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<br /> TOOETNBR WITH aillhe imprm�emcnts now or heneaftcr erected an the pr�opeerty.and ell eacements,appurtenances.
<br /> `-�_ �- -� �nd fixtures now or herc.�fier a part of the property. All repiacemunts ami additians shall al�o be covercd by thie Security .
<br /> �- - '_--� inrlrument. All of the foreguing is ret'erted to in this Securlty Instrument as the"I�ropeRy."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thet Bortower is lawfully seised af 1he e�wte hereby conveyed and t�as 1he�ight to grant
<br /> wnd convey the Propaty and tlwt�he Property is unencumbercd.except for encum6rances of record. Borrower wamnt�and
<br /> �--� __�_� will defend generally the dUe w the Property agalnst all claims and demands.subject to any encumbrancea of record.
<br /> � TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMLNT combines uniform covenants for netiona! use and non-unifartn wvenw�tx with `
<br /> ,m limitad varietions by Juricdiction toconstitule a uniform securiry inswment covering real property.
<br /> '- UNIFORM COVENAPfTS. Boirower end Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> -= 1. Payment af Princip�l qad laterat;Prepayment pnd Late Chargea Borrower shall promptly puy when due ths
<br /> --.r� principal af and intcreat on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and latc chargea due under thc Note.
<br /> °"° 2. F�undr for 7�u ces w n d Inarapce. Sub jecc to epplkaWe law or to a written waiver by L.ender,Borcower shall pay to
<br /> _.-
<br /> --- `- ` ~z3 Lender on the day monthiy payments are due under thc Notc,unNl the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far.(a)yearly
<br /> ---.,,:y t a x es n n d a s s e s s m e n u w h i c h m a y e tt�ln pdori ty over thia Securi t y Insqument es a lien an Ihe Property;(b)yearly Iceachold
<br /> .�.:�_;� paymcnts or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hezard or propeRy insurance premiums; (d) yearly flaod -
<br /> - inauranca premiums,if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums. if any; and (� uny sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> ���r�� Lender.in acco�dance with the proviaions of paragrnph 8,in lieu of the Payment of mortgege insurance premiums. These
<br /> ---- -----== items are called"Escrow Items.' Lender may.at any time,coUect nnd hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the maximum
<br /> ____ .'-� amount a lender for p federaUy related mortgage loan may requfre for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real =
<br /> ,.r.,���: Estate Settlement Procedurea Act of 1914 as amended from tima to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> _-_u�r law thet applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount If xo,Lender may,at any tir.�e.cuilect wid hold Aunda in an amount not to =
<br /> exceed the Iesser amount. Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of curtent data end reasonable
<br /> ---'�""'''R.,.;� estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with appltcable law. _
<br />_ - -�W.:�g.: °- The Plmds shall be 6eld in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency.ins[rumPntaliry. or entity -Y
<br /> -�� (including Lender.if l.ender ia such an inatitution)or in any Federa!Home Loun Bank. L.ender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay �
<br /> ---- T._Nf4 the Escmw Items. Lend,.�r may not charge Bortower for hoiding and applying the Funds, armually analyzing the escrow
<br />=��.�° �� account,or verifyfng the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on 1he Funds and applicable law permits �.
<br /> •--�;;-:°;::', ` L.ender to make such a charge. However.I.ender may require Horrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> -"v;�--�''; � estate tax reporting service used by Lender ln connection with thie loan,unless applicable law provides otherwi4e. Unless an -
<br /> - ---- egrcement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any intenest or -
<br />--' '',—''��� earnings on the FLnda. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shell be paid an tt�e Funds. Lender -.
<br /> �°"'._.,.�;,,;,,cy;;;; shall give to Borrower, wfthout charge,an ennual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds end thc =
<br /> '""= pu�se Por which eech debit w the FLnds wus made. The FLnds aze pledged as addiNonal securiry for all sums secured by
<br /> ��m-- �
<br /> ����'�� , this Security Insuument.
<br /> - --- -=- If the Funds held by Lender exceed�he amounGc permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to
<br /> �1•�,� Bortower for the excess Fl�nds in accordance wilh the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by -
<br /> :'��a' ...`'. '
<br /> �, . . Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.L.ender may so rwtify Borrower in wdting,and,in
<br /> � such cnse Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount neces4ary to mnke up the deflciency. Bomower shell make up the
<br /> �4 � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion. �_
<br /> ,� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instniment,Lender shall promptly refund to Barrower any
<br /> � ��°""' � Funds held by I.ender. If,under�ragrnph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to ihe ucyuisition or r
<br /> ``�3=� sale of the Property,shall apply nny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as w credit against the sums _
<br /> ::,��„._�.._,�._��'___` __
<br /> secured by this Securiry Insavment,
<br /> "'�`'�:';'.``T"`?, 3. AppNcation of Payments. Unlexs applicAble law provides otherwist, all payments recejved by l.ender under -
<br /> ,�- �^^' ..'�:.„� --
<br /> ;�c�_r.,,_. 1 , paragraphs 1 and 2 stiall be upplied: first.to any prepnyment chnrges due under the Note;second.to amounts payable under _
<br /> -'-°"" , paragraph 2;tMird.ro interest due;fourth,to principul due;and last,to nny late chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> �'"�uc d�.w. . --
<br /> _ �., ! �r� 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, ussessments,charges, fines and impositions anributable to the
<br /> x•��l1°"' - Property which may attuin priorfty over this Securiry Instrument,and leesehold payments nr ground rents.if any. Borrower __.
<br /> :��.,;� •, •�.. ' shall pay these obligations in 1he manner provided in purugraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shnU pay them on
<br /> -i-°'�' � dme directly ro the person owed pay ment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under ��
<br /> - ..�,,... �
<br /> ��`�!: :;. ,�f this parugraph. If Borrower mukes these payments direcdy,Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing `,
<br /> _!�,;,::_, i,F.,�.. . . thepayments.
<br /> �,m.:.,->�` •'. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrowee(a)ag�es _
<br /> ;�.`:��:.;*, in writing to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the =
<br /> r ��,;�;�•• lien by.or defends agalnst enforcement of thc licn in.lesul proceedings which in the Lender y opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> - ,�f`-�•�.;�� � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ogreement sutisfuctory to Lender subordinating the lien _
<br /> ��my� to this Securiry Instrument. If L.ender determines that any part of the Propeny is subject io a lien which may attain priority __
<br /> "��;;a� � over this Securlry Inswment,Lender mny give BoROwer a notice identifying thc lien. Borrower sh�ll sutisfy the lien or take
<br /> -: r��.L-.L�. .
<br /> -• � one or more of the actions set forlh above within 10 days of the siving of notice. __
<br /> , ,.' S. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Bortnwer shall kcep thc improvements now existing or heres�fler erected on the
<br /> k'� Property insured s►gninst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"exlended covemge`and nny other hazsuds,including
<br /> . .<< .. �
<br /> • ° tloods or flooding, for which Leader reyuirea insurance. This insurance +hall be mainWined in the umounts and far the
<br /> .� " �
<br /> • ' . Form 3YE8 9/90 (/xrgr 2 nf 6�wget► �--
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