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<br /> - --.:--�° 6y t�aiun N cnY tlo++ia�Ma nuG 6y t7w a1Wne!Qotro�er nna G�mrdirpe�{r�eoenue:e�for�M MMn1t -
<br /> rol s,.nMr.rrwno wnnau�nnk�no+N I�in�ao:.�w'� wei.ra n.�n.r��«�r obw�woe n«w+ - - -
<br /> n�dwmM,�ndwwiait�McuiqiMU�naeMryla rvMupoq�nYOatbna nol�Mna�Mnbbn
<br /> rNM�W u NcuAb fa IM Nli�mounlolNl unp�W oWlp�tlonR NNnG1yr m�y��,homtlm�btlrt»uMwWioul nOpo1 m rNwM�nY
<br /> t�M30fIWy�q�uuM1b6�fNMN0y01fk011WYM�1�IytlrtN�tlMIdW�4(dbl�wlYPM�q1�pdA10�.11�M�p1. .�1'PQMI�I
<br /> M ak�a rNww my oe»r a wauawl wcudry Ia�ny obllp�tlon MrNn m�ntlon�0,a(vq m�co+M�Mh1.nM bt q�Mr
<br /> ._ ____ �rnnpemente wNh MElor�In nNticq tlNrHa - .
<br /> {o) �abNnna by bn4K MRF,�riMrw.MY lorppnne�by LMMx In�x�rclNnp�ny rip�tonrmtMOy.If�rtM1Nntipq.q
<br /> - obxwlM�MerOd by�pWka�N I�w;M�il no1 W�w�hw ot orpr�ciuM tM�xKeIM ol�ny.wchltl�hLOnrnnMd(iTA�..
<br /> praut�»ntollnwnnuorlM{MYm�ntolbzqorothwlNn�orchupnDYW�MUInolEe�w�IhWr.oiLmdkYrrl�lllC�. _
<br /> �aN�nM tln m�NrHy.of�qe IndMNCn�Ncurnd by thq DNO ol TNN:� ' -
<br /> (� dY00�Nlf�MA�AMipM�01M1di����N�GP�M,TIlO COYNI�nq�nd epMMMq10h Af�k1.COM:
<br /> Ia1nW NNII bind,�nd iM(IahM flRrpunMr M�II Inuq lo,Me r uw wr•caraan�nd� m o1 L�nder��nA•1�muMs ANr
<br /> cown�nU�ndprNm�nhafTruqqreAellMIoInt�Mswx�LTMUP�n1inQAndinp�at porsarAPhiolAhlnQ�eCOf.:
<br />. .. . . -.� �rup�to tor ConwnNna ony+„d�ire no1 to De u�W b InNrprel or dNtne ihe pror�Non�hMSOL -
<br /> (q llp��lyrHplkM.Th�partln MrWy rpualMat�copyol�ny aolfce ol Gll�ull heraunder�nAe copyof�ny.rniloe•
<br /> ol wN hu�unAx bs me1N010 e�ch parry b M14 Reed ol Truft�1 tl���ddreu wl forth�bow In tlm m�nnM�pf�w��bRd EY-•
<br /> �ppllubb law.Exeept lar eny othpr rtollee repulrod undx�DD��uble law to be phron In�nolhsr m�nnnq�nr noNa�pf4vkle0:
<br /> lorin Nb Doad ol Tmitahall mephbq by m�itinp ouoh ooUU by cenilled mall�ddmtxtl ta fhn othpr pprlio6�ttl�p eddrntl ca1
<br /> brth tbow.MY�tloe pruvklpQ tq�In MU OeW ol Tru�l Mall t»eHactive upon m�111np-In,the m�nner dWQO�led nnrptn.H.:
<br /> �---= TruNOr 1�mon Nan one psrpn,naboe wnt ro Me eddreu�et torM�bove�hell be na8ce�a afl-wch�pereane.
<br />-"—_ (q Inp�Yon,Lsnder mUY�f or cauas ta M ma0�reeaoneCla MtdM uPOn antl intAOCUanG of tlio PraAP�'.p fovkloO
<br />_—_-- MN LcnNr Mell pivq rma!or naqc6 pdw to nnp.r,uch inspectlon tpecilylnD�roRwnabla o�une diarntur ro4dnd fa LAqdat'y
<br />- _.—�, Inbrat In Ne Pmperty.
<br /> � (q)�MeqiwyMey,UponDaymentolelleumeeecuredbythlapeadol.TmeLLendenhellrequapTmqaebroconwry0ia
<br /> e�j� - � PropertyandahelleurrandorNhPeedolTrutlend�Onoteiev.Hm�clnpindebWdneaueuredOydilsQaaGOtTNi7WTnnAne.
<br /> Truqee thtll taconvey Ihe P�opaf)�withovt warranty�ntl wiNiact tharpo ta the pemn o�pereono lopaty entl6od tllMO1p.
<br /> TYwlor 6tull pay�II t0�b ol rocOrctdSOn.II ony.
<br /> il�i',: �. (ry) /�rWnN/�o�My:Buwily Ilqr�nt.Aa aaaiuonel cecunry im mn Paymeni oi ine iioie,Tn�iSu�heivoj!Qi�nrv °- . ... .-'°'` .
<br /> ..a,.,.,_�f. LenderundertheNebieekeUnllormCOmmercialCoEe��ecudyiNeroelinallBr.iures.epWpmcnLenAOflmr�ppmonnlafnperlp
<br /> �.�i's.,•,e " uwdlnconnectlonwiMt�eredeslnteorlmD�oveR�enUbealetlMeroon,endnololhenviwdalamdordnemodmbnapertof
<br />-�'?'`�?1�i+!� •=- lhe reM e�Nte aecureA�ereby;TAla inairumenl shan be oonsvued e�a Bacuriry Ayreemnnt unAOi eakl Codo,end 4m{.Ender �_
<br /> ---'1�- ? shellMmro�tlthedOhlaandremadiatoleaecuredpertyundeieaWCotleln�Atlltlontotharlphloendramndiu�orn¢ludunc7�r
<br /> - : `79t endecwrdedlheLenCerpureuanttothUDeoAOlTruaCprovldotllhatlendareriphle�nAromndlmeunAOr00ap�rn➢�nphs'�a11 � ��'�
<br /> � - ti� `. be cufnul�Uve with,and in no way e IlMletlon on,Landele dqhla entl remedlee under eny otl�m cawittf�R9�nemonl aiynad Ey Y �_f� . . •
<br /> t eorroweror 7rua�or. ��E rf` ' t'�.=•
<br /> � ' (q LNn��ndEneumW�new.TrustorherebyweneN�enCrepresenlcU�FllrioreianodofnutlundoTtl�oproviafonwleny ' .
<br /> �.!),,�_' morlpape.AeedolWetfeaaeorpurehaeewnlracldeacdbingellorenypndota+eProperty,QroNerconVeo6ln�Wmanta g� �.- � �rt��"
<br /> - ��!-+' - e9reemeN coneGtutlnp�Iien or ancvmbrence eqelnat ell or eny pnrl ol the Property(col;bcE�ary,"Liani'1.ezitunp�s d tl» .�,,p,{:.;�:�,-(:;.
<br /> �'�.tKv:�: .::. �_
<br /> .- c,,, tlalo ot lhie Deed ol Trott entl that any entl all exlelinp Uens rom;in unmod:fled axcept es dbclose0 to Lender In TrusMr'e _�������:��,f;;_ �_
<br /> �,jsU wdHen disclosum ot Ilone end en¢umDmnco9 provlded lor horein.Truator s�all tlmety partorm ell 01 Truelore oblipallon0. 1 1 r� )',4n
<br /> �4 . coranenle.repreeenlntlomentlwananqeaunderenyendailexiaWnyendfuwreLlonasnnllprompL'ytorwardtolentlerwples }t`3� ,
<br /> �- '•" olell nollcea ot dofouttsont In wnnocllon wiM enyend ell exlstinp or Nlwe Llane,ond shell not wiNOUI lendele pdor wdtten � . 4 _�_
<br /> j��,�t{ conoant in eny mennor moduy mo provislona ot a aAOw uny luluro etivances unCer eny exiallnp or luture Uene. t - �,>t f .-,.
<br /> i�.sr.�:.,d{ (U Applkatla�olPsym�nl�.Unleseolheiwiserequire0bylaw.sumopeidtoLenderhereunda�,incluOingwilhoullimilntlon ��, � ��,y_ S`;
<br /> �''��?�-; paymonle of principel and Interea�,insurance proceeAS.conaomwuon proceoda end wnte end protiW,eha11 bo applied Dy - .:y ��� �.3'��
<br /> -�:� LenGertolheemountsdueendowingiromTmstorendBorroworinsuchorJeresLenderinitssoloAicCro9ondecm�doalmbla - ..+ '�fhk` -' .��-
<br /> �`.1_t`- - :i. �r3'� ....;
<br /> �u_ -..,.� (kJ B�wr�WNy.II eny prmision ol�hie Doon ol Tmsl conllk�s wl�h applicablo law or le Ceclared invalltl or othenviee . . �,
<br />;_;..:,n�.� unenforeeablo,auctl coMlct or Invalitllry shell no1911ect tho othar prwisons ot Ihis Deed ol Trusl or 610 Nole whletl cen bo _ .i._:_,.,,Y,_',,;�_.
<br /> } glvenotteclwllhoutlhewnllictinpproNalon,onOtolhieen0lhop�odsionsollhiaDeudolTrustendtheNOtooradwlereEtobo F-,:i7t .-.-
<br /> [t� 1 neverebla �r- � c-�.
<br /> r�-��t-�, @Txm�.Tnelerme"Trus:or"�nd"BOrrower"ahelllnclude6oNSingularandplure�.unCwhonNO7rusbrand6orrawer ?-`i �N` � -
<br /> ��.[�,;��• -. ere Ne eame peraon(e),Ihose lerms ea used in Ihis Dond ol Trust snail bo intorchangoablo. - I,� ,,�j , ._-'.
<br /> (m) �oveninp L�w.Thia Daed ol Tmsl shull bp govomed by iho laws ol lho Slata ol Nebreske. •_�-�t uT� ^�
<br />--',��;� Truator hee exacule0 Nis Deed ol Tros�es ol lhe dam wdtton ebov�IYfRSAL BUILD � A PMINERSHIP - . . .
<br />... "•
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