j . . .:.,
<br /> �.i,'•,i - it3i ': "- .
<br /> � -�-i ,.,n'_ '.�:.�itiw �r��rv"'-- ..:s�+,»�'�..c.....:.._. -...- ' _ ___._ , .
<br />_o-��� .. , ' . . ` .
<br /> - • ', 17, 7r�nd�r of th� Prop�rtyr or� EI�nNIoUt InNnH In Bbrrow�r.tl u oi;Ny p.q d tM 7rop«y,p ., .
<br /> . -, � lny INxnl N h u eold or U�mI�rtM(or N a bMNkwl hUrat h Bonowa Is aWa a v�n�pired�nd Borroww N nN�nMMr� . -
<br /> . • penm)wnhout tendn'a D�oi w�flqn wmmt lmdn m�Y.�t N�opNon,�puW tnrmcYatt qyrrwnl In M ol N�wM��a+nd by . : `",�.;�.
<br /> �,__ � Ihb B�yuAry Int Wmenl.Nowera,IhU opVm �htll nol b�exnU�W by lenda Y esxth�N proAbN�d by f�Y Uw q 01 iM- " -_j;:'
<br /> .. Nte o11N,f 9�cudty leewmmt. - - . ' , '.�:, � -
<br /> 11;4i�dx Rradsa�h1� opfon.LmOe anu pN�@ortowa eouce ol�aetenVOn. TM nouee shY pro�Ad��pMa�l,id��o1'.'-' -
<br /> -laa tli/n 70 Gyf 1rom�he Gt�th�nollw le dalNned or m�led w�tAh wAkh Barow«muel p�y tl wrM ��ow�-.b/�thM � �
<br /> - � _•-�- Bcatlry Inewmml. II Bortowa f��a lo p�y Iheso avma pdar lo tA►r�ptr�tlon o1 thle pMod, Lmdee m�y Nvok��ny t1mr,TM. �
<br /> — peRnNted by Ihls Becuriry Inswm�nt wAhwt NMa noVCa or dmund on Bortowa. . ' •`� .,"�.,.;.
<br />--------- 18. 80f►oW1�'8 Rlpht t0 RBlnttet0� �� 6arown meeb eerleN c6nQtloni, Bortowa t�Y h�w th�tfpht to Mr� � µ •'
<br /> --— —
<br /> � ' enlorcemml ol Ihb SewAry Inslmmml dsconLL�ueO �1 my IYne ptlor lo th� eNn oF. (�J 0 d�y� (a�ufh IXhN pMIOd p � . -- '-----�--
<br /> . �ppf.cable Nw miy apedy lor rcinstelemenq beloro ade ot the Propaty punuml lo my powa ol tW eonWnW B NM BKaMy�
<br /> -:����� InsWmenl;or @)mUy ol a Ndqmml eNOrdnq fhls Bea�ity InsWmml ihwe eon�fllme ero tMt BortowN:(�)piyi LOndM M . "
<br />-°s`�;c��� aume whlch Ihen would bo we untla thb 8ecudty InsWmenl�nd tAe Nole u M no acedmGOn h�C oewrtOd: N)axM�nY
<br /> �N;;,�=„F� del�ull ol my olher wva�onl or a g reementr, (c)paye �G expenee� Inarted N enlorUnp Ihb 6ewdly IntWmml,hdudn9,bul
<br /> . �;;,•,-_ nol ftnlled lo, re�sonable iltomBy7'1eel: end(d)takee auch ecllon se lenEer mey rGSOnaby roquke lo tliuro th�t lh�IMI Ot
<br />�`-��+�-�'--�? We Seadry Inswmenl. Lender'e dyrle In 1ha ProDeM end Bortowele abGgetlon to poy Ihe sumf �ecurM 6y thU B�axlly � � __
<br /> P}:.:
<br />-°_-��>'�:�' Inslrumenl ehall conlinue unehange4. UpoO roiu6Yament bf Bcrtower. Ihle 6ewdty InsWment end Ihs oWpWon1 tltund
<br /> •"-��"-"":-� htteby sh�0 remoN lu�y eHeclMo aa if no acce!erat'on had occuned However,thb dght�o re4iettle ehN not apply N lh�ate
<br />' - ol aecela+Wn under paragraph 17. �
<br /> ��,�'��Y /9. SdIB 0} NOtB� Chan e Ot 0.02.ee $erv1CBP. Tho Nole cr a a artfal Nleresl In lhe Note o ha x11h thlf
<br /> ��3� .-`f� B F OGM
<br /> -.,�., Secu�lry InswmmU meY Ce sold one or rtwre imzs wlthout p:1or noCca to Bacrax�p.A aele mny resutl In�eAUiy�N t��mNpr . _
<br /> _.�f, (4nown ee tha 'LOOn SeMca')Iha(coAeN9�mntha pnymenb d:e undH Ihe koli and lN9£eariry InsNimeni. Then K»my
<br /> -__,_�_.,�;,.r'; Oa one or more changes ol �ho Loen Serv:cer ur.�elaled �o e sale ol I�e Note. II tMSe ts � ehmge of th� Lan Ss�su. .f._�?��,_
<br />_A '�'^+�;� ���: Borrower rn9 bo qken wiflten nollea ot tha ehanqe h ecmr6anw wlt�p3r+9�>S 17 otovz and eppneable I�w. The r.oLu�wT ' —_-_--
<br /> 'L.p°l.�:�-. . .
<br /> t �t��?l'�;, sute tho name end address of lho new Loan Sprvi.er end tho addross lo wt��?�paymeMS s.*.c�id be made. The notice a�u�o �� _—
<br /> S/ R}��.fj conleln erry olhcr InlomwUon roCU4ed 6y applicable law. � :�
<br /> r f - ��3:� 20. H828fdoue Substance9. Dortower ehan nol wuse or pttmil lhe p�esenea, use.CsposN, atonge,w rsmase aT r
<br /> �(- � -� e�y Haierdous SLbslances on or is tTe P�oDe�1y. Bortoner ahen nol do.nor a7ow enyone d5e b Eo, �nylhNg �HeeiN�ihe �rrsR' .'
<br /> "/FTSiii- . �_�.
<br /> 4.,:-;�.,�� • Hoperty�hal Ie N rlolaWn ol eny Emtro+mentai Lnn. Tqc precetlinp Mo aeNmwa shall nol appty lo Ihe pfeSEnee,use� �v . t�.;����,_;,_
<br /> �::
<br /> --� '�"v�, 6lotego on fho Proptvty ol ama9 qVOnlBten o1 Haza�tlew SNvslances Ihat era generely reeognlzed to 6e�DPropdate lo nomW - �,<< ,. .
<br /> '` � - `�'-�., reslAentWl usos enA to malnlenenee o11Ae Vroperty. _�'r� S� _-_
<br /> - Bonower ahall pmn+pty pNa Lmtlxr xdnen nollce ol eny NvesGgatlon, claYn, demand. IawsuN or oNer �e1lon by my �St - �
<br /> it}! ,i�l�vd� r�z��:-
<br /> t� � /� gmemmenlal or regulalory egenry or p:Nale pedy Inrohlnq the Prope(ly ond any HaaerCOUS BubsWnw or Env4onmmW bw of —
<br /> ��4��A��%� whlch 6ortower hm ecNal knoxleA�e. II$ortov�er leama, or la notified by eny poremmrntel or reguulory�ulhoriry, IMI�ny �'��h�•� :�'���
<br /> � ���;�tt,��� rannynl or elhn iemod�tlon ol any Haiartltus S[bstsnce ettecWO kopeM Ia neCC558N. BortoWtt 6hiB DfOrtIpU) Wt0 �1 Sn -
<br /> �.;{y ... neeossary remeRal eetlom In eceorEanw wilh En•Aronmemal Len. - -r��' rc a _.
<br /> +# 4 ��' As used In Ihls paraqreph 20, 'Hniardous Subslances' are thosn subslancw defined ee todo or he=ardoue aubEtenaea by .'�;q�t�5 '7_�:�
<br /> ' ' ����'-+� Enrlronmenlal lew enE Iha lo:tow�r. iu651anws: asoinc. kerosme. olher Ilammable w lo�lo eVOleum roducls, lo�do � � -
<br /> �;i' (�1�{�:�q; i�;�. J -.
<br /> g g c o ,j .;r
<br /> � � 5.•. pesllcldes end hablddee.volaGle sokm7s. maleAals conla`n�iD asbeslw or lomialdehydo,erM mdioaelhe melMlab. Af usnd N ��-. (r� j i +
<br /> 7 i �}Z'l�� parapraph 20. 'Enrlronmmlal Lew' means fednal laws and Urrs of Ihe pdsdeqon whero Iho Pooperly la loeoted lhal rNile lo ' �;���{<YF���-i?'.
<br /> � 7�'it�� , '-+ �'`14�i�n'¢�.-•
<br />- ,-..y-o;: hwllh,salety or mvlronmenlel prolec0oa -.-- -.a{fqc.�;
<br /> -- -��-':� NON�UNIFOOM C04ENANTS. Dortmxer anE Lmder Ntlhx eovenanl end egrea as lotlowa: �L :�,;_�
<br /> � � ''�{q " 27. Accateretlon; Romedloe. Londer shall 9We nollce to Borrowor prlor to aCaeleretlon �g _
<br /> ! ,p}�i"� tollowing Borrower's broaoh ot any covonant or agroomont In thle Soaurlty Inetrument (but aot �s��''-
<br /> � �K'`����''� rlor to ecoeleretlon undar are ra h 77 unloes a Ilceble law rovldae otherwlse . The notice •-"
<br /> - P P 9 P PP P ) �� ;'',P"''.-�_,}':�1
<br />- `-'�::"� ��' ehall spac�fy: (a) the defeWM (b) the ectlon requlred to cure tha defeu�l; (o) � dete, not leae th�n :.��f•�--t�� .'':�•]':,-'
<br /> _i.' .; ,.. . _�..�_,?1
<br /> ; nrr .�'= 30 deys from lhe date lhe notice Is glvon to Borrower, by whleh the deteult must be cured; end � 7r,� ,.,_ ,._.,
<br /> :,�+1(�� >� (d) that fallure to cure the dofeuli on or boforo Ihe data epeclfled �n lhe notice may resuR In �� � j�v - '->--
<br /> �rii��� -"• ecceterallon oi tho aume eocurod by thls Securlty Instrument and sele of the Property. The notica �r_� � +�;;i�? ,-:�;:`:-i-
<br /> >...�_�. s,., : ��:..:.�:,�:�4.,;�:...
<br /> -� .-:,},- -:- ehall furthor Inform Borrowor ot tho �Ight to rolnsteto after eccelerallon end Ihe righi to Lriny a �•,��.�;�j:-,,�:-�
<br /> -- . court actlon to easeN tho nomoxlstence ot e defaull or eny other defense o} Borrower to , . -,_�,t .`
<br /> � - accoteratlon and sele. If lho dofauN Is not cured on or botoro the dato epoclfled �n the notice,
<br /> ,�� Londar et Ite optlon may �equlro Immedlate paymont In lull ol ell sums socured by thle Socurlty - • •�
<br /> '- Instrumont wlthout further domend end m2y invoke Iho power of salo and eny other remailNs ' 'i�� - -
<br /> ' � permltted by eppllcable law. Londor ahell be ontlllud to collect all exponsoa Incurred In pursving _ ti:?��1�_. :��.__
<br /> _ � '��� tha romodles provlJod In ihls parapraph 21, Including, but not Ilmlted lo, reasoneble altomeys'
<br /> ,,;�'� ' �� ""�� tooa and costa of tltle ev7donce. r �: . . .
<br /> __ :.'(CS`1,.Y.
<br /> � . ..� . ,,,f If lhe powor of eelo Is Invoked, Truslee ehall rucord a notico 01 dufault In each oounty In ' ,�r��.:
<br /> :� r�:';:'r� whlcb an aA ot tho Pro ort Is locetod end shall mall co los of such notice In the manner _�',� -
<br /> . '�� �'j .�;`` Y P P Y P �
<br /> : -;�'p4�y���} proscrlbnd by nppfcable law to Borrowor and to �he olhar �1Of60119 preacrlbod by eppllceble lew. I :. .
<br /> , ,.•�.T After tho tlme roquirod by eppllcablo law, T�usteo shall glvo publlc notice of ealo to the pe�sone �
<br /> -::t and In the mannor proscrlbod by applicablo law. Tnislee, wlthout domand on Borrower. ehell soll �
<br /> �� �- tho Proporty at publlc auctlon to tho hlphost bldder at Ihe tlme end place end untlor tho torma �- ' �
<br /> - Aost9nated In the notice ol sale In ono or more parcels nnd In any ordor Trustoo dotorminos.
<br /> '. � Trustoo may posipono salo of all or any parcet vt the Propody by publlc ennouncomont nl tho � "
<br /> tlmo and pface o1 any prevlously scheJulocl sale. LonJer or Its doslgneo may purchase Ihe �
<br /> Property al any salo.
<br /> � ' Upon recafpt of paymont ot Ihe prico bid, Trusleo shall dellvor to lho purchasor Tmslee's ;
<br /> - ��� daod eanvovinn tho Prouortv. The recllals in the Trustoe's deed shnll bo nrlma faclo ovldonco ot •
<br /> , - ., .� the lruth of tho statemonta madc theroln. Trustoo shall apply tho procooda ot lho sale in lho
<br /> tollowing order: (a) to atl costs and expenses of oxorclsing tho powor of selo, end the anlo,
<br /> Includlny tho paymont of tho Trusteo's feos actually Incurrod, not to oxcood
<br /> � ==�Ten (10)---------------------------y, of the princlpal amount of tho
<br /> _;;r`"' noto et tho tlme o1 the doclarallon ol dolaull, antl roesonablo allornoy'e tooe es permltlod by law;
<br /> t;' � _,j (b) lo all sums socurod by thls Socurlty InslrumanL• ond (c) any excess to tho porson or po�sons
<br />- � -!� layally entitled to it.
<br /> °,.;:�
<br /> . FUMLMO 0911 �ay�er 5 � �
<br /> - . �.� ��a%INf) �..-
<br />-L_., .. ..-- . . _ . . _ . ..
<br />