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<br /> f�,, ,E�f>ERAL Sf�VINGS AND LOAN ASSt7FilATION OF LINCOLN,e United S'tat�Corpori�Hort,.h4�Y n�l+�► -;:.'
<br /> .. .. - ., .,_ . .._ ---�___.
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<br /> . � ,.�JA$AC 71. , . �
<br /> .ii' . '� - .. -� , - .. -
<br /> j to.safd�FlRST PEDFsfiAL' SAVIN(3S-AND IAAN ASSOCIATION OF LINC04N on the tollowing deudbed '
<br /> -- _�` property:. ' T�.FJST FIFAlrBIX.lE561�`FBIT CF R[�B WE5T ONE IA�IDRID 66VF2ZPY'FCMAt --_
<br /> � (W1741',FFfsT OE SIACK FNB (5). IN fII�]N'8 'i4tII� ADDIRRCN TD Rl� CI7Y
<br /> OF � 79JAPD� HAGL 001ktP1lr t7E8F�F�9F(P+
<br /> __ -o .. Docum�tt 7B' �:a�
<br /> _;�—� whkh!s retorded In BoolcJPt�of Real Estate Mortgages/as fpdmunuuticNumber�060G2/on bttuotllm Roll _
<br />'"��„ Number � ,Page � oftherecordsof �1 --__
<br /> ��x� County,Nebraska,and also releases the asslgnment of rents whlch Is recorded In Boole_� of Page� �g,,,�._
<br /> ol.the rBCOrds oi }0°°°� _County,Nebraska.
<br /> ��T
<br /> ' LINGQL.N has raused �hese presents to be executed by Its Cha1�+e++��+�d/President/Fu�aowWe Yke .,
<br /> 1 H���I. I .' ' � '� ".
<br />,; r,_„' ' i�Fke�al;and attested by Its SaereM�y/Asslstant Secretury,under Its corporate seal,thls 9Li day ot ,1`,�,_
<br /> J t _
<br /> '_ _ y_; � ' • . - __..
<br /> ` ' _}' ','. . SulY A.D. 1993 . � �-3. �: `�}1��.-.
<br /> rt Att¢SC.�• ` +
<br /> u �.i, r.f1< �f1NST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATfON OF LI COLN. ' , ^ t,I ��i
<br /> (�� � N (i.: O i�,�� y a=
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<br /> �n '�' 6'[fA��:OF N�`bt+A�3�+�l� On thls �2 h__day ot July .19 93 ,betore `fij'�$:",��` *Y =
<br /> o i ',i .�;Ql�C��.;::r.�uc5�rv� j me, the underslgned, a Notary Publlc In a;�d for sald �� .',-.� � s�t�.;.;
<br /> _ `" '% County��i¢raonatly came 4. P. Roneheweki _of Flrst Federal Savings �-, _:-`° T�i {r -c,
<br />_ ....,- �.• .LkS, � . .
<br /> ' and Loan Assoclatlon of Lincoln,to me personally known to be the rrestdent and identtcal : � � .
<br /> :':'t person whose name Is afOxed to the above release and acknowledged the executlon thereoF to be hls voluntary act � .$;:,�.s�; •
<br /> ' and d¢ed as such offlcer,and the voluntary act and deed oi the said Flrsl Federal Savin�s and Loan Assoclation
<br /> �.:' �� ot Llncoln.
<br /> '�"��'`'� Wimess m hand and Notarial Seal at Lincoln ,Nebraska,in said Counry the day and year last �
<br />::.vr�,r5�c : Y
<br />-�' r)1,��l, above wrllten.
<br /> -;�:�\i;;'}`:i yy� . _ , , ' .
<br />�,:.-�z�a,���4k vomber 27 .19 96 . fD f�/•' t , taryPubllc .
<br /> �•��s>���y' M co Nssonex iru No
<br /> '-Z'�''+s P/l lDTA9YSft!1 tl .
<br />�-f''- '�' ` IANNE�iD:avSOt+ {Vhen recorded to 6e retumed to:
<br /> .,_ �
<br />_� ,,•. Rlftn.�FJRx�r.27.1996 . .
<br />'��. . � Nnme........................................ Loan No. __g� ..._ ..._...._ ...__.... // _ I . .
<br /> -- �-' - - .-L!� ....�:
<br /> _s_:-_ � Reglster oJ Deeda Indez ys
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