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.� . � <br /> :. ; .�. .: . . _ <br /> r ,r � . ` s c ,,- ,. . .' _- . <br /> n 1 .�. _ ". , _' . _. . _ ... .. . . . - " `: . <br /> ' ,t�L' - .� � .. - � _ , .. . . <br /> 93�o�!�zs ,` . : � .. <br /> 'I�3ii'FiaR WRH dl Aedmrrovenxnq now on c�rcafta ercctod oA ihe tiropeny,�nd dl ouemenu �ppuiieninca;: <br /> u�d flxturca now ot Aercafter�put ot iha propcnp. All rcpikementi�MI�ddlHon+eh�l�so be covercd�y thle Sawiiy,. <br /> InsWmeN. Allot�hofqrpSoingifrofertedtolnchlqSecudlytns'�rumemutta'ProperW.' , <br /> BORROWJiR COYBNANf9 Uu�pdrtowar 1�hwfulty ulsed'ot tlro est��o trortby conveyed uM hu.tlla rlght�o�nnt � � �� ' <br /> and convoy tlw Propeny xnd�h�t�he Propetty b unoncumbered,cxap�for enculnbrw�cl�ot rccord, Harowtr wartmb�nd <br /> wlll dCfrnd 6eaenliy Ua Iitb a 1ha Propeny�Qainst nIi cWme�nd demande,cubJat Io iny encumbnnca of raord. <br /> TtIt9 SECUNITV INSTRUM6NT com6lnee unlfomi coven�ms [or national use end nomuNfomi covcnonn with <br /> ' IImltMvulallonebyJudsdictlon�ocomtlroie�un(Pormacudtyinstrumenteovedn;rwlpropeny. - - - <br /> UN1FORh1COV6NANf9. BamwaandLen6ercovenantond�yrcawtollowe: <br /> 1. P�yment o�Prindpd uW 7ntsnstt Pnp�yment�nd L�Ie CMr�ea. Bartower shdl prompttyp�y when dua tlw <br /> princlp�I olrnd Inttrcu on tM debt evidsnced Dy�ho Note and eny prcp�yment end lam charfce due under tlw No{e. <br /> 4. FLnd�tor 7Yxa rnd Incur�nce. SuDJect ro appIicable law or ro n wrillen wniver by Lendtr,Botrower shul p�y ro <br /> l.endet on�ho d�y monthly paynxn�s pro dno under tho Noto,until the Nolo Is palA In full,o sum("AmAe")for.(a)yeul y <br /> --- uucs end essassm¢nts whlch m�y anain pdodty ovcr�his SauBty Imtrument m a Ilen on tho Propeny;(b)yexrly Ie�uholA — <br /> p�ymonle or ground ren�e on ihe Propeny, if eny; (o) ycnrly hnzaM or prop:ny Insurenco promlums; (d) yearly Itood <br /> Insuranco promlums,l(any; (o)ycariy mortgngo insumnw promlums, if eny:and (p any sume payeble by Bottowcr to <br /> I.endcr,In aaordance with�M10 provisione ot paraSrePh B,in Ilci�of�ho paymem of mottgage insurenw prcmiuma. Theso <br /> ikma nro called"Pscrow Itenu." Lender may,m nny cirtro,coliect end hold fimd+fn an emount nol to execed Iho meximum <br /> amount e Iender for e kderaliy rolnted mortgago loan moy rcquiro for Borcower§escrow nccount under IAo hAcml Rcal <br /> listato Senlemmt Procedurca Act of 1974 ne amended Rom�imo ro tlme,12 U.S.C.A���i se .('RQ4PA"),unlese eno�her <br /> lew thnt epplia to�iro I�nds sws a Icsscr emoum. If sa Lendcr mey,al eny timc,collcet and ho�d I'unds in en emount no�to <br />� -"`�� .�`_ excerA the Iesser amount. I.ender mey estime�e �hc amount of i'und+ due on U�c basis of cnrrcm da�a end r�asonable - <br />�---- estimates of expcnditurea of Pomre Escro�v Items or otke+wis�in eceordanw wl�h eppIlcabto lew. <br />-+•'�,Y 'Iho I�nde shall be hcld(n an instituciwi aMsr.d:pa;iu nre insurcd by a federel ogency, insuumentelhy,or entiry <br /> -:�.=•._':�r '�" (inciuding I.eedzr,ii Le�r i+suh on imiitution)w in:u�y Rdcral Hwn:4oan Onnk. Lendcr shali ngply th:PacrJs toµ.y <br /> ch:Escrow Roms. Le�:r may�charge DoROO�er for holding And.ppl>ing the Punds,ennnaliy e.nalyzing the escrow <br /> ---_= uccowt, or veritying tho Gscrow Ilem3. unlcss Lenduµrys 6ovoa�cr interest on Ihe Rmde xnd npplicable law pertni�s <br /> -��-' Lender to mako such e cherga However,Lender mny req�:irc Oortower to pay a one•timo chuge for nn Independrrt rcnl <br /> •:YSic:ia� - cs�aic�az reporting servico used by Lender in connec�ion onh this loan,unless eppIlcablc Inw proviM.s othernise. Unless en <br />;�._,��?��_� � agrcement is mado or appBcnbla law rcquires interut�o M pvd.Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Dorto�rer any imems�or _ <br /> �:� eamings on�ht!'und�. Oortower end Lender mny agmc in writing,hmvever,thet imems�shall be paid on the Wndc. Lcnder .�- <br /> ' ��_l",i shall givo to�ortower,without charge,en nnnual accounling of�he Mnds,showing credhs and debi�c m the Nnds and the -�- � <br /> -� i hr.�,_ puryose for which each debit to�he ftmds��nc made. 7Le Flmds nre pledged es edditional securiry for nll snms securcd by �___ <br /> Ih(iS�udtvinslrumenL �t?!^?-:-•-�- _ . . <br /> `""'))' If Ihe Mnde held by LenAcr extted �he nmoums pemil��ed �o be held by npplicable law. Lender ahall nccount ro ---'--� � - -� <br /> ' -- -,; IIarower for the exeeu Nnds in ecwrdance wi�h the rcquirements of appllpble law. If the emount of lhe Flmds held by ��'s,. - _ <br /> < � � Lender nt ony�ime ia not sufficlent to pay�he&crow Rems when due,Lender may so nmify Uorto���cr in wriling,and,In f�:z�qz- ;.� <br /> "-` -'r�� such cxw Oortoxxr shell pay to Lendcr�hc nnwunl neccssnry w maAe up thc deftclency. Rarro�rer shall make up thc _'y�.��;;�.��;� <br /> t'�- - ` deficiency in no morc�han twelve momhly pirymems,nt Lenderk wle discretion. .�' ' . � _� <br /> Upon paymeni in full of all sums securcd hy this Secnri�y]nsliumem,Lender shell promptly refimA to Borro�eer eny ?",y�,:;-,� _: <br /> �� - - ! FLnd�held by Lendee I(,under pamyreph 21,LenAer shnll ncqnim or sell�he Properly,Lender,prfor m the xcquisition or � �i. �_- <br /> �' sale of Ihe Ptoperty,shell apply eny lbnds held by I.enAer m ihe time of ncqulsitton or sale es e creAii egnins� IM sums � �� "� -� <br /> � �- '" saured Cy J�is Securiiy Instrumcnt. '� � f;� <br /> - 'w 3. Appllcation of Paymenle. Unless applicn6lc law provides o�henviu, all paymems received by Lender under - �S� s� t -- <br /> �s �y� pamgrephs I end 2 shall 6c npplicd:firs6 m nny prepaymcm chvges duc under�hc Noie;ucond,�o nmoums payable undcr '=• } ( ' <br /> �h�✓.rAt���: ��s4.PhCherges; Llen���ortowcr shallPTpay�xll excs,o.c5[SSO1lI1LSYCII.'VgC3,fnesuandimpositlons euribu�uble�o �he •� 'ic,r'�w 3ui���� <br /> ��t�-'„ Proany which may nunin prioriiy over this Sea�riiy lactrumem,mid Ieuehold p�yment�or�rourtd rcnts,if anp. 6orto�ecr <�"; i�� •(5� - <br /> shall pay�hese obligations in�he manncr provided in pvagreph 2,nr if no�p�id in thnt manner,6orzo�rcr shall pay ihem on r � <br /> ' �� - tlnx dircc�ly ro�he penon owed paymem. IIormwer shall promp�ly fumish to Lcnder all notices of nmoums to be paid under �4-__ ��� tnt s • <br /> S� _ Ihis p�rngmph. If Rnrtower makoc them p�ymems dircrdy. Qartower shnll promp�ly fumish tn Lender receiprc evidencing . <br /> ----' the p�yments. '�.� � � ' r;-" <br /> - :�:.,:�:�.�. u.: <br />- ,,;;,_... 6orro�vcr shall promp�ly dixhargc nny licn which hax priomy over�his Sewmy Instrument unlesa Uorto�ver.(a)egrees .�,�;,;;•�,;:;:�..a•.�•.. <br /> ;- in�rriling lo the paymenl of�he obliga�ion secured by�he Iicn in n mannrr acceptable�o Lender.(b)comats in good falth the - �' °�--,: <br />.��?��•..���;i" Ilcn by,or defends ngainst cnforccmem o(�hc licn in,legal pracedings ohich in�he Lcndcrc opininn operale�o prc�•cnt the ;� `-�•:j;�t�:��_��� <br /> .- i} r''�� enforcemen�of ihc Ilen:or(c)sewres from�hc holdcr nf ihe tien en ogreemen�mtisfac�ary io Lcnder suMrdinating�hc licn � + � �- <br />.,..Fz,.IJa�+;_'xi .��`,. V. .+.� <br /> -.•;:�,:p; .��;� w�his Saurity Insuumem. It Lender de�ermines iha�nn�•pan of�he Propeny is subjec�to n licn�vhich may auain priority ;?��.���.�.ti.,.•;_.;:__� <br /> � �4 tya �� over ihis Security Insirument,Lender may gire Uorroa�er a notice idemifying�hc lien. 13onower shall sa�isfy the lien or iake �[ ',p1{� '�i.� „, <br /> �i--� '�.� one or morc of�he nctions set fonh ubo��e wiehin IU d�ys of�he giving of noiice. �r Jr._� ;' ' �r-.,_ <br /> + -- : 5. Ilnmrd or Properly Insumnm. 6orrmver shall keep�he impmvemem+nmv exis�ing or hereafter crccted on the [�i ��� , <br />� •"!� - ' Pra n insured a amst loss b fire,hyards included wi�hin the�enn'ex�ended corerage"anJ uny other h�ds,inciuding -�- <br />�`��S�;tE;'�•r iln ds or Iloodin�, far�vhich Lender rcquires insur:mee. 'It�ic insurance shall he maiNnined in Ihe mnounls and for Ihe �'��f(y�..;: � <br /> llt ti�' c. <br /> -'`�7 ♦ <br /> r/r�5• Fonn30M 9/9p IryFrTnfhryp�l . . ... <br />.'�•zaSifl2:;\;�:. . <br /> .:e� '_a.. . <br /> . 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