<br /> ' �-:-, --- -�-�-- - �.-_'__._: � .�_. -._----
<br /> _� - - � _�....
<br /> �93-�o�►z4�
<br /> prynknU,whtcA uo nferted to In Pu�gnoh 2,or chmge the�mant of suth p�ymente. Any excese procud�over�n
<br /> �rtatin!rtqulted lo p�y UI atuuWln;indeWeMess under Ua Nae uid thl�Securlly Insnument shall be p�id to tl�e enqiy
<br /> Ie�di en�fped�herclo,
<br /> �Fea. Lender may colloci faa uM chuga w�hori:ed by�ha Secrctery,
<br /> 9. Qround�far Acttkntlon of Debt.
<br /> p)De{aWt. Lender may,exap��Ilmlled by reguleiions Issued Cy�he Sscreiary in tho case of paymem dafeulie,
<br /> ttqulrolmmedi�tepYmenetnfp11otdlsum9securcdbythbSecudty(nstrumentit:
<br /> (I)Barower def�utu by tailing to pay tri NII any monU�iy Daymcm requircd by thie Secudty lnstrumen�pdor
<br />` ' romon�heduod��eottlanextmomhiypaymem or
<br /> iII)Bortower def�utis by fdl(ng,for�period of�iny daye,to perfomi any other obllgailon�cont¢ined In�hie
<br /> SCCIUiiy GlftNrtlCtlt.
<br /> (�)&Je Wllhoul Credit Approvd� I.ender shall,if permlRCd by epplicabio law end with�he prlor epprovel of tho
<br /> Sttrc1uy requiro tmm�tato paymeN in fiilI of ali�hc sums suured by�hle Sccudty instrument Ih
<br /> p)A�I or patt of lhe Ropeny,or n bencflcial inn:rcst in a trua�owning eIl or pan of tho Roperty,(s sotd or
<br /> aAetwlu trtnsfurcd(other than by devlso or d�scent)by the Uovower,and
<br />.. ....- ..__ Op 7he Propeny Is not occuPfed by Qw purchuer or gremee as hia or her pdnelpal rcsideace,or�ho purchaser -- . . .. . ..
<br /> - or gruitw dow so occupy �he PropMy but his or her crcdit has not 6cen approved in eccordanco
<br /> whh ttw requtrcmean of�ho Sarctary. —
<br /> (e)No R'alrer. If cUcunutanas occur�hat wouid pamit 4ender to rcquirc immediate payment in NII,but Lender --.
<br /> doei notrequIro suchpaymenis,I.ender docs na waire�ts dghw with rcspect to subscqueni events. __
<br /> (d)Rt�ulatton+of HUll Secrefary. In many eircwnstanaa rcgututions issued by the Secrctary will Iimit Lenderh _—-
<br /> dgfita, N the eau oF payment detoulu, rorcq utrc immediate papmeN in PoII and forcclose if na paid. 'fhis _ _
<br /> Security Insnw�ent dora nol ewhodu ecceiemtlon or foreclosure if not pertnitud by reguiations of the Secrctary. _____ �
<br /> -- (e)Morlgsge Nd[nsurcd. Uortower agrces that sLc�aid�hie Security lnslrument ond the note saurcd Nereby not `, -'------"-�-
<br /> be ellgiblefor Insuram�eunder IhcNational HouslnaActwiihtn 8 Inontha fromihe z
<br /> Y P 8 n B 8 P 9 N7 � . '���- .
<br /> -- date hereof,Lender me ,et its o tion end no�wiihstardin en h(n in Pnra re h 9,re utre immediate rxm In �:�=` ��� --
<br /> - PoII of all sums securcd by dhi��y Instn�ment. A wdnen stmement of eny authoriud age:�t o5 ths Seeretary �'a>��,���;_
<br /> --= dated wbuquent ro !rom�he date hereof,declining to irsure thla 9ecudry �'�?�`.='
<br /> --- Imtrument end ttro eole ucured thereby,shali be dcemed conclusfve proof ot such incligibility. No�wi�hstanding `�'-����
<br /> rY :� Ihe fomgoing.�his op[ion may not bo exercised hy Lender when the unaveilability of insurance is soltly Aua lo �
<br /> Lenderb failurc lo rcmil a mongago insurnncc premfum ro tAe Secretary. �� ,.�
<br /> "-�'"� 10. Relnctatemmt. Dortower ha�e right to be rtinslated if Lender haz rcquired immediatc paymeni in PoII becauso ;�,. ;`.j_�?:,
<br /> of Bortowcrk tn[luro�o pay en emounl due undcr �he�No�e or�his Secumy InsWment. 'fhis ngh� applies even afler F - �
<br /> - �� Poreciosuro proceedinga erc instituted. 1b rcinstaro �he Security Inswrnent, Uortower shall tender m e lump sum ell ��. .. '%s��;
<br /> emounts requimd tabdng 6ortowerS accounl eurtem includ'mg,to�Ee en�rnt they ere obliga�ions of Bortower u�er this _- ���„m„�s- _
<br /> '�° Sttnrity Inslmmen4 foreclosure wsis end re.uonable nnd cer,�mary nitomey�kes end enpenses properly associa•,e.t wi�h �?s�.+,_�>
<br /> }' �� Ux forcclasure proceeding. Upon rclns�etement by Borcoerr,rhis Saurity Inswment and the obligations that it secW�u ?'�y��-
<br /> _�,p'.,, ahall remafn in effw�es(f Lendw had not r.�uired immedaie payment in full. However,Lender ie not required to pe�mit r„rr(f1�r,� , ���
<br /> rcins�atement iC (i) Lender ha�accep�ed rt�astatement afttr ihe commeneement of foreclosure proccedings withm twu - �{I�r' Y�i
<br /> _is`� pean immedla�ely precedfng Ihe commennmeN ot a curtem foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement x�ll preclude !- �. �
<br /> • � forecbsuro on dif(ercm grounds in�he(uture,or(tii)rcinsta;:ment will ndrersely nfka�he priority of�he lien crca2ed 6y �.,�„ J ti '�,
<br /> v�1�_�. thisSu:uri�y InsiNmeni. � �tir�,�+.i �v���:
<br /> - ,,;. Il. Borrower Not Relwsed; Forbearence by Leo,�r Not a W¢Irer. Excension of �hc tlme oF p�yrt:ent or �t't� �'S�y� �
<br /> modifice�lon of omonizaqon of�hc sums securcd by�h�z SecuritY Insuument gramed by Lender�o xny suceessor m intercs� i�yi(�,�1, ��.
<br /> - k'"9`� hall�ot be r h uirad lo rnmnien e1eiroceedia as l�litain t�an�suc�cessor n�n�ere t orrrcfuse ro excend Ilme forcsa mentdor yl�,'���` ($t`t����
<br /> dg � s 8 Y P�' jn� h+ �).-
<br /> 1 � E: o�herwise malify amortization of� e sums securcA 6y ihis Security Iretrument by reason ot any demand ma e by the t l�t�� r
<br /> ` - odginal Uortower or ponowerS successors in intercst. Any ferCearance by I.ender In exerdsing any ilght or rerr.edy slmll r �S ��`;��Cf+Sf 1 -
<br /> „ � not bo a wafvcr of or prccludc�hc excroisc of nny righi or rrrudy. --'����r{'rti F '
<br /> `t 12. Successors end Asslgns Oound;Joint nnd Sererel i.fabllily;CoSigrtere. The covenma and ayrcemc�ts of o �. s� ,�� �.
<br /> �-_�� �his Securi�y Insirument shall bind and benefit�he successors and acsign.uf l.ender and Oorrower,subjec�w the provisions " � 1;1<�t� ik -�
<br /> ,, 1•. of Pamgraph 9.6. Uorto�ver§covenams ard egrcemems shall be jouit and xereral. Any Borrower wAo co-signs this �� } i ;,
<br /> _ S�eurity Inswmem bm doee nm etecme d+z 1Cne: (n}i�rn,dgning�hie Securiry Inswment only to mm age,gIrant:md . . c..w' { �4 dt -_
<br /> ���Ye sums�securcd b�n�h s Sewrii In t�run°yemaand(c)�necf thnt Lender and an��ahcr Barowrrenm���ie�o�xtend, �t���j''�'3#r �
<br /> 1 modif ,forbear or makc an�accommodatians wi�h rc ard to�he temu:of thiv Secur,i In++rumen�or�F.e Note wi�Aout�hat ` �` �+"; ,�x � :`
<br /> - � Y Y E Y - �; r e
<br /> DortowerS consem.
<br /> � � �{,` 13. Notices. Any notice to Rorrower provided for in�his Securiq h�.+vument shall he givrn by dtlivering i�or by :�- ��'� °
<br /> :. _ mailing it by �rx�class mail uniess epPlicabte lew rcquires use of anuther me�hal. The notice shall Ix dirccced to�he � ,�r:;+, .� �- �
<br /> ��i ` Rupeny Addresc or any o�her nddrcu Ilorzower designates 6y no�ice to Lendec Any notice lo Lender shall be girrn by :,. �y, � �,.�.-.-
<br /> "- �� firs�clnsc mail to Lender� address stated hemin or any address Lender dsi•2 nutas by r.otice l0 6ovox�cr. My naice - '•
<br /> _ .,;,,�, Provided for in this Sccurity Insuumcnt shali 6c deemed io ha��e bcen given�o Bortower or LenJer when givcn as provided �:�t,t��ti; " ��d-
<br /> - m this psagraph. -�(`A� - �-s,
<br /> � � ' 14. Gorcrning I.nw;Severeblllly. Thic Sccurity Inswmcro shnll bc govcmed by I'iAtral law and Ihe law of Ihc '�: j;.'.
<br /> rv� �< )urisdielion in which Ihe Propeny is locaced. In�he e�•em�hat any provi.ion or ctauu nf�his Securiry Instrumem or�he `_ ti.:,
<br /> Nole con0ic�s wiih a plicable Iaw,wch conilic�shall no�:dfec�o�her provieions of this Securil Inslrumeni or Ihe I�ole '� - �y;+/� �S ! °
<br /> � ' �vhich can be given e(ftt�wi�hout�he con0ic�ing provision. 'fo this end Ihe provisions o(this Securiiy InsWmenl and Ihe t;(,�iP --
<br /> z��'t• No�e nre declarcJ to be severabic. t �y�'-: �1 "
<br /> : ��F� IS. Rofroo�er's Copy. 6ortower shall be given one confonned copy of�hie Security hnuumem. - �Si s�� ;j
<br />_,_„�yy..;-, 16. Aasignmrnt of Rcnts. Danoo<r unrordilionally a��ign>and uamfrn m Lcnder all the renu and rcvenues of Ihe ;�_j�t � _ -, .-- �
<br />_,���, � Propeny. Oortower umhoriut Lender or Lenderl agems lo callecl�he renh and rerenue.and hercby direcls each Iennm of �.-- y;"r�;-,:..�.
<br /> �-' - Ihc Pro n lo a Ihc rcnts lo Lcndcr or Lcndcr] a rn�x. Ho�vevcr,prior m Lcndcri nulim lo�ormivcr of Rortowcrl ���;;:1•- "'� �
<br />.°�aar.r..:� P� Y PY R :.i. ..
<br />.:;i>l�n, . brwch of nny mvenant or egceement in Ihe Stturily InarumenL 6orto��er shall cullecl and rcceire all mms and rcrenues of - -
<br /> �-��<;(,j��;�: �he Propetly as Ws�tt(or the benefit of Lender and�urm���er. "fhis usignmem of renis eom�i�mes an absolWC aaignment ;i;;'-�,
<br /> � and not en essignmeN(or addi�ional ucurilyonly. - -�. �.�-� ---
<br /> If Lender¢ives nolice of breach�o Dortower. (a)all reme received hy�ortower shnll M hcld 6y Uortow�er ac uusiee ,
<br />. , for benefi�of Lender only,lo M applied t:.�::um�secured bq Ihe Securiiy Inslmmem;lb)Lender ahail 6e entilled lo -- - '
<br /> - -+,,`,`.,�� collect end mceire all of Ihe retus of ihe Propeny:and(U each�enam of thr Moperty shall pay all rents duc and unpaid�o ..
<br /> ', :. Lender or Lendcr��gent on Lenderk wri�ten demand m thc�enam.
<br /> - �, Dorto�vcr has not execalcd any prior:usignment of�he mms and haz no� and oill nol pcdo�m any acl lha� ��ould .
<br /> - � ' �` prcvcnl Lendcr from excrcisin&i�s ngh�s under�his Paragraph IG. � •
<br /> ''T�-'�%.� Lcnda shall not bc rcqmred to entcr upon,�ake mmroi o(or maimain�he Propcny Mfom or afler giving noticc o! . -
<br /> breach[o Rortow•er. flowever,Lender or a judicially apPointcd reccirer may do ao al any time lhere is a brcach. Any � .
<br />- application of rcn4s shall not cure or waive any defauh or mvalidale any uther right or rcmcdy of l.ender. This assigmnem
<br /> -_;'i,'< uf reNS of Ihe Propehy shall Iemiinaie a�hen Ihe debi securcd b��Ihe Securily Instrumenl i.paiu in Puii. , -
<br /> ,- .t;i.
<br /> .•' '!.�'� lNRrJ� 1 �
<br /> .��... � NFaI .
<br /> '� 7
<br />- .:7;7.`7 �,.'�"�. �
<br />