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<br /> !or nhA in aoniiiddr�ixioi► ot roUR tiITNDRBD BiXTYrON1! T!l9U87�►Q��}qx�+►��.'`
<br /> °. (�461�000:40)"� raoai�L oP vhioli ir horc�y soknut�lo&��►_dbiN,tjp7Ctpf1 . _
<br /> aqnv�y to AHYIf01iD J. 0►4oNN0A +uiA JiNNIl�tt 6.:0!CONMOA► }�h���
<br /> tiifi, a� Co-Trwt��s. o! th� O�CONNOR r1iMiLY TRVST� Grwti�ee, VMTtAlr�.
<br /> on� or sor�; Ch� foliowlnq cUsorit»d r�si ��tsta a�tliHrib•l
<br /> County, Nebraskas
<br /> �.. The North 1�i0.00 tee� ot the Waat 49�9.f6nt and
<br /> the No��xept qi ths 8a�t 89.78 t�ut.a�l of Lot Ons (��)1
<br /> all o! Lo� Tvo {�}�, qll in Lindsay Subdivioloh,. an;kdAibion to ��
<br /> �ClLpp pP Grand Iri�ixt, Hell County, N�bra�ke, nba- ks�oxn Ao a�:]� of
<br /> — ean ltaraoa Condoainiva Prop�rty Ragiwe i� mora prxbiaulariy
<br /> • d�aorib�d in Naater D�ad reaord�d aq DoauuonE lTO. 87.-003007; ald
<br /> `°` '°"`� Pareel tto. 2. Bouth�Yly Ona HutfQC�d '�thirty (130) Paot of IAL' `°" "`" --
<br /> _-_;:� One (1�, Idt Thrae (3) nnd Lo� Four (4), aSl in Llntlany 8ubdivi�ion
<br /> `x�� nn 7lddition to the City o! firand Zelnnd, Hall County, Nobraeke, R_.
<br /> . _s:-;—mau
<br /> _ toqether with all tenenontr�, hureditaaente, and appurtennm000 to -
<br /> -- _= the eume belonqi.ng, end ail tha eatate, tatla, intexost, alain or =
<br /> '— d�,mand whataoever o! eaid c3rAnt;or� of, in or to �ho eaae, or nny �w;
<br /> _ �yp parC �hereoEj subjeot to aaaesenrs end restriotiona o! raaord. S
<br /> $.1Rf� �4�:�N:�.'
<br /> s� (3rantor oovenante with the Orentee thatt3rantor: "�- -"
<br /> �
<br /> �Aa = ---
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<br /> ., n
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<br /> �z��f�'}}�. (2) haa good right ancl lawPul author3ly to sell th� sane� k��,������x5��_
<br /> l ��s)I �� (3) warrants and will dePencl the tiLle to tLo raal eeteCo , #���r"`a��`*�
<br /> f}�� , againet the lawEul olaimn oP all Fxiroone. j �;���s��� :�:;
<br /> ��.•>.:>,<,'� ,;r';,1�,�(+.'�.'�;�
<br /> ,,, r IN WITN888 WNSRSOF, BU8IN588 WORLD IHVPBTMENTB, INC. hae ,;r>. r��, J� .� ;
<br /> � 'r oaused thosa presente to ba eiqnod by ite nrasidont and attoetad by , , �=
<br /> l.ts Corporate Seoretary, with the Corpore�ts Bmal uttnohod, this • <<'"� rr ?',
<br /> '��s+ -�. �_ dey oP Apr11, 1993. 1��,�Y�; ,,, .
<br /> ,.
<br /> .�fii';,/�_ : SUBIttBBB WO.r^dD YNVEBTMEDITB� INC. , �`� � .,+ !< , >•. �.
<br /> ./L�y.g,
<br /> . :"� Grantor �"`• �s5s:�::,
<br /> :_:.�;'�.�_;. .
<br /> �{ Sy �N.1��� ��' ' {�y t�r':
<br /> ° - ntt�t�: 0 i a Pre�lc��ent „�� ,4.r�-:':.
<br /> Il . A�n�. .. . .
<br /> �, Corpor • searetRry n.'� `fi ''���,
<br /> ,�i - .i- i�_�':�, -..
<br /> g.. .y..: , ' STATB OF NEDRASICA) :'. ;..y,�i.-.^_- -
<br />` ;,`'.5,.'r:;.°; )es. -�r :.. .:
<br />- COUNTY OF HALL ) - • � _ , -
<br /> !, r�!:::: On the �� da of A ril y
<br /> -: y, , y p , 1993, before me a NoYaL I'uL11o, _
<br /> .,;,.. ; ; personally appaarad Raymond �7. O�COnnor, Presidant of, ancl Robort "
<br /> _ Pavelka, Secrataiy oP BUSINIISS WOhID IN{/E8TMSNPS, INC. , �u�uae . � �
<br /> nanea are aPPixed to the above deecl as Presidont and Corporate ..
<br /> Socretary of eaid Corporation and they acknowledqed the exa+oution �
<br /> of the eaicl instrument to be their voluntary act and d2oc7 ancl the+ i
<br /> i: volmiL•ary act and daed of said Co oration. i -�'
<br /> �"�,�lf`����`�"° ���°
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