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. , . <br /> „ , <br /> .. . . <br /> • �:-5: � ...... <br /> � �! <br /> . � " ..t ,�.,'11.. � ' :_.. . -.� .-_� �I`� <br /> .� <br /> . '....� <br /> .� ' � 1 <br /> � ��v�ra�.. �i�S : <br /> . . � - ....-__.--".._. .._.__ I�YC.� R <br /> R: �� <br /> ��s �.. <br /> --_.`l_z_�_ _...,�:� , <br /> -._�. . �i--- 10631'7 <br /> --�'_ — Applicabk law mey cpecify for roinsfatement)beforo sttle of ihe Property purswuttTo3ny power of selo cont�lned in�hia <br /> �—;-;-- <br /> ��- 3ecurity 6waument;or(b)enqy of a Judgment enforring this 3ecurity lnsuument. Thocc conditions�ue that Borrower. a <br /> —�. <br /> --- -- � paya l,ender al! aums �vhfch thta would be duc urHl!+r thia Socudty lnatrument wid the Note as if no accelcratlon hsd <br /> ;,,�� cecurted;(b)cures ony defoult of any other cavenanta or agrecme�ts;(c)pay4 WI ezpenscs incumed in enforcing thia Security � <br /> .,, lnsuument. including.but not limited to,reasonable attameys'fees;and(d) takea such iu:don as Lender mAy neasonably <br /> � � rcquire to assure that the lien of this Securfty Instrument.Lendcr's r�ghw in the Property and Barrowerk obligetion to pay the <br /> = - sum: secured by thls Securlty insaument ahall continue unchenged. Upan reinatatement by Borrower. this Security <br /> -- Instn�ment and the obligatjona secured hereby shall remein fully effective as if no accelerotion had eccurred. Howaver.thfa r <br /> d�ht to rcinstate ahall aot apply in the case of accelerat�on under paragraph 17. - <br /> � 19. 3ak of Note;Change ot laan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Secudry <br /> __ __::,� Instrument)may 6e sold one or more time4 without prfor nodce ta Borrower. A sale may result in a chungc in thc entity <br /> -_�:�,?�� (known as the'Loan Servicer")that caltects monthly payments due under Ihe Note and this Secu�ity Instrument. There also _ <br /> __�_,,�,�iY,, may be one or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there ia n change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> :�.,.�-�," Bormwer wfll be given wrftten notice of 1he change in accordance with parngraph 14 above and appUcable law. The notice <br /> .z=== -���� will atate the name and address of the new Loen Servicer and the addn�ss to which payments should be made. The notice will _ <br /> —��sr�:'¢` '' also cantain any other information required by applkable law. __ <br /> .� �- "� �' 20. Hazwrdous Subslancea Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use.disposal,storage,or rclease of any <br /> ��.:����-�F � Hazardous Substances on or in �he Property. Borrowar shull not do�nor allaw anyone else to do,anything affecdng the <br /> , �=���e,za::�.:, Property that is io violatian of any Environmental Law. 7'he preceding twu sentences shall not apply to the presence,usc,or — <br /> _-_}R"�lR,�.».. <br /> _.-.��.�,�{�,;w�s,«.. . storege on the Ptoperty of small quantilies of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal _ <br /> --°---� residential uses and to maintenance of�he Property. _ - <br /> -�`'����'�4� Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any - <br /> .��;.:' <br /> _- =-=T�-_� ��: govemmental or rcgulatory agency or private party involving the P�operty and any Hazardous Subxtance or�nvironmenwl �___ <br /> - �e�9 ;c.�'�;ti*�'�; � Law of which Botrowcr has actuni knowledge. If Borrowcr leams, or is �otified by any govemmentnl or regularory �-- <br /> - -i,':�e''�'- �' authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazaalous Substs+nce affecting the PropeAy is necessary,Borrower <br /> -'�. '.�"' " - shall promptly tuke all necessary remedial ac[ions in uccardance with Environmentel LAw. � <br /> �ti� �;�;.�,;�;, .� As used in thi�paragraph 20, "Hazardaus SubstarKe.s"ure those substances def'ined as toxic or hazurdous substances by �� <br /> Environmentul aad the following subs�ances: gasoline,kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum produc4s, toxic <br /> -Y�.,�'�•� � � � " �esticides and herbicides. valutile solven�.s.materials contuining asbestos or formsldehyde,and mdioactive mnteriuls. As � <br /> e <br /> _ : '�fi':'.';;:<� used in this parngraph 20,"Environmentnl Law"meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ! <br /> °�;� ��,�:. that relate to health,safety or emironmental protection. -- <br /> = NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender further mvenant and ugree as follows: � <br /> • '��� � 21. Acceleratbn; Remedies. Lender ahall give noNce to Borrower prior to acceleration following Iforrower's <br /> ", �• �,' '�{ .;;.,, y. • breach of any coven�nt or agreement in this Security Inetrument lbut not prior to acceleration under paragrApb 17 �_' <br /> - ;, ., � _„�;�'�t°`�_• unless Applkable law provides otherwLse). The notice shall epeciiy: (a)the deiault;(b)Ihe action required to cure the _ <br /> s;•�_�� - ;�;,,�r` defauit;lc)a dAte,not iess than 38 daya irom the daie ih�nuike ia giren io Khich ih2 detauli tssus!bc — <br /> _ y � cured;and(d)that faNure to cnre the default on or before the dAte specified in the nntice may result in accelerAtian of — <br /> � �`� the sums secured by this Security Instrument And snk of the Property. The notice shall i'uMher inform Borruwer of - ' <br /> ,�,.� - .•. the right to reinstate Afte�AcceleraUon and Ihe ri�ht to brinq a court action to assert the non•existence of a default or <br /> .,.;- ��� Any other defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the dePault is not cured on or before the date specified io _ <br /> �� `��• the notice,I.ender at its option may require Immediple payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument _ <br /> without i'urlher demo�d And may invoke!he power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br />_ . ..;, Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuin�the remedies provided in this paregraph Z1. <br /> �,�b� fncluding,but not limited to.reagonAble altorneys'Pees und cosly uf title evidence. � <br /> . ,,,,ry�,,, _ .d. IP the power of sale ls invoked,7lrugtee xhAll record a notice uP dePuult in each county in whkh any pArt ot lhe =�P <br /> ..�•x • Property is located and shall muil capies uf such nolice in the manner prescribed by appUcable law to Borrower and to �--- <br /> c ••:'' � � the other persons preserfbcd by applicuble law A�ter the lime required by applicable law,'I�ustee shall give public �_, <br /> ' ,� notke oP saM to the per.sons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 'IYustee.wilhaut demand on Borrower. �.�! <br /> •: �'*� " shall sell the Property at public auclion to the hiQhest bidder at Ihe lime s�nd place and under the terms designated in � . <br /> Ihe notke of sale in une or more pa�cels and in eny order 7Yustee determfnes. �Iti'U41CC IIIA}'�lOS1�IOIIC 5AIC OP 7iII OI'8tly <br /> •�-�' . � parcel aP the Praperly by public announceipent at the time and plACe of Any previuusly scheduled yak. Lender or its �•= <br /> ::ti���� •� desiQnee may purchase the Property at any w+le. <br /> � ���� �`' � Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid.'I�ustee shull deliver lo the purchuser 7lrustee's deed conveying the <br /> NI'.,`V' :. -. <br />- ••Q Property. The recitals in ihe 71�uRtee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidenre of the truth of the statemenis made therein. <br />' tr., °: .. " � ,. 71rustee shall apply the prceeeds oP the swk in the fdlowing order: la)to all custa and expenses of ezercfsing the power �.. <br />. S ,.. , <br /> . , _ <br /> �L. <br /> �^ <br /> ' . Form W2N 4/90 ��n�er s n�n�e�.¢r�l 4_,�'•... <br /> LP <br /> E;' . <br /> � <br /> �.. <br /> � .. .. ,-.- . -. : - .-.-„,.-,,�,r <br /> _ . _.. .� <br /> , <br /> . . , <br /> . � , <br />