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_'�W ... � � t+YC►- 1dN�1011fIJ'Jq••--'-'>.._ — �_ - __ <br />._ Y J"'- - . . —-__ .. . .1�-- <br /> �i' i. �• � __-_.,-, .__- ._. ____ _. -_ - . _ <br /> :.���i��...s_ ..a1 . . <br /> � � 91.�... 1n��� � _ <br /> �� periaiA thW Lerrder t+cyuircr. Thc in�ur�ux:c cor�icr pmviding ihe insur�ncc xhull be cl�f�en by Born�wer subje t to�.cnde�k <br /> _-_ -- , approv�l which rhull not tu unrew�wnubly withhcid. 1 P Borrower failx to muintufn cuvcragc dc;wrfbcJ ubnvc,Lu�der tnwy.w <br /> — La�Jrrk upticxi.duuin c��vam4a lu protect Lcnckr x righix in�hc Property in ucconlutkc with�n�graph 7. <br /> All inrur+uxo pulkie�und rerwwulK xhAll be pccc�ptabla tu Letoder und Khull incluJe u�tundord mon�Age ciwu�e. L,endrr <br /> °r ahull It�ve Ihc ri�ht lo hald lhe policica anA renewuls, If Lendcr rcyuires.Hatruwcr�hul{promptiy Qlve to Lender alf rcceipta <br /> of pwid premfuma und rcrx:wul noticex. In�ho event of tusx, B��rtower shall�ive pn►mp audco w�he inxurwue cwYfer W�d <br /> • • Luider. l.ciuler muy midcc pruuf ui'lur.r If niN made prompdy by gc►rnewer, <br /> _ Unle�s Lcnder wMl Bortuwcr wl�envi+w u�rce in wridng,Intiurance prc�cecJa whull be upplied to reslurution o�repeir of <br />-- - - Iho Prupcny dumuged, if'the m.rtorution or repuir is economicvlly few�ible und l.ender� xecurity i�► not Ica�cned. lf�he <br /> . ------ - reswrutiun ur r��puir iK�Kn r4;u+wmicully feurible ur l.ender�security wuulJ b�: Ic��c;ned. ti�c iuxurunce proceeds shall be = <br /> - uppliod to the suma �socun;d by�hix Security InxtNment.whe�her ar nat then duc,wi�h uny excesx paid ta Borrower. If <br /> = Bortower ubs+ndons �he Propeny, or dacx not unswer within :�1 daya u natice Yrom Lxndcr thut the insurance carrier has <br /> _.�:� offcred to setde a claim. lhen Lender muy coUect�he inzuruncc procecdx. Lendcr muy use the prcxeeds w repuir or reYtore <br /> -� the Property or to puy eums�ocurcd by thix Security In�arumenti whether or not then due. The 30-day pe�lad will begin when <br /> —-- - �_,�� thc nodce ia given. <br /> ��r Unlesx Lender und Borrower otherwise ngree in wrfUng,miy npplkatiun oF prac:eeds to principul xhall not extend or <br /> postpone ihe due dute of the montfnly payments�ferrcd to in purugruph.r I und 2 ur change ihe unwunt of the puymenGs. If <br /> "---� � "�-9 under parugraph 21 the Propeny is ucyuired by Lenckr, Burmwcr:right la wry in+urunce policies and proceeds rerulting <br /> �-� from damoge to the Property priui to the acyuisition �hall pu4x to Lendev to the extent ut thc rumK recured by lhfs Serurity <br /> __.�;:� lnstrument immeJiately prior to the acquisitlon. <br /> 6. Occupancy� Pr4servotion, Maintennnce Apd Protectton ot the PropeMy; Borrower's Loan ApplicaUon; <br /> ----__-=�`� l.easeholda. Borrawer shnll accupy,exwblieh,und ut;c�he Property ns Borcowcr a principnl residence within aixty duys efter � <br /> --•�Y:'�„'J the execu�ion of thia Secu�ity Mstrument and shull continue to occupy the Propeny us Burrower�s principal residence for at <br /> - �"- least one ye�r after the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender othenvi,c ug�ea in writing, which cansent shall not be <br /> �,o_�.�:,;¢ unrensonably withheld,or unless cx�enuoting circumtilances exist which ure beyond Borrower'.s cantral. Borrower shall not - <br /> �---• . destroy,damuge or impair the Pnrperty.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit was�e an�he Propeny. Borrower shull <br />_ �_,-�,,.—�_.; ,; be in default if any forFeiture uction or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun Ihat in Lender's gaod fuith judgment <br /> �-- - v��.�.,c�� - could result in ForFeiture of the Property or othenvix materiully impair the lien crented by this Security lnstrument or <br /> _= Lender?s securlty interest. Borrower may cure 4uch n default tuid reinstate,us provided in parugraph causing the action <br /> -�'a'�`'�' " or �oceedin to be dismissed wi�h o rulin thut,in Lcnder'.s aal faith de�erminution, rccludez f'orfeiturc of the Bortower4 <br /> ��91i:.';.,...';�_-.. P 8 B € P <br /> - interest in the Ptopeny or other material impnirment of the lien creuted by this Secudty Instrument or Lender's security _ <br /> '���•�'j`��'sw� interest. Borrower shall olso be in defuult if Borrower, during �he laun upplicution p�ocess, guvc materially fulse or <br /> ��,�.�,�-��� inuccumte information or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with uny muteriid informution)in connection with <br /> W- � '`' � • the IoAn evidenced by the Nae, including, but not limited to, rcprexentutionx wnremeng Borrower:s accupancy of the <br /> '�•,, Prop�ny as a principul residence. If this Sccurity Instrument is on n leusehold,Borrower shull c�mply wilh ull the proviKions <br /> �.-,�x:-,�� . of the leu.ce. If BoROwer ucyuires fee tide to�he f�ropeny.the leatiehald and the fee title shall not merge unlegs Lender ugree� <br /> w the merger in ti:riting. <br /> ��`"'�.,:�'A°" 7. Protectlon of Lender'R Rights in the Property. IP Borrower failti ro perfonn ihc covenunts und ugrcements <br /> ���up;�i_;x� contained in t`�is Sewrity Instrument, or there is u legul praceeding thut muy significanUy ufi'ect Lenik;r's ri�ht. in the <br />