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<br /> ��c'�� T piq Deed of Tiust _____
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<br /> - _= p Juna , /9 93,6 endDe7wBen 3 H PABTN@A9HIP nfst � ..�� —
<br /> 1H190EEDOFThUS%Iam�d�tAtf—�—d�yd re aroneamae,pinrolneRarcellad�le"TNaror) ?6\ �.-.
<br /> ��'?� wlaf�m�np�ddna�li____ T a Ie a e rae n 6 --
<br /> -�- �yppW� �g,�yK a�� nart ce1 etl fh '7rusroa" whoso mBiltng eddross Is ?' �;. �
<br /> — 3pp p 31'hird ren • �sad—NR andN0pWES7gA1JK e ae� �al�ona� Aeaoci�tioq ,�ne�Nn�rta <ye- i -�
<br /> _:1"� caNJNe"Ocnaflcfary'),vmatemrJHrtgaddrossls ZOZ W Third (3rand Ieland NP 6�801 � �__
<br /> � "— W1INESSE7N: „�'� . .�
<br /> ` nr..
<br /> ^-f OESCRIBEDHEFEINBELOW. gIXTY THOUBAND AND NO/100 -----------°--'-' x ,�, � --
<br /> WNER C•q$irya�taj�IndaDMd ro Bsno6Gery In Ne pdnclpel sum ol . � -
<br /> ,�<�'" r-� ppAys(j.4p.,QRo.uo ),whkhlnCeDfBdnesskeHdanCedbyTnistofapromfe�or�yoie�tla�nd�u.224—�f9.43_,(�ere�naRer ., • •
<br /> ;, .
<br /> , . - _'Xt e�lNdfhe"HOIe'1,p+YaWerofhaaQerofBenefidaryendhavingematudryol � . r t-.; � .
<br /> NOW,7HEREfORE.Iw1heW�eofsecuA�: ��� . � �
<br /> °i�.s' (eJ payrnento/tlroNOte,lopeMarxilhlntaestNeieon.la�eche�gos,prepaymenlpenalUos.enyfuroreadvencos,end611Bx(Bn5lMJ. °�7=: t- ' .
<br /> �5 ,� motlilkatlaW,su0.56futlons antl renewe4f therool, -�`, -.
<br /> @) ppym�nto/eNOViersims,lessachu8��ro8etlrerwiNlnterestuie�eon,edvencadtoprotectmesecunryolmisOoatlallnrsrend �� y�����`.-
<br /> �'.7� MspuMnnanceoltlrocovenantaandagreemenuolTrusPoiwnoNeranotsetfonhhereln. ,�.,- t �fs , - .-
<br /> . �� • (C) peifcrmeoca,dischuge o/and campXenCe xilh evnry rerm,wvonen6 o�gatlon and agmemont o!Trosta contalnad�a�ain a s-,�� ,r F t .m,_.
<br /> '�! lncapaetedby�eferenceaenyoll�eisecunryfnsWmenfefeny7megNenlosecureNONOte,entl � .� �:..
<br /> � ' -
<br /> n
<br /> -.-;'; (rq fharepaymentolaUOlheisumsafNmaedvsnces.wfNlntarosfNOreon,whichmayhoru:oloie�avoboenaharooRu�toacNar.ted - r.;r' �`y�`jrJ;�`, _
<br /> . < ;. byBOne9claryfoTnuMrorTiuSta'ssuccussaln7ntaresforGfle, �y
<br /> r " dlolwNChlsharelnMe�coxecoveycNletl�he"Inde6�edness",Trusforinevoce6lyg�enlsendVenslaroroTruateo,int�usLWITHPOWER r '�v���I�)�`i��#4"`
<br /> ` - ;� OF SALE,Ure Idbwing descdbed property: „'r �j �{("'�"
<br /> _ , :7 Blook Two (2) �- +,v hqt �&F"
<br /> �'� LOT9 TLIRB6 (3) Al7D FOUR (A)/DAHN ADDITION� TO TI{E CITY OF J -;, "�� �� -•.:
<br /> � i . �i .
<br /> t -r�' QRANU ISLAIiD� HALL COUNTY. NBBRASNA �t_,:I` � $;s�
<br /> f ; r .�
<br /> n � ..`.. '� t;t`-
<br /> � . �,,. i. .. } �
<br /> s� a ���
<br /> '`r �{_ m,,,_y,,,�r�nn euxdmasiwcnnas,adaiaans.enla�aemenls,modificaUons,�epNrs,rep�ecemanta,end Improvoman(s nca aheroaRor r - � f rF�14� .
<br /> . > >
<br /> al. 9t . .t:1�� ..
<br /> localed thaoon,pp ell epulpmenl,macNnary entl fixfuros OncfuCing.wrtMUt limnellon,enngnnng,haaung,venata6ng,«*av,g di R �
<br /> f��i�� -� - � cond�'tlwW�7�epdnking antl plumWng fixturas,�vate�en0powe�sysfirns,englnes,boifers,�anges,ovens,dishwashors,miric��entl mantels � (i� l - 1!t •
<br /> ;�};` carpeling,Iumaces,dJ bumers,a(evetma entlmNas,roldgeraDCn plants or uniCS,crommunlcaBon systems,dyrtamos,hansfcvmers,elecVicel - -
<br />'��1,�,_: ;,;;;•�`� equfpnanf.alormendsacenwlndows,doors,ewningsandshades)nnworAOreaRerettechod%crWiltln,¢,.rybvilctingafmprovemenl }•, -'`,�`. c.��. - •�l,r—'��
<br /> � nowahB�eeRerlaatOdtheroon,(L)a1leoSemenlsa�MdghlsolweyeppuRenmttherelo,(v),811(eesehddet�ato,d4ht,6UeenClnlorestol � -rj5>>+t,`��- -r�t��-'
<br /> 14^�4, Tiusfafnendfoe111easas,whetAe�naworhoroaRo�ox(sUngaente�odlnro(ncNtl�ng,wiihovt6nrdatlon,alleashenUSecmirydopos7(s, Y ,--:{f}ft�,t� `�% ��
<br />_r�;��j'�., ` edvance�enlNS antl depos'tts wpaymonls ol e slm7le/naNro,pr.fainln tAOreto,(v)e(Nenrs,issues,pro6ts end Incomrs rherelrom(sub/ect ' --1',-`'1 ,� �i ---�
<br /> � ;
<br />?.4At.` `'' .?' M fhs dghl d Tiusla to odleU entlappry suc�ronfs,fssues,profits end�como es they become duo entl payeble aolang es no orenf ol 'l���:.�,..'..�.��'1�
<br />�`.+�`_: � r, , -
<br /> ���-�:y tlefeultexklehereuntled.(a7e17royel�os,minerel,oflendgasdgAtsondpiofils,wemr,warorAghts,andwatarstoek,tyiqelltenemanls, _,;;,��`�k;C•�. -?`f"--':
<br /> �-"•: , he�ed"rteman(s,prhNeDos e�id appurtenancas bofongmg.usod or onJoyed In connocBon Nerewifh,end(Nnl Nl procoeds o/conve�afoq �, ;y.. .. � �-..��
<br /> V''�.�_, S•_,+� volunteryalnvo7untnry,of gny o/No(orogUng fnto cash or Ilqutdaled eleima(7nclutling,wilhout limifatlon,pmtonds o/ln5manca end r.,;i.,..�ac°..;��•� '�
<br />� condemnatlm ewar05),nll d whfehls Ao�oinaROr collectivefy ealled the"imsf PropartY'. � - �l; -�'f;`:
<br />' - ' • 1. TWe.Ttusro�covenanro,wenantsendegraeswiWBOneCNery,ilsauccossorsendasslgna,fAafiiustamvnsNol2�stP.�.pertyliee i��;; ' �5 - - �_ �f�,
<br /> � ; liom any pdorllon a encumbrenco,�hat Nk Decvl o/Tmstk end will iemaln e vN�d md onloreoade rvsl lien on tto Trvsf Pioporty, r -; i .:
<br /> _ � ` Net T�usto�,atrls expense,will proserve sueh fde end wi�l malntaln fhls Dead o!Trust es e first end pa�amounf Ilen�penlho irvst .i;��s�{ ) {• e:
<br /> .1,-�___-___ „�"_ PropeMenOwillloraveiwaneManddelantlthevafldiyentlp�ionryolfholiunnmeolagatnstNeda°maolallpenonsandpartles {{���f -. � ���
<br /> - - whpxoovcr.Tr�sta,af!1s expense,wFl7 Cause N�s Doed ci Tnrsf,end oach amandment cr supP'�n""'Y�"rntc,te br 5fed nnd ���i�h{ �? -
<br /> � roCOrded es e mortgage o/fho Tmsl Proporty 1^such manner entl fn such placo entl will take so•ch actm e5ln Gto oprJOn ol Trus(oo �+��;,._ }�, ��'
<br /> -�,1�-:>� ',�.� ma bo ro ufrotl b en prosont or luluro lew In o�dor fo pedocf,melntain end protett 1helien ollhts Deod o7 Tiust as Ne same may e?.`-��:�, - (�. •.'.
<br />_;�' i.
<br />_il,:,; , � . bo emonUetl or supplomentedlrom 6me ro tlme.irusto�wi11 mako such lurtho�essurenco or essuiences to peAect 8s LOO ro No Trost ��((����?�,'-- -�; '-
<br /> Proportyesmayberequtrod6yQOnolidery.Trusrorhaobyrelinqutshose�lrlghfoldowerenOtwmosfeadfnonOfofholiustPropeKy. �j;,,'^,� � ,`�' �;�'��� -
<br /> q � . .
<br /> ` 2. Peymenf ollndebtedness.Trostor ahell puneNffiy pay 1ho pdnGpal o/entl lnto�esron fho Indobfednass sacwetl htvaby. -;'�� s �
<br /> ���t�� � .. 3. CoraWCtlon of Imp:ommenf5.Tnsfa sh&1�comp.�elo in goal end wo�kmenliko mnnner any buildmg9.lmprovem2r.fs ot�epalrs rofaEng :�an , �,.�.•
<br />= � there�o whlch may bo Degun on mo Tiust Pioperty or contemplamd by fhe loan ov(deneetl by Ino Nore secmetl F.nsb9,to pay whon - � -
<br /> 3?��� ` �� tlue ell costs end lia6ilitles tnu+ned fhmolao,endnol to permd eny conswction lien eqainsf such Trust Property.m the ovent ; '`'' �` �
<br /> ' L• . ` :
<br />�`i?� .. '+,;; consWC(lon o!buildings,lmprovoments a reDairs eio conrempleted. imslo�elso egrees.enyNmg m ttdt Deed ol Uus1 ro(ho conf�ary �: "'
<br /> " - '�° nohnNStnntl�rg;(e)ta p�omp(ty commexe eny auch rrork entl to compfore tho pioposed Improven:ents piemptly.(b)fo completp Uo
<br />� -� - �'-•i; samo In occordancn with fhe plans antl spec�ceCOns es epprovad by Oenoficiery.(c)fo canply�nA ell rae rerms d e building loan •�
<br /> � .. egrmment,il eny,batwoen 7mstor and Benehcfary,the te�ms o!whlch ero Incorporatetl neie4n by ieleierco entl made e part hereol. �,',.�-
<br /> ' ' (dJ fo ellow BenefiGary tolnspecf Ne Tiusf Pioperty et en�mes dunng conswction.end(e)to rep�ace eny wodr a ma7edals -
<br /> ' � � unsaGtlectay�o Bonefidary�viNin fiRoen(IS)Oays eltur rinlmn nottco trom Oenehclary d suM lact ;
<br /> �� � �� 9. FunOS lor Paymon�ot Cha�gos.Su6ject to aFF��cable!aw a to a rvnfren warver Dy Benehciary.Trusta s��all p�y�o Be+:eh�iary on tne 7�
<br /> - . (/st dey o/eB:A/mcnih.o/5uch ofhe/tlata each monlh 85 may b0 spCC.hetl Dy 8enef,aary,unDlll:e IntleMedneSS rs pYOin leil,a sum
<br /> ° - poerMnalror cN.'etl the"Fonds'7 Cqua�fo 172(h o/1ho ycary(axes end essessmonls irh�M may att.tin p:aiy ovtv Vas DeeO o!Lcst
<br /> - ' " pntl grountl ronts on�ho T�ust P�opelly.d any.pWS 1'121h o�Ine yea�ty prem�um mstanme�ts la hazard inswar.ce,p�os �d2tn ol tl�o
<br /> � �+-� yoarypromium insfNtments�cr mortgago lnsurence.d any,an as reasona6ty eshmatea�mnally and lydn hmo tp nr.mr�by Benefidary on
<br /> No ba5$o/essossme�ts ar+tl bi��s nn0/eamnaDle esDmores tne�eoL Tne Funds s�ai�ba nero m en msunNOn.2e tleposrts or
<br /> -� eccounfs of�vAich ero fnsurod or gua�an�eetl Dy e fotlo�el a s(ato egoncy��cWdmg Beneficiary.Oenehcary shatl apNy fhe FunCS ro
<br /> .- .�- ��-_ mvsa:a�aunz essassments.insurenco IDam�ums an0 grountl rents.DenM�Ciary shan rrot bo�eqmred to pay Trus(or eny inleios�o� �
<br /> . QOm'Jlgs on ff�B Funds.Bonefipary Sha�l givv fo lrus(o�.rvilhoul chargo.an Annuai eCtOUnOng ol tnu FUnos siw�•�ng Crt�orts and �
<br /> doNri fo fhe F�rtds entl fhe pwposo fo��vn�ch eacn doDd�o tno Funtls�vas mado.Tno Funds are piedgM es edd�LOnal socwiry fo�
<br /> - Ne Indebtadnoss secvrod by t�;s Deetl ol liusc u mo amount o/mo FunOS nNd Dy Benohaary,togeme�w�m tho Mure montny
<br /> - • fns(a��ments of Funds payeDlo pda 10 tho Ouo tlams ol tares.essossmonts.ins��enro premmms enC grountl rents.snan oxceeU tho
<br /> omou.�t roQu�rutl fo pay seid tazes,euossmenrt.insmanrn prorruums enC grouno renrs os moy lali tluo.suM eacass sna�l Do.e�
<br /> � � TNS(q S op6o�,o/NOr piomp(y repa/d f0 Tiusla a cradReO ro Trusror aga�nsl lufure monfhry m5fallmenl5 0l Funtls.11(ro amount o�
<br />_•�,.," " fho Funtls h0�d by Be�ofictary s�all Iwt bv sulficie�t to pay facos,nssessmems.inswa�co prem�ums unC grourtC�en�s es�hoy lan duo.
<br /> " ' Trusta S�ellpay fo BoneSdery any Bmounf necossery ro mako up��o tlohaonty w�tMn lnnry days Irom�ho tlalo Iro�co�s mmle0 Dy
<br /> � - Be(ro5daryrotruataroquoslingpaym.cn7tnorcUUponpay:nantmlut�olalllntleDtMnoss.Benohnarysna��prcmptyre+unUto -
<br /> T�uslaeny FunOS�e1d b�Oenefidary.II(ho iiusr PiopoM�s soitl unso�tho po�ver ol salo a!no iius�Property is WAennso ecqu:retl
<br /> . Dy Qenofidary.Benefidery snan eppy.immotl�atey prro�w tno saio ol Ne Trus�Pioporty or rts ecamsuan Dy Bononaary.eny Funds •
<br /> �elC 6y BenehGery e1 t�e 6mo of eppGCa6on es e crotlrt egamsllho lnao6rotlnuss-1!Banohciary execu�es e wmten wavei of irusla's �
<br /> ob1'ga6ons untler Ws pe�agrapn 4.irusroi cover.ants entl egroos ro poy.boloro tho samo oocomo Cenr.Quent.en raxos.essessmems.
<br /> •� Myn.moinr.av.o.o.p
<br /> .-
<br /> ' .: �,"., . �
<br /> .
<br /> ' �
<br /> . �
<br />- g... . . . ...________"--_. _ . ....
<br />