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<br /> -__ - ' appllcable low may�pocify for aeinsutement)befotc st+le of the Property pureuant to ony power of sale contained In this
<br /> ----- — :a;u��isy lnsirutttcn�or(b)cedy of s Judgtnent tafotcing thla Seceuity Inetn�ment. Thosc condlti�+na pro rhnt R�rmwer. (a) �_
<br /> - ` psya Lender aU sums which thcn wnuld be due under thfs SocurMy Inatrumcnt end the Note as if no ucceleration fud `
<br /> _7p����� occurred;(b)cures any default of eny other cavenants or agreaiiments;(c)pays ali expenses incurrecl in enfarciag this Securfty __
<br /> - In9trumen�includin�. but not limited to.reasonabie aaorneya'fees;and(d1 takes such action as Lender may reuxonQbly
<br /> -�+ requirc w assurc that the lien of�hfe Securfry Inedument,Lender's rights in thc Property and Borrowcrk obligadon w p�y thc �_
<br /> -= sums serur�ed by this Security [nstn�mcnt shull condnue unchAnged. Upon reinstntement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> Inauurtoent and the obliga�fons secured hereby shall remain fully effxtive as if no acceleradon had occurted. However,thic
<br /> ri�ht to rcinstate shel!not apply in Ihe case of aceeleralion under paragraph 17. _
<br /> � ��,��, 19. 3Ale ot Note; Chan�e of I.onn 3ervker. 71tc Notc or a partiAl inter+est ln the Nate(together with this Security =_
<br /> -�-=-v Instrument)ma y be sold one or more times wlthaut prior aotice ta Borrower. A sale mey result in c�change in tt�e entity
<br /> -- - _a
<br /> - �y A`� (known as the"Loan Servicer")ihet co l lecta mon t h ly pAyrnents due un der t he No t e an d t hi s S e c u r i t y I n�w m e n t. T h e r e a l s o
<br /> "��"'� �-� may be one or more changes of the Loun Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If Ihere is a change of the Laan Servicer,
<br /> - :a�.,•..;.
<br /> `�°- --��-����.�• Borrower wfil be given written notice of the chonge fn accorciance with paragroph 14 above And upplicable law. The notice
<br /> -_-. _.___ -;—�,-;'•'-� will Rtate Ihe oame and address of the new Loan Servicer and the uddrcsa to which payments should be made. The notice will �
<br /> � __ also contein any other infarmatFon required by applicable law.
<br /> "`'��-• . 20. Hazardous 3ubstances. Borrowcr shell not causc or permit the presencc,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> -•.��-:'�°'��'°u" '" Hezardous Substa:ues on or in the Property. Borrower sball not do. nor allaw anyone else to do, anything affecdng the —
<br /> .`.s,a�t;<, .
<br /> - _ ---- ___,,. � property that is in vlulatiun of any Envlronmental Law. The prcceding two sentences shall not upply to Ihe presence.use.or ��_�
<br /> � " storage on the Propeny of amall quentities ot'Hazardous Substmices Ihat are generally rcxogniud ta be appropriate to normal
<br /> -- a:;_`�;
<br /> _ - ���'`^'__�'_�' �• �• re�sidenNal uses and to mafntenance of the Property. _
<br /> --''=-..,'�=�=-�• Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any �:
<br /> ��""-��-u?�"z, _ govemmental or regutatory agency or private perty invalving the PropeRy and any Haxerdous Substance or Environmental
<br /> `.'v '�,;i.''"° Law of which Bortower has actual knowledge. (f Barrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory ��`
<br />�"�Y.•��_ •..; authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substencc affecting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower �
<br /> - - ��`y+� ��'j`� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in ar.cordu�ca with Environmenta!Law. —..
<br /> �=.r'��r�� ��, As used in ihia paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are�hose substances defined as toxic or hazArdous substances by �
<br /> "-��' � • Environmental Law and Ihe follawing substances: gasoline. kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toaic _
<br /> '''�� �+"�� �� • ' sticides and herbicides,volaUle sdventa, materials containin asbestos or formaldeh de. nnd rodioac�ive materials, As
<br /> `.::�'��_ u�sed in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal lews and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located ���
<br /> � ,'•r':��.;
<br /> --_-�, ,.--�--�,
<br /> ::„����f,�:�: that relate w health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ���`" 21. Accekration: Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratian Polbwiag Borrower's
<br /> ..:^�.�.da�,si:�.
<br /> _ _ _ '��°�!•�•M� lmsch of sny covenent nr qgreement in this Secu�ity lastrnment(but not prior to accelerat(on uader paragroph 17
<br /> z,-,F» - - -.
<br /> :� � �' ' ur�less Applicable Ipw provides otherwise►. The notice slwll speciiy: (a)the defAUlt;lb)the action requlred to cure the
<br /> � � default;(c)a dete,not less than 30 doys from the date the aotice is given to Borrower.by which the dePault must be
<br />`••�:�� ';`i' cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure the deiault on or before the dAte apecifled in the naHce mAy result in xcceleraUon oP
<br />- -�' ' �,;;;�,,;• the aums secured by this Security Instrement and gale of the Property. The notke shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> ,. . the rigl�t to reinstAte afler accelerwtlon and the right to bring a court actbn to assert the pon-existence of a dePwdt or
<br /> � ..: any other defense of Aorrower to Acceleratbn and sale. If the default is not cured on or bePore the date speci0ed in
<br /> � u �'' �� � the notice.l.ender at ifs option moy requlre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrwnent
<br /> m
<br /> ' " without further demand aad may Invake the power oP sale and any other remedies permilted by applkable law �
<br /> • '�=''� . � Lender shall be entitled to colkct all expenses incurred la pureuing the remedies provided in Ihis pArAQrs�ph 21. �
<br />- �" ``-'+'°"' including,but not Ilmited to,reasonwble attorneys'fees and costs oP IiNe evidence.
<br />-'�� ` b� [t the power of sale is invoked.7lrustee shall record a notice of deiaWt in each county in whkh any part oP the �.
<br /> ' . `��i ���• Property is lacated and shall muil copies of such notice in tice monner pre.scribed by upplicuble luw lo Borrower and to =-
<br /> FF;?'. � k �� the other persons prescribed by applicable law Ai'ter lhe Iime required by AppBcAble low.71rus1ee shall give public !,
<br /> ;� A ,,, °�; ,, notice oP isale to the persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law. 7Yustee,wUhout demond on Borrower.
<br /> shall sell the PropeHy at public Auction to the highesl bidder a1 the time and place and under the terms designated in �;
<br /> ".' � .. � " the notice oP sale in one or more parcels rnd in any order 71�uctee determines. 7lrustce mAy postpone sale of all or aay
<br /> � • �.: � parcel oP the Property by public announcement at the time and place oi Any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> . `:'� . designee may purchase the Praperty at any sale. _
<br /> _ • �`"' ' Upon receipt of payment oP the prke bid.'Irustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yuslee's deed conveyinR the �"'
<br /> : ::��•�� . ' Property. The recitels in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the stutements made therein.
<br />''t . � 71�uetee ahWl opply the proceeds of the sale in the Folbwin�arder: lal tu ull custs and expenses of exercising tbe power �
<br /> _ �� �
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