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<br /> , . ' TN�'RH�,.A28$'RIC'�' COUR�' OF �L COU�7TY.� NE�R1181S11 , , ' � ,
<br /> „ . ,. .: -�' , .. . . .
<br /> , TI� 14pUITABL�.8U2LDIN0 71l1A IAl�ti �: -� � .
<br /> _ _ 119SOLIATEON OF OR712ID I9Ll1tiD, � CASB N0. ��2'� � ' `� ,
<br /> . . N�R7�9lG►r�7� Coxpor�Cion,
<br /> _ )� � .
<br /> . . PleintiPf, �
<br /> ; Vs. ; NOTICS OF LI8 P�'NDSNS
<br /> and RAILi7� R08S8R, Huebend end )
<br /> Wifes and HBRBHRT W. AoEBSA and 1
<br /> LA NITA ROHSSR, Hueband and WIEe, j
<br /> ' Dafendante. I
<br /> - � You are hereby notified that on the Z� day of
<br /> S�h , 1993, Tha Equitable euilding and Loan
<br /> Aesoo ation, a Nebraska corpoxation, PlaintiPP, Piled ite
<br /> Petition in the Dietriot Court of Hall County, HebraAka, againaC =
<br /> — IDnilie Roeseri Frecteriok Roeser and Kaili.a Roeaer, husband and -
<br /> - wiPe� and Kerbert W. Roeser and La Nita Roeser, huaband and wife,
<br /> --= nAfendants, the ob�ect an8 prayer oE whioh ie to foreclose a
<br /> -�� certain mortgage of 546,000.00 on the Eollowing desoribed reai
<br /> :�:�� estate, to-wit� —�_.
<br />==•;>� I,oti Rwenty-Three (23) flnd Lot 4taentY-Five (25) in 81ook �-_—..
<br /> `� �"' H of Parkview Subdivieion, City of arand Ieland, Nall "��=__=_'
<br />:'.'a: .;',: ';'°'?jj:r.,
<br /> � ��� County, Nebraska, f;; : r��>
<br /> �r- ;, . �'� •:
<br /> '�`�' given by the Defendants Emilio Roeser and hor hueband Kerbert V. ',.�„ - _
<br /> �; Roser, now deceased, on tho 25th day of June, 1986, to the ;
<br /> S
<br /> P1alntiEE, and that said mortgage was duly fileQ for rewrd in �- ;;
<br /> ' the of£ica of the Re9lster o£ Daede, Hall County, Nebraska, on ;t;A� ';:;
<br /> June 30, 1986, and duly recorded ae Documont No. 86-103505 of the r;;;�,� �._
<br /> � `1�.': Mortgage Records of eaid county thereof. f�g7„-.:°'.*•
<br /> k ; x5t`� , ..
<br /> � �' PlaintiEf claims that there is now due 539,472.15 on eaid 1-�v�n '
<br /> �',y�.� mortgage, plus intereat thereon at 59.29 per diem commoncing � � . ;
<br /> „__.A,,. August 10, 1993, and the Bond it wae yiven ta secure, and it
<br /> �';-i�;� prays £or the sale oS tha real eatate above described to satiePy - '•��r::-
<br /> < - " the amount found due on its mortgage ancl interest and costs of i � .
<br /> ,u'��'� that action. . �
<br /> ���`
<br /> !.,;;1'.}�- Dated this ?^� day of �e,t��+s�' , 1993. '.
<br />�'���"`��`��'�� THS EQUITABLE BUILDING AND IAAN • �
<br />_ .r�,.,_� �
<br />`?%�°,:r��,�:,+- ASSOCIATION OF aRAND ISLAND, ' �� -
<br /> ��� �`-S�;'���. N&BRA5KA, A Corporation, Plaintiff �
<br /> .. , .��.c.�
<br />� -_ BY /-"'/`..`a"^-e %, � . .
<br /> ' - �+�Earl D. Ahlschwede, N010037
<br /> One of Its Attorneys ,
<br /> --_i=-7;�-. [+IAYER, BURNS & AHLSCFIWEDE _' _
<br /> <?� Norwest Bank Building � _
<br /> �� P. O. IIox 2300
<br /> arand Island, Nfi 68802
<br /> - (308) 389-1120
<br /> � ,
<br /> • L
<br /> L•.n.T� . .,
<br /> _ _ �'
<br />