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.�� _ <br /> __ _ __ __ _ <br /> ,.�, -- — ___ __ _ ____ __ <br /> �. n .. � -- - ...: <br /> ,4�� . . - �Y,�„�+�,I�l�i�f�� I., - <br /> ��,. � _°MrA".L���ee�y- ___ _ <br /> ..��; : � _ - - - _��.�- - w�+'r�--_-- --- — � - - <br /> �Y. . . ..� r <br /> _ _�'':�-=_�A� 91--�os�4� _ <br /> --=��� tlH Prop�rty is w tak�n or d�m�p�d,Lender�h�ll h�w tho opUon,In Ib ool�and�b�olut�dltanUon,to apply aH wcb Proc:w�i�, �— <br /> �,_�� � �fUr deduadnp ther�from�II co�b�nd sxpenas Inourred by it In aonn�aHon wlth�uah Proceods,upon any Indobtadntss aeawsd <br /> h�reby�nd I��uoh ordar as Und�r may d�unnins,or to apply all such Proceed�,eRar ruah dsducdonr,to the reaWratlon M fh� <br /> �,-' ,, p�op�rly upon wah eondltlom u L.�nder msy dete►mins.Any�ppllo�don o1 ProcNds to I�d�btrdneu�hell not�xt�nd or podpon� <br /> °��_-; - - the due dete af eny paymenh und�r th�Nob,or aur��ny dN�ult th�raund�r oo h�nundar.Any un�ppll�d�und��hd�b�P�Id W . � <br /> ' Trwta. <br /> ,. g, PMlonnrna�by L�nd�r.Upon ths ocournnce of�n Ev�nt of Dafault honund��,or If any aot Is uken or Ipd proce�dlnp <br /> commenoed whloh mobrlally aNeob lander'�I�tereit In th�Propery,Lendrr m�y In la own dl�cretlon,but wlthout obllpatlon to do <br /> ;�'�; ao,�nd wlthout notics to or dem�nd upon Trwtar�nd wlthout rele�sinp 7ruator Irom any abllyatlon,do any ect whlch Truetor ha� <br /> ��,,,f�J �pr�ad but fdle to do and may al�o do eny other�ct It deem�necase�ry to protect ths seaurlty hereof.Tru�tor�hall,Imm�dl�tely <br /> upon demand thorelor by Lender,pay to Lendsr all co�b and sxpen�e�Inaurred and wm�expandad by Lender In r.onneadon wifh <br /> — = '" th�sx�ral�e by Lender ot the forepoinp riphte,topether with Utera�t thoreon at the defauU rete provlded In the Note.which vhNl be <br /> - -�'•;� added to d� Indebtedn�ss securad hanby. L�nder�h�ll not Inour eny Ilablllty because ot anylhinp It may do or omit to do <br /> ---�e:• <br /> __ _�'"i� hW�under. _-__ <br /> ••.�••:,. 9. Hwrdous M1�telab.Trustor ihell koep the Property In complla�ce with all appl�able laws,ordinances and r�ulaqone <br /> `R1�T�:=.rhL��•°r <br /> �,z,,,��,-.�... � relatinp to Induatrlal hyylene or environmentel proteatlon(collectively referred to hereln as"Environmentel Lews").Truetor ehall <br /> - ' '"-�'� '�'` keep the Property froe from all eub�tancee deemed to be hazardoua or toxic under any Environmentel Lswa(colleotiveiy refened to <br /> :�,,,�,�_.:_�.;.—�„'v°= herein ae"Hazerdous Meteriala'y.Truetor hereby warrante and ropreaente to Lender that there are no Hazardou�Meterlals on or `_ <br /> " under the Property.Truetor hereby eyreea to Indemnify and hold harmfees Lender,ita dlrectore,oNicers,employeea and apent�,and <br /> �� �.-��` eny aucceewra to Lender's interest,from end apalnat any end a0 clairtw,damape�,loasea ond OebNities arleinp In conneodon with <br /> - ��J� '�'� f' the p�esence,uae,dlepoeal or tranepon of any Hezerdous Mate►iate on,under,irom or about the Property.THE FOREOOINO _ __ <br /> ?�'' � � WARRANTIES ANO REPRE3ENTATION3,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIOATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE(301N(i INDEMNITY,SHALL _ <br /> _.�.m��:i�*r�v� . <br /> SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />_ �� �,', 10. Auipnm�nt of R�np.Trustor hereby asalgna to Lender the renta,lasues and prollts of the Property;provided thet Trustor <br /> ehell,until the occurrence of an Event of Defeult hereunder,have the ripht to collect and retain such rente,Issues and proflta as they � <br /> • '•• � become due and peyable.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot Oe(ault,Lender may,either In pereon or�y apenb with or without <br /> . -�.�YN��, <br /> , ` ,�,,��;.; brinpinq a�y ectfon or proceedinp,or by a receiver appointed by e court and without reperd to the edequacy of Its aecurily,enter �s�:�, <br /> „ ' ''r. . upon and take poa9eaelon oi the Property,or any part thereot,In its own name or In the neme o1 the Truatee,and do any acts which It <br /> deema necessary or deaireble to preserve the value,marketabfllry a rentablllly ot the Property,or any pan thereol or intereat thereln, � <br /> • ' increase the Incame therefrom or protect the security horeol end, wilh or without Wking posseedon of the Property,sue lar or � <br /> •��,�." otherwise collect the renta,lesuea and protite thereot,including those paet due and unpaid,and apply the same, less coate and <br /> •" ` expenees ol operadon end collectfon Including attomeys'feea,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order as Lender � <br /> mey dete►mine.The enterinp upon and takinp possesslon of the Property,the collectlon of euch rente,Issuea end prof(te and the p,�., <br /> - _- `.,,,�„, '�''� � = app!lcaticn lhereof ae etoreeaid.Ahall not cure or waive any default or nodce ol delault hereunder or invalidele any act done in -- <br /> . �� response to suoh default or pursuent to such notice ot defautt end,notwlthstendinp the continuance in poeseseion of iire Pru j,erty or <br /> : ;� the collectlon,receipt and appllcation ol rents,iasuas or protlte,and Truatee and l.ender shell be entitled to exercise every riflht �' <br /> � �.� provlded 1or in any of the Loan Instrumente or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Delault,Includinp without Ilmitetion the right <br /> to exerciae the power of aale.Further,Lender's righte and remedlea under thfs peraflreph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a <br /> �'��o " -� Ilmitetlon on,Lender's righta and remedie�under eny asalgnment ol leases and renta recorde�opaln�t thA PropeHy.Lende,Truatee <br /> '�, and the recefver ahall be lieble to account only lor those rents actually received. <br /> � �`?� 11. Ev�nb ol DNault.The lollowing shall constitute an Event of Default under thla Deed oi Trust <br /> �,�* ' (a) Fallure to pay eny Insteltment of principal or Intereat of any olher sum secured hereby when due; <br /> � ' � (b)A breach ol or default undor any provislon contelned In the Note,thle Oeed of Trutt,any of the Loan Instruments,or eny <br /> � other Ilen or ancumbrance upon the Property; �'-�" <br /> ,1 . „ (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any similar process ahall be entered ayainst Trustor whlch ghall become a Ilen on <br /> ' '•' . the Properly or eny portion thereol or Interest thereln; - <br /> � , ' ` (d)There shell be filed by or agelnst Trustor or Borrower an actfon under any present or future ledernted an t u tee, <br /> ,,. atetute,law or regulation reletinq to bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief lor debtora;or there ahall be appoi Y ���' <br /> ��s . receiver or Ilquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or of al1 or any part ol the Property,or the rents,isaues or proliq lhereof,or Trustor �-._ <br /> .,,�, or 8orrower shall make any general aeslgnment for the benefit of creditors; <br /> (e) The sele,trenaler,lease,ass{ nment,conve ance ar(uAher encumbrance of all or any part ol or any Intereat in the <br /> ��� PropeAy,eflher volunterily or InvWuntArily,without the express written consent of Lender;provided thet Trustor ahall be '''�' <br /> �._.. <br /> ' permitted to execute a lease of the Properry thet does not cOntain an opNon to purc�ese end the term of whlCh does not exceed � <br /> . ��" , one year, ° <br /> �" (Q Abendonment of the Property:or "• <br /> ;,�; ' (p) If Truator is not en Individual,the faeuance,sale,treneler,asslynment,conveyance or encumbrance of more then e total rw <br /> ° t` _ - <br /> of percent ol(ff a corparetlon)fts lasued and outetanding stock or pl a partnershfp)a totel of percent of <br /> ^ � parinership intereats during the perfod thls Deed of Truat remaina a Iien on the Property. '-�f <br /> 'f'�• 12. R�mMI��;Aca1�r�Uon Upon Dd�ult.In the event of any Event ol Default Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred by <br /> � � lew,declere all Indebtednesa secured hereby lo be due and peyable and the same shall fhereupon become due and payable �_ <br /> wlthout any preaentment,demand,protest or notice ol any kfnd.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> ^ � � (a) Demand Ihat Trustee exerofee the POWHR OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall the►eaRer cause Trustor's <br /> 3 intereat In the Property to be aold and the proceeds to be distributod,all In the manner providad fn the Nebraska Truet Deode �.�� <br /> ' . ., • Ac� � <br /> (b) Exerclse any and all rlyhts provlded lor In any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event ot t <br /> Defaulh end � <br /> (c) Commence an actlon to foreclose this Deed ol Trust as a mortgeye,appoint a recefver,or specillcelly enlorce any of the .. <br /> , covenants hereof. �" � <br /> No remady hereln conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive ot any other remedy hereln,fn Ihe , <br /> ^ Loan Inetrumenta or by law provfded or permitted,but each ahall be cumulative,shall be in addltlon to every other remedy given ; <br /> herew�der,In the Loan Instrumenis or now or hereafter exisling at law or i�equfy or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently. � <br /> ' Independently or aucceasfvely. <br /> 13. Tru�te�.The Trustee may realgn at any tfine wfthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a E <br /> eucCeeaor or substltule Truatee.Trustee shall not be Ifeble to any party,fncludfng without limitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> .��...�� ......,.� ,,..w.tisu.,ne no ran��trarl ln take anv <br /> _: -- " ' . ._..., <br /> purcheser of the Propeity,lor eny ioss or oamage unioas dua iv�ni.i.ieioo G�L':u��u�����o....��........�-••--••-• ••-•-- -�- - • : <br /> " actfon In connectlon wlth the enlorcement of thfs Deed ol Trust unless indemnflled, m wnt�ng,for all costa,compensation or <br /> ' expen�es whlch may be aesociated therewith.In addition.Trustee mey become e purcheser at any sale of the Property�udlclal or <br /> " unde�the power oi sele granfed herefn►;poetpone the aele ot ell or eny portlon ol the provfded by 18w:or sell Ihe ; <br /> Property ae a whole,or i�separete parcels or lots at Truafee's discretlon. <br /> 14. FN�aed�xp�n���.In the event Trustoe sells the Property by exerase of power ol sele.Truetee shall be entltled to apply <br /> any sele proceeda Ifret lo payment of all costa and expensea o1 exercising power of sale.Includfng all Trustee'a leea.and Lender'a <br /> • end Trustee's attorney's feea.actually Incurred to extent permltted by applicable lew In the event Borrowe►or Trustor exerclees eny <br /> rlpht p►ovided by law to Cure an Event oi Default,Lende� shall be entltled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and axpenses acluaity <br /> ' „ Incurr9d ae a reault ol Truelor'9 defeult, fncluding wfthout Ilmilatlon a�l Truatee's and attorney'S1ees,to the extent permltted by <br /> . epptlCable law. <br /> �' • 15. Rulun Adv�nces.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at fta optlon,rnake additlonal and luture advances and re- � <br /> " advenCee to Borrower.SuCh advenCea and reativances.wrtn intereat thereon,shnll be secured by th�s Ue6d of Trus1.Al�w lime�rliall <br /> �� the princlpel amount ot the Indebtedness secuied by thfs Deed of Trust,noLlDClud�ig$yms advanced to protect the security of thfs <br /> � Deed o1 TrusG exceed the orlylnal princfpel amount stated herein, a$ 7C1�oo a� Wh�chever is greater. <br /> � .. � I <br />