„._, 3 � :,�ru,t�:��.: ' f7 �' i
<br /> L '
<br /> (�r � T . v�w..n',°`v'� � . ' t -' �ii+Cr�e _ .-_- _ _.
<br /> J 4 ._ ._ _.Lit �^3 ��:."-��-• . ...as�o....:u+v.w .. ..-_ -- _� .__ .± .�.
<br /> ���t�� t�r.tr}�.�ffr,p�th� Frop�Ry ce � s�n►tIPtM�1�11anN In qonow�n M dl'6�'.ry�nr��a :1
<br /> my b�ara.t.1��iYi��old a 1m�NrtW(a N�MntAcMl btNqt N BorlOwr N�atd a tAn�hrtid nd 6ertow�J(j nol s r�Mni ,
<br /> . ' P�rN+on}„yryhfj1�UnC�rY GAa wdtla con1�nt�Lm4tR rMY��t,ft�W+ticn.reWri Mm+d�t�peym�M N M M M M+rth MarW bi'. :_ . '
<br /> lpla-6�aRdI�IMINmMt HOwNN,-IhN Op�lOn/h�A-qpl.d�0%Nd/1d OY LMld/f N 1%N4711 M'pfdlbMOd byN(MIM MN M OI IA{ _ �' �
<br /> ---� d+�le dF,ahh 8&cuAy In�wm�n4 . . . .. ' .
<br /> M�Rapgr�xxd+►s ihb opWn,LenNr�hY pN�9arown noUc�ot�ecMa�VOn. 7T�notla�MI pMNM�W�bd 41 nol . . .
<br /> ___ Iqaa i�nn,A0.1n�kOm IM GN th1 noUU I7 dNkxed a m�lW vA1hhl.wMch 801TOWM mutl�MY w kxn� �W EY bM � .
<br /> ... -.---='� 6ean7y.IneuunirmRi If,.�'nrtoxM Nie lo P�y Ihu� aums Wbr to Ihv eryk�Von al PJa pMod, LMEM IIMY NYOk1 Yly fMMQ1/
<br /> Pa�mAlrt4 bY:�11Q SooudhulnaVumml wAAOUI NnhN noVU a d�nnd m BqrOwM.. -
<br /> ”'"=�� 18. BorrCarcoi'n Fltghl to RelnftMS. II 8onown mwte eMOn wnaY.rn�, BortavN �1u1 Mv�lM Aphl lo Mvo
<br /> '.��`'''� eniPtCM1A�t,Vf:ihle Sew�ly InSWmetit daconlNUW tl�ny WM p10(.lo tM wt�r oF. (�) 6 O�yq (0/WCt1 eNR pMbd N r .-.�. - .. ` " ...
<br />-�,.:� �PPFpplu-Irtn meY�PedN fa nlns�NmmU bNon aN ol th�RcyeAy Punwnt to�ny poww oi NM eaiYNld N MN Quub ..
<br />�i.. -- �--.:� InnWmrtnt�:et N)M�Y d�Wdpmanl entacJny Ih1e&ariy Ins4w�nn4 TMrse eon3tkof w IMt Bttrowx:(q pry'r Und�1 N
<br /> - ;�-'�h.. eume wpiab.lAm wou:d be du�und��tNx BecvNy ImVurnt�nd tM NoN u N no�aN�nVon Md aamC. N)arN�nY
<br />— " �'w��. d9IqYA QI i11y OIhM COVMNI CI�Q�OMiM�T, (c) WYS J�xpmsea Inaxred h mlordny W� 6�arXy IniWm�nR Ndudnp but
<br /> ` ',' not 4�niind to,re�unaDN�nomryY Inr, �nd(<p INUe aveh �cUOn u LmGr may ra�audy repuW lo uwn tMt tM Nn ol
<br /> _ ---- = thie Saa`Ny tnswmcnl, Lcadcfe r'qbts L� tha Proytty enQ Bortowefa o49qVon fo qY t���ume uaxM by thb B�orb _. . .--_-
<br /> InnWmant:ehn0 eonlMu� unehmy�0. Upon rdn�t►tem�nt by Bortovrer, 1Na B�euAry InsWmenl �nd tM oblp�tlan� sreund
<br /> .. . B cud
<br /> �"`�`�.�:-'�� nnraoy�.snn�ramnM.tiry exccws u n no «cclen.tlen Md ocaRM Haxerer,lhL7 tY�ttl to fdnshN tirl nd 1ppt�M tlN aM
<br />`i�f�,�,�a��c� ofaeeelumUon,undmnnmqraDhl7.
<br /> ,,,�;�,:.;�F:,�� 19. �aM1A 61 NCU; ChAnge ot I.oan 8ervlaor. 7Ae Nole or � � pvlW hte�a�N lM NW� (lopNhw wNb tAb -
<br /> y.;;°,::,.y� - 8acwiry lnahvmeaQ mey 6e sold on�or mae�m�ee mthoul Mlor noGco ta Darowa.A Wa m�y raMi N�Uuny�N N��nNy
<br />_�.i.�s:;ti;,_r_',_..: OEnaxn:nn tha'loan 6eMee�')th��co7cUS monthy paymrnb Ne wder the Note�nd Ihta&ar3y MsWnwnt 71w�Wo m�y
<br /> :�::f7j":-:"��=� be ma or m.na cheng!� ol the loon SeMcer urveUted to a ea�e ol the Note. If Ux� 1� o Mt�y� ol th� LWn BNYkM� _ _
<br /> ',�.�;•�.i,_(p.?:, Cortmvor v�7 De pMm wmtm no�ce of t�o chanye In�aorEance wth paragraph t��bove�nd�ppkabb Yw. Th�noUn wi
<br />- �„�-'�-.. . ntnte Ihn nnma and�ddess ot Ihe new Lo+n Bervleer end tha adCreae to whlch pqmmU ihouid ba mtdt. iTe aoVa vA Wo
<br /> :�^��.'. ��� eoNaN�enp olher NtomuOOn re9�ired by aPDS�IO law.
<br />-�':��,�• 2(L i102ard9ue 8ubat�nCGa. Bortower shal not euuse a pertnH Ihe presenu, usa dapoal, slong�,ot rY�t�ol
<br /> "��- � 'f-::'�"s any tWZardoua Subslences on or in Ihe ProD�Y• ��^o+�'M 5hs0 nol tlo, nw�GOw anyoaa Hse to do, mylhMp�MacUn9 Me
<br /> y�.jtr.f -i.:
<br /> ,�c.��- � PrnpoA�t tOni ia ln vWiaUOn ol eny EnrlronmenlN Lew. TTa preceting two aentenwe aAaA nol rppty to 1M prames,uoR o+ ,
<br /> �;���;,•�.;;':� stnnga on.lhn�Riopnrty ol amaN quanNioa ol Haurdous SubsWncea Ihal ere generaly recoynized to be�yproqYt�Io nomW
<br />_ � j �,i�-•�' tesidmtiel usos nM�W�ma�nlenance ol ihe Propc+ry. _
<br /> ��"" BaRn�ver eha9 promply flMe Lender wrilten naUCe ol en Nvesti �lon. Ua�n, dmwn0. wwsuX a olhw �Won b m =�--
<br />�„";',,•�.�;:.,.� Y sa Y Y .
<br /> �� h.?i�is�5� gqrnnmrtnlal or regulatory egenry or pdvete pary Invokin9 Ihe Property end any Hazardvus Sibslanu a FnWMmant�l l+N ol
<br /> ��)��1( 't.`%i� whicM1•Qartower hae euual Imowledge. 11 Dortower leame, a N amitcd by my govemmant�l a requletwy wNOrXy,tMl�ny
<br /> ,�Y.�2e�t', . �;�:rsl-or c!h_• ,re.^.!?AS!�on c! ^^y H•>areous Suh.�nea aHernna Propeny U neeesswy. Oortowa eM1 prompUy �ak�Y - .. .. .._ . . .
<br /> � /Li� �=;a. ' .__._
<br /> �s+-„y flpClS�gn'!C'lICO18I ECUO�t Ifl 6CCOtQ3I1C0 YAlI1 FJIYIfOM1TMI]I LBW. .... .. . . . ..
<br /> „� �i� pa usM In �hla paragraph 20. 'Hazardoue bLbsWnces• eie Ihosa aubslancea deAned�s toda a�ez�rdout eubaWCef Ay - .
<br /> �1 ��.:k:: 1 Env�ionmenWl low end lhe fo0owin9 substancex gasoGna, kemsene. oth�r Ilonvnable or to�do peVdeum producln. �orb w-��
<br /> •��, ��;�1�� posticidxe end he�biddes.vokblo aoHenl9,nmledals wnm'ning esbenlos or lofmnldohyde,�nd ncioeGNe mnlMJf. /u used N °""
<br />-ii.�::..:F+f�,
<br /> : .y;! , y� poragraph 20. 'Em4onmental Luvi' means letlerel laws ond Wwe of the�uAS6WCn whtta the Proptth/le batad Nal reYU to
<br /> + - �;:�� healh,eafery or env4onmentel pwlecYoa �'-
<br /> � . .. {S�:fr F' _
<br /> � : .,� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTO.Ootrower end Lendtt Nrthat aovenan!antl ee�ee es IoLowe: tis G+ . .
<br /> `5 v `i 21. Accnlo�etlon; Romodlos. Lender shall give notico to Borrower pdor to �ecNentlon �,�'1 , �c�:..-
<br /> ` . ,�`�,,��; fotlowinp Borrower'a broach o1 any covenant or agroamont In this Securlty Instrumenl (but not � -�?5' ;'f,;'l4!�
<br /> ��.-=� prior to acceleratlon unda� pa�aBraPh 17 untoss appllcable law provldes otherwlse). Th� noilc� c�.,;t ; fi. ���
<br /> ° �"''����;. ehall epecity: (e) the dotault; (b) tho ncUon requlred to curo the de1ou11; (o) � dtlo, not lees Ih�n ��,n •_-�;,,::f,`:
<br /> � ,� � �� � 30 da a Irom the date lhe noHce ie qivan to Borrower, by whlch tha def�ult must bs cured; �nd r��;� ��� �• +'::'��s-�
<br /> , ,y' .:' Y • � ,
<br /> (d) Ihat falluro to cu�e tha doteult on or beforo the dato epecHied In the notice may reault In � +: � f � ' .
<br /> �-US d acceleretlon of the aums securod by this Security InsUument end eaie ot lha Property. Tho notics � -<i ���- >tY�6.
<br /> -t"`� ''"'' ehali fudfier inform Borrower o} the right to rolnstate efter accolerallon and the right to bAng a �::_�...� ?'.:r.,.;�.:-_`
<br />�^.........:..... � - -
<br /> '� �'�"`�'�-'" couA ecllon to essert the non•exlstence ot a Uofault w any other detensa of Borrowar to (;t,;q7;:_;���"�'3-.'�;:-�:.`
<br /> - �:�I ecceleration end ealo. Ii lhe default is nol curod on or bofore the dato epacltied In the nolica, � ��_` 5
<br /> � - A-; Lender et Its optlon may mquiro Immediato paymenf 6i full of e11 auma secured by thle Saourity 7yT}�Afr l�kv1 .
<br /> ii �t��. Instniment wlthout fuAher domand end may Invoke Ihe powor o1 eaia end any othar romadi�s �� � ���f ��,_
<br /> ;;.,.,, �:• permNled by applicablo law. Londor ahatl be enUtloQ to collect eli oxpensos incurred tn pursuing •, ,,..,,,�t•, :,,-•� �
<br />�- � ��,���:.•� the romodies provldod In this pa�agrnph 21, includinp, hut not Ilmited to, roaeonable eNomays' ��� s��rf<' ;�
<br /> ,
<br /> fees end costs of titlo ovidonco. �
<br /> If the po�vor ot salo Is Invokod, 7n�stoe shall rocord a notice o} defeult In oacb county in � ,: _ .
<br /> - whlch eny ped of Iha P�operty Is localed end shall mall coples o1 such notice In the manner -
<br /> .. • prescrlbed Uy eppllcablo law to Borrower and to the other persons proscrlbed by epplicable law. -
<br /> � Aitor the tlmo roqulrod by epplica6le lavi, Tn�stoo ahall give public notice ot sele to the persons �,- �' �' �
<br /> ' - and In the manner proscribnA by applica6lo law. Trusteo, withoul domend on Borrowor, ehail sall i
<br /> � • tho Property at public auction to the hiphost 6lddor at tho limo and placo end un0er the torms .
<br />- - -- - doslgnetod In tho notice of salo in ono or moro porcols and in any ordor Trustoe datorminos. : . _
<br /> Trustoo may postpono eale of all or any parcol 04 the P�oporty by pu611c announcoment ot the .
<br /> Umo end placo of any pmviously scheduled salo. Londor or 8s desipnoo mey purchase the .
<br /> � _ Proporty et eny sale.
<br /> , ' Upon roceipt ot paymonl of tho pAco bid, Trusluo shail dulivor to lhe purchasor Truatoo's _
<br />- -- . dond convovina the Prunertv. Thu rocitals in the Trusleo's deed shall bo prime fecle ovidence o1
<br /> - the 6uth of the statomonts mado thoroln. Trustoo shall apply lho procoods ot tho sale In lhe �
<br /> �r.��� ��.` }oilowinry ordor. (a) to all costs and oxponsos of oxorcising the power ol eaie, and the eale,
<br /> _ ., ..
<br /> including the paymont o}the Trustee's tees ectually incurrod, not to excoed �',e�--------
<br /> -,:,.-;. -�.
<br /> - ..:�- ., . (10)"--'—'-'-----°°--------°°°----- Yo o} tho principal amount o}tho
<br /> - ..-��..., nota at lho Hme o1 lho doclaration of datault, end reasonablo aFtorney's feos es pormitted by law;
<br /> (b)to all aums socured by thia Soeurity Instrument; and (c) any excoss to tho po�son or persons
<br /> �� •- - ' legalty enNHed to It.
<br /> .' � � FtLO Vao lrN]I oa9e�o�y _
<br /> .� . .�
<br /> .� ..�� .� �' �wim9
<br />