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<br /> by m�trutla wNhout�nY 1 k�tl ptoCMd��p•T�pltor�1qnNnl��nd W��N�q M�!V.I��CIu10 �Op�m�nt w���xiiculad by
<br /> .. ., TrwlwbNor�IM�xeFf��tn�OwdolTrwt �/dtrhY( ��+� ._ ._ . _. . .-._ .
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<br /> �.. YfiAOA P CO3 �rv�l� or
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<br /> �3NII5 PiEp�F TRUSL Iy mato 6.1 al l{to�th tlay ol_ AYO. . . ,19L�Cy end Btrony
<br /> Na 7ru!lor, � ���noa F �a�lacEc�� �'elN M Colt�ek . D»sID�r� �m'8 r18� ,
<br /> � szn� r s�n ss�� i.ao:�a �s r�t
<br /> whose mpiling addross�7 R+:*�"Trustx,-aM�ner onn m m�x�da
<br />—�°-� NB 7(t�51¢q, FSY! Poinis B�nk, • YeDra�k� G�r�oration , —_-
<br /> - P.O. Box SJ�7 6r�nd I�A�ndr IiE 688i2 �'=_"
<br /> -- — whoaa nunlny eddreaa le (ne:e'.n"Uus'.aa"►,arnf
<br /> ':'`:`� PSv� Point� Bank "�-�-
<br /> �„�._.
<br /> ------- Ne�enefiGary. ' ----
<br />- '�_� wAOSe+na�pn9 address Is 2!1'J N Bso�dr�ll 6rtn6 I�l�nd� NB. 68802-1'J�7 (naraln^Lender�.
<br /> �. � -
<br /> � s�,
<br /> Yrrnon F Culfack ��
<br /> '��;?r FOA VALUABLE CAtJSIDEMT10N,inclutling LenOer'e oxtenslon ol creS��dentifietl hereln lo +.�.1 ��.
<br /> K �.� ll� ...
<br /> � t _ � � y�J�,�,l 57oli�ok (haro�n"F3orrowei',whet�er one or more)entl thn trusf horol�crEi�tod, �J�� �-
<br /> , . ; Ne rece!gl ql Whioh ia heraby ecknowledged,7mslor horeby i��evocably prnn�s,trenstere,conveys and asstgns to irusteo,W ,' '"4tF�
<br /> ��y - � TRUS�,\YITNPOWEHOFBALE.IarNebonefitendaecuriyolLenOer,underendsub�ecltot�ete�maandeontlillons�eroinaile�sel -�� n-,-
<br /> � n__ ��ryn..no..ai�r��£.Lu.describetl ea/ollowe: Gl fJll:fl1 -� _.
<br /> 1� ;1�:� Lot �in� t9D. �loak Fourteen !1�) Sn F�irvisr �ark Addi'sion iv in: Gify o`, .
<br /> „��f� 6ran I�l�ntl, �11 CounEy. N�Dra�L�. -} �
<br /> ',���1{ r} '��
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<br /> .,�'�G'�!.:; ToBa�her wIN ell 6uiltlinps,improvomonts,llxWrea,slrools,alleys,parsegeways,easomore5,rignte.privilo8e�antl nDPUAa- *i?,°i: .
<br />'., s....�f,.:_ ' '�`.����z..;.•:.--.
<br /> i nancea located thereon or tn enywiso pnnolning Ihuroto,entl�he�oMS,issues and prollts,revorsrona onU remaintlure thnreol,antl �. ,
<br /> � such porsonal properry that ia etleched lo Iho ImprovemoNS so as lo constitulo o Iixluio.Inclutl7n8.bul no�limitod to,hoaUng ond 5P� ����f1� � - �
<br /> wolingepWpmenCentllo8ethorwi�htl�ohomos�eadormariWllnleresls,iluny,whichinloreslsemherebyroleesedentlwaWed;ell - }�i; +� �� �;:
<br /> ^ olwhlch,includingreplucomanlsendedtlitlonelherolo.isherobydoGaratllobaepar1o11herealoslalo6ocurotlbyt�ellonofNls �- ���� �r �-
<br /> - DeOd of TNSt end ail ol Ne lore oin bUln rolorroA to heroln as lho"Pro e �� '���i` V �-
<br /> 9 9 8 P M"� E�;.y�I���<
<br /> p f' " rvn�y f ..
<br /> Thi9 DeeA ol Tmsl shall sacure(a)Iho paymoN ol lho principal sum and iNOrust oritlonced by e promiasory note or cro0i1 "��rt,,.,�if, �_-
<br /> .-�����;(�ls� .
<br /> - , •u�— ' 6th i•_^_�3 _,naving e meturiy tla�e ol AugYtt 6!h 1998 t ?
<br /> ..yC�viivi��vuwu � t5_.
<br /> n,5�iy�-t� In tho od8inal pdncipal amount ol S 1B��•� —.an7 eny antl ell motlilicanons.oxlonsfona ontl renewals ^ + ���
<br /> Nereol or therelo entl eny nnA nll tulurn ndvences end mativnnec.!o Bo�m:�er�or eny of them II more men one)ne•eunder y .-� .
<br /> ��k).{�c,t� Dwaunnt lo one or moro promi6sory nolos or cretl�l egmomonia l�eroln celletl"NOto'1:lb)No paymont ol othor sums aAvaoeed by : e `� -
<br /> '_�?�`1��� Londortoprolnclthesecuriryol�heNOto:(c)IhepedormancoolallcovenenteantlegreemonlsolTruslorsotlonhhoroin;end(�ell r..� `'--'
<br /> �vf-`� D�esent entl lulure IndeCledness antl obifgnllona of Borrowor(or eny ol them�I more than one)lo Lendor whel�or direcl,Indirect � ''
<br /> ' �)t/'•. ebsolu�o or conlinpvm end whethor etlstng by nole.guarenry,ovnrEren or oNerewo.The Nole.�his Deatl ol Tmsl enU enyand ell - � <<�,-
<br /> ,:;7`<-'{> oNe�docuont9tha188w�othoNOleorolhnrw�so8xeculedlncOnnecllonlherewllh,indutlingwllhoullimiWtionguerenlees,6oCUriry ,; ��!
<br /> :'i �,, BgreEfmOnt9 entl Bsslgmm�nle o11oH509 entl renl9,bhell bB foletreA lo hereln B9Ih0"LOan In6lmmeMS'. t}p1� � _�_-
<br /> .,,;,, Truslor covunenls antl agrees wdh lander es Ioliows: i,s5,'/4+5,i
<br /> --���• -. t. Paymml ol lndebl�dneu.nn InAOOtetlness sncuroA hereby shan ba Da�a wnrn aue. '- �ll `
<br /> ;,.r 2. Tlib.Trustor Is Ihe owner ol t�e ProDe�ty.hes Ihe right antl eulhmiry lo convay Iho Proporty,a^a warrenla that Ne Oen
<br /> - eroeted�oroby b n Iirsl antl ptlor lien on foe Propery.except lor Imns on0 oncumbrancos sol lonn Dy Tmstur In wd4ng en0 �,_��,-..::
<br /> �� Ee!WOredloLOntlerba�orooxecu6onclth7sDee0ofTrosLandt�eo.ecWionantltlohvoryolthlsDeodol7ruseccesnotvro�a�oany .- ...
<br /> - �� - -' wntrad or othor obligation to��n:ca ims�or ts sub�ec� _-.�e t..��,!,'.
<br /> _. ,y 3 Teza,As�eumenU.To px�Oolore dellnp�ency e��laxe3.spec�al ass_ssmanls antl ail o�her c�arges n'vo�^st tnt Propery ::+ s(1 ._.
<br /> - nOw Cr EofC�ller 10vI0d. `}4� '
<br /> - ; 4. Intur�nee.TOkeepthePwOertylnsureG.gamsttlamageby6m.na:n�aeincWAotlwdhmlheterm°exien�eeccwmgo".enA `•-• , i7,�r
<br /> ':�_,�:�!j,�• such otho�haza�CS as.ender may require.in amounl5 nnE wrtn comparoee ac:eplabte Io Lontler.nam�ng�e�Cer ea en edtlitlonnl --� -.r� -
<br /> .:,}:-?.�'�.�:; nem¢d InwreO.w�i��css payab�e�o the lenUec In case o�Iess:rCer suc�}c�aes.�he Le�Oer�s autnou:ed ro edrysl conect anU ��`��';y.i,�"��
<br /> ..,..i.t�'..•; �' �
<br /> ;.{,�(��p� Com�rGm156.uIItlalm5ihereuntle�a�G6�ellnavel�eopVO�c'a:cyngBi�o�DanollhemSO�anceproceEdsp�loenyinaeDlRdneu `
<br /> SeCUreU�erobyBnOln6uc�orGe�alLentletmaydete�mine ; :::neTmsbrlobeu5etl�o�NOrepa��orre5torytionoL•�eP�opOtry � �
<br /> i�} o�1i�i)brenyoNe�DUrposeorob�eclsabslaaorytoLentlerwa�:,AeneamgV.eimnolmnR�eEOfTrostlo�lholuliemoo^asecured � ,
<br /> :--�; .-�- heroby bolore Sucn paymenl eve�took piace Mp aDV���bon ol proceeds ro��deDleOness s�an nol e.re�a o�postCOne iho due �
<br />:-�i;.";`.-� de1B o1 any peymeot3 untle�Ihe Noto,ot tute any delaUll ltlereunder or herE�nApr
<br /> .�.r�*_-_- 6. E�efOW.UDOn wriIlen tlemen0 Dy Lentler.TroSla s�all pay to LenAer.in Suc�mannct ae LenOe�may OeS�g�ate.sulfit�ent
<br /> 611111810 008b10�O�GM l0 p0y fi!NCy FRCORIB UUB 0�2 0�TO/^OI NO IOI�OW 1n9:(p d�l id%9].dSS855rtiePi9 dn0 OrtiP�G�dt�¢S Bge�n51
<br /> i`,a�i',5;.�•_j. No PropeRy.00 Ne p�emiums on r1�?Dwperry msura�ce rea•nreA heroun0er,entl p�q U!O�emiume on eny morlgaqe msurence ,
<br />. . repulrod Gy Londer. �
<br /> � .. 8. MaIn1�Mn[i,N�pTV]e'•9 C9�:+DliE•+t��r8h LOw�.TruStor S�eli keep t�o Proporry in g0od cOnOiNOn Bnd reDa�r, 6�all �
<br /> - ' prOmpOy rOpalr.O: re0�aC9 0ny�mWO'iSra�[whiCh mey bo 08m0poC ot AeSUOynQ S�all no�Commll or pe�mil Bny wa510 or .
<br /> deterlorellon ol No PropeM1y.s1+a��ot rem.ovB.6omolish or substanlialry elter any ol thu�mproremonU on tl�o PropOrty:sna���ot
<br /> � `'�'� COmmll6uflororpormltOnya��rohodonolnoruponNOPropo�ty�nv�olalionolanylawAtAinanCO.orregutatfon:entlsna�lpayend �
<br /> - promplty dlse�erge ot Tmstor'e cosi entl oxpnnse an Ilens.encumDrencos end chargos loviutl,�mposM or essossM ega�nst 1na .
<br /> - -`" Prope�ly or eny part Norool. "
<br /> � 7. Emh»nl Dom�in.LonCUr Is huroby essigno0 ell compensatien.awnr0�,damagoe antl oNOr paymome or rei�o�(noro�naltor
<br /> •plpC08d!�In COnnoction wiih GOntlemnetion 0:o�hOr 18king ol lho PfODelty Or p0rt NOrCO�Ar 10/COnv0y9nC01n It6u ol ConAOmna-
<br /> -,y-!,� tlon.LfinAer shall bo ontilloE el ils oD��on to eommoneo.eOPOar in ontl D�oseculo in Its own namo eny ecUOn or proceeC�ng9,enE
<br /> 6ha11 eiso bB onGUCd lo mako eny eompromtso or seWOmunl in eonnecLOn wilh sucA teking or Oamape.In tha Ove�l eny ponion o� .
<br />- . nc��fro�n+nr•,+,.no«aRn�au �
<br /> :: 0 i�Mxv,w�ewace+�.+.•..n,,,,.ma...y.n.w.��o.i+<c.nxw..0 -
<br /> '".iL., v)
<br />