Tn-.1 � i. ; ... r -. �,; . :� � fi" }� _
<br /> ' ,� 1 � .; i �' . _...�. ��-... . . . - _�. .
<br /> _ 'ropR�ttsRarin�ar�ne i,njxoreme�+r,iww a bsre�ner"««u4 ai tAe proqatr,�,Mra����+ppwl�nw.,w
<br /> AxSuna !im�t a haaHa M pf�c,.ot fie ProP�Y. Ali rcpbcanpM� �iW �ddiciar +IWI'da ba cowrod by 1�.�Y..,.� ''
<br /> '� .. laMnurkn�'ATI of iho fM�idM 1�iefpred W In thli Saudty fqurvmeM u lhe'1'ii�peAY•" .. „ � .. . . . -
<br /> •�ORROWBR CbVBNANT&thif HafQ,wd h 4wfuily ai�ed o!ihe awat�;rs4Y oonvcyed ud Au che ri jfit to{ru�u+d
<br /> •.o6nvly Qq PropertY ud tl�t tAa Prqk4t�b u0arcumbered,rxcept tor sacum6nncq.ot,rannf;Horrower wxrimt;�nd Mi11
<br /> .��defadimer�IlythetitbtothePtopliry'.1j�fmt�IlcWin�u�ddcm�Mi.eub)ec�ta�n�encumbruftNntremrd: ,, . ,
<br /> 7HIS$ECURITY)NSiRUMBHT oombina unl(omi fnvauul��Por na�laui use wxl notemNfam covnur,u wi�h��m(ud ' •
<br /> vuirWiu by juridktlon 10 Sanstlfuk a uniform recurl�y lnu�umeat ccVerinj ral propei{y.
<br /> �.. ,.
<br /> .. UNIFORM COYFINAN7'S.Bortowa�nd I.ender mverunt�nd Kroe a followa: , . .
<br /> , . . , �
<br /> 1:i�wan.4P P++i�c�pa..a rMerpts�M7•Kat..a r,.�e cA�rye.. Borro,rer�nd�a�n�r!lr�wr whm are tl�o. - -
<br /> pinclp�of aiiA tdemt on pq d�M ev{dppced by the Note up�ny prepymeM uid Ire c1w�h dua under�he Hae.
<br /> 2+ Fqwit ta�Taacea add iuiunuKe.SubJat to spp)koblo IAw or�o a wrl�ten w�Iver by l,eider,Hortower aMII pry to
<br /> f,eMee on the d�y.mxuhlY pay�neM�ve Ouo urder�he Nae.uetil lho Nae 1�pId In PoII.�eum('Furds')for,p)Y�Y��
<br /> '�nd�ssasments Whkh m�y W[aln p�lorfty over�hls Securfty ln5lrument u�Ikn on the Propetiy:(b)Yurly Icuehold paYnxMs
<br /> . . or ground rtnts on tLePropeny:If�nY;(c)Yearly l�ird or propeny irtiunnro prmilunu:(d1 Yearly llood tmurukeQctmImro.
<br /> if.ury;.(e)yculy morigage imuni�ca prcutiurtu,i6 ony;ud(Q any sum9 pay#blo by Borry�xrr to Lendtr.In aconlfu�e wltB.
<br /> tbe provislon�ot pengnph 8:In iku of�he paymem of mongige I�urmco prunfumv.71kse Iccros ue caltM•8scraw I�rnn.'
<br /> (.cMat.riuy. et any timc.collcct eid tald Funds In ao emwn!na to excud�ho mulmum unouM a Icodn for a(edenlly �
<br /> • relued nwMgnge Iwn miy mqu�ro for Borrowcr'e tscNw pcmunt unAer the Rdual Rcal Bsiato SdAemeM F7ocedurrs Act aP
<br /> 1974 av gmendtd from tlme to ttmc. 12 U.S.C.Sealon 2601 u s�q.('RGSPA').unlsas anaher low Ihat applla to Iha F��d�
<br /> sdi s ksser wiaunt. tf so. t.ender any Nme,mllect wd Iwld FUnd�in on irtwunt not m exaod the�csser uopint.
<br /> _ .4snddr nuy-esBmak the amount of Punds due an the basls of wrrcnt dam end rcasonable atlmua ot expendiwrw of PoNro _ _
<br /> � �terow Items or ahetwise In eccardence with eppl Iqble law.
<br /> ' 77w FLrds shall 6e hetd fn en InsUluNon whose doposits are Insurcd by a kdual egency, instrumrntiliry, or entlry
<br /> (Iceluding Lender,if Lei�der ie such an tnstlwtton)or In any Pederal Home Loyi YfvJc.l.endw shall apply tAe Nndi to pay Ihe
<br /> Cscrow Itema.Lender may not charge BoROwer for Iwlding end applying the Pnnd�,a�NUa1Iy an�lyring the escrow wcoum.or
<br /> vedfying�he Hscrow iteme,unleas I.enderµays Iionower Interut on�he Fund+nnd eppflcable law pc�mits Lender to iruke such
<br /> . •-a charge.However,Luder msy rcqufre Bonower to pry a onrtimo chargo for en Indeperden�rcaI atate tan reponing service
<br /> _ �tseA by Lender In connection w1�A �hls loan, unleae eppllcable law provlda otrawlse. Unless an ogrcement Is nude or
<br /> Appllcable law requlra Ineerest to bo pald.Lender shall not be requlrcd to pay Bortowcr any In�eres�or caming�on the Funds.
<br /> Bortower end Lendcr nuy egrco(n wdting, however,that Imerest shall bo pald on tho�unde. Lender shall glve to BorroxYr,
<br /> without charge, an ennual oocoun�ing of�he Funds, showing credlts end deblta to tho Runds and tho puryosc tor which exh
<br /> de6it ro�he Funds wm madc.Thc Pnnds erc plodged m addltional sccurlry for all sumv securcd by�hle Scairily Insuumcnt. �
<br />- � � �-_ - If�he Nnds held tiy Lender ezcocd�he amounu pemiltted to be held by epplkable lew,l.ender shall accoum to Borrower -� - -�� -- -�� -
<br /> fot�ho excess Funds In accnrdanco wl�h the requlrcments of eppllcable law. If�he emount of the�unds held by Lendu m eny --
<br /> �— tlma Is not sufOdent�o pay�he Cscrow Itenu when due,t.ender nmy so no�Ify Donontr fn writing,end,in such eaw Qortower
<br />—;,:ri:� shall pay lo l.e�der the anwnnt necessnry lo make up�he deBciency. Dorroxer shall make up the deflclency In no moro Ihan
<br /> -=-- uvelre nwnthly paynxuts,o�Lender'e sole dlscrctlon. _
<br /> _-� Upon paynxnt in Poll of all sunu securod by �his Securi�y Insuumem, Lender shall promptly re(und to liorrower u�y -_
<br /> -_
<br />