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<br /> -�.u�1�'t�� r�.. .�.�
<br /> �,, - n1 � . n��n1 _ .
<br /> - -- _ �7 i"� .i.V V V V j. --
<br /> �,
<br /> :.si ots�le,�nd the sole,larludinQ the payment o�the 7Fu�tee's tea actu�lly Incurred,not to exceed 2.0 ��
<br /> ._ ��-, the pri�clpal�mount o�tbe nde�t the dme of the decl�lba of detiult,Aqd neawa�6le wlloraeyo'fear rr���!Itted
<br /> -- by law;(b)to all iumr acured by tbir Secu�ity pm��u�euti Apd(cl aay exa�s W the psnon or pe�kpxr e*�Nkd
<br /> � � .
<br /> °� to 1�
<br /> �,� 22. Reconveyance. Upon pAym¢nt of ull sums xecured by thia Security Inx�rument, L.endcr Khall requeat 'Ituatee to
<br /> rcconvey the Property And shall sumender thia Secudty Inatrument And all notes evideucing debt Recur+ed by�his Security
<br /> � Instniment to 7tuslee. 7lvstee ahall reconvey�he Property withaut wammty and wlihout chuge to ihe person or persons _
<br /> --- - --— � le�ally entitled w it. Such person or persons shall pay uny r�cordudon coxtv. --. -
<br /> -- — ?,3. 3ubsdtute'Itanttee. Lender.ut its aption.may from time to time remove 7tustec w�d appc►int a auccessar trustec to
<br /> ee
<br /> uny 7tustee appointed hereunder by an inatrument recorded in ihe county in whfch this Securily InetrumeN is recorded.
<br /> - • Without conveynnce of the Property.Ihe successor wstee shall aucceed to nll the title,pawer and dulfea conFerred upon
<br /> ,�,�;,.� 'Ituatee hertin and by applicable IAw.
<br /> 24. Request for NoUces. Barower requests that copies of�h�notices of defoult and salc ba sent to Borrowcr�s addresa
<br /> . ._�_ __,_� which is the Pro�ty Address.
<br /> �___-=-="="• 2S. Riders to thl�Security Inst�umen� If onc or more riderx ure executed by Burrower and recorded toge�her with �_
<br /> — �-�-r=�-��` this Secudty Instroment,the covenants and agreements of euch such rider shall be incorpornted into and shell umend and
<br /> -"�"'�'�� � supplement the covenants and agreemente of Ihis Security Instnrment es if the rideKs)were a pert of this Security Instrument.
<br /> °�`'���� [Checkapplicableboxlea)1
<br /> � ��� _�1 `
<br /> �����,�.�: �
<br /> -- __--__-�--- `___t,, �Adjustable Wue Rider �Condominium Ridcr ��-'��i�Y R��� 6°
<br /> _�`�.x,
<br /> �`�`�- �(3rwivaled Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider _.�
<br /> � ..
<br /> �;.'��'� •.
<br /> . ;...,,. �Batloan Rider �Ratc Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> �. � .�, � --
<br />. :1 ''��i.,..�.� -'_--
<br /> . .�..�.;��,u Other(g)lsPeclfYl
<br /> . . - � '.��;-•�
<br /> t ���
<br /> y �`'' BY SI�NING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms nnd covenants contained in this Security Instrument
<br /> ' ��� and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with i4
<br /> �fr�., .
<br /> ,, .�""�'� Witnesaes:
<br /> � t Y,.,4� ���:�_ C� Qi d/,t�� (Seah �,
<br /> '' �, ;"" � �~� Doyl LaRue Hulme -�""O1"�' _
<br /> �p ,,,; Social Security Number 508 42 3835 __
<br /> 4 •
<br /> .. � �. ��G �.:�� v �����-�-�.�-� --
<br /> .,� .�..>...�.� �s�ai>
<br /> a Ver ee HU11118 -Borniwcr
<br /> ". � " "' . Social Securiry Number 506 40 0307 -E�-_.-."',�
<br /> ; . _ .
<br /> ° �`�� � • STATE OF NEBRASKA, Count sg _
<br /> �+,---, . Hell Y..:
<br /> ar.�;a ,(�.�,
<br /> _}����•; On this 20th dny of September, 1991 ,before me,thc undersigned,n Notary Public =
<br /> ,r•- .
<br /> �•�e. • dulycommissionedandyunlifiedforsaidcounty,personallycume Doyle LeRue Hulme e�d ��@�e�(erlee —
<br /> _T •�,��`' Hulme� each in his end her own right, and es spouse of eacM��eknowntobethe _
<br /> ,.� � identical personsls) whoc� name(s) are subscribed to the foregan�instrument nnd acknowledg�d the execution thereof to _
<br /> �:
<br /> - be t h e i T voluntary act�nd decd. �`x=
<br /> t=i:: �.." Witness my hund and noturial xeal at Gr e n d I s 18 n d, N q b T a s k e in said county,the -
<br /> .. .� �.� � ," • date aforesaid. �/- �- � �t �, � ��i�� �
<br /> ".�} My Commi �«
<br /> � s' s�Yr. • MOT • � Notary Wblic ��•
<br /> �����
<br /> 3 ':•�''• . SHEILA J.AI,DER
<br /> ' ' .�3 '°'� R UEST FORRECONVEYANCE —
<br /> ' �. TO TRUS Ml Comm.F�p Nor.9,1993 _-
<br /> x,� The undersigned is the hol cr o t e nac or notes xecured by this Deed uf 7tust. Said note ix notes,togethcr with ull =
<br /> � • � � other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 71uxt,have been paid in full. You urc hereby directed to can�el said note or notes
<br /> • and this Deed of'llvst,which nre delivered hercby,und to rcconvey,without wurtanty,�II�hc cstute now hcld by you under �,
<br /> � �. � this Deed of 7tust to the person or persons Icgally entiUed tlxretv. �
<br /> " Date: EE'''�
<br /> � ' � Fwm 3YL1 9�70 r�uxe n nl.,�K�s► `
<br /> .. . �:�_
<br /> if.l;
<br /> �' • _
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