<br /> L : . _r_ _ � .�
<br /> ` "�J . . ' �.�� ' . _ � . —.. .
<br /> _ � ' x... �
<br /> . :� ✓. a>��P.''. .�w....1ua.N:.a:.": .
<br /> __� . . .; . ..- °I .;._' -1� .. . . - .... ` .
<br /> - �700ETf1Efl WRH��y N��. 04amroU nOw a hNMIIK�(aNW On Ih��pr�w�y �nE�I.MIMMtiG,►ppp6rYKN:.rnd "
<br /> �urn �ow ar.hKMRw�p��l of tA�WcP�I.M�p4am�M�na seaNbn�shN M10 W oorq,M EY MM ewwlp!hdn�M.
<br /> M of�h�brWO�nO'M r�lrnd lo h NN In�kwnrnl u Ih�•PrapKfy,•
<br /> . " dOAHDriEH COVENANT9 tlut Bar�s rwh,y•��a a inr.aNt�h�rdr eonry�A.na.����daht!o'o�in+��
<br /> ..'taivr/tA�7iopMy �n. IAU!h� IRopMy H unmtum6MM, e�6�yt(a.nwmen.,o».oi�r�eaa eararM wr�►�na«w�
<br /> .a*no v«+�a m.nh°►o m•v�oo«+y�q�Yi��M dYm��nd dNrrndf�.ue*��o�r«�e„a r«aa. • � „ .
<br /> 1'Hi8 bBYECURIiY IN9IRUAIENT corcbkiN unNam wv�n4ptt lor nWOnd ut� �nA.nonunYqm corpnl� wllli tiNt .
<br />�...,ylli� . v�Mdon1P011M�00�YEN NT80a�ra2touMd xl�c v e�uwil u�id��ee n t��xFy�?RMY� - - . .
<br /> 1� Paym�nt ot Prinotp�l:�nd:lnten�fi Prop�yh?�nt,�nd I.�tr 6h� p�s,Barower�hw pmrro�y py
<br /> —�,-�
<br /> due 4he Ma�yH ol�nd lnlenl ori th�debl evlEMted by Ih�Nol��nd�ny prep��mm�mA 41e chwpn du�undet tM Not�. �
<br /> -�•� 2, unda for Ter.oa end�InsurAnom Wti)tet to CPPEcaCla 6tv�oi t0 a vrtlttm Waktt by tetldtt,Bo:rofva ehcFp � . - -- .-� . . _.. _ _
<br /> — — to lendx on m�Gy m«�Uy P+m�u►re Eue unqM ma Nma unUl fh�Note b pNd N Ni��sum('f+md�')fon p)
<br />-����+� tueet �nd usessmenle w�kh m�y�tl�In ptbrfy orer thl� 6ecurNy InsWment n � Yen on the PropMy,�(b) y►��y 1w�
<br />�'-�•'� ppmml� m pround renl�on Ihe Propaly. M my; (y yeary hwrd or propaty heur�nu Drxtlumr, (�y�Nr�i�bod itwnna --
<br />=cac�.r.��i , pfctM14m��8�ny,(e)Yeuy�arip+g�Neunnn Premlume�H�ny,ind tq my tum�puy�Cp bY 8onaxa lo Unda In a000rd�nte
<br />-"-:�;�n;;�,_ wllh Iho ptoNslone ol pauqnph 8 In feu ol the p�ymenl ol mortpiqe NeuunCa p1MiU:ne. Thess kMra w aNd 'E�aow --
<br /> '.��_, ,,,,, Ilem�• Lmtla mry, al�ny Ikne, coEecl �nd M1old Fund�N �n�mounl not �o oxceM--the nubmem�moum� tendx 1a� ----
<br /> `�=3f-�-. leda►y rcl�led mongege btm m�y rtqu4e lor Bortowere esaow�ecount under Ihe fedenl R�d Eat�U 6NOlnxnt PtoeWum =______.___. .
<br />;;:��,�.'.;�� Aq o11871�e emmded Irom tlma lo Ifine,12 U.&0.@ 2601 N eeQ. �'RESPA•), unless �nolhr I�w Itwl ppI«to Ih�FunM
<br /> �.:.t'!'�"','- aele �leesd�mount. II so.lenQer may,tl�ny Gme coleN enq hold Funde M m unount not to ezaW�h�NstM�mwr�L -
<br /> ; � lender mey esllmete Iha�mounl ol Funde Que an G�o Oas7.^.el cwrant dah�nG rason�bls eilNUte� ot e�enAlune ol Mure �rt.,,
<br /> ��:�� Faaow Item�or othmvlse In qccarQa�co w�Uh ey^�+ka0to t�w. �.y .----
<br /> ' i ' fie FunJe a�ell 6e held N a:+6�s6NGOn a�o»d:posd�aro hsvred by�fedenl�ymry,N�WmenlJ.ry,a onf'✓y Q�x4•rYny �,•- • �
<br /> � � Lender, 11 Lender H sueh�n Insldullon or 6� Fedttal Hcme toan Bant� Rmtler ahi9� "" Y
<br />-.. 1 �Y PPN Iho Fue2�oo pqr t`,e g.s�UH •;•..:._._'�
<br /> �s�,''�. . Itema.Lender mry nd e�a�po Bortann lor hN6n9 and�?Dyn9 Ne Fundj.sr.iwGy�naytlny the escrax wxva�--tM Ve�yinp _—.
<br /> - lA0 E6K0'N Itemx unless Lender peys Oortowtt httvesl on th¢ Fund3 end �DD��ble kw pttmlle Le:d� to mnkc auoh•1 _
<br /> j ���r charge. Howrrx, lenJer may reqWre Bonower to pay a onrtim3 chvpe tw en Ndcper,dmt rell esWn Gr np�r0:��sorla -° _.
<br /> v� „� used by Lender t� eonntttlon wllh thls loan, unlese app4w0te law Drovtdes olhmvlse. Unbse an �}etmen);b mntle ar �--
<br /> '"�-.'�������'^Y+; e ticabto Mw requ'res Inlnesl lo ba ald. LendM sha9 no1 6e r u4ed fo "
<br /> pp p ey pay Bonower any Nlaest m ea-nffig1 cA 11�a'fundf. ■
<br /> --�"'� '!;-;:q Oortorrer end le�der mey egree In wriling, hmvern. Ihal Int�esl e�eA ba pa:G 011 IAO FUOd9. IMQN 6h99.ETl0 SO BOIION'!!� -(l�`"'��`�-_-
<br /> �-.`�j��:_;;,_�,�;� wllhoul cNrgo, en annual euountlng ol lhe FunAa. showing credu end debila to Ihe Funde md the purpoie Id xTRh�Meh �._
<br /> de6N to Iho Funds vres mado. Tha FunES ere 0��9ed ea eddnlonel aeaAry lor a0 aams securetl by tAe Seanlly InSINmMt. ���-•-
<br /> ;-.`�'i:�'� ' II fhe Funde held by Lender exceed Iho amounts pttmflfetl Io be held by eppGc9ble lew,laider a�d weount to 9qrtowK - -
<br /> "�-�' �•'�. lor I�e ezcesa Funde In eaordance wHh lho requlremenle ol eppXwble law. II(he amounl ol lhe Funde hdd by Lendp�at any �_.
<br />:'i��'-:- -'.�.�_;�' Ilme le nol euXldenl to pay Ihe Esaow Ilems when due,Lender may ao noYy BOROWH IO WfIU09,�pA,N WCA G!�QDROWM -_
<br /> �.!,_; t ahe� pay lo Lender Iho emounl necessary lo mnke up Iho delldenq. Dortower ehaA m�ke up the deF.dmry Yl qo R�m}1�N --
<br /> :f; -"�� IweNO monlhy paymenta,el Lender'e solo dlsue�loa . d-
<br /> . �:,,n�'�...�..� Upon paymenl N 1uA ol e� aurca secured by Ihls Secudry Inslrumenl, Lender ehail promply«Nnd lo Bortoaw�ny fbnd�
<br /> •`:c.�';,Y,,'fFt;;. held by LenAer. If,unen pam9�aph 2L Lender ahall ecqulre or ae0 Iha Properry,lendtt,pdor to Ihe tequlsY.lcn q WM o7 7ha .
<br />-+�•--��rr i;�+- Propeny,s�en eppry eny Punas nem Dy Lenaer et ma nmo oi ecquisi�ion or aeie es a aed"q againsl I�e auma 6eeure0.9y 7nra • �"� '�- � -" �-
<br /> '� �•h}�. 6¢curirylnSWmenL
<br /> •�"��`'�k`•�"-'- 3. A Ilcntlon ot Pe monte. umosa e ncanto �iw - �
<br /> pp y pp �roWdes othmNSO, ell paymenta rccetced by lenda unda
<br /> �-,����..: pare5rophs t an�2 she4 ba app6ed: fi�st. lo eny prepaymenl che�ges due undtt Iho Noto; seoond,to amonnU p�y�bb unda ' �
<br />�' ' peraA�eph 2:thlyd,lo�ntaesl Ouo:lou�h.la pdnUpal due:end lasl.lo eny lale chirpes due undM Ihe Note. =��-
<br /> � - A. ChC1gBe� Llene. Uormwer ehall pay 08 �BI[M. 085PSSIIIC1119, CI18fBE9. �IICS and ImposMlone �Ilnbut�Eb lo Ne �, '7�-�:-�,�;rry-
<br /> � Prope�ry whlch may ellaln pdoAry ortt Ihls Stturiy Inswmem, and Ieasehold paymenro or gocnd renU.H any. Bortowa ah�l � ;�� n�f ;-
<br /> - pny thtna obli8allon! In Iho manner proWded In Daregreph 2. or 11 nol paltl In Ihal manner. Bcnower ahN pay lhem on Ume :,- j�,.,:;;;-"-
<br /> direaH lo l�o pnson owed paymenL Oortowor sAa9 prompty Nmish la Lentln ell nollces a1 emoums to be pald under Ihb "at.,y.... ;{ _.��,.
<br /> � �:����: paragreph. I� Dortower makes I�ese paymenls dlredy, Bortovrcr shaG promply Nmish to LcnOer reuiple evldendny the �-!'�'--_
<br /> �_,i,,.� poymMU. ', '•`w.—
<br /> -�� � Bcrcower sha0 promply dscherge eny lien wh!ch has pderiry over Ihlg Secuhty InsWm¢nl unlosa Bcnower. (�)tyeef N --'� ,� ._
<br /> i��., wriling lo Ihe paymenl ol Ihe o6ligaUon aecured by lho lien N e manner ecceplable to lentlrr, (b) eontesle N pood laNh tho �� �
<br /> �fr1�- kon 6y. or dMends eqalnsl enlorcemenl ol Ihe lien In, legal pmcttQnga whlch In !ho lenderY opinlon operale to ptevent fhe i �
<br /> . . " - enforcemem ol Ine Oen: or�c) necuma Iram Ihe holder ol lhe Ilen en eyreemenl sellslactory�o lenAer subwdmaUnp tha Den to '� ``
<br /> . �-�'�` lhls 9¢wdry Inslmmznl. II Lender dMermMes Ihal eny parl ol Ihe Hopery Is sub�ecl to a fien whleh may ellaln plodly mN�hu �'�r'� '����
<br /> . .,}.:,.�:_.:�+?.
<br /> - Searriry InslrumenL Lender nwy gWe Bortower o nollea ICenlrtying Ihe Gen. Bonower shall sellsy Iha Ilen er Inke Me ot more ol � - >u'
<br /> � lhc ucl!cro rel Ictlh aboxe wdhln f0 day.ol!hc q`:ng ol noEcc. � - �s-- `t
<br /> F"'r _ �,i.
<br /> , 5. HOZOrd of Property II13ureIlCO. Dortower sha:l keep lho improvemenls now edsling ot htteafter Meeled on Iha � d( .
<br /> . .. Pmperry Insured a9alns� loss by fire. haiards Induded wilhln Ihe lerm 'exlended cove�ago' end any olhtv haierd9.Ndudmq " -7��j��,-.`: -.--
<br /> ,';`{
<br /> _ Ilmtls or fbod�ng.tor wh(ch Lender requircs Insumnce. This Insuranee shell be maNtafned N Ihe amounU end lor Ihe pModa _� .-. +:t:�l..;:.;---
<br /> " , Iha1 lmder�equves. The Insuraneo cartler provld�g fhe tnsuranca sha7 bo chosrn by 6ortower suDJecl lo lmdere epprorel `��;'=- �'"! '�- •+�
<br /> whlch aha11 no1 6e unreasonably wilhheta. II Bortoaa lans lo malntaln coverago desmbM ebove, Lender may, et LmtlNe �- .�'1'•^�- �
<br /> '-�' ,+�s,,,__,� oplton.oDlam eore�age to protect Lendere dghta In Ino ProD�Y�^accor0anco wilh paregreph 7. � -
<br /> - - .�;�- AI� insurance poGdea end renevrals shail bo acceplabte lo lender end sha!I InGutlo e slantlard mo�gago clausa Lender ,-`�-- .,
<br /> . ' - ' sha7 have Ihc II9h1 lo hdd Ihe pofide9 dnd renrxals. II LenCc�requlres. Borrower shall pwmptly gMa lo lendM ell r¢Celp�a o� - - _ ..
<br />�' �,�f(!��.'� � pattl premiums antl renewal n0tices. In the evenl ol bss. Bortower shall give prompl nollce to Ihe Insumnto certier end Lender. .
<br /> � . Lentler may n+ake p�ool of Ioss 8 nol made p�ompLy by Oorto�rer.
<br /> . " Unless Lender and Oonorrer olhawlse e5�ee�n mittng.insumnce pwceetls ihall 6e eppGed lo res�o�a0on or repalr of Ihe �
<br /> Propeny dam�9M.il the�esloralion or repair is economiw:y Ieastlr.nna Lentlers iecuriy la nol lessenee. Il fhe ra5forallon ot (
<br /> � '� �epa� Is no(economlcatly IwStle or LenCei s secu/ry wou1E be Iessme0. Ihe Insmanco D�oceetls sha0 be eppSeC lo Ihe sum!
<br /> ,�3 secureA by Ihls Setunly InsUUmenl. �vhMher o� nol Ihen Oue. wflh nny exces5 paiC lo Do�owM. 11 �enowtt Bbendons Ihe �
<br /> . . � Prpe+Iy, or does nol ansxe� wiihln 20 days a noYce I:cm Lender Ihal the insmance wrner hae olfereA lo set'�.e o da:m, Ihen
<br /> - ' lendM nay coCecl Ihe insmence Umceetls. Lertle� may use Ihe proceeds b repatr or mslere Ihe Raperty w �o pay sums �
<br /> ' - secured by Ihis Secumy Inslrumenl,whelher or nol Ihen due. The 90-day periotl wal begin when Ihe nolice Is�ren.
<br /> Unless LenCer antl Dortower othcrvrize agree in .rrilmg. any apD�iwfion ol proceeds lo ptlntlpal aha7 not enlend or
<br /> . poslpone Ihe Gve Ealc ol Ihe monlhly payments releired lu in pa�agraphs f and Y 0� chenge Ihe emounl 01 the peymente. 11
<br /> unAe� parag�aph 21 Ihe P�ope�ty is acavireA by Le�dec Uouu�ve�i�ighl lo eny insurence poliUes and pwceedf msutlNp Iran
<br /> tlamage lo Ihe Prope�y prio� 10 I�e acquisi6on shall pass lo Lende� lo Ihe edent ol Ihe sums hy Ihls Securiy Inslrumenl �
<br /> . . Immeealery ptlor lo Ihe awulsn�on.
<br /> � 6. Occuoancv. Prasorvallon. Malnlunanco and Prolocllon a} Iho Prnoorlv: 6orrownr'a Loan
<br /> .. � •�� A(1pIlCetlOn; LOa6011o1(18. Bo�rowe� sha7 occupy. eslabl�sh. and use Ihe P�oDe�ly es �onower's�pAndO���esldenco wi1hN
<br /> slaiy days dter Ihe execufion ol mIS Securiry Inswmrnl and shall cun6nuc �o occupy the Property ea Oortower'e pdndpal
<br /> resldence br al Icasl one yea. alle� the aale at occupancy.unless lenEC� olherxise eqrees in wriling,whl[h Consenl shell nol
<br /> be unmasonaby wilhhe�d.o�uNess ednmaling n¢vmslances caisl whic�are bryond Oortowefs tonUOl. Bortower sha�nol
<br /> _ - '� deslroy. damage or Impau Ihc Propeny aCOw Ihe P�opaxlY io deferiorale.or comniM1 wasle on Ihe PropMy. Bortower sha9 be N
<br /> , �f delautl il any 1odnW�e aaion o� proceetl�ng. .rhe�her cr,n o�c�mEnal is begun Inal in Lende+'f good la0h judSment wuld resull
<br /> :i
<br /> 1 m ladeiw�e ol Ihe Propetly or o�hem5se malerial�y impalr�he I:en neated by ihis Securiry Inslmment or Lmder's sewriry Nlecest.
<br /> . t' nUSCqOAI. yy]<r5
<br /> - ..._ •lnnq � _ - .
<br />