�nq N �ocoN�na wMh Du�?Wh 1I�bm���nd�DD��Yw. 7M noYa x���U IM n�nw nd�ddrw�oi tM nwv Lan Bwkv ?,..i.�.:"i:..
<br /> �nd tM Wdrw�b wNCh qym�nU UiwW N rn�d�. Th�notla wl Yw conWn r�y olhr Nbmntlon rqulnd W�DPk�bM Wv. :, c'::
<br /> -f` Z0. Fi�xNtlOU�SY9�t�nN�. Bortav+r �hN nol auM a W�mM th� Ww�na� us�, dWa�� donW� a nlwt� G �ny : �'- . .
<br /> a��„r�f� _ �'' µ� �INCW IM tMl M N -,
<br /> t't,:rt � •��-' Fk2vAw�SuDtLrWM d1 a N tM Rfptiy. BOrtONw�IMI fwY do�001�YM Nyon�NH lo do� rryt 9 Y �b t," _ -
<br /> '�7.4,tii}�,..�>�: �uru,�a�,y��►o�nw i,w. m. nva um,nu.anu n�.�,rri a N.waMa., ue, a u«.a on m•vraa«b a smu ;�
<br /> w.r,.a+� r. _-
<br />;;i���:.?:� -; . -. w+nuM� a FMnraou. S�D�w,a.m.�w oM�++A���w m a wP+�i.a nomW r«brnu�l u.a r,a a m.Yawnu of m. . . -_-.
<br /> " �"' --�� Rapry. � � _.
<br /> s s . 1:;`;' Baravw �hY P���/0���LMW�r wiNlan nWa d�ny hvKtlpHbn� BJm� Q�mnn3lrx�ull a othar�Won by iny par�nrmnW a .iT �� ..
<br /> req�btaY��Y a pM�[�pdy NvokNO th�eYqwry�na �n� FYrrdu+SLbst�nu a EnvYnu�wnW liw d wAkh 8arawr fu�ariW -,' S71 __ ..
<br /> br ; qqwNdW. N Bortowrr Iwn�� a N ndWA bY M' O�vrnnwnW a nW�+�wY �:MaNY, iha� srry rwraW or dh�t r�Nlion d�nY i�� * �,�=
<br /> t n H�zudoul BuD�Wa �MNNO IM RrW«H M n�oMwK Bortowr MY W�P�H Yk� �71 n�asHrV rrn+dl acUon� N koaGnu wllh ��. , k�6tr— li
<br /> � � �i�' Envlr¢mw�W L�w. 'j t '
<br /> � sT,� �•=
<br /> � �:1. l,l� uNd N ihM W�¢�F'T Y0. 'livardou� Bub�Wwa' u� Ihw� N+b�WOM dai4ied M bldo w hltvCaua wW4ncw by i��C�t _.
<br /> l ii;s%i4i� Env4cw�wiW LLw NA N� foVoxi�p wbiWeN: Wa01n�. kero7a1�, olh�r Wrc�N or Iwdo pWObum prodlcli, Ionla plstld6ee vW !�`fi � � .-n,�f..
<br /> , -.� S, .. Mrbk1AH. vW17a wNmlt� m�irW� oonYNN9 �Wato� a IartWd�hY�. v�d �Wo�dH� m�trW�. M uwd h INO V�9roDh � - _�cr.
<br /> . •�o 'Env4ormmW law' mrn� 1dr� Yw� +nd Yws d IM �wl�dcUon whx� 1h� PropMy M Ioa1W lMl r�t� W hNph. ubry a -.. 4�- •,
<br /> - em4onmw�W NotxJbn. ,`
<br /> � -- i-:: NOH•UNIFOFlM C04EWNf8. Elortoww�nd LmGr IuAhr eorwnt u�l�prN u toluw: -�t�l .t�.-
<br /> " ' 21. AccataraYlon; Ramadlu. I.�nd�r �ha11 piw notic� to Barawar pda to �ecduNion fdlowinp {'y} ' x y� tz� ;
<br /> ' .� '� BarowaP� braoeN o1.�ny eownant oT oyr��m�nt In thU SaoutHy In�trum�nl (6ut not prta to �ee�lu�tion Y)f j���;:s�R ,:
<br /> , � undu parayrapfi 77 Onlaw RpPilcabl� law provid�� Wharwtoa). ii�� tiirii�: �ir:IC W%ai.�. (:) th.o dalmuH7 �;�,F� "„i� : ,
<br /> �t •, (b) tl» rction nquir�d to cur� tM d�iwk; (c) � d�h, nW I�ss Ihan 90 dayr from Ih� dN� tM notic� I� �;_�1�y { �' ;:�ttr;
<br /> , pivan to Barow�r, 6y whlcb tM d�t�uH mu�t b� eund; �nd (d) that idlur� to oun th� d�tiuN on w '�'1;r•
<br /> ', i >;;�;: „ b�9or� th� dd� �p�clfl�d In Ih� natic� m�y owN In �ooNantion of tM wm� s�ound by thb 8�awlty ji�t1� :.
<br /> ' .y- ,^ -�` 1io�imatlon �nd th�ipht lo �i p oourt wtlon�toruwA,th� on�xi i� no� o} ��d��tauRra �ny�oth r , ���. �s�tii� +. ;
<br /> � daf�nt� of dwtow�r to �acNaution �nd ui�. H Ih� d�TwR i� not ound on a bNw� tM dtb sp�olti�d "' '�
<br /> In tM noUa�, I.�ndn N k� option may nqu�n tmm�dl�t� paym�nt In full of dl wm� weund by Ihb
<br /> S�eurlty Inrirum�nt without IuAhv d�mand �nd mry Invok� tM po+vu o1 nN �nd �ny atlNr nm�diu ': ;�,j
<br /> p�rmNt�d by apPlioabt� law. l.�nd�r �lull b� �nUti�d to aoll�ot �ll �xp�npt Inr,urnd In punutnp lit� n .:�.r���
<br /> nm�dl�� provid�d tn thii pu�ynph 21, Inoludinp, but not Iimibd lo. r�uonabN �ttan�y�'(u��nd cosb : ' ' .�
<br />�'fi�, ' .. „ : . W tiU� �vid�no�. , :� r �<i
<br />� �}�?�'_'-<:_-., If th� powri of uI� li Invokad, Tru_Nee �h�il raaad � notia o1 doi�uR In uoh oounty In wNlah �n _
<br /> Y i':.;'...__ , . ...c. _..
<br /> •:;;;•�' D�R of th� Prop�rty b Iw.atad�nd �hall mdl copla�of wah noticr In th� mannar pnwrlWd by apPllofbt� ,:;`i,
<br /> • hw to Barowar �nd to th� othu p��wn� proacrib�d by �ppllcobb Inv. Aft�r th� Hm• r�quind by ;�. 1�� "� "�
<br /> pppiiwbla In+, Tructaa ahall ptvo public notice ot aele to the pe�eone end In the mannar pnwribad by ' �._ _
<br /> - � �ppllc�bl� Inw. Tru�tao, wlthout domand on Borrowar, chall wll tl» PropadY at Dubtlo �uctlon to iha �,. y -
<br /> - Mph��t Wddar H tM tim� �nd plw� �nd undor liw tarms doalpnatad In th� notto� o} p1�In on� or mon pr�lt;.',''� ' .:
<br />�,";' .F : pnnU� �nd In �ny ordor Tru9ta� d�tarmine�. Tru�toa may poatpon� pi� of dl a �ny parc�l ol tha �:.- `+ ? � •:.•'
<br /> } - Prop�rty by puWlo snnounc�mmt �t th� Gm� �nd ptaca o! �ny pravlousty schadulad wia. Londar a ita '/��� � �-:� ,
<br /> - dqipn�� may purchaa� fh� Prop�Ay N �ny uIe p � -
<br /> Upon ncaipt ot paym�nt ot tM pric� bld, Truatae ehail dalivar to lh� purchas�r Trusta�'� dead t.� .
<br />��- - '�- � c o n w y i n p I h� P ro p�r t y. T h� n o l h i s I n t h e 7 r u e f a a'� d o o d �h�l l b o prim� hcl� widanco of lh� truth of f ,. �
<br />- tha q�t�m�nb mad� 1leoroln. TruU�� sh�ll �pply tM proc��da of tho ul� In th� followlny o�d�r. (�) to dl
<br /> ,7 � �i coaf�u+d �xp�nws o1 oxercl�inp llw power ol wla, �nd 11» ai�, Includlny th� prymaM o1 tlw Truat�a'� _
<br /> _ - , � fo�s�ctually Incurrad, not to�zcaad 6 'K o1 tho principal amount o1 tlw nob at tM Hm� of tho - -
<br /> � d�ct�ratlon ot dohuR, md ruson�trl� �ttornoye taq oa pe�mlttod by law; (b) lo all wm�tocurod by thb .
<br /> � Saeurity �nstrumont; �nJ (e) �ny �ze�u to tho poraon a paraons lapelty�ntitlad to it.
<br /> - ?2. R�conv�yanca. upon prym�nt ol J eum� sacmed by tNf 8ew�ky NeWmml Lender ehJ reque�t Trvsta lo rxmvey the
<br /> . � FtOpqLJ Nd�IMI NMMfHI Wf 58011A,'IIIBWti�Btll WM l7 �Uf]PAEMCMQ CCSI ECQIflA q'Illi!BQCUIIiY If13W1I10l1110 TNf1!!. TNSIOB
<br /> . - . eh�l rewnvr/Ne ProD«�Y wXhoul wertenry�r4 wY,houl ehvpe to the pasm ar peson�k9e7Y mUded to R Sue� pason or pasone sha0
<br /> � pty�ny reca[atlon co�te.
<br /> 23. flubitltuta Tru9tao. Lmder. N k� opibn. m�y (ran �Ym lo ui» rxnovs 7ruat» �nd opD�� � sucaoana W�tca to any
<br /> •. � TNSIN�ppo1�IW �aWnda b/N N]Wmanl fecor6ed t� Ne counry N whkh Ihia Sewtlty InlWmmt 1! fcoadad. Yhhoul ocnYeyence OI
<br /> - Ue FtrorN.eucce�aw Wetn ehal nuccsed to U lh�GW.W.+e�Nd MWa con(onW upon T�uatee htteH��d by�pp+iuble�w.
<br /> -- � , 24. ROqu�4t tW HolIC00. �ortorru rtq.�esb�hel copkf cJ Us nolkae of dofauX u�d calo be amt lo Oonowere aUrs�u vih.kli
<br /> . � b the Rropxry Addre�e. _
<br /> - � 26. Rld�n to thi� Sacurfty In'trumanL tl c�e a tnG�� Mere w ezeouted by Barcwer �nd �acerG,a �oseu.v w+m va
<br /> .. 6�eurlfy htWmn4 N� wetrana �rA �gmr.0 U mU weh Mx nM! be harpu�led Mo uW nMl u«ril u'4 �U9t�rn't Ue
<br /> _- �; covsunU�nd�a�art�ent�cl e•.0 3r�r7�YaL�.mer,t n i v.a f�Ca(f)wv��put N V:f✓�+.*?/Ns�mc.it.
<br /> . • v.w�a s F«�wx oAO ..
<br /> - . rion.u�a tvu>
<br /> � � -:,'..�. . ' xiu
<br /> _ I
<br />