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�' — . _ . _. . . . - . . �. . ' . .. • . . . � ..93M �VI4/ON � _,. - � .- �"r <br /> p�ymenn m�y iq IonQer be rCqulred,ot tlie option ot Gcnder,If morfg�ge insurvnco coveroge pn the pmaunt fM for ttw perkid , . <br /> Out 1.aMefr ra� 6Y�n iasuret approvp�by Lendn again bocomee�vall�blc uM in oMeirpd.Bortow�er Aull pry <br /> iha prcmium"s«qulrod to maintaln mongzgo Inswaixa In eflcu,or a provide a toss rrserve,un�il tha rcyulrcmeni tor monjqa <br /> • Intunnce enda la qocurdyAce witti iny written agrameni'petwecn Borcower end I.ender or tlppllcaEle liw. <br /> !.tiwpeClion.Lendec or fi�agent mny mnke reaco�uble en�des upon ard bispealons of�ta Propeny.Lender shnll give <br /> ' Bdrtower ii0tla at ihe tinw o!or pMot ta en inspecdon specJrying rwsonablo cause for tho Insp�cUon. <br /> 10.Condnntuttqn.7'hc proctals af eny awcrd ar clWm for damages, dircct or conuqucn�ial, In connection with�ny <br /> condemnetlon ot othcr taking of any p�n ot tho Propeny,or Por oonveyonce In licu of condemnailon.aro hcrtby assig�Kd uM <br /> --_... -_,° shill6opnidtoLender. .______�.,. .. <br /> In tha event of e totel taking of tlw Property,ihe procscds sAall bo epplied to tha suma aaurcd by thfa Secuflly(ntttument, <br /> whliher or not thcn duo,with any cxcess pald to Borcowcr. In tho evem of a paniul mking of tho Propeny in whlch�ho f�ir <br /> mnrket vatuc of the Property immedietciy before tho�aking ia equal ro or grcatcr�han tho emount of Uio suma secured by thls <br /> Security Instrument immediateJy beforc tlie�aklns,unlus f3orrower and Lendcr othcnvise ugnro in wdiing,�ho sums sccurcd by <br /> �M1le Security Tnstrunxnt shall bo rcduced by tt�o enwunt ot the pmceods multiplied by Ihe following (rocilon: (a) Ihe lo�nl <br /> anrount of tha sunu securrd Immediately betoro the teking,dividcd by @)thc talr n�srkct valuc of�he Propeny Inuncdletcly - <br /> beforo�he tek(ng. Any b�lanco shell bc pnid ro Iforrowcr. In thc event ot a panial reking of tbe Property in whlch �hc falr <br /> marlcU valuo of lhe Propeny lmmedlacely before the iak(ng le less tlmn�he amount of�he sun�s stturcd Inmxdiately betore the <br /> taking,unless fioTrpwer end l.endcr olAbn�iu ogrw In wdting or unles�appllcabic iew othcrwise providw,the procceds shall- <br /> bc opplicd to thc sums sccured by thla�Scca�rity Insuun:ent whcthcr or not�he sums ere thcn duc. <br /> If tho Pro{x.rty�is ebandoncd by Borro�vcr,or If,nftcr notice by Lender ta Bartotiver�hat tlie mndemnor ottero to makc en <br /> award or sGtic e clelm for damages, 6orrowcr feile�o respond ro Lender�vl�hin 30 daye efier�he date the neHce fe given, <br /> tandcr b euthodzed to mllw�and epply tho proceeds,at its optlon,either to rcstoretion or repair of�ha Property or a the sume =--"---- <br /> ucured by this Security instrumen6 whether or not thcn duo. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver mherviise agree in wri�ing, any epplicaUon of procxds�o principal shnll not extend or __ <br /> postpono the due date of the monthiy paymems rokrtod to In parsgraphs 1 end 2 or change the emount of such payments. =�:; <br /> 11.Bortn�ver Not Reicnsed;Forhearance By Lender Not a�Vph'er.Cx�cnsion of�he time Por paymem o�modilicadon �;��.-- <br /> of amonizatlon of tF.e eums suured by this Socuriry Instmment granted by Lender ro any sucoesmr(n Intercst of fiortower shall E`-j�;,=->- <br /> -- not operero ro rcleasc Ihc liabiliry of Ihc originai Qorroncr ar porrowcr's suecessors in intcresl. Lendcr shall not be rcquircd to �i?;?�_- <br /> -�? commence proceedings Rqains�eny suaessor in Imerest or rcPose w ex�end time for paymem or oihenvlse modify amonizat(on =- --__ <br /> - of the suma secured by this Secudty lactrvment by reason of eny demand made by the original Borrower or liorrowei s <br />
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