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NEBRASKA 66200106653490998 <br /> 203 Little Canada Rd DEED OF TRUST oo4ss//v�voi <br /> Ste 200 <br /> St. Paul, MN 55 ll 1 �%��r',� ��-" S <br /> ::;:.;:.;:.::.:;;;::>:.;:::<.:;::::.:<:;::;:.::;:.;:.::.: , :>::::>::::>::><::;::»::::>::::;:::<::�::>:<::>::::>:::::>::»<::>::::»::>::::::>::::>::>::>::::::>:::::<:>::;::»::>::::>::»::>:::«:>:<:>:::::>::>;<>::»::::»>::» :><:>;:<;>:>;:;;<:;::<::::>:>::>:::::<:::<:::::»::>::<:::<::::;:<:»:<::>::;:::<:>:<::>:::>::: <br /> S <br /> >:»:::::<:>:<:>::»:<:::>::>::>:::::<:>::::>::::>:<:>::>::<::<:>. ...::.�..:.::::::.:::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::::..::::::::....::::::.::.::: o <br /> EIIOE�iE L PE8E1C EIIGENE L. PE6ER, PECOY L. 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BAN1C NLTIaN11L 11880CI11TIQ4 / ' <br /> r11R0o, ND SB303 �V <br /> n cons rat on o t e oan or ot er a on e an eny ure a ence or ure gat ons,as n ere n,w ic <br /> may hereinafter be advenced or incurred and the trust hereinafter merrtioned and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufflaency of which <br /> are hereby aclviowledged, Grarrtor hereby irrevocably warrants, bargains, sells, transfers, grams, conveys and assigns to Trustee, his suxessors and <br /> assigns,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for the benefit and security of II.e. suax rrnTSataai. assocxnzzaa rTn <br /> ("Lender"), the <br /> ne ary un r t s o rust,un r an su �ed to e tem�s an con s re n set o ,w o entry an possess on i o rarnor's preserrt <br /> and future estate,right title and irrterest in and to the real property described in Schedule A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein <br /> by this reference,together with all preserrt and future improvemeMs and flxtures;all tangible personal property indudfng without limitation all �inery, <br /> equipmerrt, building materfals, and goods of every nature (exdu�ng consumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in connection with the real <br /> property,whether or not affixed to the land; privileges, hereditamerrts, and appunenances induding all developmem rigMs associated with the Property, <br /> whether previously or subsequently transferred to the Property from other real property or now or hereafter susceptible of transfer from this Property to other <br /> real property;leaaes,Iicenses and other agreemerrts;rents,issues and proflts;water,weli,dltch,reservolr and mineral rigMs and stodcs pertalning to the real <br /> property(cumulatfvely"Property");to have and to hold the Properry and the rigMs hereby grarrted for the use and benefit of Lender, his suxessors and <br /> assigns,urnil paymeM in full of all Obligationa secured hereby. <br /> Moreover,in further consideratlon,Grarrtor does,for Grentor and Grantor's heirs,represematives and assigns,hereby expressly warrant,covenant,and <br /> agree with Lender and Trustee and their sucoessors and assigns as follows: <br /> 1. OBLIGA710NS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the paymern and perfomiance of all preserrt and future indebtedness, liab(Iftfes, obligations and <br /> covenants of Borrower or Grantor(cumulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuarrt to: <br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the following promfssory notes and other�reemer�ts: <br /> . . . . . .. . .. <br /> •;::::.;:.;:.;:.:<.;....:..::...::.;:::.:.:....:: :>::»:::z:::><::>::»:<:»:><:>:�<::::��::::>':>::::;:>::::>:::::::>::: <:»` '. ....:•::«'::<:::''::::::::>::>::>::>::::>::>::>::>:>:::<:>;:::aJ�t'.'��>:;:>:<:::>::»::>::::::>:::<:>;'::::::::; <br /> ::>::>::>::>::>;::�'l�11�..�14�11#«:�IN!C�JM�'t...::.:::.�:.:::::.:...... . . . ... .:::....::.:�.�It.'�4�!ki1"�R:::::::.::::.::::.::::::::::.:::::.......l41�1.:.:.;::.;:.;::::::;:;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.; <br /> >�;:>::�1��#': . <br /> .�k.'�::>:::::::::>:::::<:::>::::>::: � . ::«:: <br /> ::<:>:::»���:<:::::«;»>:::<:>::>::;::::>::: <br /> a:»:::z:»::>r::>::;::>::>� ;:.:;:<.:<.:<.:::::.:::<:.;::.;:.: <br /> �>::<:::..:<.>::.:::.::.::..��:'�':E�:::�'EEE:E>iii;::::::'i:i:..........................................................��:;.;:.;;i:::;:::;;:::2:;:t:::;:;:::t:';::::........................:..:.:,..:.::,:.:,:,::::. <br /> 40,000.00 07/19/99 07/19/29 66200106653490998 <br /> (b)all other prese or ure,w en agreeme s w r a re er spea y o is o rus x execu or s seme or diffsront <br /> P�T�ss�than ths forogoln�); <br /> (c) any guaraMy of obUgatbns of other parties gNen to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust; <br /> (d) future advanoes,whether obligatory or optional,to the same exteM as if made contemporaneously with the execution of this Deed of Trust,made or <br /> extended on behalf of Grentor or Borrower. Grarrtor agreea that if one of the ObligaUons is a line of cxedit,the lien of this Deed of Trust shall corrtinue <br /> uMfl paymerrt in full of all debt due under the Iine notwithstan�ng the fact that irom Ume to Ume(but before terminatlon of the Iine)no balance may be <br /> outstanding. At no time du�ing the term of this Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall the unpeid and outstanding secured prindpal future <br /> advences,not indu�ng sums advanced by Le�der to protect the security of this Deed of Trust,exoeed the following artiourrt: se oee.oo _ <br /> This provislon shall not constRute an obligation upon or comMtment of Lender to meka additional advanoes or loans to C3rantor;and <br /> (e)all amendmerns,extensions,renevvals,modlflcations,replacements or substitutlons to any of the foregoing. <br /> As used In this Paragraph 1,the tem�s Grantor and Borrower shall indude and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than one. <br /> 2 REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIE3 AND COVENANTS. Grarrtor represents,werrants and covenenta to Lender that: <br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple merketable tftle to the Property and shall meintain the Property free of all Ifens,security irrterests,encumbrances and daims <br /> except for this Deed of Ttust and those descxibed In Sdiedule B,which Is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by reference,which <br /> Grantor agrees to pay and perform fn a timely manner; <br /> (b) Grantor is in compllance in all respects with all applicable federal,state and local Iaws and regulations,Induding,without IiMtation,those relating to <br /> f{azardous Materfals,"as defined herein, and other environmental matters(the"ErnironmeMal Laws'�,and neither the federel govemment nor any <br /> other govemmental or quasi govemmental errtity has flled a Ilen on the Property,nor are there any govemmemal,judidal or adrtinistrative actions with <br /> respeci to environmerrtal mstters pending,or to the best of the Grantor's Iviowledge,threatened,whfch involve the Property. NeRher Grantor nor,to the <br /> best of Grantor's any other party has used, generated,released,discharged, stored,or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined <br /> herein,in connection with t �Property or transported any Hazerdous Materials to or from the Properry. Grontor shall not comrr�it or pemit such actions <br /> to be taken in the future. The tertn "Hazardous Materiels" shell mean any substance, material, or waste which is or beoomes regulated by any <br /> govemmental authority induding,but not Ifmtted to,(i)petroleum;(1i)friable or nonfriable asbestos;(Iii)polychlorinated biphenyls;(iv)those substances, <br /> materials or wastes designated as a"hazardous substance"pursuaM to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or Iisted pursuant to Section 307 of the <br /> Clean Water Act w an amendmerrts or replacc�mments to these statutes;(v)those aubstances, materlals or wastes defined as a"hazerdous waste" <br /> y e <br /> pursuarrt to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendmerrts or replacemerrts to that statute; and (vi) those <br /> substances, materlals or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensfve Ernironmerital Response, <br /> Compensation and Liabilfty Act, or any amendmerrts or replacemarrts to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, regulation or <br /> or�nance now or hereafter in effect. Grantor shall not lease or pemit the sublease of the Properry to a tenant or subtenarn whose operations may <br /> resuft in cornaminatfon of the Property with Hazerdous Materials or toxic substances; <br /> � <br />