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�s�'n:#':. <br /> _ , . _ <br /> -.:::n� . � :'" ...�e - .:.:. ':. . . , ' S-- —__ _>_°— -- <br /> _r . _ � '.�' " ��_ :rd _ _� �y�.'_�, _ . . <br /> t ' " . . _ -. _ - �. � . ��f�ri�' '�t.; <br /> �,:��- .� .. 1- -,. ' .-. .,. .,, . . - _ - -. . �/�1!y� . <br /> - �10�.GPMMN�IflOITNlIMWItl1A15�IW.LIMH� WIHbV�HN/NIWW�I(fMC0l1lMt0iRe�9NGi �TNSIO/4hW1�1411�11y0I1lId(fkl�'� � .. <br /> wtN�tNP�c�ro�nyh�.+�orrpace�n.thn•TmFtPro�»rN,a�rryportbntlnre,Dl..WhPGroreuc�ihcta/anowahrra��'rfln�xUt�ne� ' <br /> � �W�MuP�+�NYPnMYm�,dlrca+ntoradru�c�pr�ntdnnrhwnundarinaaredoiHmanM,.. <br /> ' ry1 CmMaMmNn�Ntheeams:nraei:�plmyc�nafNtlon,NmMn�tlonarur�qndathrr�W,aqrmR�ny.�vonifooccwwMChwouM <br /> �.�. qeFwfAMwnWrfoHnnMWaerncMthes�,UM�N�n(�In�tla�/ananPeYm6nlo/reN, . <br /> (c) �or��fhsau�f�so�sroreducetAetmmlherool,lh�rontdpay�bNthe�auntle�arocnanpeanynn�wNproN,fknf <br /> . (� WAwmytlefeuRfheroundaraWeachNq�ool,- <br /> (e) Calw�nycans�nr„w�lwra4pp�ovYNereunderwfAKSanyotho�ocllonln.COnnectlonNerewtN,o�wiNabsseetMrounder,WMM <br /> wou'dhave Na e11ROtCllmpNdny tho veluo o/tho lesso�'s fnk�astlhereundpra fAa p�opertyau6Jec1 tAeiefo,or ollmpafdny Ihe <br /> --_ ..,,___� _ <br /> � posROnaMlerestotRenefictaryNe�vtn,w •� �-----�-�--�-�--•�-- <br /> � (n aeii�80ie�tlar.�8age.aolhetwtsedlspateol,aencumDeNtsfnfa�osNnanysaldkaseo�enyranf9,lssuabprotrt,fhsut+g <br /> �� f7. WaNerol S(atNa ol LIMladons.Tlma k of fho ossanca In an ofTrusrole ob/lpaWna and dutfas heroundnr,end to Na extonl permtttod -"'" <br /> ----` b/Iaw,Tivaro�wallosNlprasenta6rturoa(aNtasollimltetlonawRhrespeclroeny de6t,demendao6flyatlonsecuredharoDymd !�e'�_ __ <br /> — enyacNonorprxaedingforlhopu�poseolonlmcfngPofsDeedolTrusto�enydphlsorrameNascontafnedhoreln. _ _ <br /> � f&,AFSfynmontolDepo,Uls.fnlheovuntconsVUCtlanWlmprovomentalsconlempfatodD NeknnoNdencotl6ythoNotesacwetl �—���� _- <br /> LL - '.'.bR:pby,asaddittonelsecmlrythe�olora,TiuSfoihorB6ytiensfB�aendessl8nato8ene�cfary,allAght,Gtfeandlnteiosttoanyandt9 �-'."' -•- -� <br /> --�,.� ' �ry,wbsdopositedbyoronDehalloiTrustprw;thanyclry,covnry,pu61ic6otlyo�egency,sani(arydlsUlc6u6Gtycompeny.end �r -^ <br /> eny.oNorAOdy.MBgency,fo�tho Insiella7en or�o secwo Ihelnatelladon ol eny u1iGry by Trustor,peRaning lo fha Trust Properry. ..�, <br /> ��'��� �'1 fl:�COq)o/etlOn Ot put�e�shlp EMsfB�CB.I/TnISIO�SS Aco/po�8700,Benerel partnarahlp,oN�mROtl psnnorshtp,It wlll da ell Nings i .�`��,,� <br /> i.�� nF.cet3ary fo p�eserve Ita corporefe a pertnorshlp exlstonco,as Iho caso may bo,antl ell dghts andpmib0os under Iho lews olGre t.-;<< <br /> ��e�2d�'J I � -6fHd0(1191qCM(1W8B0I10l018 8 1112 8 110/1. )`�.'4 <br /> �,r � � �� 20.•Fq:isevencB by Benef.Gery Nof e Welvn�.My PorDeeience by BanefiGaryln exe�cktnp any dghf onemedyherounder,orolhorwke ; -- <br /> ° -���; eHordetl by Spp('caMelaw,shall nof bo d wr.."ver ola piecludo ths ezo�NSe o!eny such tlghl a rometly.11io procuremont o! .,:, _ <br /> Iniurenpeor Ihd pFlYmenf ol(axas or fho dkche�Bo olliens m cha+Bes by BeneOclary shell not 6e e waHorol QenefiGary's dght 10 t,F - <br /> K 1,^- � �� eccaiumialhomehu�p!PilhnlndaAlotlpass. i�a, . <br /> ' � 21. Rnmedlas Cumuk.uio.ASlromedl99 p!9Ndsd In fhls D�ed vi im5f are disUncl end cwnJativo ro eny o1he�dpht o�remotty underthU T,; # +� _ <br /> � � DeadolTrusforaNnrdod6yknorpquiry,ondmay6eazv�c�sndconcunenty,lndepr.r.den�tyorsuccosslvoy. ,+;: � � <br /> 22. Suaessors enAAsstgns 0ount$.bktt 8htl S6vai81 UabX1M CaP�jq�s•The covenanls�+�iagreemsn(s heroln conkxnetl shal7Wnd and � �� <br /> _i; Iho dpht9 haroundor ahnfl(nu�o td'dYbYAr�t�C7✓&30CCBSSO�9 etlUhsslgn;ol8eno5c�a7�,inlsPoe,a�r.l-inista.All covanants and 5;r� - -%—, <br /> -� � egreemonlsotTmstarahaUboJoGMendss��ral.ThecaAtlonsentlAaetl[�i0solNepareg+ephsoltd.vOeetlofTmstaielor 5��; * =-, <br /> Convunianceonyandaronotfoboaa�dwaM�rprefatlefineU�ep�odsfmsHe�oof. �-_j� ,sj _ — <br /> 23. NoM;e.ExcapNOrenyno4@em�:ri�-adnndorepplkablelawfobeghrenlnanoNe�m�nner,(oJan/mfkeroimstorpiov7dodforinNls � .��?�, �-� <br /> - - OO6dof Trost dhxll bo gNnn by cnalYg auch notico by cetlihed meil,�olum race! t io uaslodaAthorsetl to Tmt�o�atits menin ����- �� i����- <br /> etltl�ou set/atlh abovo or at sacn aNer atldress es Tiusto�mey dosfgneta 6y notlte o Bone:cWry as pioNdod ho�eln,end(bj arry � ��� (y��� <br /> ' - � noflCefoBanefiGaryoiTrus�eesne716ogn�nbycort�iedmeArotum�ncebfroquosfad,roBavellr,.l�ry'sendTiusfeo"smening ������` <br /> ° � 'eu't1�u55o�`n��Aa'S7�7GIt�'avthrha:aCd:sw..sC.-°�eM!�;o.•r��N<QmM��xr�n?lnnynoEyamTn�smresprovldedha.eln.Arv --� � '�;� <br /> o notice proNdod fo:fn fhis Deod ol Tiusf shna be doemetl ro hnve been gn�n ro Tiustai Bonef,.dtay or Tmsroa whon given fn the ; r �r r ��. <br /> � mnnnerdosignatedhomfn, ;,,:� r'�,iki �� <br /> � 21. Goveminp Lew,•Sovoio6Jf�ry.ihls Deod ol imst sheUbe govomod 6y tha faws ol thn Stme of Nab�aska.fn the ovont eny pioWSkn oi sy`t.�'zr °� - �. <br /> clau5e o/fhls Deod o/Trusl wnP.iGS wflh apP�ice6la lew,such conl5'ct ahau not aROCtoLhw p�ovislpns o/lhfs Oeutl o!Tr�st which ean c ;;',�l F ` -� t E _ <br /> x;�.'�i� .' �� bo gNOn eNoct w7thou1lhe conllicttnp piovistans and to lhk end thp piov.Siorts ol this Deod ofTmst a:o decinretl ro bo sevora6lo. " �''��=�'%:''�'�°" ���� <br /> � 1„ - r <br /> �6. Evonls o!Default.Each o!Nn tolfow7np occanencos ehall cons(iArto en eKSnt o!delaW�heroundo�,(hcoinzlter cellnd en"EvoN - -�f ' �f l'g. <br /> Of DeleulYJ: }f+;. 75� <br /> f �(tQ Truslor ahalllNl to pay when duo any pnndpnl,Inlorost,o�princlpal and tnlo�osl on the Intle6lotlness, is,�y � - <br /> � (b) MywenanyofGUemade6yTnrsto�horo(nshellbeun�ue, <br /> (o) Tiusroi shel�lell ro observo or poAo�m any of(ho covenems,a0�oomeMS,a conditlonsln!h(s Deed ol first, �- �'_ ���,��' <br /> ` _. .- - -�. : � <br /> -f --� � (d) MyroA�oseNeflonoiwanenlymado6yTrusforoneny(inancra15tn1amontso�roportssubmfttodtaBoneGUarybyoron�ehallof �� r; f,,`.. <br /> > .�:F : <br /> , 7nutorahallprovolNSOOrmntodalymtsleatling, f - r,.. ��, -4: <br /> f!� <br /> � - (0) TNStOIShPIf 1811!0 pOdOlrt10/ObSBIY?ony N mo rnvannn/o cnnn�t;nns oi egroemenls co�ua�netl in,o�6lnAinp upon Trusbi unde� � , <br /> enybulldinpbanagroomontsecunryegroomenl,loenagmomnnt,linencfngstetomem,ore'ryo7hereproemenl,lnsvumento� �;�.':�,� y,.��.,,-.;4 � ��� <br /> y � - dceument oxocutod by 7ivstoNn cOnnecllon wdh Iho loan ovidoncod by tHa No1e, .,j�� 7Rf�' .;�t-' <br /> a r _ (Q A frustoo,rocoNnr oNiquiemor ol Ihe Tmst Properry or ol imstor ahnll bo eppdnlod,oi enyol the crotlHOro o�7mato�ahal!(ile n ���((� jy+ _ a -;; <br /> � pebDOnln banbuplcy ageinst Trustor,o�lo�fha raorganlzalbn o!Trustor pmsuenl to Ne FoEernl Onniroptoy Code,oi any simila� --� � ti �.,r(� u.., <br /> - Inw,whether/otlornl or stafo,ontl Asuch oido�or pe6lion shail not 6o Ouchn�gotl or tlaml5sed wi0�n tl�Yry(90J days afmr fho Oale � ;���tr,i��1r�F�l„`.,_ <br /> ,�� on whlch sueh ortloi o�peotlon was filod, �_ ;, _ ,, <br /> � (g) Trustor s�all file n poGtion purauanl(o flie Fode�elOenWuploy Codo oi ony stmilar law,lodem�oi stato,o�il Tmstors�all bo -5�� 15 �If�- - <br />?�;y '� , ed'rytlyed e bankmpl,Or 6o doGarotl insoNent,or ahnUmrtke en assignmanNor Ihe benefitol erod4o�s,or shnAatlmiNn wiitim�As ��+•.; _2;��,� ' � "- <br /> tna611iry(o pay7ts tlebls es fhoy becomo duo,or sha11 consem to the nD0ojn1monl o!e mceiver of fl4o�any part ol No Trust Pooporty, ��.�-r� �f"'• Yf�;>- <br /> � � �-��+ pq F(nel/udpmenUorthepaymontolmoneyshanDn�ondo�etlnga�nstTmaro�enJiruslo�shnJnotduehargothesamo,orcoused(o t�;:-' `��t.'-';':1�f:�%.�- <br /> � � be discnar otl,witNln fhl (30)dn s aller t�e ml fhureof.or 5hM not a oai lhmolrom or Irom Um ardor,docrne oi �ocess u on <br /> •.,,i .�:�- - 9 M Y 4' PP P P ' - .';.�;�;.--. <br /> )� - whlch m pmsuent to which snidjudgment was gmnle0.OuseO,or emerad,end secwo a 51ay o!ezocuEOn ponding such eppoal . <br /> � - -i � �� O Tmstor 6hellse�lOr convay tho 7rvat Proporty.o�a�y poa No�oo/,a eny iMCrest Iheran.or shNl be tlivestod ol As Gtlo,or enyimerest - . " <br />-y��;:,�„_;�,�•:�;;� fhe�ofn,fnenymannoronvay,wnnrhorvolunlaiiyainvo�✓ntanly,wiihou�the�vnt(enconsontoiBeneliciarybeingfirsthadend - . . . <br /> „_�. oblafned,or . <br /> �`;y, Q) /lTrustmfs a corpo�a6on w ponnorship and mo�e Nan G/ry percem(5B°6)o!(he sha�os or bPnfl/,��gi,nterests in such corpo�eeon or _ - <br /> �- - :;� pnrtnorshlp,BS tha case mny be,Shnll bo trana/ono0 oi cunreyed.wheNer vdunlanly o�imroWntnnY�.wdhoul tho wnt(an consent oi . . � <br />�-�'��� - Bonofidarybeingllrsthndendoblaine0. ' <br />� .� 26. Atteloratlon ol Do67;Fmecbsu�u-Upon ihe occunence o1 nny fvenl 01 De�euR,o�a�y ume Ihc+eaem.Beneht�ary may,a�rts opbon, <br /> ' - - doUa�o all fho Indebfednus5 securotl�o�eby ImmOtl�pte�� tlue antl payablo an�the same sna:(Oeer mleresf at fhe tletzWt rate.d any. � <br /> s(it lotlh in Ihu NOIe,or olhonvlse al Iho higACSUate pe�m�t:etl by fa��•.and.urespecnve of wnethm(3t»ehaary exeicses se�d opDen,rt I. - <br /> . � may.ef iIS option antl m rts iole d�cc�ono�.w�nor(any-5inhe�nocco or demantl to or upon Lus�o�.do one o�more o!fno lolbwi.og. ' <br /> - . � . (o) BonofiGarymay enlar upon,tnke possescon o�.mannge and ope�nro Iho 7ros1 Pioperty or any pFi1 Jieieot,mako repa��s antl � <br /> - - ettemGOns entl tlo any acls wfnch Benofic�ary tleems proper to pmteci 1he s^cuny Ihe�ool.antl enl�e��vrth or without laWng <br /> meenssion (n�rs o�vn nmm�.sm lor or otloenrnn co�(cct end iacervo ionts.�ssuos antl pmt.ts.mGuOmg�rtose pasl tlun and unpa�d. <br /> . . enOeppylhasamo.Inssmstsandoxpenso5o�opemR+nanticonoclton.mduUingrooronxDloanomoyleosand(3enehclary"s ; <br /> • - catls,upo^fho lndob(edness secwotl hnmby and m such ordo�as Oenehuary may dero�m ne.Upcn roquost o!Benohpary.Trusror � <br /> Sha/l assamble end s�ell make avalln6/e lo Oone�s�ary any o!thp Tmit Property�vhlch ha5 6een ra.�novetl. T�o emormg upon a�0 � <br /> faking possess�on ol f�e i�ust Proporty.tlm co�'ecCOn ol any ranls.�ssaos er�C proG(s.and�he appLCahon(horeo!es elaosad.snn�i � <br /> noI curo or rveive any tlolault R�nrotoPoro o/thoroeho�occumng,o�ellOCf nny no6co 07 dolauir o�no�CO of sab nUmunQer oi <br /> � � . inva6tlato arry act tlone oursuan7 ro any sucb nouco-NoMrt�st�ntlmg 8eno1¢�ary's conenuanco m possuss�on or receipt antl - <br /> - epplrcetlon o��onls.issuos or profrts.BenorK,ary snpu De enF.F:tl ro armcrso avery nght prov�detl/or m this Dentl o!Tmst o�6yiarv � <br /> ' upon or altor(ho occmronco ol en Event o!DolnuM,mciudmg 7ht�nght lo oxerc�se tna porver or sai¢My ol tno ecnons ralorzed ro m <br /> - ' -° .-- 1nA paegroph may be takon byQenofuary at SuM Dms:.i Bc^c.,::ry•mayCOle�m:r.o wrllr�uf reyaitl Io tne arlequucyol anp � <br /> - - � spcunryfor(holndabtednosssocumtlnoroby. � <br /> - - (D) Qanofreiary s�eq wdhoat rogerU ro the adoquncy o�erry secm�y fo�1he IndeDmunnu socuretl horeby.Do enut�etl to 1ne I <br /> � - . � eppWnVnenf o�e ioceiva/by eny rou�l�nving fiuutlrc:tiGn,mlhDUf tako pouess�m o!,protoct.nntl manago Ihe Tros1 <br /> . �. Pioparry and opernta fhe samo and cdtocl fhe ronlS issucs anU proL�s thoretran. <br /> . . (c) OenofiGd/y may bnng any octdlln a/ry eou�l ol cbnpelent�unstl�chon Io IorOCloSO rh�s UCftl of Tr�st or pn/orco eny ol Ne <br /> � �� covonsnrsne�ool. � <br />