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<br /> .lCNQW ALI.MRN BY:TFI8S8 PAB36NfS . ,;: , ' ,� i:•:.
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<br /> ' 7'hE�t ve0.tU0�1�dr.��"""Hrahero Pxr4�thhin f' • ':'
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<br /> �.����u,...�nw� .- - , �. - . .. - „-��owner o Fub �pett�Gn�1 - .
<br /> . � . p[O�IOGODd O�.11i(d'OWIK!'OLlIiC CG1�0�[tyY(tdjt}k��Y�'�j'r�lCt�{1IX�lt:� .. . , . ._ - - ..
<br /> Y. -
<br /> , N2N25B4 of Sxdon 4-T9N•R12P/�El�ll.Couaty�Nebrsekz�..
<br /> In eonaldauiq�oY prw poUar�ad pd�u.Uood uu1 Nalqnbt4.Ca��tifdr�t3.on,taxip�oftwhkh is
<br /> ___ t�aeby+�clmowteegea,ea�w imtuce u�e saalc oE woal Rtvcz:m�inh�:conatn.toans.w-
<br /> ex�u,,.�Brot*��Pa�hi� .. ,-,_ �.sGCUrod by tta daccsibed �
<br /> pasonal p�oputy loca6ed on the ahovo descri6ed pFemJ�N:aFd�a andd�signed do henby cuvenaut,
<br /> and grwt nato seki Boelc df Wood Alvu as foUowo: - --- - -_
<br /> That whereas. OGTman Brothers Paca�UShiD �
<br /> — , hna a9nsmsctcd upon said piemLks ar
<br /> pixed on seld pnmises the foIIowtuB propec►Y: �
<br /> Delux M9045 Oraln Dryer IDN obz22toe7ooe anA!Chafu Bb;vat.3r Lep„-srork ea fc.
<br /> et hla o�cpense and with our consent and approvul,it is bcr�y egrad that
<br /> = OhUnen Brothus Partnershin shnll havo full dght w romovo snid _
<br /> ::,� personal properry at eay time, The undcrstpo�f�tthar aqn:e that for sll pwposcs tkrein,aaid =.
<br /> personal propary,em�etuces end Lnprovemerus shnll 6e wnoidered the pe[conal property of_
<br /> .°r�_- sv..�en p„3,�N o..�1.Y � - _ . . .. ..._ .
<br /> .r � thu��he sanap shnll[eatafn sevend f�om tLe lenA at alt timas eveu t�ough p6ysically attached; _��
<br /> that the same shall bo rrmovable aied with regpcd M U�o rlghts of thcso pardcs ancl the dghls of �__,T�y_;__-
<br /> ,� the Bank of Wood R'svea�ursuant to any lendin�a secudty agreemenu esecutcd by =rr%: --
<br /> ' � Oalman Brotaers Paraiex�;�_ e}inll r^�`��`''—�
<br /> ;; be coaside�e,d es personal propetry end shall nct bcca�uc,s fixtute;that at no drtr.sdall any llen. 4(z.i.�� `= __
<br /> : encumbrunce or conveyancc of nny Inte+'.st in tha ma: esmtc referred to hercu� npply to these <<} r ' � -
<br /> atructuces; thnt in Ne evcnt of any deFault pursuant to 1he lending agamenu and scairity �.� �•- :
<br /> -. .e4t,.-�s- -
<br /> -:t �•..., . .. {.
<br /> agraments with the Bank of Wood River caverinQ tho abova described real esraro,the 8ank of f,. 't:.•:'.�Lt%'�__
<br /> �. Wood River may euar upon the p[emines,tulee pussession of and remove the personal propury � ` ; '�
<br /> _it, : or otLe[wlse oxucise its rights thereiu widtcut nodco to the undersigned. t� i' ' --
<br /> That this e�ecm.ent shall ba bhiding upon the parlles hereto, their heirs, legal ��?� ��%,�7�1�� '
<br /> ?;'�� r tesentadves, successc�s end ersigna. + ��A��`�+, , h.y
<br /> , rl. eP / /� �i cr �,�y.� a. ,.
<br /> - ':,,;; � T�gr.�w./ , 19 7�. :-��'�p1:�f"3Ur�`1�,-'�
<br /> ;;, Duh:d this_day of , }� `�:.,�{ ,;,
<br /> .:_' n,..��se,�;{y:c.;i;
<br /> _ Ohlman Drodiers Paztr.ership �k�` ';
<br /> :i i Sy r'.I � `' !_
<br /> '�' ��wu.�.2'� _. � .
<br /> , Y Q�/� Y �j�/J si -ri�l x' t;
<br /> �" � �`LCMZI.h� X � G . L�/�/XCi'�w U � ��
<br /> r: Alvcra Ot�l�nun Dan� B.Ohlm/�an n , >,, -` , v:
<br /> X �i 4•%�/Y JlcL"...c.-.__ __1:.,�... ,.1
<br /> >�}� Da d R Ohlryan j::," •.,P-
<br /> `;� X��C�M.�.{//_' '6
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<br /> ` .;:� L+rnest R.Ohlman III : �;�:;t:"
<br /> STMTE OP P�EBR,ISKA) `"�"�:
<br /> sb)
<br /> wuc��or• ,�,.k� )
<br /> d Fi fore me,a not�ry pu6lic qunlified for said counry, parsonally came�� E Q���,
<br /> - {�d.'/` �/,,,,w Q,,p� �y,.Ay���¢j��known ro mr,to be the idzntical persons who �____
<br /> '�'" � signcd Ihc forogoiug inowment and acknowlcdged the exccution thercof to Ix the'v voluntary act _`-_ —
<br /> a�id dceQ. � .
<br /> - - Witncss my hand end notarial sca] on tlu��day of /�rw� l9 T_?
<br /> `'� '�°'.iy�'���� Notazy Public
<br /> r�d..a�NR�11H
<br /> .i � .' .,_
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