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_ _ �. : . . <br /> „� ".,�:,.::� x _ ' . _ ' ". <br /> i-- ___ � __... <br /> ' .�1.�.�tn.�,�i..l .. _. .. . .. -. <br />-.-_..� . �i . �. ' ._ a,��.d�;':s4*:..�::�.-.. <br /> _�`� ,� �--°- <br /> �,11�'`• . __�._'� ' � n .. <br /> _- �a�� . :7�..0 �.0 biG.a:'� <br /> ��_ applicablc law may�pocify for ncinsuuemcnt)bcfore sale of thc Property pu�suan[to eny power of as18 contdned in ihis <br /> - Sxurlty Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thls Secu�lty Inawment. Those conditions ere that Horrowcr: (a) <br /> p�ys Lender rll sumr which then would be due under this Securiry Inawment and Ihe Note as If no acceleratlon had <br /> _� � aecucred;(b)cures any def�ult of ony aher covenants ar agreemen�s;(c)paya�11 axNe►�ses incurrcd in enfarcing�his Securlty . <br /> �� _" �I Inatrumenb including.but not limited tu,rc.�sonable attomcys'fcts:and(d)wkes such action es Lender may r+eaRnnably __ <br /> require to ussure that thc Ucn of this Security Inauument,Lender s rlghts in the Property and Barrower+a obligatlon to pay the <br /> — �-- sumr s�curtd by this Secudry Inatrutnent shall condnuc unchanged. Upon reinstAtement by Borrower, this 3ecurity <br /> + = Instrument and the obligationa secuced hereby ahall remain fully effective as if no accekration had occurred. However,thi4 <br /> _�,.__ ._._, __ �-_ <br /> --- . � <br /> - right to reinstate ahall not apply in the case of acceleratiun under paragraph t . - <br /> 19. 3tle ot Note=ChnnQe o�l.oan 3ervker. 'fFie Note or a partial i�terest in�he Note(together with this Security <br /> ��� lnspument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in u change in the entin; <br /> (known as�he"t.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the.Note and this Securfty Insuument, There also <br /> �-� may be ot�e or more chonges of the Loan Servicer anrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a cht+�ge of the Loan Servlcer, <br /> Borrower will be given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph IA above und applicable law. The�otice <br /> �.a�i�;>�� will state Ihe name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch payments should be made. '['4e notice will <br /> - '� ="==`?�-;,J,>.� also contnin any other information rcquired by appHcabie law. - <br /> ----=,:�+g�s.�• 2p, Hazordous 3ubrtAncee. Barrower shall not causc ar pern�it the presence,use,dis�sal,storage,or releasc of any <br /> - - Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall nat da,nor allow anyone else to do,anythin$affecting thc <br /> "x�+:�°�,� PropeRy ihat is in violation of any Emironmental Law. The preceding twa sentences shall not Apply to the presence,ur+e,or <br /> --�"� ' ` storage on the Property of small quendtles of Hazardoua Substa�ces that are generally recognized ta be appropriete to normal <br /> ���. �� rcaidential uses and to meintenance of the Property. r <br /> �����;.�r•�.� - <br /> -� x��r,_:� Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrltten notice of any inves�igation,claim.demand,lawsuit or othar act on y any <br /> �r�;}N�,�: `� govemmental ar regulatory ngency or private party involving the Ptnperty and any Hazardous Subslance or Environmenta! _.. <br /> �:�,,: ,. .�, Law af which Hortower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is notified by any govemmenlal or regulatory _ <br /> ` �' r;��� � authodty,that any rcmovel or other remediatian of any Hazardoua Sub�tance affecting the Property i:nece�sary, Borrower <br /> �'-' •�'��_., shall prompUy take all necessary�medial actions in nccordance with 8nvironmental Law. _ <br /> -�''�""`"` ' As used in this paragraph 20,"Huzardous Substances"aze those substances d�fined as taxic or hazardaus substunces by <br /> �- :�,=�c�r,.. . <br /> � �--'•+;' Envimnmental Lew and tha following substences: gasoline, kerosene,other flammaWe or toxic petraleum products,toxic <br /> =�Y':..��` ••� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing u.4bestos or formaldehyde, and radiaactive materials. As <br /> ¢��N used in this paragraph 20,"Enviranmental Law"menns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny ia located <br /> ��� that nelate to health,safety or environmentul protection. <br /> -. - .._ c <br /> s' `2�•� � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und Lender further covenunt and agree as follows: <br /> :�„ <br /> �'`.,�� ;:.�:.::°� 21. AccelerAtion; Remedks. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior !o acceleration following Borrower's <br /> `��'�°' `�"`==" breach of any covenpnt or agreement In thia SecurNy Inatrument(but not prior to acceleration under pwragraph 17 <br /> •'��'� �• '� �''� � unless applicable law provWea otherwlse). The notice shall epecliy: (a)the dePAUfl;(b)the action required to cure the <br />_ -���_'•Yi_.i.�.�''�v4.. '_ <br /> -- �,,.;��,, - deiouii:icy�dAie,not less lban 3Q dags lrosts the t!a!t l4se notice If�glven to Bn�rower,by which the deioult must <br />'���.,-;,�:�. cured;and(d)that PAilure to cure Ihe dePAUlt on nr before the dAte apecffied in the nodce may resull ia acceleration of <br /> o� the soma secured by thia Securily Instrument And enle uP the Properly. The notice ahull i'urther inPorm Borrower of <br /> -'� ' • the right to reinsfate at�er Acceleralion and the righl to bring a court action to assert the non-existence ot a dePault or <br />�:-,--: ,_. Any other defense of Borrower to accekratbn and gule. [P the dePault is not cured on or before the date speclt'fed in <br /> ::�;�.�,� ' the notice,I.ender a11Gs optbn may require immediate payment in Pull of All sums secured by tAis Secerlty Instrument <br /> - - without Purthe� demwnd and m�y invoke Ihe power aP sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable IAw <br />-= ��;_ _. „ _ Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pur9uing the remedfes prov�ded in tht� pnrs�grAph 21� <br /> •��T—; ,y�, _, including,but.not Iimited to,reasonabk attorncys'iees ond cog�g of title evidence. <br /> ,_, •� ~ If the power of sale is fnvoked�7Yustee shall record a notice of default in ench county in which any part of the <br /> -�.�.-`���:',.'' ` Property is Iceated und shall maH copitw of such nolke in the manner prescribed by Applicable low to Bo�rower and to _ <br /> ��;�;,.:,.��._c:;; the other persons prescribed by applicable I�w Af�er the time required by applicable law.'ll�ustee shaN give publfc � <br /> `'� - notice of�wle!o the persons and in the manner prescrfbed by opplicable Iww. 7Yastee,without demand on 8orrower, 6, <br /> -r�.:'''�'�``' " ahAll sell the Property at pnblic auction to the highe4t bidder�t the time and place und under the lerms desigpated in ` <br /> - �RjH'r:.:':. " - <br />;„w �.�; : the notice of sole in one or more percels and in any order Trustee determioey. 7Yastee may poslpone sale of ell or any � <br />°e���. .,,�„b parcel of the Property by publk announcement at the time�nd place of Any prevbusly schedukd sale. I.ender or itv <br /> -='«'`�`•�" ° " desi�nee may purchasc the Property at uny sale. <br /> -�. ".�11G_""�,•`-..:.-R. <br />;::;,;;�;-^ ,�• Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.7Yustee shull deliver to the purchaser 'IY�ustee's deed conveyinR the <br />_-� - - ° Pruperly. The recitals in the 7lrustee's dced shall be prlmu Fucie evidence oP the truth of the statements made therein. ! <br /> -�'� �'�`` '11�ustee shall apply the praceedx of Ihe rwlr in the Palluwin�urder: lal lo all custs aud expensex of exercisiag the puwer <br /> �'���� <br />_ :�� :.� �. <br /> � ', �, r <br /> :,,,; - <br />. �: <br /> ':.� ► <br />- - FtiMql�� 9/� (�MI�P S���A�Nl.('Pf) <br /> .. � <br /> ' //' � <br /> � <br />_ � .�-.r' �__..__' . . ... . , _ .._. ...' �. ... • ..,...,.s�+•-.. <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> �•!y; _s}�'.: .;. . <br /> . ���' ,�.-4' � . . <br /> -�r ----- , —...T. . . <br /> � _ __ _ _ _ <br /> . <br /> ., �., '� <br />