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<br /> 74YIT_GlWRl'J�S� �!10��thti !tvl�bt�dcNts e�cured by the 71.wt Dee41;execuEed by�,,:, "• .
<br /> - W�itVit�(Wt F�i.icYSTfR"AtID �B lln�ffOLtiiST£t2.:F{wixrid en�! pi€e '�
<br /> to � o01�IBllS'FFnERN:SAV{� HAtic .. , 'iYuetee Eor the b'enefii ok,:
<br /> �1�7:!lmY�L I�E IIS�OD i fh/�BkiQ'ItS tgE ti2P(t7Y ,,the beneficiery nemed tiytiein, '
<br /> ,�.dated' Appit 16: 1990 � �nd recorded• p�p11.17�,1990 �,,.
<br /> ;. in.the�o�ff:Ce oE ita Reg�eter oP�Deede of Helk,. � : , Camty�.
<br /> . Nebra6�y, in Boo I � , t,ioage hae been paid�end epid_Ben�£lciasy
<br /> hea tcequeeted in.t+�lting tM�.�b�ecom�'e ance be executed ud delive�ed es conElnned
<br /> by ite endorsemenR,belari .
<br /> • H06r_7t¢�1i6F10jtE,� iq sonsxderetion of such peyrt�enC'end io eccorciancn with che requeate of t1r� _ __
<br /> - beneficiaryr named therein, the arnlereigned ea 'hvatee dooa by these presenr.s, grdnt, remiae 6nc1 '
<br /> re�mrey to tha perean or pareons entitled thereto all ehe intereAt end eaenEe derivecl f.o eaid �
<br /> livetee by or ttuough said Ylvat Decvi Sn the follaaing described premiaes by only as to euc{1
<br /> premisese
<br /> Tha Northerly YRsnty-aeven Feet (N27') of Lot ltiirteen (13), and Lot Bleven (11), excoptiqg
<br /> the Northerly F•ip,hteen FeeY (N 18') thereof all in Block Seven (7), in Univerelty Plece,
<br /> en Addfltion to tha City of Grand Ielend, Ha�l County, Nebraska.
<br /> TOGE1}iF1t WI7H ALL buildinga, EixCUrea, improvmiente and appurtenancea belonging to euch
<br /> premiaes;
<br /> JS�`ocnata =_ -
<br /> DATED ,(�uy,ust 12, 1993 ar'o US FFD�iAL SAVINCS BANK
<br />