<br />�� �ii � ;> ' -._' . .. " . - '.
<br /> . - .�__._.- ..._ ._u;_ ,.�. . ,�- - _ ' — _.
<br /> � ,.- " " ' . .. T=' _, ._ .__ .
<br /> �W,,, �`.iG_�LYi4M, y✓..1wiYiii!,iii.j...," z`'...,.._, :" - " - . ..
<br /> — 93• so�xx�y
<br /> D, Hwrd o� Property fawr�oce. Borrower ehatl kap �ho Imyrovenxnta now exis�ing or heraftcr cetctM on tho
<br /> Pro�xrty insured ogalnst toss by firo,hnzurJe Inciudtd with(n tho�emi •exteMed mrsr�go' and nny oiher Auarda, Inciudina
<br /> n�a9 ot no�at�8,tor whlchLcndcr rcqulrce Imumncc.7TIa Insuranm sAali t�o nuimnfned In�hc nnaume nnd for�ho pcdods
<br /> that I.ender rcqulrca. T1io fnsuranco cuder provlding Ihe Insur�nee snall ba chosen by Borrower cubJec��o t.ender'e oppmval
<br /> which sholl no�bo unrrawna6ly withhe�d. If I3ortox�cr fails�o main�aln mvcragc dcscrilxd nbovc, I.cndcr mny, nt lendcr'e
<br /> oqtiun,oDtain wvcragc�o proiccl Lendcr's righn in Ihe Properly In nccordanm�vl�h paragrnp6 7.
<br /> All insuronco pollcies and rencwal� ahall be ncccptubta to l.cnder end shall Includc n stnndard mongngo clausc. I.endcr
<br /> � u��li havo�he righl to hold Nc policia nnd rencwais. It Lcndcr nqutrca.Onrrowcr sAa11 promplly givo�o I.endcr nll nroeipla of
<br /> ---, p�id pr.niiun�s and renew�l nalccs.In thc cven�of loss.Oortu�vcr sh�ll givc promp�iro�icc«�ihe Insurunc�carder nr.d l.cn�fcr. _.._ . .
<br /> Le[der nuy make proof of loss If no�made prompdy by Rortowcr.
<br /> Unlesa I.ender urd[lorrox•cr otherwiso agnro in writlng,insurence procecele sl�all be npplied to res�orailon or rcpair of tha
<br /> Property danuged,If�ha resloro�lon or repalr Is oconomically kasible and Lender's sccurl�y la no�Iessentd.If�he restorotlon or
<br /> repalr Is not economltally&aslble or I.ender'e security would be Iessened,Ihe Insutance pracecds shall bC applitd lo the sum�
<br /> secured by thla Secudty lnstmment, n�hethcr or not �hen dua with any excess paid to 6orrower. If Oorrower abandonti IAe
<br /> ------ - Property,or does irot ens�ver�dihin 30 dpys e notiw from Lender�Aat the insurance cartier has offend ro cetde a claim,Ihen _. . ..
<br /> Lender may mlltet tM1e insurenx proccods. Lender nuy ux �he pmoeede �a rcpotr or rcs�oro �he Propeny or eo pay wms
<br /> -- secured by tAb Securi�y inswnxnt,whcU�cr or not thcn due.7Tc 30•day pedod will begfn vihcn thc notice G given.
<br /> Unlrse Le+�dcr and Borrower o�hrawim agrx in x�riting, any appticatian oi procccde �o princfpat shali not cx�end or
<br /> pos�pone�ho duo date of�Ac monthly payments refcmd w in paragrophs I and 2 or rhango�hc amount of the paynun�v. If _.
<br /> under p.vagreph 2ftho Propeey is ecquinrJ 6y Lcnder.Bartow�er's dgh�w nny Insuroim policle�end pnxveds rc.sulAng from
<br /> -- damagc�o�M1e Pmpcny prior�o�hc ecqui�i�ion shall pau�o I.endcr ro�M1c ezknt of thc sums savrtd by this Security Inswmcm _.
<br />- immediately prior ro the ucquisition. =---'�� -
<br /> � �� 6.Occupancy,Fhxscnnlion,M1talntenance and Hrotcetion o(the Proper(yt Borroxu's Loan Appikvtlom Leauhotds. =-"-`�
<br /> �>��y,�i.sy�- Uortower shall occupy,es�abiLh,end use�he Pmperty az Bortower's principal r�ide�rce wi�hin sixty days aRer�e executlon of G-•-,_-i_
<br /> :�i�s.._377. ��:tP:
<br />---=w,,,��, U�is Secudty Inswment and shall mntinue to om�py thc Propeny as Borro�rer's pri�rcipal residemc for at Icas1 one year uRcr
<br /> µ,` �he date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise egrees In writing, wh[ch mnsent shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless
<br /> ��
<br /> eztenuatinp cinvmtlnnoes ezut which aro beyand 13orto�ver's mntrol. Qorto�cer shall not destroy, damage or imp3ir tho ��-"�
<br /> -__�j�r�yy Propehy, alb�v the Propenq to dcteriorate,or conmiit o•aa�e on [he Propeny. Borroa�er shall bo in dclault if any fortciwrc +.a:,-.-:
<br /> �,�5 r�t.; ' action or proceeding, whet6er civil or cdminal,ie begun[hat in l.ender's goad leiih Judgment muld rcsult in fodeimrc of tho �'y�:
<br /> a•b,�, Rvpeny or othernise n�atedaily impair the lien created by thfs Securiry Inswment or Lender'x secmiry imeres�. liorrower may �-� -
<br /> r�s-�!� % cum such a default end rcinstate,ns provided in pamgraph 18,by cnusing the ac�lon or procccding lo be dismissed wllh a mling _�:=.-�-
<br />�=F�T�izj���,-�': that, in Lender's guod�faith de�crmination, prttludes forfcimrc of thc OortowcYs Intercs� In �hc Propeny ot other ma�erlal �p°��
<br /> ' -� impaim�eni o(ine iien enaiw by tnie Sr.eurity i�uiruurcni or l.enuer'a aauiity i�iteiiai. SuPfOivii >iiuli niai i�c in dci6uii ii —.... .
<br /> /'a r:�i K�:re-.
<br /> >q j;- � Banower,during�he loan ap�lication process,gave mr.:erialiy false or i�utturate inFortnation or s�a�emenis to Lm.er(or falled ry
<br /> i:'.?fC����Sif,�'� ' to providc Lcoder with nny rtutedal infomiation)im m�nocvion�vith�hc loan evidenced by�hc No�c.Including,but not limi�cd ,,s��-,-
<br /> '�t;�$� �o,te resentstions roncernin Qortower's accu anc of lhe Pro c as a rlMi ruldence. If Uils Securit Instrument is on a `-"� �
<br />�t;;•,•.�'!r?,Ts P B P Y P � P Pal Y �, �-i+�`\
<br /> , r ��EI•�::; Ieauhold. Bdn�oi�er shall mmply with all �he provisiona of Ihe leare. 1! Oorrower acquires fe� �ide �o �he Propetty, �he �.�a�:._.
<br /> �"���''�%�' le.uehold and ihe ke�idc shall not mcr c unless Lender m�s Ia�hc mer cr in writin . - ��
<br /> -...,i�r'::. � B flS F 8 :'r•�.:j:'�..--
<br /> .�•?"t;:.��,i 9.ProlttUon of Lender's RI his In IAe Pro rt}�.If Qorrowar fails w rfortn the mvenants and n rcemems mmaincd in - '
<br /> � � S P� P� @ .:':�.;-r, .
<br />' `,;�;>;'?':' Ihis Security Inswmem, ar�herc is a legnl proceeding ihai nuy significandy ufket I.eMer's righu in�he Property(such as e `-"";1`
<br /> °�+�r^��"���:= proceeding in bankrupicy. proba�e, for rondemna�ion or forfeimre or to enfome laws or regulatiuns),�hen i.ender mny do and `;,`�r''=;;`-
<br />�`� -!Y'-- � � pay for wha�ever is necessary�o procea th:valuc of the Propcny nnd Lender's righ�s in �hc Propetty. Lender's actiom may i::.:^.�-ii�!:-.:
<br />?�,:�"�.��'�„'- include In an sums secured b n Iien ivhich hsr riori� nver �his Securit Inslrvment, u adn in mun, pryin ti�" ` `
<br /> - - - WY 8 Y • Y P Y Y PR S 8 ;.k:,:'.,�..�`
<br /> reazonable anornnys' fees ond entcring on�hc Propcny ta make rcpain. NthougM1 I.em!cr may mke nction undcr this parsgraph '�r.��:�q:--�-
<br /> --- ` 7,I.ender docs not hure to do so. '2�'x"�> �
<br /> - Any amoums disburxd by Lend¢r u�er ihis paragr�ph 7 shall bemme additional Jebt of 13mro�rer secured by �his �irl -;�
<br /> 1 -1�:� Security Inswment. Untcu florrower xnd Lender agn�c to other�crnu of paymcn6�hesc nmo�nts shall bear interest from tBe � >
<br /> v � � t dale o�Jiaburstmcnl +d Um Nuic nnc nn.i .lr.dl Lc paynhit. �citY. i�a.rts�. upon natia front Lcr.3c� lo IIotra^.rt reGu:s!i.^.g � =- t �-
<br /> ,> y.?�Sk1i3+ ,�,,:jt. .�•'
<br /> . .r,.r FiymeN. �
<br /> ���,:_-.
<br />-�;�%f7��"S' 8.112o�tgege Insurnnce.If Lender required morirngc irourance aa a cnndilion uf nuAing lhc loan+dcUnd by Ihic Securiiy ;�___�:._
<br />_ . �,Y.;` f�'�a<r""-"
<br /> f ,:y�' , Inswmen6 Oonox•er shnll pry �he pmmiums R�yuircd to mainlain the innngage inwrance in .(f.�.l. If, Por any rcason. ihe --� � �
<br /> 1 - R�.; ;:
<br /> 4����: mongage insurance corerage rcquind by Lender lapus or ttaus�o be in effa�, tAvm�cer shall pa. th.pmmiums requirtd to '�::.:. _l,:'r�
<br /> :;;�;�'�'e�i�`� ob�ain mvcr�ge subs�eminlly cquivalcm to�he mon=age insurana prcvinn>ly in c(fnt.at a a�.c mbsuMially cquivatem Io thc ` �`���•�.��-
<br /> _:f.,::.;� j, �
<br /> - msl ro Oorro�cer of the mangage imutance prcriou.f� m cf(ec�, from an al�crna�e mottgage imurer approced by Lender. If
<br /> -i{"_�, ;'�:�, Subalanliallp equivalem nwncage insurance mverage i.not:rcailable. Uarmwer sh:dl pay to I.enJcr cach momh�sum tqual lo �{��.-�. ..
<br />:i,:�t = _ - onrt�ecl(th of thc��caAy nH+ng�ge inwran�r prcmium hcing paiJ hy Dorrnmer�chrn ihe inwnncc corcragc IapseJ or cramd to - _ ,
<br />-�•.:,'.:'j'I{ De in eStt�.I.ender a�ill accepl.ux anJ rclain 16c>e p:q�menl.a. n lo.. rc.en�c in licu o! mongage inwran�r. lans r.urv�e .'. . ..
<br />- .:S.,Py�
<br /> - .-M1_:i
<br /> -'�"y,� Form 30Y8 9'S0
<br /> , � };�i?::- +woee .
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