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::��:, �e��'�!'. '._ <br /> r ,..,_- -- - - - -..� - - - - <br /> ---- °° ... .:. <br /> �._....:� . .. � :83�' 10'�.3�T , -- <br /> � pymma,puy no lonQer Oe roquifrd,:Pt Ih6 option of i.cMu,if nwnp+¢a insur,vuewverago pn�heamonnt nnd for Uie pctJod" - <br /> tMt Lender roqutra)ProvldM by m insurcr spproved by 4enQer ogdn baoomes w�il�b�e�nd is ob{plped.Bntrower sh�ll pY : . <br /> ,ihq premlum�rcqolred to riulm�ln mona�go Insdfanpp in efteq,or to provlda o loss reserve,undl tho requirenxM for motlgi{e <br /> ., Inwra�oe fnde In�ccorcl+nce wiih�ny wditen�granxnl bnwern Aonower ind tender or appik�ble Lw. <br /> !.TnpeMiote.Ltnder or Its ogent nuy m�ke tcatonabla en�des upon ai�d Inspec�lone of tho Propeny. l.enAer shall gtva <br /> Borrower ndiro ot IM Ume of or pdor to an Inipa�lon apaifying rtasonablc causo for�he InspocUon. <br /> I0. Condemn�llon.'Iho proceede of eny award or daim Por drunnge�, dtrec�er consequcmiW, fn connatlon wiih any <br /> rnnienwtlon o[ofhet-tA�1ng of eny p�n of the Propeny,or for comeyqnco in Ilcu of rondemna�ton,arc hereby assigncd ud <br /> �.____-_::,-,.�.1 � 6�19���1EPl�dlO�.PA72CG . . <br /> .-,_-_-___.--.:-. <br /> in'thq evem of e w�al toking of�he Propcny,tho procoeda shall be epplicd to�ha sums securcd by�his Saur(ty lnsuunxnl, <br /> whether or no�then duo,wL6 eny ezcess pald to Bortower. In�ho event ot e panial teking ot tho Propcny In which the fair <br /> marka value of�he Property Immodialely beforu the taktng ie equal[o or gn:atcr�han thc wnouN of�ha sum�secur�d by thia <br /> - Stcarity InSlNment Immodln�ely befote Iho tnking,unless Qorrnwer and Lender othctwlso egrce in writing,tho simn secured by <br /> ' �his Secuflty Insuument shnll be rcduad by �he amount of tho procecda mulliplicd by tho (ollowing fraalon: (a)tho roml <br /> _-__._...._ emnunt of the suma sxured immadietdy bctorc tha takind,divlded by @)tho Poir nurke� valuo of Ihe Propeny immodiateiy <br /> bcforc tho�taking. Any balnnoo shall bo pald to Bortower. In tM event of e parllal leking o!the Property in which �ho fair <br /> mwkc�valuo ot U�a PropeM1y immedintcly bePor¢�he mking Is less�han tha amoum of�hc sum�swvrcd immodiately bePoro tho <br /> taking, unleu Borrowcr and Lendcr othenvisc agrcc in wrlUng or unlcss appt(cabtc law othenvlw provides, the procecds shall � <br /> - bo epplirA�o thc eunu securcd by�his Secud�y Instmmcnt whethcr or no��he sunu urc�hen duo. <br /> If tha Propcny�is ebxndoned by Uorrowor.or If,aRer no�iw by Lendcr to Dorrowcr that�he mndcmnor o(fers to auke en <br /> awerd or sGtlo e claim far damages, Qortower fells to respond ro Lendcr w(tliln 30 daye eRer Uie date Uie notice is given, <br />------ ---° LenAer Is amhoduA to collca nnd a�fy tho proacds,at Its optimu ciiher to res�ortion nr repsir of tlre Property or to th:sume �---�-----� <br /> sewred by�his Secudty Insuumen�,whdher or not @cn due. <br /> Unless I.ender end Qortower agrce in wrfdng, uny epplicallon of procceds ro principal sh�Il no� extend or <br /> �- postpone ihe due dato of�he momhly paymentt rePem�to in parngrephs 1 end 2 or change�he emount of such paymenn. -- <br /> . It.Barrower Not Releaxd�ForEeannce By I.eader Not a\Yalven Ux�ension of the�ime tor payment or nwdificatlon _� <br /> -- of amorti7aHon of tM1e sums secured by�his Security Insuumem grented by Lender ro any successor in imerest of�orro»xr shall <br /> . ___ not opewto ro rclease qx Ilabiliry of�ho original Oortower or Qortower's successo�in interest. Lender shall not be requircd lo <br /> mmmenee proceedingx against any successor in intercst or re(use to extend tlmc for payment ur otherniss madity umonizetion - <br />.-==� <br />