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„ . , <br /> ,'` , :. - . . - 93-. .�,of �� !,3�s ' . . .. <br /> p�ymaNs nuiy rwlonga bo rtquttod�et'tho bption af Lender If mortgigo Ipsuranoo coverage(in thd m�n{uid for tta p;eidd� <br /> ihu Lendfr'toqu�im).provided by�n Insurcr approved¢y t.ender�giln 6eromw wv�Ii�ble uiif 1�obt�lnal.Botrow�t,r th�U pYy, �, <br /> tha prcmfunu t2quircd to nulntJn munge�e.(nsur�co In effecl,or to pruvida a�os�rastve,until tho requhemeAt for mortg�e <br /> Insuro�coe�ilnxcqrdinmwi�heny.w{7ntnagranxptbr,4wan►Sortowceendl.�nderorappticablolaw. ' <br /> 9,Impeclbn:l.endsr or Its egEn�may m�ke reawnable em8c�upon and(nspaUlona of tho Propeny.I.endce shalt g(ve.. �”. <br /> ,,Bo�pwei noHce a t6c tirne oPor prior to en inspaalon specffying reasonebte cause for�ho iraputton. ' � , <br /> ' t0. Conikmnaqon.The pracedv of any award or cleim for dunaga.dtrcc�or mnxqueNial,ln connectlon viith�y <br /> condtmna�on or aher tatcing nt any part of tho Propeny,or for conveyann+In qeu of condemnation,wo hereby assigned ud . <br /> sLall lx:palA to Lendcr. - <br /> -- . .'.-.' �p;hp,ev�nt 9f,e total taking of the Properry.the praads shal!bo¢pplied ro the sums 6tturcd by�his Sm,�ity ImUUnxnt, . -=- ----- <br /> wAethCy:ofljyl'tji'tA-•dNp.with eny czcess patd to Borcowu. In ihe evem of a panlal taking of the Prope[ry In wlkh tho[atr <br /> ' - mvket va1uC-Iif�,thaA�oyeny inunediately btforu�he toking is equal to or grcaur thnn the amoun�of the sunu securvd by th[9 <br /> ._ Securiry fanivnknt immediatdy before tM1e tnking,udess Borrower end I.ender othervrise ngrec in writlng.�h�:sumt secured Dy <br /> thls Sccud�y In3tNmen[ shall be rcduced by the amount of�he procecds muhiplled by �he(ollowing kactlon: (a) ihe total <br /> - anwun�oi IAe suma secured imm�lately before�hc taking,divided by @)U�t f�lr muket veiuc of the Propetty fmnxdt�tcly <br /> 6cfore tlte t�ktng.Any balancc shall bc paid to Bortoner. In iho evenl o[o partial taking of�he Properly�n wldch ILc fat� <br /> � market v¢lue of d:e Propeny Immediateiy before�hc taktng is lue than Ihe amount otthe sunw securod Imnwdl�tciy beforo tia <br /> Inking,unlese Borrower end Lender othcrwisc agrte in wriling or unicse appliwble law o�heiwiw proviJa,thc prcktcds shall <br /> be applicd io�he sums sscurcJ by thb Sccudiy Insimmcn�whcihcr or not ihe sunv¢ru�hcn due. <br /> It Ihe Propeny�is nbandoned by ISorrower,or If,aRer no�ice by Lender�o Bortower�hat Ihe mndemnor oiPors lo nuke nn <br /> a�varJ or scnlc n clnim for damaga, Borrowcr faile to respond to Lcndcr within 30 daye a�cr tho dato thc nollcc if givcn, <br /> __ __, _.-� I,cndcr le amhoriud�o mllca ond appiy�hc prncccds,m lis opiion,ciihcr to rcsmretion or rcpalr of Uic Propeny or to�ho sum� <br /> cecurcd by�hb 3ecurity Instrumem,whethcr or not�hcn due. <br /> Unlex+ Lende� end Bortower otheialu egrco In wri�tng, eny appllcation of proceed� to principal shall not exicnd or <br /> �"� poxtpono the duc dale of the monthly pnymems rckrred to in paragraphs I end 2 or change the amount of such pnymems. <br /> ll.Borrox�er Nol Rdeased;Forbeannce By I.ender Not e Walver.Cxtension of t6e tlme fur payment or modification <br /> = of nmarti�ation of�he sume secumA by Ihis Secudty[nstrument granled by Lender ro any successor in Incercst of Qorrower shall <br />�� not operatc w relcaso�he Ila6ilhy ohho orfginnl fiorrower or 6orrower'n sucmssore in interes�. Lender shull not be rcqufrcd�o <br />--__-_-= rnntmenw proceedin�s egainst eny succccwr in imercst or rePose[o eziend�6ne for paymem or othenvix modify umorttutfan — <br /> ���� of tAe sums sceurcA 6y thia Saurity Inatmment by rcason of nny demnnd mnde 6y the originul Dorrower or 6orcower'a <br />_ = -��,,.� sum�son In inters�. Any for6c�rance by Lender fn erzercising any dght or rcmedy shall not be a �vaiver of or prxlude the = _ <br />-°-°--°-1 excrcisc of eny rigM or remedy. —'- <br />_,...�.....Q � . <br />=:'�'.s'w:;-� 12. Successors nnH Atsigns Oow�d;Johrt and Seve�al LIaUlli�y; Co•signers. Tho covenams and egreementa of Ihis __ __ _ ___ <br /> S�"�� 3eeuri�y Intttumem xhall bind and benefil �ho successore and ncsigns of Lender end 13onower, su6Jtt� to tho pmvisions of . _ <br />_yr,;s n8� pamgraph 17. �ortower's mvennms anA ngrecmema shall be jolnt nnd seveml. Any Donawer who co•signs Uils Security �`:.: <br /> ' J .' :'..;: uiuv:_.:.�- <br />--,�r -Z Ins�mmenl bul dax na ezecuee thc Note: (N is m-signing tliis Scenrity Inarumem only la mun6nS��6�nt and mnvey that (�µ .-- <br /> �t �J <br /> � i F 'r''�. Dorrowcr's imerest in lhe Pmpcny undcr ihe�em�s af this Secudty Instnimenl;(b)Is no� persanally ablisnted to pay�hc suma L'�uS�att °' <br /> '- secutul 6y�his Securiry Insuumem;end(c)agrces�hm LenAer nnd nny other I3orro�ver mny nsrce to exmnd,medffy, fotbear or ,�j h� - <br /> " -:... �4.`:` :i.;:�+�.pi,. _ <br /> �_,..��.,; ,� _,. mnke m�y occomntadxqons�viih rcgani to the�emis of�hfs Secnri�y Insuument or the Nnte wlihnm qini Borro�ver's cunsem. ,g�{ <br /> �� _1.�;',i'I.f - <br /> „ -.��.; 13. [.aen Chnr6es.If�he lum�sccund by ihfs Sauri�y Inswmem is subjec�m x Imv mhich sets mnximmn luan chnrges, <<isg• j�}' � <br /> r � u�� nnd�hn� Imv fa Ilnally intapreted m�ha� �he imeres� nr oiher lo�n charges collec�ed or tu be mllected im m�nec�ion+vi�h l6e it;;�,{�< � "'' <br /> � �� loan exceed�he penntucd limiis, then: (a)any such loan chnrge shnll he reduceA by�he amounl necesury�o reduce�he cherge �1�y 4t <br /> { �� lo�he permH�ed limi�;nnd Ib)any sums nlready mllecud from 6orron�er which excecd�d penniued Iimlts o�lll be refunded b iC.� `° � - <br /> � - _ - [iarrowcr. Lender mny choou to makc �his rcfund by rcducing �hc principul u�cal unJcr �hc Noic or by making o dira� � r�'4:+) ,r - <br /> � �� "`r ,:, paymem Io �orrowcr. If a refwtd reduces principal. �hc reduc�ion will be �rcu�ed nx a panial prcpaymcm without uny �- `3 <br /> y�I,�-� � : prepayment chnrge nnder�he Note. p yfr�° d.l <br /> ` �,�'_ ?; 14.NoNces.Any notice�a Uorro�ver providcd for in ihis Secumy Insuumcro shall be given by dclirering it or by mailfng �����f_� :_ - <br /> h by firsl class mail unless applicabk laic reyuiies ux uf another methoJ.The no�ice shall ix dirccted�o�he Property Address - <br /> r�.,;�" ;P,, ��; <br /> - ➢ . or any otlicr nddrcss Umron•er designates by no�ice �o Lender. Any nntim io I.enJer shall be given by first clasx mail to _,*��• � � <br /> =�;.'���'��" � I.ender's addre+s slalttl herein or an a�hcr adJrcss Lender desi natex b nwim m Uorroace An nmicc rnvidecl for in�his "�'�l����� �ri+�' <br /> _ Y S Y Y P ���°/�,�, <br /> j - �'� Securi�y I�uwnum shall be deem�d In Itave been giren ia Onrro�cer or Lender�vhen gi��en ac provideJ in ihis pamgtaph. 1 .+�t� ; <br />� eF - I5.Governhig Lno; Se��ernbllily. 7'his Security Ins�mmcro shall he govcmeJ by faleral Imv and �hc la�r of ihc ix T;'` ,. ':. <br /> - - ' jurisdictlan in whirh the Propeny is located. In the event th:u mry prnvisiun nr cl:m.e o(thi.Securi�y Inxtmment ar�he Nme r �'� <br />'.:"'-` 'kT'-'. mMicis a�i�h appiicahlc law.snch con0ict shall no�afka othcr provisimm�f thiy Sauriq• InSUUment nr thc Nutc u�hich can hc ����t�r•.�.-;.:-. <br /> :Fii.,yei;�.,�,'� Bi�•en effttt wilhout Ihe con0ic�ing provisinn. Tn Ihix end�he pmvisiom nf�hi+tiecuri�y Imtrument and�he Nn�e arc declared {��'"r{'�5���.' ;,,".. <br /> 3 -r�.:: Io bc se��erable. 7 i;" <br /> •,`. l6. Oa�rmrcr's Copr.Bnrrn�rcr.hall 6c gicen nnr confornrcd cop��of Ihc Natr anJ nl Ihi.Sccuriq•Inarumenl. �f;��.< . . <br /> <<.. <br /> Po�m 3028 8�90 <br /> uH o�6 <br /> 7 Sa ':-, <br /> o. <br /> •_ ��,. <br /> •� .,�_.—._�,.. �-----,�-- -----. .._---. _.._�_...- -- - - - - - - - <br /> ,,. , _...�, >. ... - : .. „ ..._. � ._ . . ._ . <br /> ,..,.. .<.,-_ ..... ._ .� <br /> , . _ . ' , : - � <br /> , _ • • . _ _ - ' : ' <br /> . ,�,�� � , <br /> , - - - - - - - - _ <br /> _ . _ -.:_ <br /> • � . . <br /> - � . � .. �� ��r - <br /> , <br /> _.,._.- •:.-- ';•;' �t';. '-_7,. ..,,. . . „ . . .. . n .. . � _ .. <br /> � <br /> . ,l� '- � - '�; . - - i„ • � . . <br /> 1 ; .� � , <br /> . O )j $.- . . _'�, . ._ ' <br /> r - ` S ��� .xTt� . r _ _ ' � � 1 .. _ <br /> + ' t � .. � r _ . - -i � �!i . - Gn., � <br /> iy� � � ..�ii!\9Tf1Y y_' � � .+i� - . �5 �1A4 ft� f � -;l/� . __1 - f. <br /> 3i C f( )if{�tn 4tr � �t � . �� -.1� t ..r - t �- rl? � <br /> - Vt t �f1/ ! ' .. (q! .-:L � i . <br /> . . - _ ; t_e ri)i�,�l�_ . : . -. .. <br /> y ! . C 1 t l�._ � q . . <br /> � ) _ <br /> / }. � - " - � ��.� �C f <br /> M1 � } �Y • ♦ <br /> _?.� '9 _.. - . _ _ y_ 'Y.S�'� .. . . �� . .. .. - . . . ... �� .. ' ..,J � _ .. . ��-. . <br />