<br /> � . ., :
<br /> ::=�.��.��.. _..._�.�.� . , ,
<br /> -� . � 93- io'7��9,___ _ ..
<br /> TO(i87'NBR WITH all�he Imptavementa now or hereaRer cruied on tho propeny,aid all eaumente,tppurtan�ntta,uM
<br /> fixrorca now ur �eret�Rtr r part of the property. Ail rcplxements end additiona �hcll alw ba covercd by ihl� 5ecurl�y
<br /> lnstmmenL Ali otthe foregoing ia rcferted a In thls Suudty Instmmem cs ihc"Propeny.'
<br /> BORROWER COVBNAN7'8�hat Bortower Is law(ully selsed of dia estnto hcreby cnnvcycd and 6�s tho right�b grant and
<br /> convoy the Proyxny ond�h�t tho Propeny le unencumbcr�, exapt Por enwmbrenas of rccord. eonower wannnte and will
<br /> . defend generaliy iha�itle�o tha Pmpeny ngalnst all cioims end den�and�,subJut to any cncumbmncq o(rccord.
<br /> TI�[9 S8Cl1RlTY INSTRUM[iNT combince unifortn covenants for national usa and non-uniform covenants wllh Ilmlted
<br /> vadaUons by JurisdhUon to wnsqmte o un(torm uarity Insuument covering rcal propeny.
<br />_.._„�---T, UN[FORM COVEiNAN7'9.Bortower end Lender covcnam eM agrro es Pollows:
<br /> L Paymenl of Printiql �nd Interat� Prcpeyment ond J,ate Cbarges. Qonower shall promptly pay whrn duc�ha ` " -
<br /> principal of end intcres�on�Ao dcbt ovidenood by tho Noto and nny prcpaymcnt and leto chargcs duo undcr tho Nolc.
<br /> 2. FLnds tor Tax�anA Insannce. Su6Ject to epplicaM1lo law or to e writtcn waSvor by Lendcr, Dartower shall pay to
<br /> Lcnder on tlie day monthty paymente are due under tho No�o,untll iho Nolc te paiA In NII,e sum('FunAe")Por.(a)yeady�axw
<br /> end¢ssessmente which may etinln priority ovcr�his Security Instn�mem as e Iien on tho Property:(b)ycarly Icasehold paymems —
<br /> . or ground rents on tho Propeny,if any;(c�yeady hnzard or propeny insumnce premiums;(d)yearly OaaA Insumnce premfume,
<br /> �� If any:(e)yearly mongege insurance premiums, if any;end(q any sums payablo 6y Borrower lo Lepder, in aocordance with ----
<br /> ---- .- the pcovisions of pamgraph 8, In Ueu d�he payment of mortgege insurance praminms.These item9 ere called 'Cscrmv Items.'
<br /> -'------ lender may. at eny time, rnllect end hold FunAs in an amount not lo oxceed �he maxtmum nmoant a IenAcr for e federelly
<br /> -- releled mongego loan mey mquiro for Rorrower's escrow accoum unAer the fedeml Real Cstele SGtlemem Procodures Acl of
<br /> --[.<i� 197M1 as pmcnded from time m time, I]U.S.C.Senion 2b01 r�seq. ('RE9PA'), uNas nnolher lew thm applics lo�he Runde
<br /> ==:�1:�� seta e Icsser amount. If so, LcnAcr may, ei any tlmo, rnllca end hold Funds in en emamm �o� m excecd tho Icsscr¢moum.
<br /> -- - Lcnder may estimate the amount o(Runds dua on�ho basfs af arrom dam and reasonahlu estimates of expendllures ot fumra = .._ _
<br /> �-� Cscrow henu or otherwise in nceordance with npplicable law.
<br /> ,K� Tho Punds shnll be held in en instimtlon whnse dcposiis ero insured by o fedcral ugency, Insuumemalliy, nr cntity
<br /> �+ (Including Lendcr,if I.cndcr Is such un Ins�hutiaN ar in nny Pcdcml Nomc luan Itank.LcMlcr shall apply�hc�nndx m pay thc � _-g,�
<br />,-,�;�,�.;;�� L'scmw Itcnu. I.endcr may not cliargo 6orrowcr Por holding and opplying�hc Aunds,nnnually onalydng tlm cacmw nccounL nr
<br />��� '+ ' � verifying ihe Cscmw Items,unless I.ender pays Ilnrrower imeres�on dw Pund.nnJ appticablc law pennh+I.cuAcr to make+ucN E` -�6,.-_.
<br />�-�-�'N' e char�o. Ilnwever, Lender may requlrc Oorrower�o pay a ono-�ime chnrge far an independem rcal c��me mx rcMminp ncrvice =`""°�-,
<br /> e'��`?'
<br />- ,"..�},.,`7 uscd by LenAer In connecilnn wiili this loan, wdev nppllcable Inw provlJC. otherwice. Unlesa an ngrcrmem I. nmJe or .�, µ_,,.,
<br /> epplirnhle law rcqulres Imcrcsi ro bc pafd, I.endcr s6all nai hc rryuircA�n pay Ito�rowcr ony Imercst nr canilngs nn Ihe t�aid�. �.',�.1��.�-
<br /> '- � Rorrowcr and I.cndcr may agrce In wriiing, howcvca�hot IntcrGi tihall bc paid on thc NanAs. l.cixfcr ehall givc�n Bmrox�cr, �{'�'�m•��..
<br /> ,�v...,�. -
<br />'• ;j_;�:�;y-_, wl�hout c6arga un onmwl ucmuming of�hc �unds, showfng cndf�s nnd dc6fie �o tl�c Funds nnd �hc purpasc for e�hich tach �' _
<br /> � � n_�.i��„ti,�p��n.���mulp.Tpe Punds nm oledeod ac nddi�lunal sewri�r for all amns scenrcd 6y Iidx Sceuri�y Insiruntcm. "' , __
<br /> +° i,� - 1(Ihc�unds hcld by Lcndcr excced the amaums permh�cd lo bc hcld by npplicahlo Imv. Lcndcr shall ottnnm ro Rorrnx�cr �:�*t _
<br /> J for lhe excess Punds in eccardance�vith Ihe requiremenla of epplicnble Imv. tf�he nmuum of q�e RunAs held hy I.ender nt any .� n =y,
<br /> ' time fa nm su(fidem lo p�y the Cscrow I�ems when due,Lender may so nnqfy Uartmrer in wri�ing,end,in such cue Dorrower � t.: r '
<br />- r - - :'� shall pay to I.ender�he amouni neccssary to make up dce deficicncy. Onrmwer shall make up the deftcicncy in na more �han .��;,��,.;,� �S�-
<br /> - - ` ':- twclve montldy paymems,ai I.cnder's mle discrction. � -;R �" �:�-_
<br /> �...,_'� Upon pnyment in full of all sums secured by�his Security Inswment, Lender shall promptiy rcPond ta Uarro�ver uny �= � ,.s,-s-�'':.
<br /> .1; (�` Funds heid 6y Lender. If,under pangmph 21, Lender shnll ncquiro or scll�hc Prapeny.Lendcr,priar to the ecquisi�ion or salo � ?r.#�;�-
<br /> •"�`ti-, 'r�� of the Prapehy,shall apply any�unds held by I.ender a��he iime of ncquisi�ion or snle ns a credit epains�the sums secured 6y .-i� �
<br /> �3�'�- j[ Ihis Security Instrumcm. '- „' ' i�
<br /> r:., .- - ��s J,Appllcxtion of Pnyments. Unlcu applicx6le Imv provides o�hcnvise,nll payments received by Lcndcr undzr pamgraphs . •� ,
<br /> " �: I and 2 shall be a lied:firs�, to nn rc a mcnt chnr ce Ji�c under Ihc Nme,semnd,m mimums a able under am ra h 2; ' -;-r=��°:;�i�;•-;��;.`.
<br /> PP YP PY F PY P S P �tr� .th.�
<br /> s ..- -ti Ihird,to imerext due;fwnh,w prtncipal due:miA las�.to eny Ia�e chArees Ane unJer the Note. ��' - '::,.
<br /> ���"'�""`� 1.Chargtr+; I.Ieiv. 6orro�rer shall pay oll taxes,nssexamrms, charges, fines m�d imposiiionc uttribmable�o�he Propeny :r.•�'��"'^•i!;%;`:;v?•.
<br /> �`a4--'e �vhich may auain priority orer�his Seeuri�y Inamment. nnA Ieeuhold payments or ground rcnts, if any. Oorrower shall pay �- :? '.-7'�'�
<br /> :.f �hac obligadons in�hc nunner proriJed in p�ngraph?,nr if m�t paid in�hat manncr.6onmvrr zhall ry�y�hem nn�ime dira�iy .��_ _
<br /> to�hc person owcd paynxnt.�orra�vcr sl�ali promp�ly furnish�o I.endcr all noiiccs of amounts io bc paid undcr�his paregraph. + s� - �..:�i-�
<br /> �- �; If�orm�rer makes�hese payments dirmdy.Onrroarr shall prompdy(urnish�o Lender reccipts evidencing the paymems � -° ,��t _�
<br /> tY.s�'(�''� Oorro�ver shall promptly diuharge nny lien a�hich hac prioriiy over diis Sacuriry Instmment unless Horro�eer. (u)agrces in � ;
<br /> }`�f���� writing�o ihe payment o(�he nbliga�inn secured by�he licn in a manner nccep�ablc to I.ender,(h)comes�s in giwd faiih�I�e lien ;. �}� i .� `'
<br /> �`s"�ri'rtiiV- „ i,a..'.',::
<br />:`.';j��t.:l., by, or defends ngainsl enforcemenl of�hc licn in. Iegal procecdings xhich in �he Lendcr's npininn npera�c �o prevcnt ihc ,�:.:•.i�'. .�:,.:�-;;__
<br /> i
<br /> ' ;"��� enforcemenl o(Ihc licn;nr(c)sttures from Ih:hnlAcr of�he licn an agrceinem wli.fac�oq��n Iwnder whnrJina�ing t6c licn�o !. '
<br /> /7( �;:
<br /> -- �}.+k �his Securi�y Insuumem. If Lender de�crmine��h:n any p:m nf�he Prn�ny i.whjea to a lirn��hich may auain priori�y aver ..
<br /> - - '�'�: Ihis Sccurily Inurumcnt.I.cnJrr may gi��c Oorrnxcr a no�icc idcmilying d�c lien. f3urrmecr xh111 .:nidy Ihc licn or�aAc anc or .
<br /> morc of Ihe aciionx xel(nnh abnre n�ilhin 10 da��.of�he giring nf nuiice. .�•s` �,.
<br /> Form 3020 8100 � .
<br /> ' .:�1 o.r>ma - .
<br /> .��.�.
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