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<br /> TM NortM�st Qu�rt�C (NE 1/k);of 6�ctlort,Mlna•(Q)i.TpwnthiP'Etewn..'' , �:
<br /> (11T Morth, R�np� TA1rtNn (1�) Me�C of ths 6th.P.M:, 8uffato County,., _ -
<br /> IN6ra�ka . . . .,
<br /> TM Eat Hs1f of tM NorLhwaE Gu�rt�r (E 1/2 MM-1/4) of sectton T�mnt,Y•r .
<br /> •ix (26), Ta+nehip Tw�lvs i12) North, R�nge TM►t�eo..(19) Mest of thq�,
<br /> 6th P.M., Buffslo County. Nebn�ks
<br /> The 6outMtest Querter of thn southwest Qunrt�r (6M 1/4 BB.it�,t),of,6ea- " .
<br />-- tion Twe�ity°sevee (27), Ta+nahip Tweive (12) North, Rsnpe Tf�tskeert.:f�3)
<br /> - Mest of ttM eth P.M„ Buffelp County, Nebraska
<br /> -- . TM Northewt QuntRtm(6Yc�t/A) of S�ction TMrtY-Lhree (83)� TownsMp .
<br />-� Twetve (1?). Ran� TAtrte�t� (19) Mest of the 6th P.M.. Buffato County. •
<br /> `•�-�?"� Nebr�ake,,6YC�fPT e Lrect of- le�nd beiny Wrt of tho HurtMrest Quertnc,of
<br /> - the NorthnasY Quarter of Section 33, To+rnshiD 1Y North� Rnnga 13 Nxot ot
<br /> tho 6Lh P.H., Buffeto County, Hebraske, nore Dartieularly �scri0�d•as
<br /> - ' betng tM td�►th �28.0 feet of the Mest 22D.0 feet of tha NAClfiussG
<br /> M''`.` Qua►ter of the Nurthuast Quarter of 6ection 33, TownsMp 1Y Ht�r.tW, Rengo
<br /> 13 Mest. O�ntnining 1.tb2 acres, more or less, of whlch 0.187.acrea
<br /> ■or� or iess are presently Doin9 uaed for road pu►poses topathnc,wlt� a
<br />' _-*�` 90 foot etrip of land to ba u3ed for ingress--a9reas essemant ►oed
<br /> :•� � purpoaes, more vartieularty doseriCod as follows: ReferHnO:to the
<br />"'� -° Northwest Corner of the Nurthaast Cuarter of seid Sectiom-83; thnnce
<br /> `���` Eeaterl; cr. �!!e kt+rth ?!!v� oB �eid Hortheast �uarter a distenae oR 220.0
<br />'"tA�'�'� feet to tive �ACTUAL PIACH OF L�f:GINNINO; thence taaClnulnp Eesteniycm the "
<br />;.::a,,,,>
<br /> =-^�':�: afora doseribod course e distasice of 30.0 feet; thence with�a dufiaction
<br /> �s ';` angte to thn NSht oi 80' 2S' SO" a distance of 68.9 feetp thance rlght _
<br /> x 78' 36' a distence of 62.7 feet; thnnae Northerly a dfstance of 126.7 ' - -
<br /> feet to tha place of Degtrmfn3, sub�act, hmrnver to a 80• faat str1D of f �3�;;�r,;,----
<br /> };;:;,:'r tend wlNch is to Do used for 9nflress"'e0r.ess oaseimnt O�rposes, wMch ie �:,.�f;�r,��,,;t}
<br /> �. �nore partleulaPly c4�scNbed os fol9c+ra: Referring to tAe Northwest y�;�f{(�ri' ;�'�.
<br /> � Corner of the NortYttast Quarter of SecEion 33; thenco Easterly on the � 1;�,,-��y;` �i
<br /> `� ' North line of seid northeast Ouartor a dlstence of 220.D feat; thence `,t ��i�i� .*�f� �
<br /> Southarly parellol with the Wast line of seid Northeast Ouerter e dtn- I r! �j+,, ,'
<br /> =�° tence of 63.0 feet to the �CTIIAL PLACE OF BE6INNIHO; thence conttnuing � �4`� ' ' '
<br /> � ��` Southerly on the efare descritred course e distance of 62.7 feet; thenea 1'
<br /> �t�" with e deflection anglo to the Nght of 28' 35' e distnnce of 116.9 � ��'� '�c
<br /> '.'r:;';� {eet; thence right 60' 69' 30" end Darellel with the North Nne of seid f +E4s `�; �1+ '`
<br /> -r'' � •-� Nurthnaet Quarter o dtstence of 34.3 feet; thonce right 119' 00' 30' e r,Y���t'�. '� �_�.
<br /> :�:.y.:- � '..}i,.,�. �--:4:
<br /> t ; - distance of 188.6 foet to the placo of beginnin�. � 4. ., ��, �
<br /> ,�t '�s "
<br /> " The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section TM rty (30), iownship Twelve �f -��� 5'ryF», --
<br /> {...
<br /> �,.i i (12) North, Renge 7welve (12) Nest of the 6th P.S., Nall County, :-��,���;i�'y1;} �,��
<br /> '�+�� Nebreskn -
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