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��t711;Tni...mr_-___ w.r ��.. . . . - __.-_ <br /> . <br /> r,.':'!� �11^"`�'��'LY.i..• ._ .'.__.._-_ <br /> �. • a.r�.. .. �`. <br /> . . .. .. �d7�i.���.... . , •-_ .:. <br /> ._.r:_'. . _. �- - ' ? ..:.- <br /> J . '_'-.- ..__. .. . <br /> ._.._ . . ,��V __—_. _... _ <br /> �- - M�w�w.� ..._ . . .: ..v. .�.__— . .__.�T-- . <br /> - -..'�'��tt!Z'i1{'l.:..�.. _ . _ _ . .. <br /> , . ... °`_-----_"--_-- .... <br /> {�;, .. , 91-. 106310 <br /> :��;� 7.�robctlon of I.�nd�r'�Rlphb In th� Prap�r4y. M earow.r aus to p«tam th�oov.mra��nd�pr�nwws oont�tn.a ' <br /> � _... ..,,. .�...,�.�..«w i..�,�.r.anM. in ui.wm.rtv t�uob u�orooNdna <br /> - � .__. �.���_ �..... <br /> ---_ � MI II1N CJ�WIfRy MI�YYii�w�p w w�w�w��.rw pwaww .........j ...�....�..�� _.."' _-'_' ' .� • ' • ' ' <br /> �„ • � In b�nlauPt�Y� P►o�t�� ta aond�nxwtMn or talNpu� a to mlarc�low� or npui�tlom)� thm L�ndu mry do �nd p�y tor wiwwK Is - _ <br /> ,� �`• �, � � °�wry to prW�ot th�v�w o1 ih�Prop�rh��nd Und�'s dphU In th�Prop�rty. lmd�s�Wlons m�y kiaiude WY�v +�Y�t�ind <br /> by • Wn whloh h�s pdorNy arw thb 8aa+rllY In�orumM►t, �PP�a�Nq N aou�t� W1�0 n�sonabl� �tlomry'� t� �nd �ntrki0 on th� <br /> °_°_�;- _� propwly b•np�k�. ANhough l�ndu m�y t�u aafbn und�►thN pu�praph 7�Undn do�not h�v�ro do w. — <br /> �� , . �. My �mounU disbwwd by L�nd�► und�r thb pwpniph 7 �haM b�oom� addNlon�t d�bt of Baroww s�ound dy Ihis 8�airity _ <br /> �., . <br /> ;,;" . • Imtrumw�t. UrYwr 8o�rowK �nd L�nG► ayr� to oth�► t�rma ol p�ymmt� th�s� �mounts �h�M bw ht�n�t 1rom th� dat� _ <br /> ��Y : "u dl�burswn�nt�t Ih�Nob rab�nd�h�N b�pay�b��,wflh Int�r�st,upon notk�trom L�nd�r to Borrow�nqwstin0 p�ym�nt. <br /> --• �j���-,�:.�., ., 8. Mort�ap�Inwautc�. n I.r�d.r rwutnd morty.p.hwr.nw as�oonditton ot m�wnp th. ian ua,nd by u�ts s.cur�ty <br /> In�kwrwnt, Baroww sh�M p�Y thA pr�miums nqukaf to n�InWn th� maty�y� inwnnc� N Mf�ot H, for my nuon, 1h� mort�p� --p <br /> •"��`�;n . tnwrrnae oovwp� r�qukrd by L�nd�► Yipfa a cws« to b�In Mf�ot� 8arow�r shaM p�y th� pr�nNans nquk�d W obWn oovonpo �---�-_— - <br />,�_��,,;.. ,_•,� �, sub�t�ntWy �qulwiw�t to ih� maty�p�inwwnc� pnvlously in M1�at. at• oo�t wbsUntl�Ny pulvalrnt b iM aoN to Bortowr of tM ra <br /> c;• m«�oaa �,wr.�c. �r.,�wMr �n .noa� ham �n �1� morlp�y� inwnr �pprowd by Und�r. i� .�t,sanu.ny .y�w.t«n morcacy �. <br />�'-, a. . s.. imwana oovKap�Is not aa�bU� BarowK sh�W p�y to LandK MoF�month�wm�qwl to on♦1wNAh ol th�yMAy maty�p� inwano� <br /> 4` �•• . � ., <br /> ..� • pr«r�lum bNnp pdd by Barow�r whm ih�Inwrana cov�wps�d a aa�srd to b�In Mbct. L�nd�►wW �oc�pt,us��nd raWn th�u <br /> � ,•.;�•. WY�u u� bu r�a�rv�in Wu of morty�y�Insurana. Los� ►nwv�p�ym�nls m�y no lonp�r b�nquind��t th� opUon oi Lmdrr� R <br /> ` '°�'". " morlp�y� Inwranc�eovarape (In ti»�mount �nd fa tho pMiod th�t Land�r rpukw) p►ovWwl by �n Inwr�r�p{xovod by Lw�d�r ay�n <br /> , .a � <br /> '""�'}"` b�caaNa�v�Ws �nd Is obtainad. Borrower eh�A p+iy the pranlums rpuk�d to mNnUtn moRy�y�Insunna in Mlact, o►to provid�• R,�_ _ <br /> �"�� bn na�rv��untY ih�roqukMn�nt ior nlorty�0s Insumnc��ndt in 1�oead�nc�wkb�ny wdltqn�preemmt b�twNn Ha�'owM'�nd Undw or <br /> _ � '�;,', • �pppoabM Mw. <br /> .;�,� .. 9. Inlp�otlon. L�nder a Ms apent m�y mak� ��on�bb �nUlea upon and Insp�ctions oi th� Propeity. Lend�r �h�p phrd <br /> • - 8orrower noGca at tho tinw of or prlor to on Inopeclbn apoc�tyiny reaaonabte ceuae tor the InspecUon. � -_---- ------�°"' <br /> � �. � 1Q. Cond�mnation. Th� procaods of my award or cJakn lor d�m�pes, &ect or con��qu�nWl� In connaatlon with �ny � <br /> _ o.� . cond�m�aUon a oth�r Wckip of�ny pot of tM Propwty, a fa convyano�N W�u of condanmGon� �n hK�by usipned�nd�hal b� - � <br /> � � p�ld to UndK. <br /> . In ih��vent of a to1a1 ukk�p of iho P►opwry, th�proce�dt thaN b�appllod to th� sums eecured by thls S�curity Mshum�nt,whelhar � T <br /> or not ffion due,wNh any�cca� p�ld to BoROwar. In the�vent o1�p�Alal taWny ol tha Property In which the f�k m�rkel vaW�ot tho <br /> ' Propwty kn�nediatNy bafore tho WWnp Is oqual to or yraoter than th�amount ol the eums securad by thls Sacudty Instrumant 4rrnadataly ' `�; $ s-----_. <br /> . ' be(or�th�Wdnnp, unl�ss BoROww and Lender ofheiwtu ayrw In wdtlnp,th�sums tacurad by thl�Sac�xity Insirument th�A b�nducad �"-•"��"— <br /> W <br /> r-:�,..�,-- <br /> by the amount ol tha prooveds multlplled by the Tolbwinp hacdon: (a) the total amount the oi eums �ecurad immadlately befon the t�kkip, �;,a,��,;;,,_ <br /> dhrldad by(b)th�f�k msrkat v�Mie of the Propaty Imrt�eJktaly belare th�t�kinp.My bal�na�sh�N b�p�W to Barower. b ths went of• , n_� � <br /> - .. p�tl�l Wck�p of th�RropeAy in whbh ih�fak m�rkat wlue ot ths Propaty k�wnedt�tey bHare ih� taWnp Is less th�n ih� �mount of the ^,F <br /> a . . �xns sa;ured Wiwnad�tey befon ih� l�king, unless Bortower �nd Lender othe�wla� ayres In wdtinp or unls�s appAoable I�w oth«wls� <br /> � � � provides,th�praee�ds thhA be�ppll�d to ih�wmt seared by Ihi�Sacutly IntWmant whath�r a not ih�:ume an then dw. _ __ <br /> b L�ndar to Borrow�tlud 1hQ condamnor ottars to m�ke�n�word a <br /> If ths Prop�rty Is �b�ndoned by 8arow�r,or q, allr nmk;e y <br /> ' sMtN �etaim fa d�maQs�,BoROwu t�Ns to rwpand to Lende►with4i 30 doys aNer th�dats the�odc�I� qNen, Lender Is authorizad to " <br /> �`• -- coAsat �nd �pply tho proeeeds, d tts apdon, eNMr to ratontlon a ropak ot 1M F'ropeny a to th� sums s�u�d by ihis SMCUriiy ��;,�:_ . <br /> Insttumant,whelher or not then due. ��''�? <br /> ' `�� Unlns L�ndK�nd Bortower olharvvise�yrea N wrqinp, �ny application of procsed�to principal�hdl not�dend or postpom th�du� - . <br /> � ' d�t�of th�monlhy p�ymants rderred to In p�ayraphs 1�nd 2 or chanye the amowt o1 woh paym�nts. - --- <br /> . ,. " 11. Barowar Not Rotaasad: Forbaaranoa By La�do�Not a Waivor. 6aandon ol th� Um� lor paymw�t w -_ _ <br /> modific�ibn oi iunorUzapon of tha wma secur�d by thb Sew►ity InsWment qronted by Lender to �ny wccetea in Interaat of BoROwar :'�;,:. : •";;" ,',� <br /> .• shW not opKata to rale�e� tM II�bIIUy of th�orlpinal Borrower a Borrowers successors In Inten�t. Lend�r shul not b� nqW►�d to <br /> , comm�nce procw�dinys ��Inst �ny wcc�ssw In interat or re(us� to udond Um� 1or paymant or oth«wls�modly unaUr�tlon o1 the <br /> . • sums a�au�d by ihls 3ecuriy InsWment by reason o1 ony demand m�da by tFw oripinal Bortower or 8or►oww's wccasors In Inbnst. � . -_= -- <br /> My fori�amnca by Landar In axerclsinp�ny�Ipht a remedy ehell not be�waNer ot a preelude ths a�rdte ol�ny iipht or remwly. r `�£. <br /> - � 12. Suacoasora and Asaigns Bound; Joint and Soveral Uability; Co-ai�nors. Th� covenm�s md�preemena ot j - _- <br /> ,. � .. this 3ecurNy Instrument ahaA bind and benofd tho aucceasora and aealyne of Lender md 8orrower, aubJact to ih�provialons oi porayn�ph .'`�+,�i <br /> 17. Burtower's eovenants �nd �preamenta shaY be Joint�nd aevenl. My Borrower who casiqns thls 3eeurityy Imhumx�t but do��not i ., � <br /> i F �neuU tha Nola: (a) Is casipninp thts Securiry Inatrument ony to moAyaye, y�anL and convey th�l Borrawer's inivrest In tha Propary ', , . <br /> undK ih�tarms ol this 3ocurity InsWment; (b) la not penonaty obliyated to pay the suma eecured by this SecwUy Inetrumant;and(a) <br /> ayraes ih�t L�ndor�nd any other Borrower rtwy apree to extend, modly, torbew or mYce�ny accommod�tlon� wllh rapsrd to t�rnn of � ' , �:�_ <br /> thls S�airNy Instrument or tha Note wflhout that Barower's eonaent. � . j��yt�'r� <br /> . � 13. l.oan Char�aa 11 Ihe loan seaurad by tMs 3ecurity InaWment la sub�ect to �law wh�h aets rn�xhnum lan ch�ryes,�nd wK�%+�_ . <br /> that I�w Is AnaNy IntwprW�d so thot tho Intereat a otha loan chorqea coqected or to be coAacted In conneation with the lan excaed tho , � <br /> . � pemlltted Wdta,thm; (�) my suah losn cherqes ahall bo reduced by ihe amount necesaary to reduce ihe chuya to ih� pertniUed Wntt: , <br /> � �nd (b)�ny sumt akeady eoMected from Bor►ower whkh excaeded permitted Wnita wiM be retunded to Borrower. Lendu m�y ehooa�to . <br /> m�ke thls nfund by reduclnp ihe princ(pal owed under the Note ar by moWnp�direct pay�nent to Bortoww. If�rdund roduces prindpal, ' <br /> tlw reduaUon wNl be Veated aa�paAlal prepayment without any prepayment cherpe unde►the Note. <br /> j 14. NotlCO�. My noUca to Bortower provided lor in thla Sawrity InaWment ehal be yiven by deliverhy ft or by maWnq it by Ikst <br /> I claes mail uMess �ppllcable law requirea une of onother method. The �oUce shall be dlrected to the Property Addreaa or any other <br /> address Bortower dealynates by nollce to Lende►.My notice to lender shall be given by tirst cl�sa mail to Lende►'e�ddresa stated he�ein <br /> � a�ny other �ddrese Lender daalpnatea by noltce to Bortower. My notice provided Iw in Ihls SecuNty InaUument shall bo dwmad to <br /> h�v� been yhen to Borrower a Lender when yiven as provided In ihla puegraph. <br /> 16. �iovYrnin� Law; SYVYrablllty. Thls 3ecudly Inatrument shall be qovemed by tedernl law and the I�w of the Ju�l�dicllon In • <br /> whbh the Property ts locoted. In the evant that my provlaion or clauae of thls �acurfty Instrument or the Note conflicta with appNeable <br /> law, such conAlct �hall not aNad othar provlslons ol thls 3ecurily Insirument a the Nole whlch can be ghren aMect wilhout Ihe conlNctk►p <br /> provlabn. To lhis end the provisions of this Socudry InsUUment and ihe Nota are declared to be severable. <br /> 16. 8W'roWe�'s Copy. Borrower ahaA be given one coniormed copy of ihe Nole and of this Seeurily InsWment. <br /> 17. Transfor of tFw Proporty or a Bonoficiat Intero�t In Borrowor. If aU ar any part ol ihe Propaty or any interest <br /> In q la sold or translerted (a q a bene0cial Interest In Bortower Is sold or Uanslerred and Bonowe► Is not • notural peraon) without <br /> Lender's p�ior wririen cansent, Lender may, et Ita option,requlre Immedlale payment In lull oi aA auma secured by lhis Secwily Inatrument. <br /> ! However,this optlon ahaY not be exereised by Lender II exerclse is prohibited by fedaal law as ol the date ol this Seeurily Inntrumant. <br /> — , II L21106r Ixe�d6ea tnie option, Lender aiwii gire oorrower noiice oi�cceierriion,ina noiicn ai��e prurw��Nmiuu iii ii�i id55 ii�d�uv <br /> , daya trom the dde tho noUc� Is deNvered or melled wllhln whlch the Bonower muel pey aN eums necured by thla Seeurity InnWment, 11 <br /> Bar►ower t�lls to pay theae sums prlor to the explrelbn ot thfs period, lender may Invoke eny remedies pemiitted by thls Securiry <br /> � ' Imtrummt wNhout 1uAher notla�a dw�wnd on BoROwa. <br /> Peqe 3 0l S Form 3028 9/90 <br /> F1029.LM0(9N1) <br /> .. ` <br /> � <br /> ♦ � � � <br />