r1 �,`' '?°".t,`,±�- - �,. . .._ '� . ----
<br /> i, r :+:..'Ti..�:$�L.���+° �..f�.�.t�tfAe�r .-.: .�_.. .ii� ';• - ._. _ .
<br />� cj " — __
<br /> ;Y� '
<br /> . — -, 1�tiaitiFli V�7Ti1 1l-ih�ImptovF'n6rri qow d.p�fNRM xected oq the prapc�ly end aA e�6artlm10��Ppmtenqisq �n0
<br /> , � IGWN a.M�WUr�P�ol th�Prop�H�M rpMam�nb�nd.�4dlbn��haY�Ho.6e covpnd bY thtdSeaxM In�Wmroi.
<br /> � M cf M� 9 h�Mcrtrd lo N Mb SkwNy.InIMYn�nl.0 th}'F'ropap�.' t0 �
<br /> BOR�CfriENl1MB tNt BarowN i� MxNly.a�ke7 0l lhe Hpt�AKeby convryqd�nA b�a thlr.�Ipht lo �nt�nd � ' �
<br /> conYy th�PropNy.-nd•thU 0��FropKy Ia uanWn+bKW,�xupt ta�nambrmea ol mcord.� BomJwivr wrmU nd wf� -- � '
<br /> MNqtl qmfN/th*tltM lo M�PrapKy�yHnq M dYm►�no dKnnd�.�ubJwt to�ny mcum6nnoa ol.rqnnid. .
<br /> 7HI9 BE6URITV IHSIAUMENi oomhlnh IN�NOfm C4YMNl7 fOf MUWitI ue� �nA nan�unHartn. oman�nU x11h imllW�
<br /> rnNtlon�bY W+MEkWn to canttllut��unMam tauAry heWmmt covMnq red P�oP«N•
<br /> UNifORM COVENUlTB. Barower�nC LenNr wvert+nt uid�pree u fdow�:
<br /> � 1.P�ym�nt o1 Prinalpq.�nd Int�r�al Pnp�ym�M�nd 4t� ah�rp��.eoaaxm ehnA�m�puy wv��
<br /> N�the othabU ol�nE MSxe�l:on tM dbt MOmad by ihe Note�nd my prp�ymmt�nA Hrto ehnrpqa Aun un�r th�Nop.
<br /> —�=---- 2� au11At fOI T�xO�mA If1�u�M01.616)�d ro�ppic�bq kw or to�wilt�en wckm 6y Lndar.Bortowa�hY p�y
<br />-. . . ' �0 UnOM Otl IM MY�Wl/{N}TItM�tF W dV�undM Ihe Nol9,unli Ihe Note le pYd In IuA,� sum.('Gund�y la: p)ywy • . .- - - ---. .
<br /> Yxa�ne u�awmnb wNcA m�y.UYki prlc+ip� ova IFJS &wdty Inswmant�a � Aen on tha Vropmnl (E) Ywy IraMold - --
<br /> : ��� p�ysnnt�a aotx�d rnte on Ih�Proy�rly,N�ny, (c)Y�N haud or proP�+�Y Naunlnu Ptamlumn: (���yMry Ibod Inaunnee ,��
<br /> pn�NUm�,X�ny,(1)yw�l ma:p�p�hSUrMCe premNmt.H u�y,u�d(Q�ny suma Ptye6ta by Bort9wAr.Irt.LanCx N�coordu�ce � - -
<br /> � xilh th�povMkril ol pv�qnph.B, B Yw of Ihe prymenl ol monp�pe Nauruice pwmp�ma. Thnae llnma va uAed 'Eeaow - -
<br /> X�enR' Undar m�y,�1�ny iNu, cot�d�nd hdA Funds N �n urwunt not to exeeaC tho mntlm��m,amouM a Imtla fa� t '�'�' r•
<br /> -�:� laduKj rel�tM malqq�lom rny:«qvYe ta Bortayu'e esaow�aount undp Ihe tedeml ftaal.Eeinlu Seltlement Prooed�ues � �` �.,=�„i.:..
<br /> ---_,�;n� Ad ol 197�p�mmtlM hom ti�»tP Ihlf,iR U.8.0,tl 2601 el aeq. ('flEBPA'L untose �nathnr Nnv t61R�ppin to Iha Fwds .;K�q��;��_�,�--
<br /> + �N��IMtM Mounl fl eo,UnMr rmy,el vry tYr., eoYed nntl hoid Funda In en �mount nqt W az�eed the ksse'emwn4 �� -�
<br /> C 7.:�
<br />�,, � L�ndw mry Mtlm+U Ihe unant ol iWids 6ae on Ne b�eu ol artent dete md roaaonnbto ea�mntno ol erymdnuros ol fuWro y _ �� i°�
<br /> �'`� .,�,:.-: , EtUOw IIMn�a olhttx710 N�aotMrro xiU�yp9c96b law. ?c: " �d:
<br /> �� "-.-� The FunCf thJ b�hNE N m Msi.i�ri'on xmosa deposita ve Nsured 6y a latloml eponq.InsYnm�mloSry,or enttty Mdudn9 �i , .�'_- —
<br /> . Undt+. N LMider N auch�n NsIMbN m In any Federal Home LoTn Bank Lmder ahan y�y 8iR Funda ro pry the Eaaow 1 � ;4 _
<br /> -- ` R�tn�.Un6v m�y not ehvpe Bonowd Ipr hMQ�n9 u�d �ypynp thc Funda,wnueM�a'nNg Gw eaerow accounL or raftyln9 �„ .i„�;��_ --
<br />-- �'S'� tM E6cruw Rema, un!e» Lendu � Bprtwra Nlaeat on Ihe Funda end�pD�=Abio low pemmln lmda �o mske such e -� �"� "'
<br />� ���+`� :�, C11VQ0. HOWNlf� lendr m�y requPe Buraxw to pry � on>time charge tor en indepandent ntai as�eta tez reporlk�9 attrice �t {{�,�r3 '_=-
<br /> ..-t , y,,-: �r'� ufW by UnGr In oonnaUOn w�th Ihb Iptn, unlese sppAable lew provldee oNonviaa. lMlvae �n egeement b mede a � �,._y_,--�
<br /> 13.;�a:::.
<br /> �ypNU61e 4w rpuhn htaesl lo bs p�id,Lenda shW not ba requ4ed ro pay Bortowor eny inturent or aminge on Ihe Funde. -r y.;.,___—
<br /> :. � - Bortowa �nC fendw mty�yee N w(Ming howevu, Ihel intnesl ehail 6e Dald on Ilia Fundo. L¢nAer eh�Y gNa lo Bonower, �,�..-.;�".!«3
<br /> -. ,:'•.��-% xMhoul ehap�,�n�nnwl iaoun4hq ol Itm Funds.ahox7n8 aedna enG dabNa lo Ihn FunAa an�d the puryose for wNch wch _ �-�a?:�„--:-
<br /> . Eebll to Ihe Funde wm m�da The Funde ero pkd0�d as eddrJonal sewdry lor ell auma aecumd F.y Ihe Secudry InaWmeM. . ` ,'« .r
<br /> - If Ih�Fund� hdd Gy Under aceed Ihs armunle pertniieed lo bo held by�pplfca6lo pnv.lenda ahaY aaount to Bonower � i - - - '
<br /> C � •.
<br /> . lor the�xaa Fund�N�ceordmw wNh ihe rr.qu4emente of eppYwbla Inw.111ho amount al tho Funds held by lmder al any °` � '-?:i,-
<br /> - �;� '� Ilm�U not tuMcianl lo p�y Ihe Eaaow Ilems when QJe,Lmda m�y ao nofiy Bortowm In vrtilNg.md,in sueh ease Bonowe + ' - -: .-:-=
<br /> -s ah�A p�y lo Lenda th�unount neees:ary to m+ke up tho tl�denry. 6ortower shnN mnke u0 the deAdmcy N no more Ihvi �� f,i
<br /> ..�� tnekl monlhy D�ymenb.�t Lendd'e eob da' aollon. -:_-;r:?_�-�,e•.-�i_!E's.:
<br /> "�*%;. Upon qymenl in NY ol al aume securcd 6y IhU 8ewriry InsWmont, Lender shnN promptly reNnd to Borrowa eny Fund� �� y`� -��1?: ,�_;:
<br /> . �Md by LenOer. Il..un0er pu�praph 21. L�nAu eh�f ecquiro or sei thn Property,lendar.�dw lo Ihe aqulsNon or stle ol Ihe 1 .- �i''�%,. Y`-.
<br /> - . —_ FupinY� ifiii ipPO°�^Y FimGi irii'u Sr L"arda dt 6�'v ���a a�a:,sut6.�a�.. a :'.c a..:.::! i^y:.h.l S`::1:� s:q:ra�Cy tYti f ' -•�.:Si l��. _
<br /> � BawrXylnsWment. • •, • L„ ' " ' .�. �� -(� : S .-
<br /> 9. Applla�tion of Paymente. unhsa eppliceblo law D�ov�dos otheiwiea, eD FaYT^e^�e receked by Lender und[r �� � r -� �1>+'�-
<br /> - . panpnyhe 1 md 2 shell be�pyfied: kaL to arry D��Payment chergea Cuo undar tlm NvM;second,lo emounts payable under }r�i �f1F�,_
<br /> - pu�pnph 2:thk0,to hlnast due:loutlh,lo pMdpel due;end les�lo any Inla ehafgoe dua unda ihe Note. � - s..;
<br /> 4. Chup�s; LIYne. Borrower ehfll pay eil texea, esaessmunm, ehnrym, flnae and Im9osXione nlp�utable to Ihe ' , � ,-, , �_ �r:-��
<br />� -� � . %opMy which may nNN pdalry ova IhM 8ecurRy InnWmenl,and Inasehold pnymnnln ar graund renU,N eny. Oortoww eha0 i'. - ��9��_s��h�'i:
<br />' ' ' - p�y these obiy�tlom N Ihe manncr provldtd in pnmgrayh f. or X nat poid N ihnt mnnner. Bwrowa¢ha0 pny Ihem on Iime ' + %�:y��a
<br /> d'ireely to t�e pnwn owW p�yment Oarowr+eha7 promDN'Nmish to lenAor ell nnticea ol emounu 10 6e pyd undn Ihla � _ ![�;
<br /> - pu�geph. 11 Bortower m�kea Ihese p�ynxnU dvecliy. Borto�ver ahnll pror,tplly fumieh to Lendn recNpis evltlenUn➢ Ihe ��-- ` �,
<br /> � ,: wr�mu. v��, _��;_
<br /> � Bwrowa ahetl prompVy Gsoharge nny Ilcn which has pdority av¢r llffe Samfty InnWment unless Bortoxu: (e)eg�ees In ;�,_ � ��,-�- �rt=r �
<br /> =��'y�,,,� i,-t
<br /> .- xrXMq lo Ihe p�ymenl 01 the o69�Wn eewretl by the Gen h a mnnner ecceytable to Lender, (b) wnlesln in good(ailh Ihe �,�;:::;�,����:11�,., �,la��
<br />� � . .� -- Gm by, or dHMAe epWwt mbteetnenl ol lhe iien In, legal �roceefiapa�.iAfch la �ho LendeYS opnion opuale to prurenl�he �;;.' -- .• '���r'�.
<br /> � - �nforeement ol the Gm:or k)seare�Irom Ihe �oider ol the Gen an agruement setlalaUOry to Lender subort�naLfig the Gm to ��. ,; ��,- ;<�`;;�:
<br /> thb BecurM1y InsWmenL If Lend[r detamJntv�that any Dart of Gse ReGema b sub�ecl to e�en which may ellein pdodty orer Nh ;�'^.-- - �. -�
<br /> - BewMy IneWmml LmEn rtay gNe Uortowa e nouce�denntyc�g cirt�tm. Bortower chan eatisry tha nen or�eka one or mom ol � �--.",. .';•.:,,�.��tir'.
<br /> _. .�.. -�,� Ihe�Wona aN lorth above vMhn f0 d3ys oi Ihe givNg at mtice d � . �y::: y.
<br /> . ' .�. - B. H�Zifd O��fOp0lty If101119fIC0. Bartower e�m7 keep Iho improvements now eusting or he�eafter ereGed on�ha ; - ,,.;-,:.�-
<br /> � ".. , RopMy Nsured ap�lnst loss by Rrq huerda IncWded wllhin tim tomi 'exlenCetl eoverego' end eny oiher hezarAe, NduAln9 r- -,.� -{7����, �
<br /> �� Iloodf or flooGnQ.1a wl�!eh LenEa t t�ui:as insuranae. Thln Nnmance sha0 ba malnta�nM In Ihe ertaunta end lor tho D�oda - F,,�y'i�,_[_;�_ �
<br /> 3 � _ Ihat Lmder requtr<a. The Nsura�r.e carritt proridng Ilm 7nrmnnr.e nhali bo chosen by Bonvirer wbJecl lo Lmder'a epprovel ' � -
<br /> - -� � ' whlo� ehaA not be urveasonaby withh[Id. If Uonowx�fti�ls m mainleln wverage desaibee above. Lender may. el LendeYS �� ��".� r � _
<br /> Y': .
<br /> ., - „ oPtlon.obtah eovn�ge 10 prolttt Lentler's dgMC in tlm PtnPem�fn ecwrdence wuh peraBraph 7. I;: ,if._� ,
<br /> , N NsvruKe poldea entl rrnewNs shr9 bo accepNhix lo Lentler end sha0 Induda e slandard motlqage dause. Lender � �,y_,.,, •, ,:
<br /> , ehaA h�ve I�e iyht lo hot0 iho pNidea end runaxnls. 11 Lender requiras.Barower shail prompty ghe lo Lender eG tecelDie of •
<br /> � � p�id preMumf end rmiwW noUaos. In lhe evenl ol lucs.8ortower shali pNe prompl notice lo ihe insurance cartier end lender. �
<br /> - . lentltt m�y mako D'a��ot lou H not mido promptly hy Bortower. + � - . �
<br /> . UMeaf lmder end Borroww olhernise agree N wdiing• Nsumnw proceeds shall be eppfietl lo reslorelion or repair ot Ihe - . -
<br /> �� - ', - ��opnry tl�nuCed,X IN rreltts0on or repa4 ic eeonomiwly leasible and Lender'e sewriry is not lessened.11 Ihe�estorelbn w 4�. -
<br /> � iep�lr b nol econoMCO3y Iea�Nto or LentlKe secuiity would be lessened,lhe Nswnnce praeeds shall be epplied lo the sums �
<br /> - aearcd by IMe Be[utl.y IneW.iwnl. whelhnr or nol Nen due. wnh eny e:cess paid Io Uortower. 11 Oortowcr ebantlons the
<br />-. • %OpNiy. OI d0�9 001 NSVNI wIN'n 90 Wys a no6ce/rcm lrnder Ihal ihe Nsuranco wnter has ollercd lo setlle e UaM,�hen I '
<br /> � LenOer rroy eo7od IN h�u:tnca proceedc. LmEx may use Iha proceeda lo repair w restore Ihe Properry or lo pay eums ,
<br /> :" � - asmiW Dy INa Bewtlry IntVUrn.nf.rrtie�ha or not tlien Aue. The 30Cay petlod rNl beg!n when l�e nollce is gNm.
<br /> . UNOU� LmCZr an0 Ocnnmu oNenNSe a9�ee N w`Puny. eny epP�i�tion of p�oceeds to pdnUpal shall nol cHC+id or
<br />' ' D�aW�� �hf d�e d�!!01 Ih1 mCOIN� pcymmta re'erteG lo N paragmphf 1 end 2 or change Ihe emounl ol Ihe paymenU. II
<br /> - - unOtt putr/eph 21 Rn P�m,��Rl �� ecqui'e0 by lendec Daroxcr's dght 10 any insurance poGdes and proceeds resulting Irom
<br /> � d�eapf to /he Prc{'nry Pa<t �o Iht ecQu�s2ian 6�d1 P35f 10 lenaer tc !he ement ol the suma hy �hB 3ewriry InsWment
<br /> - , NmnAalery pio:co 11n acWr:ar,icn
<br /> __ . ` 8. Q�ooupnnoy, Prosorvatlon, M�Intonanco end Protoctlon ot tho Proporty; Borrowor's Loan
<br /> - - A�I�7110GiID11� LOGtOhOl110. Ottrower a��A occuDY. eslabGSh, end use iha Ropery es Uortowtt's prindpal resldence�rilhin
<br /> tktl tl1y� �M/ RA PxCtu7on of lhds Scturiy InsWmenl end shall eonWme lo oxuOY Ihe PropEAy es 6onbxeis pr:ndpol
<br /> -� ' �� iwlCmca Ix U Iea�l p»yaar otter Ihe Aala ol oecuD��ry.unless Lmdel o�hmvise agrees In wriling,whic� wment shan not -
<br /> •• - - be umueoaaby wI1A�a10,a unlaae edmualing Gramslancee easl which ere beyond Bonowei a conVd. Dortower shau no1
<br /> - Olslloy.Ai1Mqo M hp�6 IM P'opt�ry. oAOw Iho ProDerty lo dcicdorele.or ammA�rasto on Ihe Properly. BortCxtt shall be in
<br /> ' � - � 0e1�u1 tl�ny lafemrte ecUm a proceed:nq. wheNC+Wtl or c6m:na�. Is begun Ihat In Lendei s good/ali�Wdgmem coNU resuli
<br /> ,_, N IoANNrc ol Ihe Pra,+ertf a o:Rarvrtse nulMaey��Petr tho Gm nealed by t�b Seeurity InsWmenl or Lmtler's seadry interesl.
<br /> - �� � rnu�unoni� o+ata�� �!�`' .' ILl � .
<br /> V)�DW
<br /> � '
<br /> . �
<br /> .
<br />