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<br /> � ThsundsnlpnW�TrwtoY�{��Id�ndlNpinlMlolloW�npD�WOfTruit,whNMr'aieamOt�,unNnhndth�ISM���
<br /> thly�re�bout to�x�euf�i��PNq o}TruRt�nA not�moMO�Qb��d Ih�Fth�pow�i af i�I�proriOM ta 1n IM Owd ot Truo1
<br /> prohdn fub�Nn111�11y dlltaMl dphta�nE ob1lp�UoN�to�he Borrow�o 1h�n�mortp�pe in the ivent o1�tl�huH w brdoh of
<br /> oblfp�tlon und�r�M DNd o!Zry11,lpolutllnp,but not Ilmited to,tha¬lalaryY dpht to ha�^at1:a Properly_tdendlleA In ttie: � -"'.. —
<br /> folbwinp DsW ot trun �old:by_tM Truitee wlthout any�utllol�(ptoawdinp. Truator qpcddmtdR�Y1 wuunt�th�1,4�a '
<br /> _ -� Rctnowl WamaN wa6�x�cuted by Ihem betore the�x�cullon of the DeW of Trbat I;aeQatt4:at fo+tt� .. ... _ �._�..j;
<br /> .— . - � _ _ . . . .-�—'a-° .-
<br /> �:' ' . JfIdcY'R. D} . �_� :. �(.s,'r�; �:.
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<br /> HOME EQUITY LINE OEED OF TR618T ` ' . ;�f�� `
<br /> = THIBTRUSTDEEOm�ae�hla 16YH d�Yo� AUGUST �g 93 a�W��JERRY R.NOTT��_SHERRY J.. NOTI'
<br /> Y,
<br /> _�„{� �(�{{(,yB►Nn Axn wIFR1 herelnalter call •Trualo�",whoaa mUlinp�ddreea le�W IQIII Q�A1�S�L4SlD. 16 69BOk .
<br /> A�@D IjLLU4I7C,Attorney at uw,whoae memnp adaese Ie104 N�,CTtN�33LAND�6BB01
<br /> -°-"R'-'"'� ae�?ruetse";nnA Home Federal 9avinya�nd Loan Aaaooletlon ot QrenA lel�nd,whoee maillnp etldres�la�218outh LOeutt,
<br /> ;`—
<br /> r= P.O.Box 7008,OrenO laland,Nebraek�88802,ee"Beneflolsry". . - '�•. .. � :� �
<br /> -= � F'vi v.fu:ble wnslEa�stlon,TruYCr Irrc.aeably O�ar,ts,ir.nafer�,con:t;p and a�:pn:to Trusta;I.^.!^��a,with;�!!!4!- .-_:- � -----�
<br /> ,��y eele,torthe6ene11tandqecudtyof8ene11olary,underendsub�eotrothelermeenOCOnd111oneoflhieDe9do77rudRtMtolloW,
<br /> '�6�r.-,, In9 denodbed property looaled In N���• � •,Netir�ak�,to wlt: .
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<br /> f;l��,,. (o9olher with ati bulldinga, Iixtvros, Improvomento and eppurtonances thoreunto belonglnp,it boing apreod Ihat etl of tAa : :��
<br /> S 1,���'.` 1o�epoln8 ehall bo h8relnattor reterrud to t�a IAe"Fro➢orty". 3-;-'
<br /> FOR THE PUFlP0.5E OF SECU o °ebe��.�1��g"'RAde��q�enl of Trustor hereln wM2�8e��A�e pay `
<br /> mont ol l�e princlDel eum o1 �4�Ni?�'�6DSn, _ ooua�e�s! � AC��y
<br /> ao evitlencod bye Homo FoAerel Homo Equify Loen Agreomont betwuun Truetor and Bonoticiaryllhe"loan Agreement"1,pur
<br /> - want to whlcn Beneliclery will edvanee funde fo 7ruEtor trom tlme to timo el tho intorosl r�tos end upon the terms providetl �.-�'!� _.
<br /> t�oreln,logeihor with eny eum or eume of monoy wil�Intoroet Nereon whlc�may�ereatlor be paltl or edvancod under tho ��"-�� .
<br /> _ Ierme o11hle Decd o1 Tmat,both pdnclpal sum entl intoroet lhoroon boing peyable atcording lo tho torma sot ictlh In the Loan ,jp�<:�`-. �-
<br /> . Agreemen6 roterento lo wntcn Is�ewby mntle,of tno oR�ee ol lho 8eneficlary in Grend IslanA,Nebraskn,o�at such otner : �
<br /> ' plaw ae 6eno11ciary mey Uoatgnate In vuNlnp. y�,i�<{���-'
<br /> t.. .
<br /> �_�_ .
<br /> � . • 1.W�rtanfyolTltla.Trusto��alewfullyselzo0olthoProporty;has6co0riphlenOlawluleu��orltytoseiienOCOnvoytnoPro- .
<br />� � . Derry:t�o Propnrty ia iroe an�Uear oi ell Ilane nnd encumberancea except Ilens now oi recorE;anA Truslor will narranl en0 Ca �R �
<br />- - IenC t�o tltle to Iha Properry unfo l�e Trustoe en0 ite 6uccessors en0 esalpne lorever ogalnst t�o clalms of e(I porsons. .�� �
<br /> - - 2.PeymenS of Pdnclp�l�nd InteroeL Tmator shell puncWnlly pay l�o prin�ipal ol,anG Interest on,all advances unGer tR? ���c��r?.
<br /> LoanAg�eemenlenCwlllpunctuallyporlormellegroemonls,condlUonsandprovisionsofenyotnersecudtylnslmrr.c.�tg�ian gy${:;�,�.-.
<br /> .e- .
<br /> -'•n r - -- In COnnoet�n witn IMO irenaoctlon. �r--' .- -
<br />' 3.Pn�9rralbnen0htelnLntnc�olProJ»r7y.TrustawillnolcommllenywasteaDOnitloPropertyatw111,arallUmes.mein� ��': � .
<br /> `�° taln the eams�n pv�J o;dsr and eor.ditbn an0 wiil ma7ceJrom Iimo to lime,ail ra0alre,ronowals,roplacemsats,aCClllons anG r
<br /> j's Improvomeets a3ttn ara reasonaDh�rt3airo0 lo provnnl weate,Impei�mont,or Ootorbrelion o1 aaid proporty.No bvllding or f�• �
<br /> . - Improvom�it n��r or horoaltor ureutl upon tho Proporty s�all�o almrotl,romovo�or tlomolls�etl wilhout the ptlor wrlllon �
<br />. '.. consent ol Oaneflclary. t. .
<br /> - 4.In�ur�nCS.Trustor,at Ite ox0�nso,w1I1 malnlaln v�lt�Insurore apOrovod by Bonoficl8ry,inaureneo wit�roapoct to I�e im- i �
<br /> -� "1� provamonle and porsonal prourty conelltuling t�o ProDOrly agalnst loss Dy firo,Ilg�tning,tornatlo anC ot�or porlle eovorotl Dy
<br /> - olenOarA oxtonOoO covoruga ondorsomonl In en amount oqual l0 at loast ono�unCrod porcont ot tho lull toplacomonl v01�o
<br />"� `-�� ! tTerool,end Ineuranco apalnat euch ot�or�nzarAe enC In evch emount ea le cuslometlry carrloC by ownore enA oDarator3 of .
<br />- - ..� elmiler pwperllos end as Bene�lclary may ropalre lor ile Drolactloa Tmstor wlll compiy wilh euc�olher roQViromente ea �
<br /> - =;�` '�� BeneHCiery may trom time to tlme roquoat lor Ino protectlon Dy Insu�anco ot tho Interost of Ino rospoctivo pahles.All Im _
<br /> -• surenco pollcloa meintnlnod pursuent to Ihia DooC ol Trust eha�l nemo Trustor antl Bono�iciery es Insute0s,ae t�elr rospoelivo .
<br /> � Intoroate mey eppear antl proviAe t�al tharo ehall bo no cancellatlon or modllicalion wll�oul Iilloon 115)days prlor wrllton
<br /> ,r.
<br />