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E'�� . 3� ,� � <br /> - �,�, -- - "— ,--- ` <br /> �L_ �....a - - :•, - _. <br /> '1 -- _ <br />_� :..� 91�.�.062�� <br />�� condemnWtion ur ather�dcin�oi uny paut of�ho Propeny,ur for convcyun�� in licu of'rondcmnuti��n,uro hcreby urxf�ned atW <br /> phwll bo puW ta Lender. <br /> In the evcnt of u �aal taking of tho Propeny. thc proccrds r+hull t�e applicd �u Ihc kums nccumd by �hia SecurHy <br /> - — f,ihiia,;k�i.wficilscr or aai th�n tlue,+.:'hh cny c�cY�s p�c!40 9�xtr�W�r In�hc evcn�ot'u puttiul takinR uf thc P�'operty in ,_ <br /> which the fair market vAl��e�f ihe Pmperty immedlutely 6efore thr tukinR ir+cquul k►ur greuter Ihun Ihe umoum of the xums <br /> secured by �hix Secudty In�trument immed{ately bcfare the toking,unlcss &,rt��wer und l.cnder�►ihcrwi�e ugree in writing. <br /> the sum9 secured by this Secudty Ins�rument shall be reduced by ihc umaunt ni the prcKeeds multiplied by the follnwing <br /> _ - - �-.; frnclion� (a)�he�ot�l umaune of ihe sumR xecured immediafely befi►rc the tuking,divided by(b►the fuf�murke�volue of�he <br /> PropeAy immediutely befcxe the takins. Any bnlance shull lx puid iu Burruwer. In tl�c cvent af n purtiul i�ikiog of thr <br /> g Property in which Iho fafr mcuket value of�he Propeny immediutely befarc ihe lukiog i4lesx Ihun thc umount of Ihe xumx <br /> ° �secured immediately beforc the tuking,unlesx Borrower und Lendcr ahc:nvise ugrec in writing or unletix upplicable luw <br /> = otherwi�e provides.lhe procecds shall be applicd to the suma secured by thix Securlty In�uumcnt whether or nat�he,+ums urc <br /> .�a then due. <br /> - ��-:!�! If the Prnpeny is ubundoned by Borrawcr,ar if,ufter notice hy Lenderta Barrower�hat Ihe condcmnur offerg to makc <br /> ___ ___ __ „� an uward or settle s►claim for damagex.Borruwer fails to rexpond�u Lender within 3U duy�ufler the dutc�hc natice is given. <br />